Mighty God
The Prince of Peace His grace is amazing (Psalm 31:21) His scripture is amazing (Psalm 119:18) His voice is amazing (Job 31:5) His thought is amazing (Isaiah 28:29) The angel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary and told Jesus. How is the Lord going to be born in her womb? The power of the Most High will bless you. The Holy Spirit will come upon you. (Luke 1:35) said. Jesus was born strong by the power of God. – Jesus was a strong man who was led into the wilderness to fast by the power of the Holy Spirit before starting his ministry and overcame every temptation of Satan. The miracles done by Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit proved that he was strong. He healed the sick by the power of the Lord (Luke 5:17) It was Jesus who broke the strong thorn of death. He broke the thorn of death by his power and proved himself to be the Son of God (1 Cor 15:55,56). Moreover, Jesus is the mighty one who conquered the grave and rose from the power of the underworld. After being resurrected and going to heaven, he is alive and working by his special power. Because Christianity is spreading day by day, hundreds of people are testifying that Jesus spoke to them, which is not a religion but a way of God. Today all his devotees are strong with his strength and are doing strong work for God. The dead are being raised. Due to the strength of Jesus, not only the foreigners but also our Indian devotees are doing great deeds and proving the strength of Jesus to the world. When they see this, the people of the area are informed about how great the strength of Jesus is. Very soon everyone in India will come to Jesus.. In those days everyone’s eyes will be opened and they will know that Jesus Christ is strong.
1.Eternal Father :The Prince of Peace.
The Holy Scriptures declare Jesus Christ as the Eternal Father. Jesus Christ is the father of heaven and earth. Jesus said, I am united with my Father (John 17:21) Many people think that Jesus Christ came 2 thousand years ago and that is why they worship him as a boy on the day of Jesus’ birth. But the Father of Jesus, the Father is Jesus. We must realize the truth. The Lord said to Philip, who asked him to show you the Father, “I am with you, have you not known me? I am with you, and the Father is with me” (John 14:9.101). Moreover, the Lord told about the temple that I was not before Abraham. (John 8:58) In this way, Jesus is the Eternal God and His actions and His words testified. But the Jews did not believe him in those days. He said that God is his own father, so they tried to kill him. (John 5: 18) But if I am God, what else can he do? That is why the Lord Jesus said that I am the lesser Omega, and that he was in the present, the past, and the future. (Rev 1:8) It is written that He is the first and the last in you, today and forever. (Rev 1:18) – Some Christians still worship Jesus as a boy. He had to be born as a boy to save humanity, but he was not a boy raised by Maryam. He is the Eternal Father. That is why Mary who gave birth to him also listened to him. That is why Jesus should be called Abba Father. This truth is revealed by the Holy Spirit. 18) – Some Christians still worship Jesus as a boy. He had to be born as a boy to save humanity, but he was not a boy raised by Maryam. He is the Eternal Father. That is why Mary who gave birth to him also listened to him. That is why Jesus should be called Abba Father. This truth is revealed by the Holy Spirit. 18) – Some Christians still worship Jesus as a boy. He had to be born as a boy to save humanity, but he was not a boy raised by Maryam. He is the Eternal Father. That is why Mary who gave birth to him also listened to him. That is why Jesus should be called Abba Father. This truth is revealed by the Holy Spirit.
2.The Prince of Peace : The Prince of Peace.
When the prophet Isaiah spoke about the birth of Jesus Christ, he revealed that he is the peacemaker through the Spirit of God. The Holy Scriptures show that Jesus Christ acted as a peacemaker from the beginning. When Jesus Christ was born in this world, the angelic army praised God in this way. (Luke 2:14) Praise be to God in the highest places and peace to his beloved men on earth. Lord Jesus during his ministry used to forgive sinners and tell them to go in peace (Luke 7:50) After healing the sick, he blessed them to go in peace (Mark 5:34). Said (John 20:26) Jesus Christ himself promised to give you my answer. (John 14: 27)” But it is sad that today’s people are without salvation even though it has been 2 thousand years since the birth of the Lord of Peace. Peace is in short supply in families, in personal life, in society, in the middle states of nations. The countries, families and individuals that have given place to the slander are now crumbling day by day with restless minds without answers. Note this one, in whose heart the Lord Jesus is invited (born), peace will flow into their lives like a spring of water. No family, no nation, no place for Jesus, no answer can be found in them. So if you want the peacemaker Jesus Christ to be born in you then you can get the peace. It goes without saying why man is at a loss. Although there are 7 important reasons for losing the answer, I am presenting three important reasons before you. Answers are scarce in society. The countries, families and individuals that have given place to the slander are now crumbling day by day with restless minds without answers. Note this one, in whose heart the Lord Jesus is invited (born), peace will flow into their lives like a spring of water. No family, no nation, no place for Jesus, no answer can be found in them. So if you want the peacemaker Jesus Christ to be born in you then you can get the peace. It goes without saying why man is at a loss. Although there are 7 important reasons for losing the answer, I am presenting three important reasons before you. Answers are scarce in society. The countries, families and individuals that have given place to the slander are today crumbling day by day with restless minds without answers. Note this one, in whose heart the Lord Jesus is invited (born), peace will flow into their lives like a spring of water. No family, no nation, no place for Jesus, no answer can be found in them. So if you want the peacemaker Jesus Christ to be born in you then you can get the peace. It goes without saying why man is at a loss. Although there are 7 important reasons for losing the answer, I am presenting three important reasons before you. Note this one, in whose heart the Lord Jesus is invited (born), peace will flow into their lives like a spring of water. No family, no nation, no place for Jesus, no answer can be found in them. So if you want the peacemaker Jesus Christ to be born in you then you can get the peace. It goes without saying why man is at a loss. Although there are 7 important reasons for losing the answer, I am presenting three important reasons before you. Note this one, in whose heart the Lord Jesus is invited (born), peace will flow into their lives like a spring of water. No family, no nation, no place for Jesus, no answer can be found in them. So if you want the peacemaker Jesus Christ to be born in you then you can get the peace. It goes without saying why man is at a loss. Although there are 7 important reasons for losing the answer, I am presenting three important reasons before you.
1. After the sinful woman fell at the feet of Jesus and confessed her sin and repented , the Lord again blessed her with the answers she had lost due to sin. (Luke 7:43-52) The same truth is conveyed by the prophet Isaiah. The wicked are not slow. (Joshua 48:22) Apart from this, the Holy Scripture warns that people will lose their slowness due to ungodliness. (Isaiah 57:20)
2. When a man has a disease, the disease makes him unresponsive. A woman with an issue of blood for 12 years came to Jesus and touched the hem of his garment and was healed (Mark 5:34). The Lord told her to go with the answer immediately. What we need to understand from this is that disease can also cause a person to lose the answer.
3. We can learn from the magnanimity of the disciples that people lose their peace because of fear. After the resurrection of the Lord Jesus , when the disciples were in a house where the door was not closed for fear of the Jews, Jesus looked at them and said peace be unto you. Today we see that people are losing their answers due to fear. But because this peace is born in the heart of the savior Jesus Christ and because of keeping His commandments (Isaiah 48:18), casting all your worries on God through prayer, supplication, supplication, and thanksgiving praise, God’s peace reigns in our heart (Philippians 4:6,7),
“When there is this true path to get the answer, they leave this truth and try to get the answer through drinking, adultery, gambling, consuming intoxicants, riotous games, songs, movies, hooligan activities, etc. But the more they are unable to get the answer, the more they are exposed to the unanswered. If you know what is the cause of discord in your family in your personal life and follow the necessary rules to get peace then the Lord of Peace will be born in your heart and in your family.
God bless you everyone.