As recorded in John 9 in the Bible, Jesus met a man who was born blind and forced to beg just to get by. Jesus’ disciples wanted to know whose fault it was that this man was blind. Was it his fault? His parents?

For some reason, it’s human nature to want to place blame. If someone gets cancer, some wonder – what did they do to get cancer? If someone’s spouse leaves them, people criticize saying If they had been a better husband or wife . . . If teenagers are rebellious, hardened onlookers gossip – if that kid’s parents had been more involved, this wouldn’t have happened.

Just because God can use what happens in our lives doesn’t mean He causes it. Much pain – maybe most of it – is not caused by God. Recognizing this doesn’t relieve our pain but it’s an important distinction.

We can learn to correct our understanding of how God can allow pain but not cause it.

Let’s rejoice in that today!

God is with us in the worst of times. As we get to know God, we learn to trust that He is good even in the pain. He is loving, and wise in everything He does. Even if we don’t know why things happen, we can still trust Him.            

 “As we get to know God, we learn to trust that He is good even in the pain.”

Romans 8:28

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”