Evil is Satan’s policy.
Evil encompasses the entire framework and philosophy, which is completely and utterly opposed to God and truth. Evil is the activity of evil.
Those who reject the truth, by default follow evil in all its broadest range.
The shedding of blood, is the destructive purpose of evil, ready to destroy all things according to Satan’s arrogance and selfish desire.
Evil promotes no one, and benefits no one, but uses all to further his own destructive end.
Evil appeals to the life of the sin nature, providing both stimulation, which is a false stimulation, in the hope of fulfilling one’s personal desires, which is not fulfillment. And so, this temptation, though it is wrong, appeals to those who desire nothing, or the right to take it at will, with a complete disregard for all, except themselves.
Evil comes in many forms, including great facades or deception, peace and harmony, and the indifferent right to take or do as one pleases.
Often religion is a mechanism to promote evil activity under the guise of a religious seal of approval. Or government can be used as a mechanism to promote bad rules disguised as a greater good. And of course, there are individuals who pursue evil activities under the guise of honesty or good intentions.
And therefore, there are those who will rush to follow this path of life, completely ignoring anyone who comes in their way, or anyone who comes to hurt or harm. And anyone who opposes the standards of evil, is ostracized with gossip or abuse, prejudice or prejudice, and if possible eliminated because they are seen as obstacles to the advancement of the standards promoted by the evil society.
And when evil takes hold of society, and forms common ground and common thinking, it becomes easier and easier for society to accept injustice and unfairness as a reasonable price for maintaining the standards adopted by society.
The only defense and protection society has to protect itself from itself is the doctrine of the Bible, which, when learned and understood and applied, allows the eyes to be opened, to see the true nature of evil.