Matthew 14:22-27
If you invite Jesus into your heart (If you invite Jesus into your heart.)
He immediately sent away the crowds and forced his disciples to go to the boat ahead of him. He sent the crowds away and went to a mountain by himself to pray, and when evening came he was alone. On the fourth day of the night, he came to them walking on the sea. When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they rushed and screamed out of fear, saying that he was a demon . Immediately JesusTake courage; I told those who are not afraid… He forced his disciples to go ahead of him in the boat… At that time, when he was far away from Kaduna, he was being buffeted by the waves because he was facing the wind… When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they rushed and cried out in fear saying that he was a demon. Get the courage of Jesus immediately. I told them not to be afraid. Every human being is haunted by dangers in human existence. Lord Jesus Christ is the mighty one who avoids the perils that haunt. If he is not in our life, there is a danger of perishing. If this Jesus is in our life, let us meditate on the many other benefits that will come to us if we invite Jesus into our heart.
1. God seeks our welfare:
Apo ka 27:10 “Then Paul warned them, saying that this voyage would cause harm and great loss not only to the goods and the ship but also to our lives.” However, the centurion believed what the master of the ship said. In this passage, Paul, a man of God, was moved by the Spirit of God, and the way we go with the ship’s captain, master, and centurion is not good. We fall into danger. Life is threatened. No matter how much they said, please listen to me, they did not pay attention to Paul’s words and went on their way. The ship journey went well for a few days so they thought their idea was good. After a while, a big wind blew and got caught in it and could not walk against the wind and was thrown away. Their journey was very difficult (Acts 27:11-16). Proverbs 16:25 says, “One’s way is right in his sight, but in the end it leads to death. God warns us many times that the way we walk is not good even in our life. Because He wants our well-being. He does not want us to be in danger. That is why God speaks to us in many ways through many people. Even the sailors of the ship went and found the way good at first. In the end they were caught in danger. The gracious God saved 276 people just because of Paul, the man of God, in that ship. In Isaiah 49:16 God wants us to be well at all times because we are engraved in God’s hand. The gracious God saved 276 people just because of Paul, the man of God, in that ship. In Isaiah 49:16 God wants us to be well at all times because we are engraved in God’s hand. The gracious God saved 276 people just because of Paul, the man of God, in that ship. In Isaiah 49:16 God wants us to be well at all times because we are engraved in God’s hand.
2. Satan’s Obstruction:
Because Satan does not want us to be safe, he creates many obstacles in our life. 1 Chronicles 21:1 “Then Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to count the Israelites.” After the expansion of his kingdom, King David wanted to show his anger by knowing how many millions he was the king of. 1 Chronicles 21:3 “Therefore, Joab, my beloved king, do not count because Jehovah will make his people a hundred times more than they are now.” The nation of Israel will never be a hundredfold superior to the Gentiles and never inferior. King David did not listen to Joab no matter how much he told him to please do not count them. Because David’s decision was negative in God’s sight, He punished David (1 Chronicles 21:7-8). Notice that Satan tempts us after we settle down. He wants to ruin our lives. The pool that God raises us up financially must be spiritually uplifted. Satan also wanted to thwart the plan of Jesus Christ. Matthew 16:21-23 “Jesus went to Jerusalem, suffered many persecutions from the elders, priests and scribes, was killed, and must rise on the third day. When Jesus was talking to his disciples, Peter took him by the hand – “Lord, let it be far from you” and scolded him that it will never happen to you. But he turned to Peter, get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an abomination unto me”. God rebuked Satan, who was seducing Peter. What is our condition these days when we try to hinder the mighty Jesus? Only when we are strong in the Word and prayer life can we overcome the devil’s obstacles. 21-23 “Jesus went to Jerusalem and received many persecutions from the elders, priests and scribes, was killed and must rise on the third day. When Jesus was talking to his disciples, Peter took him by the hand – “Lord, let it be far from you” and scolded him that it will never happen to you. But he turned to Peter, get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an abomination unto me”. God rebuked Satan, who was seducing Peter. What is our condition these days when we try to hinder the mighty Jesus? Only when we are strong in the Word and prayer life can we overcome the devil’s obstacles. 21-23 “Jesus went to Jerusalem and received many persecutions from the elders, priests and scribes, was killed and must rise on the third day. When Jesus was talking to his disciples, Peter took him by the hand – “Lord, let it be far from you” and scolded him that it will never happen to you. But he turned to Peter, get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an abomination unto me”. God rebuked Satan, who was seducing Peter. What is our condition these days when we try to hinder the mighty Jesus? Only when we are strong in the Word and prayer life can we overcome the devil’s obstacles. But he turned to Peter, get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an abomination unto me”. God rebuked Satan, who was seducing Peter. What is our condition these days when we try to hinder the mighty Jesus? Only when we are strong in the Word and prayer life can we overcome the devil’s obstacles. But he turned to Peter, get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an abomination unto me”. God rebuked Satan, who was seducing Peter. What is our condition these days when we try to hinder the mighty Jesus? Only when we are strong in the Word and prayer life can we overcome the devil’s obstacles.
3. God is a doer of extraordinary deeds:
As we overcome the devil’s obstacles, God will do extraordinary and wonderful things in our lives. He parted the Red Sea through Moses to save his people from the hands of their enemies. Exodus 14:21-22 “Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord removed the sea by a strong east wind that night and turned it into dry land. When the waters parted, the Israelites walked through the middle of the sea on dry land. The water was like a wall for them on their right and left sides”. How did such a great ocean become two-legged? Is this possible? Everyone can think that. God caused an east wind to part the Red Sea with great speed. God created the temperature to lead the Israelites on dry ground. Due to the heat, the mud at the bottom of the sea became dry land. When the Israelites walked on the parched ground, God brought about a normal temperature. He saw that when the wind blew at such a speed over the Red Sea, or when the sea was split in two, no aquatic life in the sea died. Having said this, we can see many miracles done by God in the Red Sea in the pages of history today.
4. Closing the eyes of the human mind:
Satan wants to blind our mental eyes from seeing God’s miracles and wonders. 2. Corinthians 4:4 “The God of this age of mine has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving, so that the light of the gospel, which reveals the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, may not shine. He tries to turn us into unbelievers so that we cannot see the glory of God and let the light of the gospel shine in our lives. That is why in Psalm 119:18 he sings, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” It is true that by reading the word of God every day, the darkness of our mental eyes is removed and we can see amazing things. 2 Kings 6: 13-17 Elisha’s servant was afraid when he saw the horse chariots of the Syrians coming towards them, “Elisha said to the servant, “Do not be afraid, those who are on our side are stronger than them, and please open the eyes of the servant, so that he may see.” So he saw the mountain around Elisha filled with horses and chariots of fire.” God opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant and saw a great and surprising sight. I should pray Lord to remove the blindness of my mental eyes so that we can see great deeds with our mental eyes. Then we can see all things clearly, the wonders of God. ” God opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant and saw a great and astonishing sight. I should pray Lord to remove the blindness of my mental eyes so that we can see great deeds with our mental eyes. Then we can see all things clearly, the wonders of God. ” God opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant and saw a great and astonishing sight. I should pray Lord to remove the blindness of my mental eyes so that we can see great deeds with our mental eyes. Then we can see all things clearly, the wonders of God.
5. Man should strive to be like God and do great works:
God rebuked the disciples because they were afraid of the waves of the sea. Because Jesus wants those who are with Him and associate with Him to be strong in spirit, in a way that shows authority over everything, even if they are cowards. If we want to be like Him, we must walk like Him. Apostle Paul also walked like Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1. So he said to the church in Ephesus, “Be ye beloved, and walk in the likeness of God.” He has given all those who walk like God the power to do great things. John 14:12 “I am going to the Father. For verily I say unto you, He that believeth in me shall do the works that I do, and greater works than these he shall do. “When faith is in us, success is ours. Exodus 4:20 When God calls us, we must surrender our heart to God. If we surrender our weak hearts to God, He will heal those heartaches and turn them back into His sons. When Moses was called by God, he was an ordinary man. stutterer He tended his uncle’s flock of sheep. One who has no perspective in life. He is in a situation where he does not know what to do for God. When God called Moses, who had so many weaknesses, he obeyed that call. God did everything he said. He stood as a great and powerful leader over all the Israelites. If we want to be strong in our spiritual life as well, we must follow the Lord Jesus according to Matthew 16:24. We have to look after ourselves. We should take up the cross of salvation given to us and follow Him. In Philippians 2:5-8 the Lord Jesus left His heaven for us. For the sake of the Lord, we must leave the sin of this world that corrupts us. We are God’s co-workers. Paul strengthened the church in the city of Corinth, and you are God’s farm and God’s house. Verily those who are in the house of God are like God and do great works.
6. God calls us to:
When God calls us, we must leave everything. Mark 1:16-18 When Jesus called his disciples, they left their nets and followed him. In Genesis 12:7, when Abraham lived in Canaan for some time and left it for the sake of God, God appeared to him and told him that he will give this land to your descendants again. At first the land of Canaan was a place defiled by Gentiles with idolatry. When God gave it back to Abraham, he sanctified the land and gave it back. He called his brother Isaac to come to Mount Moriah to sacrifice. Abraham obeyed God’s call and took Isaac to Mount Moriah to sacrifice him. God saw Abraham’s faith and obedience and blessed his brother in front of the altar and handed him over to him. When a little boy gave two fish and five loaves of bread to Lord Jesus, He blessed them and fed them to five thousand people. He is not unjust to take what we have and make us poor, but He is testing our faithful life. As Abraham, when we respond to God’s call, we are blessed from our lowly conscience to a higher one.
7. Satan will not leave, but Jesus will be with us:
Matthew 4:1-11 “Satan tempted the Lord Jesus in three ways. Angels came and ministered to him as soon as he overcame the body, eyes and life. Those who conquer the truth will always have the protection of angels. Not only that, “To him who overcomes, I will eat the fruit of the tree of life in Paradise,” said the Lord. Job 2:4-5 Satan caused Job to lose his property, crops, and livestock to make him fall away from faith. In the end, Job corrupted the body. Yet Job was steadfast in his faith, and thanked God as a reprobate would be put to shame. Obey God in James 4:6-7. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” As the devil flees from us, we find peace in our troubles. Hebrews 13:5 God promises us that He will never leave you and never forsake you. At last the disciples were in peril of the sea, He wanted to take Jesus into his boat when he was caught in hardships. He came into that boat and calmed the sea and the air. Today, if you also invite Christ into the boat of your heart, God on your behalf will rebuke the storms, diseases, troubles and enemies that are raging around you, and the Almighty God of all directions will give you peace and give you peace. May God bless us all with such grace. Amen. May God bless us all with such grace. Amen. May God bless us all with such grace.