God loves you. “ The Lamb, who was killed before the origin of the world, is a man who has received support, splendor, wisdom, power, refinement, whole month, respect, faith and silt। Let him be glorified forever. ”Now came true Amen। In this world you have received everything but so far Jesus has not believed in Christ, you are the saddest and most righteous man ! The poorest people on earth are not without money but without Jesus Amen ! Your first need and need is the forgiveness of eternal security sins, salvation and eternal life – “ Behold, the Lamb of God who has raised the sin of the world’।And he is atonement for our sins, and not only for us, but also for the sins of the whole world। The only Creator God – Ekmatra Caste Man – Ekkatra Blood Red – Ekkatra Problem Sin – Ekkatra Solution Jesus Christ Do you know that there is eternal life even after the deer only God loves you ! Because God loved the world so much that he gave it to his only born Son – No one who believes in him is unhappy, But he may have eternal life, but God reveals his love for us: Christ died for us when we were sinners। Because you are saved by grace by faith; And it is not from you, it is God’s donation; He who is waking up to my door every day hears me waiting for the pillars of my doors, Blessed is that man। But God reveals his love for us: Christ died for us, while we are sinners। But in all these things we are even more than the winners by him, who loved us। Because I have been completely unarmed, neither death nor life, nor angels, neither the princes, nor the rights, nor the things that come from now, nor the things that come later, neither the heights, nor the deep, Neither any other creation can separate us from the love of God in our Lord Christ Jesus। Love is in this – not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son to be atone for our sins। For God made sin for us, who did not know that we would be the righteousness of God। Jesus said to him: “ Bato, truth and life are me; No one comes to the Father except me. ” Your word is a light for my feet, and a light for my way। I cried before Miramire fell bright; I hope in your word। My eyes are open at night’s guard to meditate on your word। And call me on the day of the storm; I will deliver you, and you will raise me। He cures those with broken hearts and binds them to the ointment of their injuries। You will be in me and ask for whatever you want if my words are in you, and that will be done for you।

Westerse nasies het “verskriklike voorbereidings” getref om te sien dat Rusland nie terugdeins nie, sê China.

BBC – Westerse nasies maak gereed om

BBC – Westerse nasies maak gereed om

Rusland uit die G20, een van die wêreld se 20 magtigste nasies, te verdryf. Maar China het sulke voorbereidings in die Weste gekant. Wang Wenbin, woordvoerder van die Chinese ministerie van buitelandse sake, het Woensdag gesê “niemand het die reg om enigiemand uit die G20 te skors nie”.

Volgens Reuters het Westerse nasies, insluitend die Verenigde State, met konsultasies begin om Rusland uit die G20 te verwyder. Die G20 is ‘n groep nasies met die grootste ekonomieë ter wêreld. Die doel daarvan is om saam vorentoe te beweeg in die werk van globale ekonomie, klimaatsverandering en ontwikkeling wat die wêreld raak.

Rusland kan groot ekonomiese sanksies in die gesig staar as dit uit die G20 verwyder word. Nasies soos Indië, China en Saoedi-Arabië kan egter hul vetoreg gebruik om te verhoed dat dit gebeur. Dit is omdat hierdie nasies Rusland nie tydens die Russiese inval in die Oekraïne gekritiseer het nie en geen sanksies teen Rusland ingestel het nie.

Die Verenigde State het in ‘n verklaring gesê die Oekraïense weermag was “suksesvol” in teenaanvalle in minder as ‘n maand sedert Rusland se inval. Die Pentagon sê Oekraïense magte voer soortgelyke operasies uit, veral in die suide. Volgens die Amerikaanse departement van verdediging is die Oekraïense weermag besig om suksesvol op te tree om beheer te kry oor van die gebied wat deur die invallende Russiese weermag beset is.

’n Woordvoerder van die Pentagon, John Kirby, het gesê die Oekraïners het wraak geneem, veral in sommige gebiede van die suidelike deel van die land.

“Oekraïners probeer beheer neem van die Russies-besette stad Cherson, wat die naaste aan die Krim is,” het sy gesê.
In ‘n ander suidelike stad, Bhojnesensk, het plaaslike inwoners en Oekraïense magte ‘n vlaag Russiese tenks vernietig, wat Russiese magte gedwing het om terug te trek terwyl hulle probeer het om die stad binne te val.

Die Oekraïense vlag is weer in die dorp Makarov, wes van die hoofstad Kiëf, gehys. Maar in die suidelike hawestad Mariopol woed hewige gevegte in die middestad. Russiese bombardement het nie daar opgehou nie. Oekraïnse president Vladimir Zelensky het selfs gesê dat die stad Mariopol nie meer is nie.

Die Oekraïne se adjunk-premier, Irina Vereshkuk, het gesê reddingswerkers sukkel steeds om honderde mense te herstel wat vasgekeer is in ‘n teater wat ses dae gelede gebombardeer is. Sy het gesê dat minstens 100 000 mense uit die stad Mariupol vlug en dat hulle voedsel- en watertekorte in die gesig staar.

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For he that findeth me shall find life, and shall receive mercy from the Lord. But he that sinneth against me, harmeth his own soul; All those who hate me love death.’ Proverb. 8:35-36 But God shows his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 He committed no sin, nor was any guile found in his mouth; He did not rebuke in return; He did not threaten when he suffered, but committed himself to the righteous judge. He Himself bore our sins in His own body on the cross, that we might die to sins and live to righteousness; By His stripes you were healed. 1 st. Proverb. 8:35-36 Nor is salvation in any other; For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 Jesus said to him: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 Behold, he comes with the clouds, and every eye shall see him, even those who despise him; And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. So be it! Amen! Revelation 1:7 And he was clothed in blood; And his name is called ‘Word of God’. Revelation 19:13 “And behold, I come quickly; And I have my reward to give to every man according to his work. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Revelation 22:12-13 Note: Today people don’t even have time to go to heaven. Believe in Jesus Christ and you will receive forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life.

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