My husband
and I often walk around our neighborhood, and we know from our own lives that sometimes what we see on the outside doesn’t reflect what’s happening on the inside.
There might be a home in our neighborhood that is beautiful on the outside, but we discover there’s trouble inside those walls, as we have had in our own lives: sadness, loneliness, conflict, grief.
Perhaps your life is like that house. On the outside you look as if you have everything together, but inside there is chaos.
Jesus says that when we invite Him into our lives, He will help us in our chaos, in our conflict, in our sadness – comforting and speaking words of hope to us.
He doesn’t promise a life free of trouble, but He promises He’ll never leave. He’ll never walk out your front door.
“Jesus says that when we invite Him into our lives, He will help us in our chaos, in our conflict, in our sadness – comforting and speaking words of hope to us.”