She made this statement one day, and I heard her say it myself.
“When I enter that beautiful city,
and the saints all around me appear,
I hope that someone will tell me,
“It was you who invited me here.”

I love that little ditty that Corrie ten Boom used to quote quite often. That when we get to heaven, what a joy it will be to see people that we led to faith in Jesus Christ or people that were led by somebody else but we supported them and prayed for them, and God used them to lead these people to Christ.

One of the great joys of heaven, I think, is going to be, as Corrie ten Boom says, people coming up and saying, “It was because of you that I heard the Good News. It was because of you that I repented and received Jesus Christ. It’s because of you and your telling me the story of Jesus that I’m in heaven today.” What a day that’s going to be!

And if we’re going to reach our world in our generation, we must obey the great commission that says, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation” (Mark 16:15). Let’s do it today.

“When we get to heaven, what a joy it will be to see people that we led to faith in Jesus Christ or people that were led by somebody else but we supported them and prayed for them, and God used them to lead these people to Christ.”

Mark 16:15

“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”