It is normal
A Samaritan woman, coming to draw water from the well in Sychar, met Jesus who was sitting there alone. He opened the conversation with a very simple, everyday request, “Will you give me a drink?”
When you want to begin a conversation with someone, ask a simple question – “What is the meaning of your name?” “What was your life like in your country of origin?” As you listen to the answers, make a mental note of something you can respond to and build on.
Jesus did that and went on to reveal to the woman that He is the source of the living water she so desperately needed. He offered to quench her spiritual thirst. We can offer, through Jesus, that same living water. Let’s introduce our neighbors to Him.
“We can offer, through Jesus, that same living water. Let’s introduce our neighbors to Him.”
John 4:7
“A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”’