The expression “with you also in Christ…establish us” refers to the unity of the body and links to 1 Corinthians 12:12-13. This is the most important work of the Holy Spirit. This is also the main purpose of his arrival. Individuals must separate from the world before forming His body, the community. Born from above. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to accomplish all this. He uses the work of God to awaken the sinner. After believing that word, he grants a new birth. To be “born of water and of the Spirit” is actually to be born of the Word. Only through the direct action of the soul can it become alive in a person.
Peter wrote: “Since you are born not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed through the word of the eternal living God, you have sanctified your minds by obeying the truth, so that you may have sincere brotherly love, and love one another sincerely and earnestly. For all flesh is like grass, and all their beauty is like grass; The grass withers and its flower fades, but the word of the Lord stands forever. This is the gospel that was preached to you”. (1 Peter 1:23, 25). “He hath begotten us according to his will by the word of truth, that we should be the firstfruits.” (James 1:18). “It is the Spirit that quickeneth; The body is just useless. “The words that I speak to you are spirit and life,” said our Lord. – (John 6:63). ” The Holy Spirit sanctifies us – by piercing our innermost darkness. When the light shines in us, We believe the word. Men must be born again in order to come into the family of God. Because “the body is nothing”. It was never acceptable to God. A new nature is needed. It is what it did before (1 Peter 1:23, 25) when it came down on the day of Pentecost – the Spirit dwells in us and remains with us when the Lord is not on earth.
He did a new thing on the occasion of Pentecost. He is one hundred and eHe took eighty (all born of God) and baptized them all into one body, thus forming the congregation. By this act he established them all in Christ. He united them to be related to each other as the organs of the human body. He made them the body of the glorified head. So the baptism of the Spirit is a corporate affair. Moreover, it is not necessary to search and pray and wait. Because the formation of the church body had already taken place. Spirit baptism had not yet taken place by the time of the four gospels, Acts chapter 1. It was the future for them. But Apo.ka. In 2 that promise was fulfilled. Apo.ka. 11 Then again the baptism of the Spirit is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:13. Even there it is more like a theoretical principle that we must believe in, not a feeling that we seek and wait for. Extraordinary events occur four times in the context of receiving the Spirit in Apoc.are included in the community . Apo.ka. 2 are all Jews. Apo.ka. In 8 the same blessing came upon the born-again Samaritans. Add them to the body of Christ. Apo.ka. In 10 Gentiles were baptized into the same body. Apo.ka. In 19 some of John the Baptist’s disciples were added to the congregation. In each case special miracles occurred confirming the saints. This was done to convey the truth that all distinctions have been dissolved in Christ. Now one body, one soul. Likewise, the expectation of your calling is one. (Ephesians 4:4).
Spirit baptism is required after conversion. If any scriptures seem to you to indicate that, you should carefully consider whether they are referring to pre-Pentecost or post-Pentecost, because the distinction is crucial. The coming of the Holy Spirit to dwell within the believer is the beginning of a new age. Let’s look at these sentences. Lord Jesus said. “Your Father in heaven will most assuredly give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him”. (Luke 11:13). Many try to obtain the gift of the Holy Spirit through prayer based on this. But these words were spoken by our Savior before the Crucifixion. God the Father blessed the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. We should not ask to do so again. The Mahadbhuta Varam once blessed by God remains in the community. It is in every believer. All were baptized into one body.
“The world shall not see Him, neither shall it know Him, because it shall not receive Him; You know Him. He will dwell with you; Notice the words “will be in you” (John 14:17). Only a few are born of the Spirit. Does this mean that the soul dwells in some others; Did Jesus say these words before Pentecost? later If you say “before” you are right! He is highlighting the difference between the two verbs. The Holy Spirit was ‘with the faithful’ before the crucifixion. Now he is among them. “If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are of the Spirit and not of the flesh. Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ is useless”. (Romans 8:9). Didn’t the Lord instruct his disciples to wait for power from on high? ordered I am not saying that it is unnecessary to depend on God for the strength needed to conquer the enemy and preach the gospel. It is always good to do so. “Those who wait on Jehovah will find new strength”. (Isaiah 40:31). This applies to everything. But we don’t have to wait for the Holy Spirit in this dispensation. The soul is here. By baptism into Him we are all joined to the body of Christ, the church. But we have to discover for God to show us if there is anything in us that hinders self-work. When we criticize ourselves we learn from past failures and lose confidence in ourselves. Gradually we will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. To the world beyond, to be used for the glory of God But we have to discover for God to show us if there is anything in us that hinders self-work. When we criticize ourselves we learn from past failures and lose confidence in ourselves. Gradually we will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. To the world beyond, to be used for the glory of God But we have to discover for God to show us if there is anything in us that hinders self-work. When we criticize ourselves we learn from past failures and lose confidence in ourselves. Gradually we will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. To the world beyond, to be used for the glory of God We obey the Spirit to become blessed.