In America
today, college is increasingly important. And after college, many people are going on to get their Master’s degrees, or Doctorates.
And, you know, education can be a very good thing—but it is important to remember that only one teacher can offer us eternal life—and that is Jesus Christ Himself.
Other than prayer, one of the main ways Jesus teaches us is through the Book, that is, the Bible.
2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” And Hebrews 4:12 says that the word of God is “living and active.”
These are powerful truths. Through the Bible, Jesus teaches His very will. Just like a class in school which tests our knowledge, life can sometimes test our faith, our patience, our strength, or our trust in God.
In these times, my friend, I encourage you to look to God as your teacher. Read the Bible, and study it. Follow the wisdom God has placed within it.
Think of someone in your life who does not yet look to God as their teacher, or Savior. Perhaps this person is in a class of yours, or perhaps they are a neighbor. Pray for this person a lot, then look for an opportunity to share with them the Good News. Jesus is the only teacher who offers eternal hope.
“You know, education can be a very good thing—but it is important to remember that only one teacher can offer us eternal life—and that is Jesus Christ Himself.”