that Jesus is exclusive, or “just for a select few.” And others say that He is inclusive, meaning He’s for everybody. The truth of the matter is that Jesus is actually both. He is exclusive and inclusive.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:15 that Jesus “…died for all, so those who live [will] receive His new life”. That means Jesus died for you, and me, and your neighbor down the street, and everybody.

Jesus created humanity, and He desires a relationship with everyone. In this way, Jesus is inclusive. “Come to me, all of you…” Matthew 11 says.

At the same time, eternal Salvation is exclusive. This does not mean you have to earn your way to Heaven, but it does mean that there is only one way to get you there. The Bible says in Matthew 7:13 that the gate to Heaven is ‘narrow’ and that few people enter through it. “Whoever believes in Him has eternal life.”

This week, I encourage you to share the faith with someone in your life. Explain that Jesus is for everybody – and that not all routes lead to Heaven.

You never know—you may just change somebody’s entire life with the Good News of Jesus Christ. I have seen it happen many times. There’s nothing more thrilling or exciting than that.

“Jesus died for you, and me, and your neighbor down the street, and everybody. Jesus created humanity, and He desires a relationship with everyone.”

2 Corinthians 5:15

“He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”