We are Superior to The Birds of the Air “Look at the birds of the air; They neither sow nor reap, nor sit in barns; Yet your heavenly Father feeds them; Aren’t you better than them?”. Matthew 6:26.
First of all, the Lord shows the birds of the sky and speaks to us lovingly, “You are the best of these birds of the sky.” What is special about birds of the air? They neither sow nor reap. Do not sit in huts. But they are very happy. Every day is nourished. There are many crores of sky birds, many crores of life forms, and many crores of water creatures. But the Supreme Father is providing food for all of them. Who created them? Who made them fly so well? Who dresses and feeds them? Our heavenly Father! How did the Lord create the birds of the sky? “Let’s meet” I said only one word. Meanwhile many kinds of birds were created in vast numbers. He created all things by His word.
But when He intended to create us, He created us in His own image and likeness. He created the rest of the creation by saying, “Let there be, let there be”, but Naru was created from the soil and breathed the gas of life into Naru’s nostrils and became a living soul. He did not breathe life into the birds of the air. He only breathed into man the breath of life and made his soul a living soul, so that he would live forever. We are better than the birds of the sky!’
We are better than the birds of the sky! God created the birds of the air and the living creaturesThen, he did not converse but came in search of a human being. He made a human being his friend and made a covenant with the human being. God commanded a crow to feed Elijah who was hiding by the Kerith River. He brought money and meat in two bowls and said that he should feed his servant. He gave it to his servant as a crow who steals what he finds. He gave generously to the crow who gave nothing to anyone and made him a crow. Because we are the best! Man saw the raven flying, the king of birds flying higher than him and challenging him. As a result, man invented the airplane. He started flying higher than the birds of the sky. The Lord has given us special knowledge that no other bird of the sky has. Not only did man invent the airplane, but he also invented great rockets and went to the moon. We are more special than the scientists who invented rockets.
” The redeemed of the Lord shall return to Zion with singing. On their heads is eternal happiness. They come with joy and happiness. Grief and sigh will fly away.” Isaiah 35:9. . Yes, we are better than the birds of the air!
Dear brothers and sisters..I want to tell you some things about promises.
Promises are called promises in English. It means that what is promised must be fulfilled. And people often miss the things that fulfill them. There are those who deceive by believing that it is a false promise. But God is not like that. If he says, he will do. His word is like a promise. God’s word or promises are written in the holy book, the Bible. As Christians these promises are a great inheritance and a blessing. This is written in 2 Peter 1:4. “According to those glorious attributes He has bestowed upon us precious and supreme promises. He has blessed them that you may escape from the corruption of the world by following greed, and become pure in the nature of God through these promises”. God is faithful to every promise He has made to us (Joshua 23:4). “.. You will know by experience that not one of the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken about you is missing. You have all of them, and not one of them is missing” What a good testimony 2 Corinthians 1:18-20 “Because God is faithful, the word that we spoke to you was not as if you said yes and no. All the promises of God are as they are in Christ, so that they may be glorified through us. Matthew 5:17 tells us to do the same, “If your word is yes, let it be yes, and if you are not, no. Anything beyond these is born of the evil one”. Some think that God is slow to fulfill His promises. But 2 Peter 3: In 9 “The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think slow, but is long-suffering toward you, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” He expects something more important to happen in your life than the fulfillment of a promise. Moreover, he is not a procrastinator. He is omniscient, He knows when to give us and when to do it. There are other reasons why God’s promises are not fulfilled in our lives.
Hebrews 4:1,2 “While the promise of entering into his rest still stands, we fear lest any of you fall short of that promise. As it was preached to them, the gospel was preached to us, but the word they heard was useless to them because they did not believe with those who heard it. Everyone has God’s word or promise but who has received it? Who doesn’t get it? “For whom He swore not to enter His rest, but for those who are disobedient. But we realize that they could not enter because of unbelief”. Therefore, unbelief and disobedience do not receive the promise. That is, in order to receive the promise, one must be faithful and obedient to that word. Also in Hebrews 6:11,12 “Ye are not by medicine, but by faith, We expect each one of you to walk like those who receive the promises through patience, so that your hope may be fulfilled. Also, Hebrews 10:23 “Let us hold fast what we have hoped for, because he who promised is faithful.” In order for the promise to be fulfilled, we must not only wait with faith for it, but if we confess with our mouths what we are hoping for that has not happened, we must receive it. Our words should be consistent with God’s words and promises and not contradict them. Another thing is written in Hebrews 10:36. “You who have done God’s will, you need endurance to receive the promise. For the promise to be fulfilled, one must first live according to God’s will. How can God’s promise be fulfilled if you live after the world, after the flesh, and after your own will, instead of following His will. Think for a moment if the fulfillment of the promise is being delayed because you are not living in God’s will and His way. As we have seen, if you practice faith, obedience, patience, acceptance, and living in God’s will, God’s most precious promises will surely be fulfilled in your life. He is not a procrastinator. He is not one who says yes and no. God bless you, Amen. If you practice the things of living in God’s will, God’s most precious promises will surely be fulfilled in your life. He is not a procrastinator. He is not one who says yes and no. God bless you, Amen. If you practice the things of living in God’s will, God’s most precious promises will surely be fulfilled in your life. He is not a procrastinator. He is not one who says yes and no.