Truth, like the sunrise, moves away night;
It enters the soul sending demons to flight.
Truth, like a hammer, breaks every chain;
It works like an ointment to heal every pain.
Truth, like a locksmith, sets captives free;
It touches the heart causing blind eyes to see.
Truth, like a searchlight, exposes the lie;
It soars as the eagle to lift you on high.
Truth is the captain that knows no defeat.
Truth is my portion, my milk and my meat.
Truth is the music that lets my heart sing.
Truth is my Savior, He’s Lord and He’s King!
Jesus said, “I am…the Truth.” John 14:6
Truth – God’s truth remains the same from age to age,
Speaking the word of God to storms instead of reacting to them causes a shift to happen.
From almost every corner of the globe, we see ragging storms laced in different shapes, colours and sizes. Terrorism, pandemic, poor governance, famine, addiction to drugs, terminal illnesses – name it.
These challenges have turned into storms in most people’s lives both at the global and personal levels. Leaving them with no choice but brace an attitude of reaction to their challenges.
No, you do not react to storms, you speak to them!
This example we should cull from our Lord Jesus because He spoke to every single storm that was brought to Him.
To the lame He said, Rise up and walk. (John 5:8)
To the blind, He said, open your eyes and see. (Mark 10:51.52)
To the dead, He said, arise and live. (Mark 5:41)
To the wind, He said, Peace Be Still. (Mark 4:39)
Reacting to storms – crying, frustrated, depressed, transferring aggression, drinking alcohol, snapping at kids, leaves the child of God defeated, helpless and weak.
Speaking the word of God to storms instead of reacting to them causes a shift to happen. That shift stirs up the spirit and builds hope. It removes the eyes from a physical fact to a supernatural Truth.
Its time to arise and speak to that storm you are experiencing:
- I know that my redeemer lives!
- By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed.
- I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the almighty.
- Though the world gets darker, my life will continue to shine brighter.
- In Christ, I am a winner, Through Jesus, I overcome.
Beloved, your mouth is your spiritual weapon, Use it today. Use it always.