Welcome to today’s devotion
Strength in Weakness
In the midst of experiencing weaknesses, many of us pray for God to remove them. We feel perplexed that, even though we love God and believe in His Word, old weaknesses continue to make a grand presence at the most strategic times, in our lives. We need to realize that those weaknesses can become our greatest assets in Christ. And this natural strength is really our biggest problem.
Moses was a great servant because he was a weak man who allowed God’s power to be his life. He likes to use things that are not God’s, so that only He can be glorified. He took the dust of the earth, and breathed into it, and man became a living soul. He used Balaam’s animal to correct Balaam, who was acting in his own natural strength.
Many people have come to the cross, and become acquainted with the death of Christ, yet they have never experienced the flow of His resurrection, which would have given them God’s own effective life, to make them strong in the midst of their weakness.
Deuteronomy 7:22 tells us, God drives out our enemies, not all at once, but little by little. He does not want us to be established in the sense of our own human achievements, but instead, He wants us to grow in continual victory; By grace and by knowledge of His person.
Be happy, like Paul, when you are weak. Know that, in the transparency of your weakness, God’s power will be magnified.
Today’s reading passage: Revelation 14-16