“And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
This is the story of Marie. Marie is from Jamaica and is one of our (Thoughts About God) Prayer partners. She is 53 years old. Marie’s story of God’s daily provision throughout her life will surely encourage you.
“I want to share my testimony with those who are seeking financial and other blessings from God. My daily walk with God is one blessing after another.
I was saved when I was 12 years old–lost my mother when I was 15 and have also lost my only child. No one came to my rescue but God. Every time He sent someone to meet my needs. I would wake up in the morning and find money, food or clothing. I just give thanks.
I grew tired of living from pay check to pay check, but looking back, I recognize that He has always come through for me and I so I share with others whatever he bless me with. My cupboards have never gone dry or empty. My brothers and sisters–trust God for everything and give Him thanks for it.
I am working, but my take home pay is little, yet every day He provides the bus fare, the lunch and money to buy my medication. God is good all the time and all he wants us to do is trust him for everything. Ask him and believe him for the answers.
One of the things I learned over the years is to give thanks for everything no matter how small it is or seems. God provides for His own. We (people around the world) are experiencing difficulty now, but God is in control. Just like He protected the children of Israel and provided for them, He will do the same for his children in the difficult times we are facing now.”
I could go on but remember Maria is praying for you and your requests. I know God is answering them even now.
Thank you, Lord Jesus that you do indeed provide for all our needs as you promised. Give us the grace to trust you and not to worry or fret. We love you, our great and mighty God. Amen.
“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden” Matthew 5:14
For Christians, there is no playing hide and seek with the world. Having been rescued from darkness, we have to let our light shine. That sometimes means that others see God’s light reflected in us and learn to glorify God through us. At other times, however, it means that we stand out in a world of darkness and become targets because of our faith. Either way, there is no place to hide. We are light in a world of darkness; we cannot help but shine!
O Holy God, please strengthen me so that with undaunted courage and with the compassion of Jesus I might display your light to the lost world around me. In the name of Jesus, the Light of the world, I pray. Amen