Why did
Christ suffer? Why did Christ suffer?
We are now entering the Good Friday of Christ’s sufferings. We think at this time about the sufferings of Christ and how it can change us. We all know that there are hardships in this world. But why are they? We also know that unless a man commits sin, he does not suffer. Then God told the woman, Eve, that she would be in pain during childbirth, and told the man that he too would have to toil. But it is wrong to say that as some say that sufferings are caused by sin and therefore sufferings are sins. Indeed, if sufferings were sin then Jesus Christ himself would be the greatest sinner ever born in this world. Christ suffered more than anyone else has ever suffered, yet He was without sin (sinless). why This effort, What is the purpose of all the suffering? To know more about these labors we need to study three main things. 1. Why did Christ suffer? 2. How did Christ suffer? 3. Why and how should we labor?
1. The suffering of Christ was foretold. Isaiah wrote, “He is a despised one. “There was one rejected by men, one addicted to addiction, one afflicted with disease, one not seen among men” (Isaiah 53:3).
2. Christ suffered to bear the guilt of our sins. “He will make himself a guilt offering” (Isaiah 53:10). God has done what we could never do with our blood sweat and tears. We can never earn salvation by our own efforts, so God has done a perfect work for all of us. Christ labored to heal us “by his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). It is not primarily our physical healing, but the suffering of Christ to heal us spiritually! That is what we desperately need. Usually God heals us physically as well. The best healing in the world – the spiritual work of preaching God’s word in faith to change at least one heart.
3. It pleased the Lord to destroy him, but he made him sick” (Isaiah 53:10). Jesus announced that he would suffer. Jesus said in Mark 9:12, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be despised.” Jesus suffered because of God’s holiness. Whenever you see a cross, remember God’s holiness.. God is not cruel. He is holy! Beginning with Adam, not a single sin stood before Him. Because God is holy, sacrifices in the Old Testament were as necessary as the cross in the New Testament. The all-holy God poured out all his wrath on those sacrifices just for our salvation.
4. Christ had to suffer before he could be glorified. “Was it not necessary that Christ should suffer thus and enter into his glory” (Luke 24:26). How can we complain about our labors?
5. Christ had to suffer to be ordained for the priesthood. Therefore, in order to be a merciful and faithful high priest in the works of God, to make atonement for the sins of the people, he had to be like his brothers in all things (Hebrews 2:17). Has any priest humbled himself so much to prepare for the priesthood?
6. Christ suffered to help us in our trials. “Because he was tempted and suffered, he is able to help those who are tempted” (Hebrews 2:18). What a faithful, hard-working high priest Jesus is to us.
7..Christ had to suffer before rising from the dead. Jesus told his disciples, ” It is written that Christ will rise from the dead on the third day after his suffering ” (Luke 24:46-47).
8. Jesus suffered to learn humility. “He, being a son, learned obedience by his sufferings. And He is perfect, …. He is the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him” (Hebrews 5:8-9). And we have to learn much more humility through our labors!
Why did Christ suffer? (Why did Christ suffer?)
More spiritual truths in Exodus
Some of the important events are:
1) The deliverance of the Israelites by the blood, by the power of God
2) Their journey through the wilderness to Mount Sinai
3) Giving the law.
4) Building a live tabernacle, establishing a priestly system
5) Finally God’s descent into the tabernacle.
Spiritual lessons
The spiritual life of the Israelites began with their deliverance. The original book of Exodus can be called the genealogy of the Israelites. Israel (Jacob) entered Egypt as a family of 70 people. Now they are leaving as a race of millions. Jehovah called them ‘my sons’. The pains experienced by the people of Israel lead to the emergence of a nation through the Passover sacrifice in chapter 12. By God’s grace and power they were brought out of Egypt. God redeemed them to be a special nation and a special clan for Jehovah. It is their spiritual ‘birthday’. All that remains in Exodus is their development, order of construction, and consolidation
Explains etc. To have a relationship with a holy God requires redemption. The redeemed are set apart by the power of God, the altar. That is why today’s redeemed Christians are called privileged. Israel’s relationship with God must be based on the blood sacrifice of the lamb, redemption through God’s power. On that day it was a blood sacrifice of animals. Today it is the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. God called Jacob from Abraham’s offspring (Jacob’s other name is Israel). Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt by his power. They are bound to Him by covenant. That is the old rule. Today we are redeemed by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ and have a covenant with Him. That is why this is the new testament. In the Old Testament, God gave the Israelites a priesthood. The good experiences the Israelites had along the way, Bad experiences are common to all of us Christians today. We can think of that wilderness journey as ‘God’s school’ for the Israelites. God also teaches us many lessons in our journey of faith.