Are you afraid
of not being enough? There’s a famous chapter in the Bible – Proverbs 31 – which describes the ideal woman. As I read through it I think, “Well, I’ll never be like that.” I end up feeling discouraged, and full of self-criticism.
Maybe you are going through your day so discouraged. Here is the beautiful thing: when we understand the fullness of the Gospel, we see the way Jesus relates to us and it is absolutely beautiful. He never expects any of us to be enough. He came because we are not enough.
In our inadequacy, Jesus says, “I love you. I am enough for you.” Do you believe this?
When we understand the fullness of the Gospel, we see the way Jesus relates to us and it is absolutely beautiful. He never expects any of us to be enough. He came because we are not enough.
John 14:20
“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.”