He alone receives eternal forever If you believe and always follow Jesus
Jesus says that the wicked have forsaken the wicked If you ask with faith you will get everything You will understand that I am the only true God If the limits of those worldly traditions are exceeded The beauty of Jesus will make life beautiful If sin always escapes from the talk of iniquity There is no need to despair in life, even if it is sad If you wake up in faith with every prayer He alone receives eternal life forever If you believe and always follow Jesus.
Blessed are those who take refuge in the living God Blessed are those who move forward on the path of truth Do not follow the advice of the wicked, but day and night Blessed are those who meditate on the word of God Always abandon those sinful things that bring destruction Blessed are those who fill their hearts with the fruits of the Spirit By loving the enemy and blessing the persecutor Blessed are those who scatter the love of Christ before all Like the apostles Paul here for the sake of Christ Blessed are those who die in sorrow and pain
Bishal G.C
Kohalpur-3 Banke, Nepal Currently Abu Dhabi (UAE)
The relationship with God was broken by Adam
Jesus is in heavenly union forever
To save from death by paying the price of sin
Jesus was crucified to break the bonds of sin
Jesus left the glory of heaven for us
Jesus broke down all the barriers of evil
Cross Boki grief suffering injuries right of the whip
Jesus took a step towards Mount Calvary
To save from death by paying the price of sin
Jesus was crucified to break the bonds of sin
Promise to give eternal life to those who are in Him
Jesus planted new hope in his heart
The relationship with God was broken by Adam
Jesus is in heavenly union forever
Bishal G.C
Kohalpur-3 Banke, Nepal
Currently Abu Dhabi (UAE)