You say, “Luis, I thought everyone was a child of God. Isn’t God the Father of all humanity?”

According to the Bible, God is the Creator of all men and women but He is not the Father of each one. Many people don’t even want Him to be their Father. You become a member of God’s family by being born into it.

The Lord Jesus said, “Unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God,” John 3:3. What does that mean?

When you and I were born into the human family, we had no choice about the matter. That’s physical birth. But to become a child of the heavenly Father you must have a spiritual birth.

This happens when we apologize to God for our sins and misbehavior and put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Every year we celebrate our physical birth with cards and gifts. But do you remember your second birth? If not, you must make a life-changing decision. Why wait? Learn how at www/

“When you and I were born into the human family, we had no choice about the matter. That’s physical birth. But to become a child of the heavenly Father you must have a spiritual birth.”

John 3:3

“Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”