God loves you. “ The Lamb, who was killed before the origin of the world, is a man who has received support, splendor, wisdom, power, refinement, whole month, respect, faith and silt। Let him be glorified forever. ”Now came true Amen। In this world you have received everything but so far Jesus has not believed in Christ, you are the saddest and most righteous man ! The poorest people on earth are not without money but without Jesus Amen ! Your first need and need is the forgiveness of eternal security sins, salvation and eternal life – “ Behold, the Lamb of God who has raised the sin of the world’।And he is atonement for our sins, and not only for us, but also for the sins of the whole world। The only Creator God – Ekmatra Caste Man – Ekkatra Blood Red – Ekkatra Problem Sin – Ekkatra Solution Jesus Christ Do you know that there is eternal life even after the deer only God loves you ! Because God loved the world so much that he gave it to his only born Son – No one who believes in him is unhappy, But he may have eternal life, but God reveals his love for us: Christ died for us when we were sinners। Because you are saved by grace by faith; And it is not from you, it is God’s donation; He who is waking up to my door every day hears me waiting for the pillars of my doors, Blessed is that man। But God reveals his love for us: Christ died for us, while we are sinners। But in all these things we are even more than the winners by him, who loved us। Because I have been completely unarmed, neither death nor life, nor angels, neither the princes, nor the rights, nor the things that come from now, nor the things that come later, neither the heights, nor the deep, Neither any other creation can separate us from the love of God in our Lord Christ Jesus। Love is in this – not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son to be atone for our sins। For God made sin for us, who did not know that we would be the righteousness of God। Jesus said to him: “ Bato, truth and life are me; No one comes to the Father except me. ” Your word is a light for my feet, and a light for my way। I cried before Miramire fell bright; I hope in your word। My eyes are open at night’s guard to meditate on your word। And call me on the day of the storm; I will deliver you, and you will raise me। He cures those with broken hearts and binds them to the ointment of their injuries। You will be in me and ask for whatever you want if my words are in you, and that will be done for you।
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Are you disappointed with this life? Are you alone in this life? Does nobody care about you? Are you suffering from loneliness? Did everyone abandon you? Are you unhappy with this life? Have you found your purpose in life? Is your heart breaking? Has anyone cheated on you? Are you looking for a good friend? Do you want eternal love? Are you looking for eternal life? Is no one listening to you? Did you do all these things on time? Have you ever asked someone out? Did you get all the answers? Note: If your life is in dire straits and you are facing this problem in difficult situations of life, please come to Jesus Christ and put the big burden of your life on Jesus. And take rest and get rid of the fatigue of life. Why are you not feeling peace and joy? If you have received everything in this world but have not yet believed in Jesus Christ, you are the most miserable and miserable person! The poorest man on earth is not without money but without Jesus Amen. Did you know that there is eternal life after death? Only God loves you Your first need and need is eternal security, forgiveness of sins, salvation, salvation and eternal life – Just let God love you. Today in the world, people need grass, shelter and cotton to survive. People are struggling a lot for these things, but why people are not happy, happy and satisfied with grass, shelter and cotton. Why are people today living in anxiety, fear, guilt, despair, loneliness, unrest? Due to not knowing the purpose and destination of their aimless life, in reality, people today are burdened and living under the burden of various things, unrest, dissatisfaction, suicide, depression, money, religion, education, darkness from their lives and in this world today, people are enslaved to various things and problems – people The physical things that are needed are grass, shelter, cotton, everything – but the problem is that the soul and soul of man is empty. It can only be filled with the word of God. It cannot be alive with other things. Just as the body needs food for hunger, so our soul and soul need the word of God to survive. And our soul should be fed with words. Now here is the question: what are you feeding your soul? Man has everything and yet why is man still not having peace, joy and satisfaction? God the only creator – A single race man – The only blood red – The only problem is sin – The only solution is Jesus Christ – New Hope Love, Joy, Peace, Reconciliation, Kindness, Patience, Goodness, Humility, Respect, Good News The only hope that can change your life is Jesus Christ, the true life and the way. The Bible is the word of God – Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven – Heaven is real The Bible is true Jesus Christ is the only Son of God. The first need and need of man is eternal security and eternal life – – But God loves you with an eternal love: and wants to deliver you from all these things: God’s word comforts us thus! Jesus Christ came to save people in this world and give them eternal life. This life is a free gift. No one can save himself with human works, money, religion, gold, silver, hard work and labor. Because everyone has sinned, man must die. The wages of sin is death. You know that you were not redeemed from the futility of your forefathers with perishable things like gold or silver, but you were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ as a pure and spotless lamb. 1 Peter 1:18_19 I have kept your word in my heart, so that I may not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new.-2 Corinthians 5:17 He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:3 “He has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness, and has transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son,” Colossians 1:12. “He will completely wipe away the tears from their eyes, and death will be no more, and sorrow and pain will be no more. For the former things will pass away.” He who sits on the throne said to me, “Look, I am making all things new.” He also said, “This writing, these things are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:4-5 Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 Put your trust not in man but in God. If we are unfaithful, he will remain faithful, because he cannot deny himself. 2 Timothy 2:13 Although some say that the Lord is slow about His promises, He is not slow, but the Lord is patient with us by wanting that no one should perish, but that all should repent and be saved. 2 Peter 3:9 But look upon me, and answer me, O Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, lest I fall into the sleep of death. Psalm 13:3 Alas, what a miserable man I am. Who will deliver me from the body of this death, Jesus Christ? Through our Lord – Praise be to God, Jesus rose from the dead and removed all our fears and gave us eternal victorious life. Romans 7:25 On behalf of the faithful witness Jesus Christ, the first risen from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and redeemed us from our sins with His own blood, be glory forever and ever. Revelation 1:5 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 “And behold, I am coming quickly; And I have my reward to give to every man according to his work. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Revelation 22:12-13 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God created man in his own image; He created him in the form of God; He created them male and female. Genesis 1:27 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, 2 Timothy 3:16 But God reveals his love for us in this: While we were sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 “The Lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world is worthy to receive power, glory, wisdom, power, wealth, honor, glory, blessing and praise. To Him be the glory forever and ever.” Now done, Amen. If someone asks you about your hopes, always be ready to answer them, but do it with humility and reverence. 1 Peter 3:15 Behold, he is coming with clouds, and every eye shall see him. Even those who rejected and hated him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. So be it, Amen. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is to come.” And I am the living one. I was dead. Behold, I live for ever and ever, and the chains of death and hell are with me. Because I live, you will also live. Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you, and you will glorify me.” Psalm 50:15 Therefore, pay attention to the above. Not in earthly things. Colossians 3:2 For where your wealth is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21 Jesus told us, “I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me shall live, even the dead. John 11:25 And after I have gone and prepared a place for you, I will come again, and will take you to myself, and where I am, there you will be also. John 14:3 “If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”John 15:7 “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” – John 1:29 For God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 He bore our sins in His own body on the cross so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds I am healed. 1 Peter 2:24 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 Let us rejoice and be exceedingly glad, and give him glory, for the marriage day of the Lamb has come, and his bride, the church, has made herself ready. Revelation 19:7 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away. Matthew 24:35 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16 Therefore Preach the word, be zealous in season and out of season, exhort, rebuke, encourage, and do not fail in patience and teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2 The soul gives life; the body gives no benefit; The words that I speak to you are spirit and life. John 6:63 Then Peter said, “I have no gold and silver. But what I have, I give to you. Walk in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth” We have good news. Acts 3:6 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:32 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Matthew 16:26 “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name given among men by which we must be saved.” “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved. You and your family.” Acts 4:12, 16:31 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a thundering command, with the voice of the archangel and with the sound of God’s trumpet, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and those who are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in heaven, and thus we will always be with the Lord. Therefore, do not insult each other with these words. Love consists in this, that we did not love God, but first he loved us, and sent his own Son into the world to be the atonement for our sins. 1 John 4:10 Conclusion: A good message is just for yourself 5 minutes. In this life, are you troubled, depressed, sad, difficult, feeling lonely, facing bad situations, fear or guilt, is no one caring about you? Don’t worry God cares about you a lot. Cast all your cares on God, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 God loves you. God is calling you today, all you who are burdened with anxiety, depression, sorrow, come to me and I will give you rest. This is not the peace that the world gives. But eternal rest is peace and joy. I have told you these things that your hearts may not be troubled, that you may find peace in me. You will have trouble in the world; But take heart, I have conquered the world.” John 16:33 He is waiting for you at the door today watching the road when you to come This is the grace that God has freely given you and now the gift of this grace is yours. But one day this door of grace will be closed forever. That’s why we should each of us think, understand and remember my destination, my introduction; Where did I come from? What am I doing here? Where am I going now? have you ever thought How precious is my life. Don’t be sad, good news is here for you, new hope. Did you know that even after death there is eternal new life? Learn more about the important things you need in life and trust in Jesus Christ. And you will be born again. Then forgiveness of sin, deliverance, salvation and eternal life and eternal security for you will receive 100% you will be with God in Heaven! Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For a man believes with his heart and is justified, and confesses with his mouth and is saved. Faith comes by hearing; what is heard comes by the word of God. Romans 10:9-10,17 He died on the cross for the sins of the whole world, was buried, and rose again on the third day. If someone believes in Jesus Christ, he will receive forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life. There is no other name by which we can be saved! Jesus told us, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me. John 14:6 “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10 There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12 He raised you up when you were dead in your trespasses and sins. But God, who is rich in mercy, loved us with his great love. Therefore, even though we were dead in sin, he raised us up with Christ and raised us up with him, and seated us in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God’s grace. Not by works, or else the man will boast. Ephesians 2:1-8 1 Corinthians 15:1_8 You have been saved by this gospel, if you remain firm and steadfast in this faith, otherwise you have believed in vain. For what I found I delivered to you as the main matter, that Christ died for our sins according to the Holy Scriptures. {Isaiah 53:5-12} He was buried, and according to the Holy Scriptures he was resurrected on the third day. [Psalm 16:8-10 Matthew 12:40 Acts 2:24-32] He appeared to Cephas, and then to the twelve. {Matthew 28:16-17 Mark 16:14 Luke 24:34,36 John 20:19} Then he appeared together to more than five hundred brethren at the same time, most of whom are still living, but some have fallen asleep. He then appeared to James and all the apostles. Most of all, He appeared to me as well as to a person who was not born prematurely on another foot. If one accepts this, he will have eternal life. In Jesus there is forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life, a new heaven, peace and joy, Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth and the life.” We are witnesses of this. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. Behold, I am with you always until the end of the ages.” Look, I’m coming soon. I will reward every man according to his deeds. Revelation 22:12 A liar is a liar who denies that Jesus is the Christian. Whoever denies the Father and the Son is the Antichrist. 1 John 2:22 For by grace you have been saved through faith; And this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; Ephesians 2:8 The Bible is the word of God and it is true. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. Jesus himself climbed the tree of death so that you could have the tree of life. Don’t despair read the last page of the Bible Jesus is more than conqueror. Now grow in the grace and recognition of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2 Peter 3:18 God raised Jesus by his power, and us also by his power will revive. The good news of grace is only for you. Welcome to the good news for all people. We thank you for coming. If you want to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ and about the Bible, please contact us by email. We will provide you with the New Testament Bible and other materials. Contact us for other suggestions. GRACETOGOSPEL@GAMIL.COM I want to hear from you may God bless you more.
Church News

Mystery Bible’s Great Events. Part-2

Mystery Bible’s Great Events. Part-1

8 Things How Jesus Christ will judge this world?
What is the evidence that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin?
Love is added to you. Revelation 13:8
Top 8 Ways to Kick Off Your New Year’s Bible Study
How Old Was Joseph When Jesus Was Born?
How Can Modern Readers Better Understand the Creation Story in Genesis 1?
15814-woman-sunrise-nature-gettyimages-1163040331-k (1)
How Can Christian Women Have Gentle and Quiet Spirits?
When Life Lets You Down, Trust God’s Plan B
When Was Judaism Founded According to the Bible?
Is the Bible Really One Big Story?
Top 7 Reasons Our Attempts at Quiet Time Fail, and What to Do about It
Top 5 Easy Ways to Get Back in the Bible This Holiday Season
Afraid Bible Verses
Is the Book of Revelation a Scary Threat or a Hope-Filled Promise?
Male Silhouette Hiker standing on mountain summit next to a cross and cairn beacon taking a photo with a smart phone on a mountain summit at sunrise, Simonsberg, Stellenbosch, Cape Winelands, Western Cape, South Africa.
Jesus Christ reaching out to help those in need in a room lit with warm lights.
Bible study
Depression Bible Verses
Bible Jesus
What is the most important need in human life? Biblical
What is the meaning of John 3:16?
You are Chosen. Hope and peace for those who cry in silence
Top 7 Encouraging Psalms to Help Battle Depression
Devotional Life
John 6:14 defecation
Psalm 1:1-3 Best way.
Things that lie behind. Philippians 3:13-14
God is without demand. Hebrews 10:25
Building Field of Grace. 2 Corinthians 13:10
Acting on knowledge or being encouraged by life.
Presented or Expressed? 2 Corinthians 8:7,
Unconditional living with conditional change.
LORD Jesus, I know I am a sinner, I confess my sin and forsake them, forgive my sin
Does Tapai wash my feet too?
An invisible corner stone. 1 Peter 2:4-10
Prepare the Way of the Lord Matthew 3:1-4
gracetogospel.com  Bible study
A New Name. Isaiah 62:2
Refusal to defend (Acts 7:54-60)
Sojourners in the Land Hebrews 11:8-10
gracetogospel.com Bible study
Take My yoke. Matthew 11:29-30
images (28)
Order of life (1 Corinthians 14:40)
Plan or issue? (1 Corinthians 2:16)
येशू ख्रीष्ट को हुनुहुन्छ? एकमात्र सत्य परमेश्वर हुनुहुन्छ। God Jesus christ is the only way to heaven. Believe  in jesus christ.
The Purifying Cause of Love.
Accepting the truth.
Bible Jesus
Trustworthiness of God’s Mercy.
gracetogospel.com Bible study
Why does a sinner need to be saved?
Bible Jesus
What is the most important need in human life? Biblical
gracetogospel.com  Bible study
The 8 Things How the world will end is what the Bible tells us?
Most 7 Things How the world will end is what the Bible tells us?
Bible Jesus
What will happen to the world when Jesus Christ comes again?
Who is Jesus Christ
Top 10 Bible Survey Of Vital Doctrine.
What does it mean that Jesus is the Lamb of God?
On what day was Jesus crucified?
What does it mean that Jesus is the ‘first-born’ over Creation?
Why was Jesus baptized? Why was Jesus’ baptism important?
Bible study
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God?
History To Kingdom
Categorical Doctrine Bibical Notes Books.
Complete Meaning of the Concise Bible.
The Most Expensive Book In The World price.
Bible Jesus
What should we learn from Christian martyrs?
Popular Top 50 Great Inspiring Christian Biographies
Jesus About. [JESUS CHRIST]
The first and foremost desire and need of every human being is eternal

After birth, no one wants to die, everyone hopes to live for a few days. But sadly this short life one day everyone must die. Man’s greatest fear is death. No one can stop death but fear not here is good news for you.

 1. God’s Love –

God loves you so much and has a great plan for your life. The Bible says, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in him will die, but believe in him, they will have life” (John 3:16). Jesus said, “I was told of life and that abundantly” a life full of eternal purpose (John 10:10).

2. Man’s Sin –

We are all sinners and totally depraved and separated from God. We only think bad things. Lying, stealing, anger, murder, etc. are what the Bible calls sin. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23) The result of sin is death, eternal spiritual separation from God (Romans 6:23). Every person born in this world

3. Jesus Christ –

God sent Jesus to die for your sins. Good news just for you:Jesus died in our place so that we could have an eternal relationship with God and live with Him forever. “God demonstrates his own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners Christ died for our sins” (Romans 5:8). But it did not end with his death on the cross. He was resurrected and is still alive. “Jesus Christ died for our sins. He was buried and according to the Holy Scriptures he rose again on the third day” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).

4. Pray –

receive Jesus Christ personally. And pray to receive God’s forgiveness. Prayer is simply talking to God. He knows you. Your life is important. God knows your sorrows, problems, broken hearts, all your fears, worries and needs. Pray to accept Jesus as your Savior: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you. You are the only true Lord of all creation. i believe That I am a sinful man I am sorry for the mistakes I have made in my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for me, free me from all my sins and forgive me today. And accept me and make me a member of your family Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I need you in my life. Stay with me forever. Thank you Jesus for such a beautiful life I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Did you pray? Yes, I just received Jesus Christ. Yes, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. Please pray for me. Help me go to church. I want to start a Bible study. No, I still have more questions. Now you can find a church near you that teaches the correct biblical teaching. Today you have made an important decision of your life. Now you are secure for eternal life. May God bless you abundantly Amen.

Almighty God Haven
How To Get To Heaven.(Christianity)
Illuminated silhouette of Jesus Christ raising his hand
Who Is The One True God?
Ascension day concept: Jesus Christ hands showing scars for Thomas over blurred sunset background
Who Is God – The Real God.
Jesus Christ
Mystery Bible’s Great Events. Part-2
gracetogospel.com  Bible study
Mystery Bible’s Great Events. Part-1
8 Things How Jesus Christ will judge this world?
What is the evidence that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin?
Love is added to you. Revelation 13:8
Top 8 Ways to Kick Off Your New Year’s Bible Study
How Old Was Joseph When Jesus Was Born?
How Can Modern Readers Better Understand the Creation Story in Genesis 1?
15814-woman-sunrise-nature-gettyimages-1163040331-k (1)
How Can Christian Women Have Gentle and Quiet Spirits?
When Life Lets You Down, Trust God’s Plan B
Life Of Faith
gracetogospel.com Bible study
Why does a sinner need to be saved?
Bible Jesus
What is the most important need in human life? Biblical
gracetogospel.com  Bible study
The 8 Things How the world will end is what the Bible tells us?
Most 7 Things How the world will end is what the Bible tells us?
Bible Jesus
What will happen to the world when Jesus Christ comes again?

”More than 8 billion people in the world today need Jesus Christ. On the day we believed, we would be in heaven, why are we still in this world? People are dying today without Jesus. So take the time to spread the gospel from your area I live on this earth The main purpose is to preach the gospel. Therefore, always be ready to preach the word and preach the gospel. Jesus is near. If the day is bad, make good use of the time. Tell at least one person.”

What will be the meaning and reality of the 10 truths of our life?
1. Genesis 1.1,27 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

And God created man in his own image; It was made for eternity. He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23 For the wages of sin is death; But the gift of God’s grace is eternal life in our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 6:23

2. God loves you agape selflessly.

This is love: not that we love God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10 But God shows his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

3. There is eternal life even after death.

Heaven is real. Jesus said to him: “I am the resurrection and the life; He that believeth in me, though he die, yet shall he live. John 11:25 I live for ever and ever; Amen! And I have the keys of hell and death. Revelation 1:18

4. Jesus Christ is the infinite atonement.

He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we confess our sins. 1 John 1:9 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for our sins, but for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2

5. You will have justice or justice.

For God will judge every work and every secret thing, whether it is good or bad. Eccl 12:14 They will give an account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 1 Peter 4:5 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, Phil. 2:10 And the sea gave up the dead that were in it; And death and hell gave to the dead that were in them; And according to their works they were judged every one. Revelation 20:13

6. Your only hope is the Savior Jesus Christ.

Nor is salvation in any other; For there is no other name given among men under heaven, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 Jesus said to him: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

7. Jesus Christ will come soon to judge this world.

“And behold, I come quickly; And I have my reward to give to every man according to his work. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Revelation 22:12-13 Behold, he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, even they that despise him; And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. So be it! Amen! Revelation 1:7

8. God created us according to His glory.

And God doesn’t want me dead. To every one that is called by my name; For I created him for my glory; I composed him; Yes, I made him.’ Isaiah 43:7 For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord Jehovah; So turn yourself, and live!” Ezekiel 18:32

9. Ordinary light is God even looking at this creation.

The visible and the invisible are created by God. For all that can be known about God has been revealed to them, because God has revealed it to them. For since the foundation of the world his invisible attributes, that is, his eternal power and Godhead, have been manifest, known by the things that are created; So they have no excuse. Romans 1:19-20 The sky describes the glory of God; And the firmament shows the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1

10. Only Jesus Christ fulfills our needs, desires, satisfactions and needs in our lives

But we are all like unclean things, and all our religious works are like filthy rags; And we all wither like a leaf, and our iniquities have blown us away like the wind. Isaiah 64:6 For God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 For by grace you have been saved through faith; And this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; Ephesians 2:8 Who else is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He who denies the Father and the Son is the antichrist. 1 John 2:22 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; Behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Good news only for you. Is there desire in this life, despair, difficult situations, feelings of loneliness, facing terrible situations, fear or guilt, do not care about you? God cares for you without worry. Cast all your cares on God, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 God loves you. God is calling you today, all you who are burdened with anxiety, depression, sorrow, come to me and I will give you rest. This is not the peace that the world gives. But eternal rest is peace and joy. I have told you these things that your hearts may not be troubled, that you may find peace in me. You will have trouble in the world; But take heart, I have conquered the world.” John 16:33 He is waiting for you at the door today watching the road when you to come It is the grace of God and the gift of grace is for you now. But one day the door of this grace will be closed forever. Therefore, as time passes, each of us should think, understand and remember my destination, my introduction; Where did I come from? What am I doing here? Where am I going now? have you ever thought How precious is my life. Don’t be sad, good news is here for you, new hope. Did you know that even after death there is eternal new life? Learn more about the important things you need in life and trust in Jesus Christ. And you will be born again. Then forgiveness of sin, deliverance, salvation and eternal life and eternal security are yours will receive 100% you will be in heaven. Thank you God bless you all abundantly Amen.


Mystery Bible’s Great Events. Part-2

gracetogospel.com  Bible study
gracetogospel.com  Bible study

Mystery Bible’s Great Events. Part-2


Abijam’s Reign over Judah.




The 7 Heart Lessons From Psalm 119

Art & Culture

Response to God’s Intercession. Song 5

gracetogospel.com  Bible study

Mystery Bible’s Great Events. Part-2


Abijam’s Reign over Judah.



के तपाई यो जिवन देखि निराश हुनुहुन्छ ? के तपाई यो जिवनमा एक्लै हुनुहुन्छ ? के तपाईलाई कसैले वास्ता गर्दैन ? के तपाईलाई एक्लोपनले सताइरहेको छ ? के तपाईलाई सबैले त्यागिदिए ? के तपाई यो जिवन बाट दु:खि हुनुहुन्छ ? के तपाईले जिवनको उदेश्य भेट्टाउनु भयो ? के तपाईंको हृदय टुक्रिरहेको छ ? के तपाईलाई कसैले धोका दिएको छ ? के तपाईं असल साथिको खोजिमा हुनुहुन्छ ? के तपाईलाई अनन्त प्रेम चाहिएको छ ? के तपाई अनन्त जिवनको खोजिमा हुनुहुन्छ ? के तपाईंको कुरा कसैले सुनिरहेको छैन ? के  तपाईंले यि सबै कुरा समयमा गर्नुभयो ? के  तपाईंले कहिल्यै कसैलाई सोध्नु भएको छ ? के तपाईले सबै कुराको जवाफ पाउनुभयो त ? नोट : के तपाईको जिवन विकराल लथालिङ्ग अवस्थामा छ यात तपाई जिवनको कठिन परिस्थिहरुमा महत्वपुर्ण निर्णयहरू यि समस्याको सामना गरिरहनु भएको छ भने कृपया येशू ख्रीष्ट कहाँ आउनुहोस आफ्नो जिवनको ठुलो भारि येशूमा राख्नुहोस्। अनि बिश्राम लिनुहोस् र जिवनको थकान मेटाउनुहोस ॥ किन तपाईले शान्ति आनन्द महसुस गरिरहनु भएको छैन ? यो संसारमा तपाईले सबै कुरा प्राप्त गर्नुभयो तर अहिले सम्म येशू ख्रीष्‍ट माथि विश्वास गर्नुभएको छैन भने तपाई  सबै भन्दा दुःखि र  दयनिय  मानिस  हुनुहुन्छ !र्नुभयो तर अहिले सम्म येशू ख्रीष्‍ट माथि विश्वास गर्नुभएको छैन भने तपाई  सबै भन्दा दुःखि र  दयनिय  मानिस  हुनुहुन्छ ! पृथ्वीको सबैभन्दा गरिब मानिस पैसा बिनाको होइन तर येशू बिनाको हो आमेन॥ के तपाइलाई थाहा छ मृत्‍यु पछि पनि अनन्त जिवन छ केवल परमेश्‍वरले तपाईलाई  प्रेम गर्नुहुन्छ तपाईको पहिलो खाँचो र आवश्यकता अनन्त सुरक्षा पापको क्षमा उद्धार  मुक्ति र  अनन्त जिवन हो – केवल परमेश्‍वरलाई  प्रेम गर्न दिनुहोस् । आज संसारमा मानिस बाँच्नका लागि  गास, बास र कपास चाहिन्छ मानिसहरू आज यि कुराहरूको लागि धेरै सङ्घर्ष गरिरहेका छन् तर पनि किन मानिसहरु गास, बास र कपासमा शान्ति, आनन्द र सन्तुष्ट छैनन् ।  आज मानिसहरू किन चिन्ता, डर, ग्लानि, निराश, एक्लोपन, अशान्तिमा  बाँचिरहेका छन् ? आफ्नो लक्ष्यविहीन जिवनकाे उदेश्य  गन्तव्य थाहा  नपाएको कारण बास्तवमा मानिसले  आज अशान्ति असन्तुष्टि आफ्नो जीवनदेखि दु:खित आत्महत्या, डिप्रेसन, पैसा, धर्म, शिक्षा, अन्धकार विभिन्न कुराको बोझमा  दबिरहेका र बाँचिरहेका छन् र यो संसारमा मानिसहरु आज विभिन्न कुराहरु र समस्याहरूको दासत्वमा रहेका छन्  – मानिसलाई चाहिने शारिरिक कुराहरु गास, बास, कपास सबै कुराहरू छन् – तर समस्या मानिसको प्राण र आत्मा खालि छ रित्तो छ यसलाई परमेश्‍वरको वचनले मात्र भर्न सकिन्छ अरु कुराले जिवित रहँदैन जसरि शरिरको लागि भोक लाग्छ खाना चाहिन्छ त्यसरि नै हाम्रो प्राण र आत्मा जिवित रहन परमेश्‍वरको वचन चाहिन्छ र हाम्रो प्राणलाई वचन खुवाउनु पर्छ अब प्रश्न यहाँ छ तपाईले आफ्नो प्राणलाई के खुवाई रहनु भएको छ ? मानिससँग सबै कुरा छ र  पनि मानिस अझै सम्म किन शान्ति, आनन्द र सन्तुष्टि भईरहेको छैन ? एकमात्र  सृष्‍टिकर्ता परमेश्‍वर – एकमात्र जाति मानिस – एकमात्र रगत रातो – एकमात्र समस्या पाप – एकमात्र समाधान येशू ख्रीष्ट – नयाँ आशा प्रेम,आनन्द,शान्ति,मेलमिलाप, दया,धैर्य,भलाई,नम्रता,आदर, खुशीको खबर तपाईको जिवनलाई परिवर्तन गर्न सक्ने एक मात्र आशा सत्य जिवन र बाटो येशू ख्रीष्ट  हुनुहुन्छ । बाइबल परमेश्‍वरको वचन हो – येशु ख्रीष्ट एक मात्र स्वर्ग जाने बाटो हुनुहुन्छ – स्वर्ग वास्तविक छ बाइबल सत्य छ येशू ख्रीष्ट नै परमेश्‍वरको एक मात्र पुत्र हुनुहुन्‍छ ॥ मानिसहरूको पहिलो खाँचो र आवश्यक्ता अनन्त सुरक्षा र अनन्त जिवन हो – – तर परमेश्‍वरले तपाईलाई अनन्त प्रेमले प्रेम गर्नुहुन्छ: र यि सबै कुराबाट छुटकारा दिन चाहानुहुन्छ : परमेश्‍वरको वचनले हामिलाई यसरि सान्त्वना दिन्छ! येशू ख्रीष्ट यस संसारमा रहेका मानिसहरुलाई मुक्ति दिन र अनन्त जिवन दिनलाई आउनु भयो यो जिवन सित्तैमा उपहार हो  कुनै पनि मानिसको कामले , पैसाले, धर्मले, सुन, चाँदिले, मेहेनत र परिश्रमले आफुले आफैलाई बचाउन सक्दैन मुक्ति पाउनलाई कुनै पनि मानिस योग्य छैन धर्मी कोहि पनि छैन किनकि सबैले पाप गरेका छन् त्यसकारण मानिस मर्नुपर्छ । पापको ज्याला मृत्‍यु हो ॥ तिमीहरू जानादछौ,कि आफ्‍ना पितापुर्खाबाट चलिआएका व्‍यर्थका कुराहरूदेखि, सुन वा चाँदीजस्‍ता नाश हुने थोकहरूद्वारा दाम तिरी किनिएर छुटकारा पाएका होइनौ,तर निष्‍खोट र निष्‍कलङ्क थुमाको जस्‍तो ख्रीष्‍टको अनमोल रगतद्वारा दाम तिरी किनिएका छौʼ। १पत्रुस १:१८_१९ तपाईंको विरुद्धमा पाप नगरूँ भनेर, तपाईंको वचन मैले मेरो हृदयमा सुरक्षित राखेको छु। भजनसंग्रह ११९:११ यसकारण कोही ख्रीष्‍टमा छ भने त्‍यो नयाँ सृष्‍टि हो। पुराना कुरा बितिगएका छन, हेर,सबै कुरा नयाँ आएको छ।-२ कोरिन्थी ५:१७ उहाँले टुक्रिएको हृदय भएकाहरूलाई निको पार्नुहुन्‍छ, र तिनीहरूका चोटहरूमा पट्टी बाँधिदिनुहुन्‍छ। -भजनसंग्रह १४७:३ `उहाँले हामीलाई अन्‍धकारको राज्‍यदेखि छुटाउनुभयो, र आफ्‍ना प्रिय पुत्रको राज्‍यभित्र हामीलाई सार्नुभएको छ,।-कलस्सी १:१२ `उहाँले तिनीहरूका आँखाको आँसु पूर्ण रूपले पुछिदिनुहुनेछ,र फेरि मृत्‍यु नै हुनेछैन,र शोक र पीडा पनि हुनेछैन। किनकि पहिलेका कुराहरू बितिसकेका हुनेछन्‌।”सिंहासनमा विराजमान हुनुहुनेले मलाई भन्‍नुभयो,“हेर,म सबै कुरा नयाँ बनाउँछु।” उहाँले यसो पनि भन्‍नुभयो, “यो लेख, यी कुराहरू भरपर्दा र सत्‍य छन्‌।”प्रकाश २१:४_५ हे सबै परिश्रम गर्ने अशान्ति र भारीले दबिएकाहरूहो, मकहाँ आओ,अनि म तिमीहरूलाई विश्राम दिनेछु। मत्ती ११:२८ तिमीहरूको भरोसा मानिसमा होइन तर परमेश्वरमाथि होस्।हामी अविश्‍वासी छौं भने, उहाँ विश्‍वासयोग्‍य रहनुहुनेछ,किनकि उहाँले आफैलाई इन्‍कार गर्न सक्‍नुहुन्‍न। २ तिमोथी २:१३ आफ्‍नो प्रतिज्ञाको बारेमा प्रभु ढिलो गर्नुहुन्‍छ भन्‍ने कसैकसैको भनाइ भए तापनि उहाँ ढिलो गर्नुहुन्‍न,तर कोही पनि नष्‍ट नहोस्, तर सबै जनाले पश्‍चात्ताप गरून्‌ र मुक्ति पाउन भन्‍ने इच्‍छा गरेर प्रभु हामि हरूप्रति धैर्यवान्‌ हुनुहुन्‍छ। २ पत्रुस ३:९ तर ममाथि निगाह गर्नुहोस्‌,र मलाई जवाफ दिनुहोस्‌, हे परमप्रभु मेरा परमेश्‍वर। मेरा आँखालाई ज्‍योति दिनुहोस्‌,नत्रता म मृत्‍युको निद्रामा पर्नेछु।भःसं १३:३ हाय, म कस्‍तो दुःखी मानिस यस मृत्‍युको शरीरबाट मलाई कसले छुटाउला येशू ख्रीष्‍ट हाम्रा प्रभुद्वारा नै— परमेश्‍वरलाई धन्‍यवाद होस्‌ येशू मृत्युबाट जिवित भई उठनुभयो र हाम्रो सम्पुर्ण डर हटाएर हामिलाई अनन्त बिजयी जिवन दिनुभयो। रोमी ७:२५ विश्‍वासयोग्‍य साक्षी येशू ख्रीष्‍ट मृतकबाट प्रथम जीवित हुनुभएको, तथा पृथ्‍वीका राजाहरूका शासकको तर्फबाट। हामीलाई प्रेम गर्नुहुने र आफ्‍नो रगतले हामीलाई हाम्रा पापबाट स्‍वतन्‍त्र पार्नुहुनेलाई, सदासर्वदा महिमा होस्। प्रकाश १:५ किनभने परमेश्‍वरले संसारलाई यस्तो प्रेम गर्नुभयो, कि उहाँले आफ्नो एक मात्र जन्माइएको पुत्रलाई दिनुभयो ताकि उहाँमाथि विश्‍वास गर्ने कोही पनि नष्‍ट नहोस्, तर उसले अनन्त जीवन पाओस्। यूहन्‍ना “अनि हेर, म चाँड़ै आउँदैछु; अनि हरेक मानिसलाई जस्तो उसको काम हुनेछ, त्यही अनुसार दिन मेरो इनाम मसित छ। अल्फा र ओमेगा, शुरु र अन्त, प्रथम र अन्तिम म नै हुँ।” प्रकाश २२:१२-१३ शुरुमा परमेश्‍वरले आकाश र पृथ्वी सृष्‍टि गर्नुभयो। अनि परमेश्‍वरले मानिसलाई आफ्नै स्वरूपमा सृष्‍टि गर्नुभयो; उहाँले तिनलाई परमेश्‍वरको स्वरूपमा सृष्‍टि गर्नुभयो; उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई नर र नारी गरेर सृष्‍टि गर्नुभयो। उत्‍पत्ति १:२७ शुरुमा वचन हुनुहुन्थ्यो, अनि वचन परमेश्‍वरसँग हुनुहुन्थ्यो, र वचन परमेश्‍वर हुनुहुन्थ्यो। सबै पवित्रशास्त्र परमेश्‍वरको प्रेरणाद्वारा दिइएको हो, अनि यो शिक्षाका निम्ति, भूलदोष देखाउनका निम्ति, सुधारका निम्ति, धार्मिकताको सम्बन्धमा तालिमका निम्ति लाभदायक हुन्छ, २तिमोथी ३:१६ तर परमेश्‍वरले हामीप्रति आफ्नो प्रेम यसैमा प्रकट गर्नुहुन्छ: हामी पापी हुँदा-हुँदै ख्रीष्ट हाम्रा निम्ति मर्नुभयो। रोमी ५:८ “ संसारको उत्पत्ति भन्दा अगाडीनै मारिनुभएका थुमालाई सामर्थ्‍य,वैभव,बुद्धि,शक्ति,धन, सम्‍मान,महिमा,आषिस र स्‍तुति ग्रहण गर्ने योग्‍यका हुनुहुन्‍छ। उहाँलाई नै सदासर्वदा महिमा होस्।”अब सिद्धियो आमेन। तिमीहरूमा भएका आशाको विषयमा कसैले सोधपूछ गरे त्‍यसको जवाफ दिन सधैँ तत्‍पर बस, तर त्‍यो काम नम्रता र श्रद्धासाथ गर। १ पत्रुस ३:१५ हेर, उहाँ बादलहरूसाथ आउँदैहुनुहुन्‍छ, र हरेक आँखाले उहाँलाई देख्‍नेछन। तिनीहरूले पनि जसले उहाँलाई घोचे,घृणा गरे र पृथ्‍वीका सबै कुलहरूले उहाँको कारण विलाप गर्नेछन्‌। यस्तै होस्‌ आमेन। “पवित्र,पवित्र,पवित्र परमप्रभु सर्वशक्तिमान्‌ परमेश्‍वर,जो हुनुहुन्‍थ्‍यो हुनुहुन्‍छ र आउनुहुनेछ।” र जीवितचाहिँ म नै हुँ। म मरेको थिएँ। हेर, म सदासर्वदाको निम्‍ति जीवित छु,अनि मृत्‍यु र पातालका साँचाहरू मसित छन्‌। म जीवित भएको हुनाले,तिमीहरू पनि जीवित हुनेछौँ। सङ्कष्‍टको दिनमा मलाई पुकार्‌, र म तँलाई छुटाउनेछु,र तैंले मेरो महिमा गर्नेछस्‌।”भःसं ५०:१५ यसकारण माथिका कुरामा मन लगाओ। पृथ्‍वीमा भएका कुरामा होइन। कलस्सी ३:२ किनकि जहाँ तिम्रो धन हुन्‍छ, त्‍यहीँ तिम्रो मन पनि हुनेछ। मत्ती ६:२१ येशूले हामिलाई भन्‍नुभयो, “पुनरुत्‍थान र जीवन म नै हुँ। मलाई विश्‍वास गर्ने मर्‍यो भने पनि जीवित हुनेछ।यूहन्‍ना ११:२५ अनि गएर मैले तिमीहरूका निम्‍ति ठाउँ तयार पारेपछि म फेरि आउनेछु, र तिमीहरूलाई मकहाँ लैजानेछु, र जहाँ म छु, त्‍यहाँ तिमीहरू पनि हुनेछौ।यूहन्‍ना १४:३ `तिमीहरू ममा रह्यौ भने,र मेरा कुरा तिमीहरूमा रहे भने, तिमीहरूलाई जे इच्‍छा लाग्‍छ माग,र त्‍यो तिमीहरूका निम्‍ति गरिनेछ।ʼयूहन्‍ना १५:७ “हेर,संसारको पाप उठाइलैजाने परमेश्‍वरका थुमा’।-यूहन्‍ना १:२९ किनकि हामी उहाँमा परमेश्‍वरको धार्मिकता बन्‍न सकौं भनेर पापै नचिन्‍नुहुनेलाई परमेश्‍वरले हाम्रा खातिर पाप बनाउनुभयो। २ कोरिन्थी ५:२१ हामी पापका लागि मरेर धार्मिकताको लागि बाँचौं भनी उहाँले क्रूसमा आफ्‍नै शरीरमा हाम्रा पाप बोक्‍नुभयो। उहाँकै चोटहरूद्वारा हामि निको भयौ। १ पत्रुस २:२४ येशू ख्रीष्‍ट हिजो, आज र सदासर्वदा एकसमान हुनुहुन्‍छ। हिब्रू 13:8 हामी रमाऔं र अत्‍यन्‍त खुशी होऔं, र उहाँलाई महिमा दिऔं किनकि थुमाका विवाहको दिन आएको छ, र उहाँकी दुलही मण्डली स्‍वयम्‌ तयार भएकी छिन्‌। प्रकाश १९:७ आकाश र पृथ्वी बितिजानेछन्, तर मेरा वचनहरू कुनै रीतिले बित्नेछैनन्। मत्ती २४:३५ सम्‍पूर्ण पवित्रशास्‍त्र परमेश्‍वरको प्रेरणाबाट भएको हो, र यो सिकाउनलाई, अर्ती दिनलाई, सच्‍याउनलाई, धार्मिकतामा तालीम दिनलाई लाभदायक छ। २ तिमोथी ३:१६ त्यसैले वचन प्रचार गर,समय र बेसमयमा तत्‍पर बस, अर्ती देऊ,हप्‍काऊ,उत्‍साह देऊ र धैर्यमा र शिक्षा दिने कुरामा नचुक। २ तिमोथी ४:२ आत्माले पो जीवित पार्नुहुन्छ;शरीरले केही फाइदा दिँदैन; जुन वचनहरू म तिमीहरूलाई भन्दछु, ती आत्मा हुन् र जीवन हुन्। यूहन्‍ना ६:६३ तब पत्रुसले भने, “सुनचाँदी मसित छैन। तर जे मसित छ, त्‍यही म तँलाई दिन्‍छु। नासरतका येशू ख्रीष्‍टको नाउँमा हिँड्‌” हामीसँग सुभ-समाचार छ। प्रेरित ३:६ `तब तिमीहरूले सत्‍य के हो सो जान्‍नेछौ,र सत्‍यले तिमीहरूलाई स्‍वतन्‍त्र बनाउनेछ।”यूहन्‍ना ८:३२ किनकि मानिसले सारा संसार प्राप्‍त गरे तापनि आफ्नो प्राण आत्मालाई चाहिँ गुमायो भने त्यसलाई के फाइदा भयो र? मत्ती १६:२६ `अरू कसैमा मुक्ति छैन,किनकि हामीले मुक्ति पाउनलाई स्‍वर्गमुनि मानिसहरूमा अर्को कुनै नाउँ दिइएको छैन जसद्वारा हामिले मुक्ति पाउनु पर्छ।’ “प्रभु येशू ख्रीष्‍टमा विश्‍वास गर्नुहोस्, र तपाईंले मुक्ति पाउनुहुनेछ। तपाईं र तपाईंका परिवारले।”प्रेरित ४:१२, १६:३१ १ थेसलोनेकि ४:१६-१८ किनकि प्रभु स्‍वयम्‌ हुकुमको गर्जनसित, प्रधान स्‍वर्गदूतको आवाज र परमेश्‍वरका तुरहीको सोरसित स्‍वर्गबाट ओर्लनुहुनेछ, र ख्रीष्‍टमा मरेकाहरूचाहिँ पहिले बौरिउठ्‌नेछन्‌। तब हामी बाँचिरहेका र छोडिएकाहरू प्रभुलाई आकाशमा भेट्‌न तिनीहरूका साथसाथै बादलमा उठाइलगिनेछौं, र यसरी हामी सधैँ प्रभुसँग रहनेछौं। यसैकारण एकले-अर्कोलाई यी वचनहरूले सान्‍त्‍वना देओ। प्रेम यसैमा छ, कि हामीले परमेश्‍वरलाई प्रेम गरेका होइनौं, तर पहिले उहाँले हामीलाई प्रेम गर्नुभयो, र हाम्रा पापको प्रायश्‍चित हुनका निम्‍ति आफ्‍ना पुत्र यस संसारमा पठाउनुभयो। १ यूहन्‍ना ४:१० निष्कर्ष :  असल शन्देश केवल तपाइको लागि ५ मिनेट समय दिनुहोस्। के तपाई यो जिवनमा अशान्ति निराश दुःख कठिन अवस्था,एक्लोपनको महसुस,खराब परिस्थितिको सामना डर वा ग्लानि,के कसैले तपाईको बारेमा वास्ता गरिरहेको छैन? फिक्री नगर्नुहोस परमेश्वरले तपाईको धेरै वास्ता गर्नुहुन्छ। तिमीहरूका सारा फिक्री परमेश्वरलाई सुम्‍पिदेओ,किनकि उहाँले तिमीहरूको वास्‍ता गर्नुहुन्‍छ।१ पत्रुस ५:७ परमेश्वरले तपाईलाई प्रेम गर्नुहुन्छ। आज तपाईलाई परमेश्वरले बोलाउदै हुनुहुन्छ हे सबै अशान्ति,निराश,दुःख सबै बोझले दबिएकाहरू हो मकहाँ आओ म तिमीहरूलाई बिश्राम दिनेछु। यो संसारले दिएजस्तो शान्ति होइन। तर अनन्तको बिश्राम शान्ति र आनन्द हो। तिमिहरुको हृदय ब्याकुल नहोस ममा तिमीहरूलाई शान्ति मिलोस् भनेर यी कुराहरू मैले तिमीहरूलाई भनेको हुँ। संसारमा तिमीहरूलाई सङ्कष्‍ट हुनेछ; तर साहस गर, मैले संसारलाई जितेको छु।” यूहन्‍ना १६:३३ उहाँले तपाईलाई आज ढोकामा पर्खिरहनु भएको छ बाटो हेर्दै तपाई कतिखेर आउनुहुन्छ भनेर। यो परमेश्वरले तपाईंलाई सित्तैंमा दिनुभएको अनुग्रह हो र अहिले यो अनुग्रहको उपहार तपाईको लागि छ। तर एक दिन यो अनुग्रहको ढोका सधैभरीको लागि बन्द हुनेछ। त्यसकारण हामिले समय छदै हामि प्रत्येकले सोचौ,बुझौ र याद गरौ मेरो गन्तव्य मेरो परिचय; म कहाँबाट आँए? म यहाँ के गर्दै छु? म अब कहाँ जादैछु। के तपाईले कहिल्यै सोच्नुभएको छ। मेरो जिवन कति बहुमूल्य छ। निराश दुःखी नहुनुहोस् तपाईको लागि शुभ-समाचार यहाँ छ नयाँ आशा के तपाईलाई थाहा छ मृत्यु पछि पनि अनन्त नयाँ जिवन छ। तपाईंलाई जिवनमा चाहिने महत्वपूर्ण आवश्यकताहरु अझ धेरै कुराहरु थाहा पाउनुहोस अनि येशू ख्रीष्टमाथि बिश्वास गर्नुहोस्। अनि तपाईले नयाँ जन्म पाउनु हुनेछ। त्यसपछि पापको क्षमा उद्धार मुक्ति र अनन्त जिवन र अनन्त सुरक्षा तपाईले प्राप्त गर्नुहुनेछ। १००% तपाई स्वर्गमा परमेश्वर संगै हुनुनेछ ! येशू ख्रीष्ट एक मात्र स्वर्ग जाने बाटो हुनुहुन्छ। किनकि यदि तिमीले येशूलाई प्रभु हो भनी आफ्‍नो मुखले स्‍वीकार गर्‍यौ, र परमेश्‍वरले उहाँलाई मरेकाहरूबाट जीवित पार्नुभयो भनी आफ्‍नो हृदयमा विश्‍वास गर्‍यौ भने तिमिले मुक्ति पाउनेछौ। किनकि मानिसले आफ्‍नो हृदयले विश्‍वास गर्छ र ऊ निर्दोष ठहरिन्‍छ,अनि उसले आफ्‍नो मुखले स्‍वीकार गर्छ र उद्धार पाउँछ। बिश्वास सुनाई द्वारा आउँछ जे सुनिन्छ त्यो परमेश्वरको बचनबाट आउँछ। रोमी १०:९-१०,१७ सारा संसारभरिका मानिसहरूको पापको लागि क्रूसमा मर्नुभयो गाडिनुभयो र तेस्रो दिनमा पुनरुत्थान हुनुभयो। यदि कसैले येशू ख्रीष्टमाथि बिश्वास गर्छ भने त्यसले पापको क्षमा उद्धार मुक्ति र अनन्त जिवन पाउँछ।अर्को कुनै नाउँ छैन जसद्वारा हामिले मुक्ति पाउछौ ! येशूले हामिलाई भन्‍नुभयो, “बाटो, सत्‍य र जीवन म नै हुँ। मद्वारा बाहेक कोही पनि पिताकहाँ आउन सक्‍दैन।यूहन्‍ना १४:६ “चोर त चोर्न, मार्न र नाश पार्न मात्रै आउँछ। म त तिनीहरूले जीवन पाऊन्,र त्‍यो पनि प्रशस्‍त मात्रामा पाऊन्‌ भन्‍ने हेतुले आएँ।यूहन्‍ना १०:१० अरू कसैमा मुक्ति छैन,किनकि हामीले मुक्ति पाउनलाई स्‍वर्गमुनि मानिसहरूमा अर्को कुनै नाउँ दिइएको छैन जसद्वारा हामिले मुक्ति पाउनु पर्छ। प्रेरति ४:१२ तिमीहरू आफ्‍ना अपराध र पापहरूमा मरेको बेलामा उहाँले तिमीहरूलाई जीवित पार्नुभयो। तर परमेश्‍वर, जो कृपामा धनी हुनुहुन्‍छ,उहाँले आफ्‍नो महान्‌ प्रेमद्वारा हामीलाई प्रेम गर्नुभयो। यसकारण पापमा हामी मरेका भए तापनि उहाँले हामीलाई ख्रीष्‍टसँगै जीवित पार्नुभयो र उहाँसँगै हामीलाई उठाउनुभयो,अनि स्‍वर्गीय स्‍थानहरूमा ख्रीष्‍ट येशूसँग बसाल्‍नुभयो। किनभने अनुग्रहबाट विश्‍वासद्वारा नै तिमीहरूले मुक्ति पाएका छौ। र यो तिमीहरू आफैबाट होइन,यो त परमेश्‍वरको वरदान अनुग्रह हो। कर्महरूद्वारा होइन,नत्रता मानिसले घमण्‍ड गर्नेछ। ऐफिसि २:१-८ १ कोरिन्थी १५:१_८ यस सुसमाचारद्वारा तिमीहरूको उद्धार भएको छ, यदि त्‍यसमा तिमीहरू अटल र स्थिर रह्यौ भने,नत्रता तिमीहरूले व्‍यर्थैमा विश्‍वास गर्‍यौ। किनभने मैले जे पाएँ त्‍यसैलाई सबैभन्‍दा मुख्‍य विषयको रूपमा तिमीहरूलाई सुम्‍पिदिएँ,अर्थात्‌ पवित्र धर्मशास्‍त्र अनुसार ख्रीष्‍ट हाम्रा पापका निम्‍ति मर्नुभयो। {यशै ५३:५-१२} उहाँ गाडिनुभयो,र पवित्र धर्मशास्‍त्रअनुसार तेस्रो दिनमा उहाँ पुनर्जीवित पारिनुभयो। [भज १६:८-१० मत्ती १२:४० प्रेरित २:२४-३२] उहाँ केफासकहाँ, अनि बाह्रै जनाकहाँ देखा पर्नुभयो। {मत्ती २८:१६-१७ मर्कुस १६:१४ लूका २४:३४,३६ यूहन्ना २०:१९} त्‍यसपछि उहाँ एकै समयमा पाँच सयभन्‍दा बढ़ी भाइहरूकहाँ एकसाथ देखा पर्नुभयो,जसमध्‍ये धेरैजसो अहिलेसम्‍म छँदैछन्‌ तर कोही-कोही सुतिसकेका छन्‌। त्‍यसपछि याकूब र सबै प्रेरितहरूकहाँ उहाँ देखा पर्नुभयो। सबैभन्‍दा अन्‍त्‍यमा असमयमा जन्‍मेको मानिसकहाँ जस्‍तो मकहाँ पनि उहाँ देखा पर्नुभयो। यदि यो कुरालाई कसैले स्वईकार गर्छ भने त्यसले अनन्त जिवन पाउनेछ। येशूमा पाप क्षमा छ,उद्धार मुक्ति र अनन्त जिवन नयाँ स्वर्ग शान्ति आनन्द छ,येशू ख्रीष्ट “बाटो, सत्‍य र जीवन हुनुहुन्छ। यस कुराको हामी साक्षी हौ। येशूले भन्‍नुभयो, “स्‍वर्ग र पृथ्‍वीमा समस्‍त अधिकार मलाई दिइएको छ। यसकारण जाओ, र सबै देशका जातिहरूलाई चेला बनाओ,पिता,पुत्र र पवित्र आत्‍माको नाउँमा तिनीहरूलाई बप्‍तिस्‍मा देओ।zमैले तिमीहरूलाई आज्ञा गरेका सबै कुरा पालन गर्न तिनीहरूलाई सिकाओ। हेर,म युगको अन्‍त्‍यसम्‍म सधैँ तिमीहरूको साथमा छु।” हेर, म चाँड़ै आउँदैछु। हरेक मानिसलाई उसले गरेअनुसार दिने प्रतिफल मसँग ‘छ। प्रकाश २२:१२ झूटो को हो झूटो त्‍यो हो,जसले येशू नै ख्रीष्‍ट हुनुहुन्‍छ भन्‍ने कुरा इन्‍कार गर्दछ। पिता र पुत्रलाई जसले इन्‍कार गर्छ,ख्रीष्‍ट विरोधी त्‍यही हो।१ यूहन्‍ना २:२२ किनकि तिमीहरूले विश्‍वासद्वारा अनुग्रहले मुक्ति पाएका छौ; अनि यो तिमीहरू आफैबाटको होइन, यो परमेश्‍वरको दान हो; एफेसी २:८ बाईबल परमेश्वरको वचन हो र यो सत्य छ। हिजोको दिनबाट सिक्नुहोस् आजको लागि जिउनुहोस् भोलिको लागि आशा राख्नुहोस् । तपाइलाई जिवनको रूख मिल्न सकोस भनेर येशू आफै मृत्युको रूखमा चढ्नुभयो। निराश नहुनुहोस् बाईवलको अन्तिम पाना पढ्नुहोस् येशू बिजेता भन्दा बढि बिजयी हुनुहुन्छ। अब हाम्रा प्रभु र मुक्तिदाता येशू ख्रीष्टको अनुग्रह र पहिचानमा बढ़्दै जाओ २पत्रुस ३:१८ परमेश्वरले आफ्नो शक्तिले येशुलाई जिवित पार्नुभयो र हामिलाई पनि उहाँको शक्तिद्वारा जिवित पार्नुहुनेछ। अनुग्रहको शुभ-समाचार केवल तपाइको लागि सबै मानिसहरूलाई खुशीको खबरमा स्वागत छ तपाई आउनुभएकोमा हामि तपाईलाई धन्यवाद दिन्छौ यदि तपाईं प्रभु येशू ख्रीष्टको बिषयमा र बाइबल सम्बन्धि अझ धेरै जानकारि पाउन चाहानु हुन्छ भने हामिलाई ईमेल मार्फत सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्  हामि तपाईलाई नयाँ करार  बाइबल संगै अन्य सामाग्रिहरु उपलब्ध गराउने छौ अन्य सुझाव सल्लाहको लागि हामिलाई सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस। GRACETOGOSPEL@GAMIL.COM हामि तपाईबाट सुन्न चाहान्छौ  परमेश्‍वरले तपाईलाई धेरै आसिष दिउन् ।

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Note: People are not even comfortable going to heaven today। It’s so busy that the time to go to hell is enough but there’s no time going to heaven। Choose Free will you have। To choose death or to choose a life? It’s time to think। Please don’t get a joke। Today’s choice determines your vubility। There is no other option। Remember।So I have to regret it in vain tomorrow, so we preach Jesus through various means today। There is no salvation and salvation in any place in the world. Salvation and salvation are only in Jesus।Dear friend, have you not yet believed in Jesus Christ। Don’t you worry about Jivan’s little। I have a wife, just self-elect Jesus Christ as your Savior। It’s a short time not to say tomorrow। And don’t slow down, accept now and be safe forever। Which is called life insurance। You believe in Jesus Christ you will go to heaven। There is no other name to go to heaven। Jesus Christ did not come to give sick sick sick sickness. The bigger thing is that every person in this world has come to find salvation and eternal life. Only now do you believe and self-government He is ready and faithful to save your sin and give eternal life to forgive you that I am a sin। Jesus came to save the papis।Your material is not a momentary body but wants to save your soul so Jesus Christ is the only one who goes to heaven. He created everything। That is, according to the Holy Dharma, Khrishat died as follows our sins. {Isaiah ⁇ : ⁇ -12 } He was buried, and on the third day he was revived according to the Holy Scriptures। Hi, I am a sad man from the body of this deer who has saved me from Jesus Christ; By our Lord, — Let God be faithful. Jesus rose from the dead, and removed our entire fears, giving us eternal Bijayai Jivan। Did you know that there is eternal life even after death। Believe in Jesus Christ you will receive the forgiveness of sins and the eternal life। Who is a liar, who says that Jesus is the one who is angry। To the Father and the Son who incars is anti-Christians। Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven Amen.God will never abandon you, God will help you with eternal selfless love। Keep up my breath I am Jesus. I have tasted me, so look, I have bought you on the cross with your own blood। You are very precious to me। So I have created you in my own image। How beautiful are you who are in the village for the gospel .He has fulfilled his will, and he is never glorified by God । His will must be fulfilled to glorify him । I’m blessed because I have God in my life.`Because he also has a lot of crisis, painful and bitter life as we are invited’..”One of the people who lived in the world, he only escaped death ‘। `He said; Since I am alive, you will also be alive. ‘The wise man must keep knowing that death is the last day of all people’ `There will be a new life with the new day for those who believe ‘not because of the money I have earned, political and religious, but because I go to heaven with the faith I have done on him’।`Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven’` He is not a problem because he is the solution only you give him the first place’ ।`I believe in him who answers me and he is God ‘।`If we don’t know him, we are the most meaningless and the most goal is the people on Thursday. ‘He who has a double sword, he says these things: who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood, behold, he comes with clouds, and will see him with every eye, even those who mare him; And because of him, all the tribes of the earth will mourn। That’s what! Amen! If you know that he is righteous, every one who works for righteousness, go that he is born from him! Oh little children, stay in him, and let us have courage when he appears and not be ashamed of him on his arrival। Put all his worries on him, because he worries you। He did not sing instead of eating Gali; He did not threaten to suffer, but handed himself over to the hand of a righteous judge। He chose us in Christ before the origin of the world, saying that we were holy and innocent in love before him; All your commandments are faithful; For no reason they persecute me; Help me! People like many preach their own goodness; But who can find a faithful man? I have written to you, that is, to those who believe in the name of the Son of God, for this purpose, that you may be tired of saying that you have eternal life, and that you believe in the name of the Son of God। What we have in His is the unwavering: He hears our brethren if we ask for something according to His will; The Christian Church is not a meeting of the righteous । It is the society of those who know that they are not good ।The blood of the sidders is the seed of the church ।The Assembly of Congregation Pappies is the Treatment Center .The states turn away, the thrones fall, but the church remains ॥The greatest task that Bishwasi can do is the gospel। If you want to bring peace to the church, preach the gospel. How big are there in the church. It’s not a big thing. How important it is to tell how many people the gospel makes a difference This is then Jesus Christ.

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