“But when you are arrested and stand trial, don’t worry about what to say in your defense. Just say what God tells you to. Then you will not be speaking, but the Holy Spirit will.” Mark 13:11
Have you even had the experience of trying to say a word for the Lord, just sharing your faith, and breathing a prayer for guidance — then marvelling as the Lord Himself, by His indwelling Holy Spirit, put the very words in your mouth that needed to be said?
Such has been my experience — many times. And I marvel and rejoice each time. On some occasions, I have addressed crowds of varying sizes, often not only feeling totally inadequate but also concluding my message of the evening with the feeling that I had been a poor ambassador of Christ. Then, someone had approached me after the service and thanked me for saying just the word he needed at that moment.
We serve a faithful God. That neighbor who needs a word of encouragement — ask the Lord to give you the right words to say to him or her. That correspondent hundreds of miles away — trust God for His message to him or her through you.
Certain conditions must prevail, of course, before the Holy Spirit can speak through us. But they are easily met. I must come with a clean heart, surrendered to the Holy Spirit, with my sins forgiven, having forgiven other people and holding no resentment or ill feeling against anyone. “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” Psalm 66:18 (KJV).
Let us trust God and His indwelling Holy Spirit for the very words of counsel we should say to a loved one or friend today.
Bible Reading: Acts 2:1-4
Today: I will trust God and His Holy Spirit to put the very words in my mouth this day that need to be said to others whose lives I touch.
When life grows dark and stormy, does God notice? The answer, in the life-giving miracles of the gospel of John, is a resounding “yes.” Do you believe in a Jesus who has not only power, but a passionate love for the weak and wounded of the world? Do you think he cares enough to find you in the lonely waiting rooms, the rehab centers, and the convalescent homes of life?
You and I long for someone who will meet us in the midst of life’s messes. If this is your desire, take a good look at the words of John and the miracles of Christ and see if they don’t achieve their desired goal: “That you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31). Remember, friends, you are never alone.