Proverbs 1:32
For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacency of fools destroys them.We have studied previously, that the simple, is a term that typically relates to those who are naïve of Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine is truth, and lacking doctrine means lacking truth. And lacking truth means lacking understanding. And lacking understanding means that you do not have a clue as to what’s going on in life. Fools, is a term that typically relates to those people who see all of the facts, but choose against them. And whether you are simple, and indifferent, or whether you are a fool, and proactively arrogant, the end result will be the same. Most people in the world, which we are almost 8 billion strong, live in poverty levels. Less than 1% of 1% can claim millionaire or billion or status. Less than 5% can claim middle or upper income status. That leaves 95%, give or take, of the entire worlds population, who are poor or worse than poor. The odds against you in this world, are great. And even if you have the luck of being in the right place at the right time, you still have to battle for your position and rank in life. No matter what your success or failure is in life, in this world, your worldly priorities, will be your undoing. Ignore God, and focus on the world only, and you are pursuing a course of disaster. Ignore God, and focus on the world only, and you still have a slim chance of some semblance of success, which will be temporary at best. The worst possible scenario in life, is to ignore God, fail in life and be poor, and end up with an absolutely meaningless life. Following close behind that, is to ignore God, have some semblance of worldly success, but still come to the end of your life, with a meaningless life. Pursuing God, and your spiritual life, is the only way to have meaning and purpose and success both now and forever. And the circumstances of your life are irrelevant, because your relationship with God, if you develop it, will present you with success for all of eternity. |
Mystery Bible’s Great Events. Part-2
We will learn important Bible lessons in the second part.
Apply Bible doctrine every person most important out life.