History of Jesus Christ
You need to approach the Word of God with your hands and knees in fear of God. Jesus said in Matthew 18: 2-3:
2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And he said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
All of Adam’s sons and daughters must come to terms with their choices, and decide for or against Christ. At this point, those who choose Jesus repent of their sins and forsake them, and dedicate their entire existence to the Lord of Glory and His Holy Word. It is called being born of the Spirit – being born again – and it is the only door to God and His truth. This childlike surrender is the door to eternal life. If you have not yet chosen Christ, why not now? Click on “gracetogospel.com” for instant access to the Kingdom of God. Now for today’s topic.
45 Now from the sixth hour to the ninth hour there was darkness over the whole land.
46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That means, my God, my God, why did you leave me?
47 And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, This man calleth Elias.
48 And straightway one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it in a furnace, and gave him drink.
49 The rest said, “Let’s see if Elijah comes to the rescue.”
50 When Jesus cried again with a loud voice, he gave up the ghost.
51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; The earth shook and the rocks cracked.
52 And the tombs were opened. And many bodies of the sleeping saints arose,
53 And after his resurrection he came out of the tombs, and entered into the holy city, and appeared to many.
54 And when the centurion, and they that were with him, saw Jesus, and saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared exceedingly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.
Man said: There was never Jesus Christ, nor the crucifixion, or the resurrection, but only a man-made alliance of religious beliefs by which the ignorant could be controlled.
Now record. Did the miraculous events announced by God’s Word in the book of Matthew really happen? Has history recorded in the Scriptures that the bizarre three-hour darkness that spread from noon to 3:00 pm, or the curtain of the broken temple from top to bottom, or the earthquake, all happened at the time of Christ’s crucifixion? The answer is yes!
Concerning the three hours of darkness mentioned by God’s Word, secular historians such as Thales and Phlegon attribute this darkness to an eclipse, but mistakenly – which will be mentioned later; However, Phlegon’s statement is particularly telling. It reads:
There was the biggest and most famous eclipse ever. In the sixth hour (afternoon) the day turned into night so that the stars could be seen. Also, an earthquake in Bithynia destroyed many houses in the city of Nikia. [Citation needed]
Three hours of darkness? The following excerpt is found in the feature article on this website, “History of Jesus Christ:”
Thales is one of the first non-Jewish writers to mention Christ, who wrote in 52 AD. However, his writings have disappeared and we know them only from fragments quoted by other writers. One such writer is Julius Afrikaans, a Christian writer who lived around 221 AD. What he is trying to say is that in the third book of history, Thales has interpreted a certain darkness as a solar eclipse. This is impractical, of course, because the solar eclipse could not have taken place during the full moon, and it was during the western full moon that Christ died. In this context, we see that the details of the gospel of darkness on the earth at the time of Christ’s crucifixion were well known, and that natural interpretations were required from non-believers to witness it. Thales therefore attributed it to a solar eclipse, but the eclipse did not occur because it was a full moon. You see,
Henry Morris, in his book The Most Amazing Evidence, writes about this miraculous darkness:
There is no evidence in the astronomical history of a total solar eclipse at this time, although there are definite traditions in other countries of the Dark Ages. Yet the fact of this supernatural darkness was well known to all who lived in Jerusalem and to those who read its descriptions in the Gospels.
The Annals of the World, a book written by Archbishop Usher, was published in 1658, two years after his death. According to Article 6501, he refers to Eusebius’ writings in the fourth century:
Eusebius also mentions Lucian. Witnessing the darkness in Lucian, Martyr, Rufins, appealing to the writings of the Gentiles at that time:
Search your articles and you will find, in the time of Pilate, when Christ suffered, the sun suddenly disappeared and darkness followed.
In front of him, Tertullian said:
At that moment, the day came back, even when the sun was high. Even people who never knew that it was spoken of Christ decided that it was nothing more than an eclipse. However, you will find this event, which took place in the world, is also recorded in your own archives. [Citation needed]
In the Lord’s Temple, there was a special veil that separated the Jews from the Most Holy Place. The high priest was allowed to enter the place only once a year to offer blood sacrifices for the sins of the children of Israel. After Jesus Christ cast out demons on Mount Golgotha, the veil was torn from top to bottom. The act of removing the veil represents the entry into the kingdom of God with the followers of Christ, removing the shadow of the Old Testament and the forms of Christ and living in all who are born again. Hebrews 10: 19-20
19 Therefore, brethren, having the courage to enter into the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus,
20 In a new and living way, which he has sanctified for us, through the veil, his body.
About this sacred veil, Alfred Adersheim, author of the 1,109-page Tom, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, emphasizes the following:
And now there was a tremor in nature, as the sun was setting. We dare not do more than follow the quick outlines of the evangelical story. As a first token, it records the temple-wheel rendering in two parts from top to bottom. Second, the earth trembled, cracking rocks and opening graves. Although most authors consider it to be strictly indicative of chronological succession, there is nothing in the text to draw us to such a conclusion. Thus, the rendering of the veil, previously recorded as the most important token for Israel, may have been linked to the earthquake, although it alone could have caused such a large screen to be torn from top to bottom. . The latter situation is also important. That great calamity, pointing to the imminent destruction of the temple, took place in the sanctuary about this time, as confirmed by at least four mutually independent witnesses: Tacitus (Hist. V.
(War 6.5.3), of. Talmud (Jer. Yoma 43c; Yoma 39b), and of the early Christian tradition. The most important of these, of course, are the Talmud and Josephus. The latter speaks of the mysterious extinction of the middle and main light of the golden candle, forty years before the destruction of the temple; And both he and the Talmud refer to the supernatural opening of the great temple-doors that were previously closed, which was considered a sign of the coming destruction of the temple. We can seldom doubt that any historical fact must contain such a bizarre and pervasive tradition.
But if the demolition of the temple had begun with an earthquake and, according to the Gospels for the Hebrews, a large lintel had been broken at the entrance, it could not be fully calculated in this way. According to Jewish tradition, in fact, there were two curtains before the entrance to the Most Holy Place (Yom 5.1). The Talmud explains on this basis that it was not known whether the curtain in the former temple hung inside or outside the entrance and whether the partition-wall stood in the Holy or Most Holy Place (Yom 51b). Thus (according to Mimonides) there was no wall between the Holy and the Most Holy, but in the former temple the space of one hand assigned to it was left empty, and a curtain hung over the side of the Holy Temple. In the other holiest place. According to the Temple-time account, A total of thirteen curtains were used in different parts of the temple – two new ones are made each year. The veil in front of the Most Holy Place was 40 cubits (60 feet) long, and 20 (30 feet) wide, the thickness of the palm of the hand, and was made into 72 squares, which were joined together. And these curtains were so heavy, that, in the exaggerated language of the time, each one needed 300 priests to manipulate. If the veil were as described in the Talmud, it could not be rented in two parts only by the earthquake of the fall of the lintel, although its structure bound together in squares could describe how the rent could have been described. In the gospel A total of thirteen curtains were used in different parts of the temple – two new ones are made each year. The veil in front of the Most Holy Place was 40 cubits (60 feet) long, and 20 (30 feet) wide, the thickness of the palm of the hand, and was made into 72 squares. Which was connected together. And these curtains were so heavy, that, in the exaggerated language of the time, each one needed 300 priests to manipulate. If the veil were as described in the Talmud, it could not be rented in two parts only by the earthquake of the fall of the lintel, although its structure bound together in squares could describe how the rent could have been described. In the gospel A total of thirteen curtains were used in different parts of the temple – two new ones are made each year. The veil in front of the Most Holy Place was 40 cubits (60 feet) long, and 20 (30 feet) wide, the thickness of the palm of the hand, and was made into 72 squares, which were joined together. And these curtains were so heavy, that, in the exaggerated language of the time, each one needed 300 priests to manipulate. If the veil were as described in the Talmud, it could not be rented in two parts by the earthquake of the fall of the Lintel alone. Although its structure bound together in squares can describe how the rent can be described. In the gospel Who were connected together; And these curtains were so heavy, that, in the exaggerated language of the time, each one needed 300 priests to manipulate. If the veil were as described in the Talmud, it could not be rented in two parts only by the earthquake of the fall of the lintel, although its structure bound together in squares could describe how the rent could have been described. In the gospel Who were connected together; And these curtains were so heavy, that, in the exaggerated language of the time, each one needed 300 priests to manipulate. It cannot be rented in two parts only by the earthquake of the fall of the lintel, although its structure bound together in squares can describe how the rent may have been described. In the gospel Who were connected together; And these curtains were so heavy, that, in the exaggerated language of the time, each one needed 300 priests to manipulate. It cannot be rented in two parts only by the earthquake of the fall of the lintel, although its structure bound together in squares can describe how the rent may have been described. In the gospel Who were connected together; And these curtains were so heavy, that, in the exaggerated language of the time, each one needed 300 priests to manipulate.
If the veil were as described in the Talmud, it could not be rented in two parts only by the earthquake of the fall of the lintel, although its structure bound together in squares could describe how the rent could have been described. In the gospel
In fact, everything seems to indicate that, although the earthquake could provide a physical basis, the rent of the temple-floor – so to speak – was actually made by God’s hand. [Citation needed]
Jerome, a prominent figure in the early church, lived between 340 and 420 AD. And broken and fallen. He connects it to the rendering of the screen. Adersheim wrote: “And it seems to be a clear conclusion that this is to link this disintegration of the lintel with the earthquake.” Old Testament Amos foretells this in Amos 9: 1:
I saw the Lord standing on the altar. He said, “Strike the inside of the door, so that the poles will shake. And cut off the heads of all of them. And I will kill the last of them with the sword. He who flees from them will not flee, and he who flees from them will not be saved.
The earthquake that occurred during the crucifixion of our Lord was also quoted earlier. It was mentioned in Morris’s book. Another miracle it reads
, of course, is the earthquake. In fact, there were earthquakes both during the crucifixion and during the resurrection. Earthquakes are a natural phenomenon, so the miraculous side of these earthquakes was in their specific time. Matthew’s statement proves that they were remarkably violent earthquakes: “The earth was shaken and the rocks were torn apart” (Matthew 27:51).
Darkness? Rental curtain? Earthquake? The history of time declares this, and this article represents only the tip of the information found from diligent search. God’s word is absolutely true and righteous. Believe me, and it will be a light for your feet.
45 Now from the sixth hour to the ninth hour there was darkness over the whole land.
46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That means, my God, my God, why did you leave me?
47 And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, This man calleth Elias.
48 And straightway one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it in a furnace, and gave him drink.
49 The rest said, “Let’s see if Elijah comes to the rescue.”
50 When Jesus cried again with a loud voice, he gave up the ghost.
51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; The earth shook and the rocks cracked.
52 And the tombs were opened. And many bodies of the sleeping saints arose,
53 And after his resurrection he came out of the tombs, and entered into the holy city, and appeared to many.
54 And when the centurion, and they that were with him, saw Jesus, and saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared exceedingly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.
Man said: There was never Jesus Christ, nor the crucifixion, or the resurrection, but only a man-made alliance of religious beliefs by which the ignorant could be controlled.
What happened on the day of Jesus’ death?
History of Jesus Christ Update
Our problem started when the second voice spoke in the garden of Eden.
Our grandmother, in an act of disbelief and disobedience, bowed to it. Grandfather Adam followed his lead. Unbelief and disobedience entered the law of sin and death. Immortality and Paradise were lost on the same day. This is where God’s plan of salvation begins. The rod of salvation is passed down from generation to generation. Some of the high points are that Adam’s son Seth is giving the rod to Noah; Noah to Shem; Shem to Abraham; Isaac to Abraham; Isaac to Jacob; Jacob to David; Jesus Christ to David; And the resurrection of Christ in Calvary and the Church; And at Armageddon where the armies of the Antichrist are destroyed and Satan is bound and thrown into the abyss for 1,000 years. For more details, click on “The Chronology From Here To Eternity”.
When all things concerning this earth are finished, when the redeemed enter the new Jerusalem of God’s new earth, there will once again be only one voice (the voice of God), and this place will be called Paradise. God’s Word declares that if we dedicate our lives to Jesus Christ, the first voice, our days will be “like the days of heaven on earth” (Deuteronomy 11:21). Do you want to end your confusion? Today is the day of salvation. Have you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, repented of your sins, and turned away from them? You can do it now! This will be the best day of your life. It will be the day you are born again घरमा born in the house of God. Click on “Further With Jesus” for instant access. Now for today’s topic.
18 Now Jesus Christ was born with this knowledge: When his mother Mary was married to Joseph, before they came together, he was found with the child of the Holy Spirit.
19 Then her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to set a public example, decided to leave her in secret.
20 But while he was thinking these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take your wife Mary with you, for she is pregnant.” Of the Holy Spirit.
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet concerning the Lord,
23 Behold, a virgin shall bear a child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which is interpreted, God is with us.
The man said: Jesus Christ is a fiction! He never existed!
Now on record: For over 6,000 years, Satan has bred, cared for, and used the world’s finest physical mind to challenge the truth of the God of the Bible and the Scriptures found in it. Unfortunately, for them, Satan and his people have failed miserably. This feature will only be another example that God exists, and opposition is a camp of foolishness. Psalm 14: 1:
The fool said in his heart, There is no God.
The trail of credible history that proves the reality of the person Jesus Christ is monumental. Trails abound in the history of the Virgin’s birth, Christ’s ministry, miracles, crucifixion, resurrection, and more. FF Bruce, Professor of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation at Rylands, University of Manchester, said the following about the anti-Christian group: Of historical evidence. The historicity of Christ is as self-evident to an impartial historian as the historicity of Julius Caesar. These are not historians who preach Christ-myth. ”
Otto Betz, author of What We Know About Jesus, said, “No serious scholar has dared to post the non-historicity of Jesus.” [Citation needed]
Was Jesus Christ there? Does history support the Lord’s description of the glory of the Bible? The answer, of course, is, “Yes! Cornelius Tacitus, who was born in 55 AD and died in 120 AD, is called the “great historian” of ancient Rome. He was born about 20 years after Christ was crucified. Tacitus wrote about the reign of the Roman emperor Nero, and recorded the following:
But not all the relief came from the people, not all the rewards that the prince could give, not all the atonement that could be offered to the gods, could not save Nero from the disgrace of being considered to have ordered fire, fire. Of Rome. So to suppress the rumors, he falsely accused the guilty, and punished them with the most severe torture, commonly called Christian, which was hated for their greatness. Pontius Pilat, a Judean lawyer, was assassinated during the reign of Tiberius, the founder of Christ (Christ): but the deadly superstition, the temporary repression, not only in Judea, spread again, where there was abuse. Originated, but also through the city of Rome.
That is a quote from Cornelius Tacitus. Later we will see what greatness the early believers were accused of.
The following excerpts from Josh McDowell’s book, The New Evidence the Demands a Decision. It reads:
Cambridge Lecturer Marcus Bokmहेhl notes that Tacitus’ remarks provide us with evidence from the leading Roman historian of his time: , AD 26-36). This may sound like a lot, but it is actually surprisingly useful in relieving two different theories that are still sometimes advanced: first, that Jesus of Nazareth never existed; And second, that he did not die. Duly-administered Roman death penalty. ” [Citation needed]
Tacitus, who was also the governor of Asia, wrote the following in his historical account of The Annals of Imperial Rome:
So to suppress the general rumor, Nero accused others, and gave excellent punishment to those who hated their crime, and are generally known as Christians. They were descended from Christ (Christ), who had been executed as a criminal by Pontius Pilatus during the reign of Tiberius. This deadly superstition, after a brief investigation, spread again, and the source of this evil spread not only to Judea, but also to the city (Rome).
The beloved Bible doctor Luke described the persecution of Christians at the hands of the Jews. Acts 18:12
And when Galileo was Achaia’s helper, the Jews revolted against Paul in unison, and brought him to the judgment seat.
Regarding the unrest, the secular Roman historian Suitonius, who was a court official under Hadrian, and an analyst at the Imperial House, stated the following in his historical record, Life of Claudius:
At the instigation of Crestus (another spell for Christ), the Jews were constantly disturbed, and he (Claudius) expelled them from Rome.
This event took place in 49 AD, about 12 years after the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus.
Again, Suitonius chronicles the Roman invasion of Nero in 64 AD and records the following: “Nero’s punishment was inflicted on Christians, the class of people was given a new and mischievous superstition.”
As we continue, you will discover what “naughty superstitions” caused the death of Christians. You will be surprised. Listen to this account by Pliniun Secondus, also known as Pliny the Younger. It was written in 112 AD. He was seeking the advice of the emperor of Bithynia on how to treat Christians. He asserted that his confession had been obtained through torture, and that his confession had been obtained through torture. Who was found to be a Christian, or if he should kill only a few people. He told Christians to bow down to the idols of Trajan. He wrote that he even cursed them for not being a true Christian. And in the same letter, he writes about Christians being sued in court:
Their whole fault, or their fault, was that they were in the habit of meeting as a deity on a certain day and bound themselves to a solemn oath: never to do any evil deeds, never to cheat, never to steal. , Adultery, never to make their word false, nor to reject the faith when they are called to present it.
However, Pliny the Younger wrote that Christians were being martyred in those days because they refused to do bad things. Thales is one of the first non-Jewish writers to mention Christ, who wrote in 52 AD. However, his writings have disappeared and we know them only from fragments quoted by other writers. One such writer is Julius Afrikaans, a Christian writer who lived in 221 AD.
As a solar eclipse. This is impractical, of course: there can be no solar eclipse during the full moon, and Christ died during the last full moon. In this context, we see that the description of the gospel of darkness on the earth at the time of Christ’s crucifixion was well known and required a natural interpretation from the non-believers who saw it. So, Thalos attributed it to a solar eclipse. But due to the western full moon, the solar eclipse could not take place. You see, Jesus Christ was crucified at the Passover – on the full moon.
Lucian, who was a satirist, talked depressingly about Jesus Christ and his followers in the second century. He says this about Jesus:
मानिस Man crucified in Palestine because he introduced this new cult to the world. Moreover, their first law-giver persuaded them that they were all brothers to each other, from the moment they were changed, and that they denied the gods of Greece, and worshiped the sage who was crucified, and lived by his laws.
The famous Jewish historian Josephus was hired by the Romans to record the Roman rule and actions in Israel. His writings were recorded 30 to 40 years after Christ was crucified. An excerpt is as follows:
Now at this time Jesus was a wise man, if it were right to call him a man, because he was a man of wonderful works, a teacher of people who gladly accept the truth. He attracted many Jews and Gentiles. He was the Christ, and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the leading men among us, condemned him on the cross, those who at first loved him did not abandon him; On the third day he was resurrected. Just as the prophets of God prophesied these and ten thousand other wonderful things about him. And the tribe of Christians so named by him has not disappeared even today.
Julian, Roman emperor, arch-enemy of Christ’s cross, wrote:
Jesus Celebrated for about three hundred years; No one has ever done anything worthy of fame in his lifetime, except in the villages of Bethsaida and Bethany.
Then you see that Julian, the Roman emperor, attributes the power of performing miracles to Christ. From Josh McDowell again:
In the Babylonian Talmud we read: “It has been taught: On the eve of the Passover they hanged Jesus. And an announcer went out, in front of him, for forty days (saying): ‘He has been stoned, for he practiced magic and was tempted, and led Israel astray. Whoever knows anything about him, let him come and plead for him.’ But it was his grace not to find anything. They hung him on the eve of the Passover. ” Another version of this text says, “Jesus is Nazarene.”
“Jesus” is translated from Greek into English as “Jesus”, and the fact that he is Nazarene strengthens the bond with Jesus Christ.
In addition, the word “hanging” is another way of referring to crucifixion. The Jewish scholar Joseph Klausner writes in “The Talmud” that he speaks of hanging instead of crucifixion, because this terrible Roman form of death was known only to Jewish scholars from the Roman test, not from the Jewish legal system. Even the apostle Paul. This passage explains that ‘the curse of God is that which is hung’ applies to Jesus.
Also, the reference that this crucifixion took place “on the eve of the Passover” agrees with John 19:14.
Therefore, this text clearly confirms the historicity of Jesus and his death. It also confirms that Jewish authorities were involved in the executions, but it also seeks to justify their actions. In a backhand way, it also proves the miracles of Jesus, but it also tries to interpret them as the work of a magician or sorcerer, a reaction mentioned by the gospel writers. [Citation needed]
This last part, taken from the writings of a man named Professor Arnold, is very clearly linked to this message. For 14 years he was the eminent headmaster of rugby, the author of the famous three-volume history of Rome, and was appointed president of modern history at Oxford. He said:
Evidence of the Lord’s life and death and resurrection can be seen and is often shown to be satisfactory. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. Thousands and tens of thousands of people have crossed it, as carefully as each judge summarizes the most important case. I have done it myself many times. Not to convince others, but to please yourself. I have been used for many years to study the histories of other times and to examine and weigh the evidence of those who wrote about them and I do not know of any facts in the history of mankind which are attested by all kinds of good and complete evidence. By the understanding of the impartial inquirer more than the great sign God has given us that Christ died and rose from the dead.
When eminent historian HG Wells was asked who has left the most lasting mark on history, he replied, “Judging the greatness of man by historical criteria, by this test, Jesus is in the first place.”
18 Now Jesus Christ was born with this knowledge: When his mother Mary was married to Joseph, before they came together, he was found with the child of the Holy Spirit.
19 Then her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to set a public example, decided to leave her in secret.
20 But while he was thinking these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take your wife Mary with you, for she is pregnant.” Of the Holy Spirit.
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet concerning the Lord,
23 Behold, a virgin shall bear a child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which is interpreted, God is with us.