I am not thinking about whether I will be alive tomorrow. Accidents, sudden illnesses, earthquakes, tsunamis, and sudden death are everywhere. Moreover, the coming of Christ is coming as the others will pass away. If you are wondering what is the relationship between death and the coming of Christ, read and understand the following explanation.
1. Dying .
Death is imminent for a born idol. No one can escape it. (Luke 12:19-21) When a rich man thought that because he had a great harvest, he opened up the old sheaves and built greater ones, and poured all the grain into them and said, “My soul, you have been laid up for many years, eat, drink, and be merry.” Crazy God, tonight I’m taking your life, who you have prepared, so sudden death, in many ways. There was another rich man, who was clothed in purple robes and fine linen and slept very comfortably. There was a poor man named Lazarus who was full of boils and fell at the door of a rich man’s house and fed himself with the bread that fell from his table. I like his sore dogs. Abraham (Father of the Faithful) with the angels who died poor.
It was bought to rest on the breast. The rich man died and was taken to hell or the underworld. He raised his eyes and looked away. Father Abraham, seeing Lazarus clinging to Abraham’s breast, had mercy on me, and sent Lazarus to quench my tongue by dipping the tip of his finger in water. He shouted and said that I am also suffering in the flames. Abraham replied, son, you were enjoying all your life and never thought of Lazarus. However, from here there is a big gap so that those who cross will not cross. If that is the case, I am begging you to send Lazarus to my father’s house to witness to my five brothers on earth so that they will not suffer this pain. For Abraham, Moses and many prophets were in the world, so that everyone should listen to their words.
Beloved, this parable was taught to all the people that day when Jesus Christ was alive. Torture in hell like the rich man after death, “Jesus Christ is the way, the life, the truth, and no one can enter heaven except through him” the truth, all those who do not believe must live in hell for the rest of their lives and after death in the world. A fire and a worm do not die means that the soul must suffer continuously. do you like it Think once. If you despise or disbelieve, it is your loss, but it is the truth. They teach like Christians, this religion is better than our religions today’s people. But what will happen after death if you don’t believe, “It’s like holding leaves without hands” How much do you compare your little knowledge with God’s wisdom? It is a fraction of a grain of sand. Can you estimate the power of God who created the creation with a single word? Can you change the events that He will do on earth? So read and understand about His coming…
2. His coming .
Man, created and given authority over all creation, walked daily with God in that garden of Eden. However, those who did not believe the command given by him believed the words of Satan and ate the fruit of the tree that was commanded not to eat. Then sin entered their hearts, and because of that sin, man began to envy, hate and kill one another, and to this day, man is sinning in ways we cannot imagine. That is why this sin cannot be wiped away by offering the blood of goats, sheep, goats, horses, and sacrifices. That is why these sacrifices, rites, and sacrifices, instead of “He shed His blood on the cross and redeemed the sins of all people, and everyone who believes will overcome sin, Satan, death, and the grave, and will be seen in His presence.” But this is the first coming.
That is the second coming when He ascends to heaven and sits at the side of the Father and pleads for our weaknesses, but also to take back all those who believe. When he was in the world, he was informed about his coming. Matthew 24:5-14 ( a) They will come in my name and deceive many, saying that I am the Christ. And today we see people who say that you will be blessed because of us. (b) They will hear about wars and war reports. ( c) Nation against nation (d) Kingdom against kingdom ( e) There will be famines and earthquakes here and there, ( f) Christians will be persecuted by other religions. (g)You shall be hated by all men in my name (Christ’s name). ( H) Many object and betray one another and hate one another. (i) Many false prophets will come and deceive many. (j)The love of many has been quenched by the spread of illegality. Therefore he who endures to the end will be saved. All this is happening right now. While this is happening, the Lord Christ will come to the middle of the sky. Why? He will buy those who believe in Him to escape the terrible situations to come and to participate in the marriage feast with Him. Then there will be a terrible earthquake. There will be a big earthquake like never before. All those who believe, wear Akshaya’s body and go with him. Then all the clothes and ornaments they were wearing were thrown away, and those who saw them thought who they were and what they were wearing. This is Rapture.is called Christians who are in a warm state of faith, trusting and despised will give. Some die in the aftershocks. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8, this rapture is described in detail.
It is my hope that all of us will have faith in God and reach Him .