What expertise does GotQuestions.org possess?
While we do not believe a formal biblical/theological education is necessary to be able to provide quality answers to spiritually related questions, we do believe that expertise can be eminently valuable. We also occasionally receive questions about whether our question answerers are qualified to write on biblical / theological / spiritual / religious topics. With that in mind, we have provided the following list of the advanced academic credentials that our staff, contractors, and volunteers possess, along with the educational institutions from which the degrees were earned:
Doctor of Theology from Andersonville Baptist Seminary
Doctor of Medicine from Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics from The Ohio State University
Doctor of Sacred Theology from Bethany Theological Seminary
Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Research from North Carolina State University
Doctor of Ministry from Rockbridge Seminary
Doctor of Education from Walden University
Doctor of Theology from Louisiana Baptist University
Doctor of Philosophy in New Testament from North-West University
Juris Doctor from Boalt Hall School of Law
Doctor of Medicine from the University of Illinois
Doctor of Biblical Studies and Biblical Counseling from Master’s International School of Divinity
Juris Doctor from Western Michigan University
Doctor of Ministry from Luther Rice Seminary
Doctor of Theology from Andersonville Theological Seminary
Doctor of Philosophy from Tyndale Theological Seminary
Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Pretoria
Doctor of Divinity in Christian Counseling from from Christian Bible College and Seminary
Doctor of Ministry from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Juris Doctor from Ohio State University
Doctor of Philosophy from Dallas Theological Seminary
Doctor of Literature from Louisiana Baptist University
Doctor of Philosophy from Concordia Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity in Theology and Biblical Studies from Liberty Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity in Christian Ministry from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Theology in New Testament from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Master of Divinity from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Science in Biblical Studies from Calvary Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from Reformed Episcopal Seminary
Master of Science in Educational Counseling from Fordham University
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Business Administration from Cornerstone University
Master of Theological Studies from Liberty University
Master of Divinity from Calvary Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from Andersonville Baptist College
Master of Strategic Studies form Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base
Master of Science in Physics from The Ohio State University
Master of Theology from Liberty University
Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction from Regis University
Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Capital Seminary & Graduate School
Master of Arts in Expository Preaching and Communications from Trinity Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies from Wheaton College Graduate School
Master of Science in Operations Research from Air Force Institute of Technology
Master of Arts in Biblical Literature from Denver Seminary
Master of Divinity from Gardner-Webb University
Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary
Master of Science in Biomolecular Organization from the University of Birkbeck
Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies from Calvary Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Colorado Christian University
Master of Arts in Human Services – Crisis and Trauma Counseling from Liberty University
Master of Arts in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary
Master of Arts in Social Work from the University of Houston
Master of Arts in Education from Marygove College
Master of Theological Studies in Biblical Languages from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Science in Experimental Psychology from Montana State University
Master of Arts in Christian Studies from the Master’s International University of Divinity
Master of Arts in Christian Education from Western Baptist Bible College
Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Theological Studies from Bethany Divinity College and Seminary
Master of Arts in Religion from Bethany Divinity College and Seminary
Master of Arts in Information Technology from Colorado Technical University
Master of Arts in Urban Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Philosophy from Southern Evangelical Seminary
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry from Tyndale Seminary
Master of Science in Elementary Education from Old Dominion University
Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University
Master of Divinity from Liberty University
Master of Business Administration from Belmont University
Master of Science in Economics from Iowa State University
Master of Theological Studies from Grand Rapids Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from Luther Rice Seminary
Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Social Work from Rutgers University
Master of Theology from Andersonville Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Theology from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Apologetics from Columbia Evangelical Seminary
Master of Theological Studies from Tyndale Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from Luther Rice University
Master of Divinity in Christian Counseling from Christian Bible College and Seminary
Master of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Arts from Louisiana Baptist University
Master of Theology from Grace Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Technology in Education from Lesley University
Master of Divinity from Western Seminary
Master of Sacred Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from Grace Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary
In addition to the above earned degrees, numerous members of our staff and volunteer team are pursuing master’s or doctorate degrees