1. The Bible
Sales: Approximately 5 billion copies.
Description: It is the world’s best-selling and most widely read religious text.
Languages: Translated into 3500+ languages.
Class 1
These ten teachings serve to present what we believe in…and this is also very important.
We will study about these teachings.
Part – 1
1. Biblical Scriptures
2. God’s Scriptures
3. Christ’s Scriptures
4. Holy Spirit’s Scriptures
5. Angel Scriptures.
Part – 2
6. Mukti Shastra
7. Sin Shastra
8. Human Scriptures
9. Church Scriptures
10. Last Days
That introductory section is simple and good. (Take a photo in the group)
Theology (Tjabhayyanatha) is mainly of three types…
To compile what the entire Bible says on a subject… and to prepare a teaching on that subject.
In this part 1 we
study… 1) The Bible 2) God 3) Jesus 4) The Holy Spirit and 5) Angels.
One by one, we will study all the subjects… There are 10 main ones.
It is necessary to study in a very systematic and heavenly way and in a biblical way.
A verse from Isaiah is very famous that we use in Bible College.
Let’s read Isaiah 28:10….and read verse 13…
What does the whole Bible say.. on a subject
Compiling, interpreting in a heavenly perspective and preparing a complete view…
and also read 2 Timothy 2:15… Right – Right with – יכאטלאטאמבאים
Right right – in Greek “יכאטלאטאמבאים”
means, – to cut in straight lines or paths
To handle the Word of God in a right way
And to teach the truth directly and correctly
To take any passage of the Bible according to time, according to context, to whom it was written, according to the subject, to get the whole thought of the subject as it is revealed throughout the Bible.
Language.. Study the original language as well,
that too like a worker – like a farmer
. 2. Biblical Theology – द्यशाब तिजभयययययययययाययाययायिनथ
This is also a very good way .. which we need to study .. a very good way ..
Take a book of the Bible and study what that book says or teaches about God .. and also on other topics ..
Like taking the book of Romans and studying on the topic
(a) What does it say about God and on other topics
What is the main teaching of the book?
Or taking and studying the letters of Paul
Taking and studying the letters of John
(b) Like – in Bible College we study and teach each book … 3. Historical Theology
(ज्षकत्याय�ययययययय Different churches (Catholic and others), evangelical churches etc. etc. There are many good Bible scholars in history …. with whom one can compare and study …. The basis is the Bible itself. This can also be studied. (द्यभकत क्यागचभक ष्क – हयमथ जबलमदयाप य�यिनथ) We are studying systematic theology … not to increase knowledge …. while knowledge is important … let’s read Hosea 4:1 ÷ 4:6 ÷ 6:6 … knowledge is necessary. Whenever information, correct interpretation … (The New Testament gives encouragement) But, if only knowledge is there, pride swells … 1 Corinthians 8:1-2.. (The message of 1 Corinthians 8 – If you think you have more knowledge than others …. then the responsibility is also greater ….. but if you are proud … it is dangerous).But we use this knowledge and use it for encouragement, for building up.
But we are being conformed day by day into the image of Christ, (Romans 8:28-29)
And it influences our lives and produces a righteous life or a virtuous life… because that is the power in the Word of God.
(The rest of the introduction … Let’s read up to the hour …. Let’s read
But we are here carrying the yoke close to the feet of Christ … Let’s read Matthew 11:28-30 .. We will not study all of this section but
29- verse Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me
30 – verse My yoke is easy.
What is a yoke ??? ……
Yoke ….
An example that is well known …
A yoke is put on the shoulders of (two) oxen and the field is plowed.
– Jesus is like a big ox (just one example)
– and I or -we) are like a small ox
– and all the burden falls on the big ox and the small one is light
– this is also a beautiful example that helps us understand.
Here .. trying to explain the relationship between a teacher (guru) and a student (chhila) ..
Jesus says …. “Learn from me”…..
– At that time …. The relationship between teacher and student was used as a “yoke”.
– Student … I am learning from my teacher and I take his yoke throughout this learning period,…..“and I will never forget my teacher”.
will – serve my teacher – obey.
– be available in class – stay with him.
– I will be dedicated – learn.
Now Jesus’ yoke is easy…he is humble and giving.
I learn from Jesus .. take my teacher’s yoke,.. bear
– enjoy, take life, heavenly perspective and heavenly teaching .. .
Compare it with the yoke or burden of the Pharisees…. Matthew 23:4
This yoke is not unbearable (not like Acts 15:10)
– but light and easy… because he is humble and giving.
Now this is not a yoke of slavery – not like Galatians 5:1)
but it is light and easy…. because he is humble and giving.
This yoke Jesus broke (Isaiah 9:4)
Lamentations 3:27 says, read…
We are learning from Christ, about Him.
– About Him
– About His eternal plan
– About His salvation
– About His will … We learn together in the yoke ….
Class 2
Bible Study Bible Study Bible Study
First of all – Four main words that we need to know.
These words are important to memorize and know.
(1) Revelation (2) Inspiration (3) Publish (4) Authority
1. Revelation (च्वखभभितश्याल) – This is a very important word that every Bible student needs to know.
The literal meaning of revelation is to uncover, reveal and present, to expose, to show.
Meaning – God revealed and presented Himself.
– Revealed the true knowledge about Himself.
– Revealed, presented His works and will.
– As a result, we have the Bible.. The Bible is the revelation of God.
– The Bible is the only revelation of God.
– Not only that, it is a revelation, a presentation of what man is and how man can relate to God rightly.
– Salvation, grace, plan, heaven, hell – etc. are revelations).
If God had not revealed Himself…. it would have been possible to know Him in any way.. God cannot be known by reason and research…it must be based only on revelation.
Now God wanted to reveal Himself and we call it revelation, as a result we have the Bible.
Now we know that there are two types of revelation.
1. General revelation and 2. Special revelation
1. General revelation – God’s revelation in the physical world, the human world and history is usually called general revelation.
– Through these things God has revealed some of His special things and shows His relationship with His creation.
– This general revelation proves that God is real.
1. In the physical world we can see the light of God.
Psalm 19:1 ÷ Psalm 97:6 ÷ Job 12:7-9 ÷ Acts 14:15-17 ÷ Acts 17:24-25 ÷ Romans 1:19-20 (important passage) and the writer of the Psalms says “Psalm 14:1 .. Only a fool .. says… (The sun, the moon and the earth – the wind – the land – the crops … who made them.)
God has revealed himself as the Creator and Sustainer.
The Creator – He has told everything and also maintains it, (Colossians 1:16-17, Hebrews 1:2-3 and Revelation 4:11)
and continues to maintain it.
The physical world also tells us that there is a God. 2. God’s revelation in the human world
: A very wonderful thing… God created man in his own image – Genesis 1:26-27)
– That is why we can learn something about God by studying man (Psalm 8)
– Very different from other creatures … Man.
– The ability to think, art, skills – Mobile, weapons, houses, household items, planes, rockets)
Morality, conscience, awareness, knowledge (which evolution cannot explain)
(Genesis 9:6, James 3:9-10)
That is why He gave light and gave us the ability to accept it, even though not everyone accepts it.
Creation presents the Creator.. Picture presents the painter..
That is why Jesus took on human form.
(The knowledge of right and wrong is also in humans …. such as murder, theft, rape … wrong for everyone .. where did it come from).
3. God’s Revelation in Human History: The reign of the kings in Daniel’s time.
The heroes of faith (Hebrews 11) Church history The study of history can also reveal God’s revelation. The Bible is a historical book. We can know that God exists through general revelation, and we can know some other general truths about Him. But God’s full plan, purpose, plan of salvation, Savior, grace, mercy, mercy, and so on cannot be known through general revelation. While general revelation is necessary and important, and reveals that God exists and can lead to God to some extent, it is not sufficient. To know about God… but at the same time general revelation is also very comprehensive (for all reasons than special). For that, we need to study special revelation. God has revealed Himself specifically, about Himself or to Himself, His will and purpose. – We look primarily at two things in special revelation. 1. Jesus Christ is that special revelation. 2. The Bible is that special revelation. Special revelation is God revealing Himself personally. 1. Jesus Christ – The word “Word” is used in John 1. – It means “Jesus” is the entire purpose or counsel of God. – Hebrews 1:1–3 speaks through Jesus. – Jesus declared God and declared Himself to be God. – Jesus came so that we know that He is God and that God has revealed Himself. – John 17:25–26, Matthew 11:27, John 1:18, 14:6–11, Colossians 1:15, 1 John 3:2–3 …. – That is why Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:2 let us read… – Galatians 6:14 – Jesus came, died, was crucified, was resurrected, was raised, and will come again. – All things are Christ (Colossians 1:15–complete) 2. Another important revelation is the Bible. 1. Everything in the Bible (dreams, visions, prophecies, history) everything written… – About God Everything there is to know is revealed in the Bible – the entire present, past, and future.– Christ (Trinity) is proclaimed.
– It is progressively revealed.
– His will, plan, salvation, heaven, everything we need to know about Him has been revealed to us.
That is why,
1. It is necessary to read the Bible daily.
– In general, every section, chapter, book, verse ..
– In a planned way (3-4 chapters a day) – Plan.
– So that you know what is in the Bible.
– The revelation of God.
2. Study,
– In depth, carefully, giving time ..
– Take and study a section, chapter, verse, event.
– Take and study a topic.
– Keep good study sources and study.
– Keep listening and learning from the spiritual father and people you have been taught.
– Listen continuously (to grow) (if you want to grow).
– Never miss a class … This is a very good time.
3. Meditation (very important) Preacher, pastor, teacher, believer…
– Meditate… Keep the words you read, the words you hear, the words that touch your heart in your mind and mind, keep thinking.
– And God reveals more, deeper things..
– I listen, I read, but if I don’t meditate… it is not real and practical.
4. Get training – Like the disciples, 4 years from Christ….
– From Paul, Timothy, Titus and others….
– Doing Bible college is 3-4 years…
– 3-4 years is a very short time…
– Small training or others are not enough.. (but that’s okay)
– If not, take it….
– No, but if you are in ministry (video)…
– Take one class every day honestly in a planned manner – and finish in 3 years…
– 1 hour a day is possible in Greater Grace.
Soldiers, doctors, nurses and others…. without training are just like politicians.
5. Preaching and teaching,
– Preaching and teaching what you have received from Him in any situation.
– Pay attention to the 4 points above.
– It is effective, lives are saved and edified.
– Pastoral leaders start teaching.
– Read and teach (if you read, you can teach).
– Preach the gospel.
6. Prayer and inner room life should wrap up all 5 points above.
Grades 3–4
Our burden (essence of faith) regarding the Bible is that
the entire Word of God, both in the New Testament and the Old Testament, is inspired by God literally (khvdavith), in its entirety (avvilavachashthi) and without error (kshlavhakkabalatathi). This is the authoritative guide for all Christian understanding, life and ministry.
The above 3 words are the vocabulary we need to know.
In the last class, we have already started the study of Introduction and Biblical Studies.
And especially we have studied the topic of “Revelation” in depth (it can be studied more extensively …. which we think is right).
But in the class we have covered the necessary, basic and must-know things.
– If you want to study further …. ny il chvvam nyyam dayatak.
In today’s class we will look at the topic of “Inspiration”.
– The Bible is the inspired Word of God from the only God.
– And this is something that many of us know and need to know.
We will use two Bible passages in particular.
(1) 2 Timothy 3:16 and (2) 2 Peter 1:20-21 (and we will study other passages as well)
Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16 says that the “writings” (66 books) were inspired by God.
The inspiration is theoniosts – tzavayaulbhagkatiyak – tzavayauk nyam – God the Almighty (breathed in).
God breathed the breath of life into each word as he wrote the 66 books – just like Adam).
And the other passage is 2 Peter 1:20-21 – God used His chosen men to write the Word… Man is not the source but God used chosen men.
Peter says that God is the source Paul says that the written Word is. God is the author.
And we looked at the essence of faith that….
1. Literally
2. Entirely
3. Without error
1. Literally – the written word (Bible) Matthew 4:4
– (149) times
90 times this word is used in the New Testament.
This means – the choice of words was from God.
Every word is important.
(बगतयनचबूजक ब्चभव क्लकुष्चभवम’. ध्व जबक्भव दभवक्त आयउश्वकत आयउश्वकत 7 ट्चबलकबित्शयल)
Every word or every word is inspired.
Fear too
From the language structure to the grammatical structure is inspired.
– Translations vary but translations are not inspired.. but as many as possible are compatible and good translations are available.
Written in three languages – Old Testament – mainly in Hebrew but some parts in Aramaic
– New Testament is in Greek.
We do not have the actual writings but we have more parchments of the writings of the Bible than any other book… there are over 5,000 excellent copies.
(बुययिनभत्शाक RBIC (Dutch: शैच श्लायक्षमब्ष्ट्याल)
from the Hebrew Greek (יבטשל) – בלנשקיז (לבובשים).
– Yes, there are good translations, but we generally study the original language.
– That is why we study Greek words and their meanings.
(त्थ क्धयाचम बूवू श्का नचभवत)
Some passages – Matthew 5:17-18 (single point) (also verse 19)
The point is also important … Jesus is saying, the same thing in Matthew 24:35.
2 Timothy 3:16 – All Scripture ..
Let’s read in Matthew 22:31-32 – Jesus uses grammar.
Galatians 3:16 – Singular and plural are also important. Only one “k” is different in the Bible.
Not descendants, descendants ….. (Genesis 17:9)
We use this one word when studying the Bible.
– Exegesis
Studying word by word and determining the meaning it is trying to convey.
Interpreting the correct meaning of the passage by studying the words, structure, context, grammar, etc. of the original language and making it practical.
– Jvkmbhalagatshak – The rules of Bible interpretation The science of Bible interpretation.
– Mainstream churches and main Bible scholars, pastors, and teachers fully accept this.
The Bible is not for personal interpretation..
– We are tested in the flesh …
– We are all tested in using Bible verses to prove our words and arguments or ideas.
To prevent this from happening, we need Jvkmbhalagatshak and he disciplines us in interpretation and application.
– Therefore, the main meaning of the Bible is not distorted and misused.
2 Peter 1:20 – “It is not by private interpretation”
21 – “It did not come by the will of man”
Matthew 22:29 – Jesus says … They fall into error because of ignorance or misinterpretation.
It was literally inspired now:
(2) It is completely inspired.
2 Timothy 3:16 – All Scripture
is now, inspired not only in words but in every word or part and in every teaching that these words teach.
The whole truth that the Bible teaches, the whole truth that it states and everything (spiritual or real) that is in it is inspired.
There is an important word in the Bible, especially in the New Testament, “sound doctrine” – correct teaching, true teaching, pure teaching, unadulterated, wholesome or beneficial teaching, beneficial to spiritual health.
– Teaching from a heavenly perspective from the pure Bible.
– “This sound doctrine is also inspired”
– All biblical, or true teachings of the Bible are inspired.
– That is why every teaching (myātchaslav) must be biblical or based on truth.
The reason there is – Orthodoxy tries to intrude (Acts 15 and Galatians)
– Teachings of evil spirits intrude (1 Timothy 4)
– Revelation 2 and 3 Many kinds of teachings were intruding in the church…
That is why 2 Timothy 3:16…..
Inspired Word – For teaching – Profitable
for reproof – For correction Other verses for training in righteousness – Romans 16:26 The law is not a law – Luke 16:29 The law is not a law – Luke 24:25-27 The Scriptures Even those who did not have the written Word or full revelation (because progressive revelation) were very faithful and steadfast believers.. – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, (author) – There was no new covenant with other Old Testament believers … – Nineveh ….. etc. The early church also … Today we have the full revelation and inspired Word and teachings … – It is necessary to emphasize the Word.. and the Bible class too .. – Not just fellowship – not just meetings .. – Not just buildings – not just numbers .. The Word….. The Word…… John 1:1 The Word in the beginning, the Word in fellowship, the Word in prayer, the Word in the church, the Word in personal life, the Word in the family…. The Bible has true teaching on all the subjects we need ……. Now we can live by it … Now the third important thing … 3. Inerrant (or without error or without any mistake) – The Bible is the special revelation of God and inspired by God, so it is inerrant. – The Bible is the Word of God and God never makes mistakes. Some people try to use certain passages of the Bible to prove that they are in error. – But… context, chronology, and textual study prove that wrong. John 17:17 – Your word is truth. Psalm 119:160 – All your words are truth. Psalm 138:2 – Your word is the highest. The Scriptures are infallible – There are excellent and sufficient copies of that infallible writing.. and we can know that these copies and the Bible we have are excellent. (The Bible is stronger than any other book.. बुययिनभतशाक अबिकक गह(ड) In Nepali translation – some may be difficult to understand and may not be translated exactly, in fact there are many such translations …. In English translation – it is also the same … But Pvkh, Lpvkh, Lbkk etc. are the best translated Bibles, but we can use them. There are some such views about which we generally need to know … द्वात.री.ए( उबनभ धन्धान्दज्या 1. Theological view: It has many forms and views. But mainly, – They say that the Bible is not the word of God but history and literature … But we know …. that is not the case .. 2. The new – theological view – Created by Carl Baath (1886-1968). – The Bible contains the word of God to some extent along with the arguments and writings of men. – Only Christ is the word of God and can be experienced only through experience. – But such No…3. Roman Catholic – The church determines the Bible, its teachings and practices…
– The Bible teaches what the church teaches.
4. Evangelical Biblical perspective This is also ours.
Grade 5–6
In the last class, we studied that the Bible is the Word of God and that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
1. We looked at the subject of inspiration, we studied the essence of faith.
Let us remember that we are studying about four important words.
– Which we need to know and understand the general meaning of the Bible.
1) Revelation
2) Inspiration
Today’s Topics
3) Publish
4) and the final authority (or decisive)
Know these four words and their general meaning well.
Publish (to illuminate)
God sheds light or illuminates our minds or us to understand the Bible.
– God illuminates to enable people to understand the Word of God.
– The Holy Spirit makes us understand the written Word.
Now let us read Ephesians 1:17 and 18 and focus on verse 18
: The eyes of your understanding be enlightened …
Greek – Ajeyatsthabha is saying to the believers.
– To give light, to shine, to bring to light ..
– To illuminate a dark room …
Meaning – To make God’s word and things known to man and that is done by the Holy Spirit.
Paul talks about the truth of scripture in Ephesians 1 (1-3).
1:1 – The holy, the trustworthy
1:2 – Grace and peace … 32 truths of scripture
Who can understand these things unless the “eyes of the mind are enlightened” and
– the natural eye and the external eye cannot understand this.
– The Holy Spirit opens our minds to understand these truths of scripture.
– These truths of scripture are true (even if we don’t understand them) but if the eyes of our mind are opened we can understand them .. which the Holy Spirit does.
But an unbeliever cannot understand these things – he must be born again.
There are 3 types of people in Corinthians 1 and 2.
1. The natural man or the carnal man – unbeliever or unsaved
2. Carnal believer or worldly man – believer but living like a natural man.
3. Spiritual believer – a person who lives in the Word or a Spirit-filled person.
(1) An unsaved (non-born again) person cannot understand the Word at all… because of total corruption and sin and is blinded or in darkness.
Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:1 (and others.. Romans 5)
– Blinded or in darkness because of sin and the fall,… no ability to understand.
– Only soul and body…. The spirit of man is not made alive.
Let’s read 1 Corinthians 2:14… This is an unsaved person.
(Carnal believer – understands a little but is not rooted)
(a) Therefore, first of all, one must be born again. (Bhauvishla)
(b) It is necessary to be filled with the Holy Spirit, not only by the new birth (but the new birth is a power and a door) but also by the Holy Spirit.
The spiritual man understands these things.
Let’s read 1 Corinthians 2:12-13……it is necessary to publish.
We will study this better when we study the Holy Spirit.
Let’s read… John 16:12-13 and 16:7-11
The Holy Spirit uses rihma (charity).
– When we read and study the Bible.
– When we listen to preaching and teaching… from anointed ones (not just what we received).
– By the advice, suggestions, and close walk with a spiritual man.
Now we can understand the Word of God. What a difference there is between
when an ordinary (unsaved person) reads and When we read…. A very good example – Acts 8:26-40 (let’s read..) Philip and the treasurer Impotent (uncircumcised) Natural man – No matter how much intellectual or mental control he has, he still feels foolish. Spiritual man – no matter how intellectual or mentally untrained… understands and lives because of the Holy Spirit… breathes from the inspired word… worldly man – has the ability to understand but because he does not use it… it is like buying a tool (buying a Bible) and keeping it that way. Now… (1) Revelation (2) Inspiration (3) Publishing Let us put it in one place and understand….. Revelation God Inspiration Published Kvbh Riyam Ugatabhach Mshbanchabm We will look at another important topic. 4. Authority – While studying this topic, we will also look at “Canon”. 4. Canon and Authority of the Bible (Remember the word Canon and also the meaning) (a) “Canon of the Bible” – The word Canon comes from the Greek word “Pelyol” (and it has been translated) Which refers to a measuring instrument, a measuring stick or a method of measuring. – The name of a rod that helps measure other things. – As a scale, tape is used. It especially refers to the rules of any church or nation and what is the standard for distinguishing between right and wrong. (This word is used in the verses Galatians 6:16, Philippians 3:16) Who collected the 66 books of the Bible, who decided, that these are the books to keep? In history, this word canon was used – especially by the early church for the essence of faith. – And it was used for the Bible from the middle of the fourth century. The books of the Bible were not randomly selected. – It has been examined and measured and only the inspired books have been collected and kept. That standard measurement method is called the canon, which today we have 66 books available to us as the inspired Word of God, the Bible. On what basis was it selected? (We are studying this so that our confidence in the Word may be stronger and stronger). Roman Catholics have also included some other literature in the Bible. 66-15 Other books make up a total of 73 – These other books are history and prophecy books written in the 400 years of peace after Malachi and before Matthew….. Some of the information is good but not at the level of “canon”…
1. Jesus and his disciples are never mentioned in it.
Other works not in the Bible, including this one, are called Apocrypha.
One important “Septuagint” that we know of – 72 people translated the Pentateuch. Under the direction of the Alexandrian Sas (qvbh buyyinbhatshaak rbikak dd tay d) .. the Old Testament translated into Greek.
– The writers of the New Testament quoted from this Old Testament
1. The Pentateuch – translated around 300 BC…
2. The rest – translated around 200 BC…
and it also included some of the Apocrypha.
Old Testament:
– The Old Testament is found in the history of the 39 books of the Bible that the Jews have today.
– Jesus also used the 39 books of the Old Testament that we have today (the Old Testament is the Old Testament, the
Along with Moses, all the writings of the prophets were immediately accepted and preserved….(भहतब कटगमाथ नश्कविल गधन(गधन्या)
(New Testament (also applies to Old Testament))
1. Authoritative – Does it contain the word of God or is
it just a human writing or literature.
2. Prophetic – Is it written by a man of God?
– Disciples or disciples
– Mark – Paul and Peter’s companion
– Luke – Paul’s chief companion, who knew the apostles including Peter.
– Paul – Apostle and Peter give authority, in their letters.
– James – Jesus’ first brother and Jude
– Other disciples of Jesus wrote by themselves.
(a) The attitude of the New Testament writers towards the Word (Bible).
– The New Testament is as much inspired and inspired by God as the Old Testament. It claims to be as inspired as the Old Testament. – John 14:26÷15:26-27÷16:12-14, Romans 16:25-26, etc.
(b) The apostles’ view of the Bible ..
– Peter clearly presents Paul’s letters as the Word. Read 2 Peter 3:15-16
and Paul quotes Luke 10:7 and 1 Timothy 5:18. Luke’s writings are also the Word.
– In Romans 3:2 Paul calls the Old Testament the Word and 2 Timothy 3:16 says all Scripture is inspired ..
(c) The view of Christ’s Word …
– Christ himself gives authority to the disciples and the letters that the disciples gave authority to, as a reminder from the Holy Spirit (John 16:13, 14:16) and John 16:13 … The New Testament is inspired just as much as the Old Testament.
– Jesus himself quotes the Old Testament and preaches and teaches, and the disciples also quote and write about Old Testament passages and characters in their letters. (Luke 24:25-27; Matthew 4:4; Deuteronomy 8:3 and many other places)
3. Is it accepted – Has the church accepted and used it?
– In church history
– Have the anointed ones of church history used it?
– Has the church used it? The church does not determine it, but has it accepted what has been determined?
– Did the early church copy and use it?
– If we were to compile what the anointed ones of church history mentioned, almost the entire Bible would be ready.
4. Is it powerful or does it have the power to change lives?
– The words of the Bible are the same, but the lives of those who read it are not.
– If we were to write about events that the Bible changed lives, it would not fit anywhere….
– When we read the Bible, it trains us for righteousness
– Many marriages have been built.
– Families are sometimes nations.
– How many are oppressed, worried, addicted to money.
– You and I cannot change lives.
But we can preach the word that changes lives
Biblical teaching preaching changes lives and produces real life
Continuously every message is important .. Full preparation is necessary…….
5. What is authoritative? – In history
– Have various councils and main churches
– preached, disseminated and used?
– Mainly ..
– Now the authority …
1. Now the Bible is the final authority … The Bible determines.
– In Acts 15, when it comes to determining what is, we find that the apostles determined.
– And today the Bible does … Those are the books written by the apostles
– The Bible has authority and power from heaven as the Word of God.
It is the heavenly seat of infallible truth that measures and determines all things, a trustworthy and reliable source.
The Bible determines the right faith and right behavior for all people and the church.
It is the only available source of knowledge about God and the formation of man’s spiritual nature.
(Matthew 7:28-29 ÷ Matthew 28:18)
The authority of God’s Word,
– Human tradition
– Cultural practices (Matthew 5:43-44 ÷ Matthew 15:1-9)
– Experience
– Church teaching
– Philosophy
– is far superior to reason, opinion, and perspective.
Major denominations are found to be compromising on the teachings of the Bible.
The Bible determines… Must be biblical
– Must know if it is biblical
– There are many kinds of teachings but not all are biblical
Like the Berean believers, one should search the Holy Scriptures
– If someone brings some teaching, one should search it in the Bible…..
Grades 7 and 8
From today we will study the topic of “Tjabhayayinatha (God’s Theology)”.
Tjabhayayinatha (God’s Theology) Study – We will study the true and living God from the Bible.
1. God exists.
2. Some worldly concepts.
3. Names used for God .
4. Attributes of God.
1) God exists: – How to know that God exists.
There are some natural theologies that clearly show that God exists.
1) The reason for the existence of the universe:
It is all matter or physical things which means that someone created it.
Grades 1 and 2
Different views of the world
1. Polytheism (ayathitajabhashkam): There are many limited gods in this world.
are many gods, gods are limited and in or within the world:
Paganism, Hinduism and other pagan religions.
There are main gods and gods.
Mormons are also included in this:
Joseph Smith believes in polytheism.
Humans can also become gods.
Genesis 1:1 God – Deuteronomy 6:4
Exodus 20:2,3 – Isaiah 43:10, 11, Psalm 90:1
Mark 12:29 (referring to Deuteronomy 6)
1 Timothy 2:5 – 1 Corinthians 8:4
James 2:19 2.
Demonism (delusion):
God is beyond the world but not in it
God created the world and left it as it is (said goodbye)
God does not interfere in this world
Now it is in its own way
Do not believe in signs and wonders:
Thomas Jefferson – removed all the miracles or wonders of the gospel and published it, he Demonism.
Answer: If God created the world, then He can intervene.
(Genesis 18:14, Matthew 19:26, John 10:13, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Revelation 19:6, Psalm 119:3)
3. Limited theism (அஷ்லஷ்ட நயமஷ்கம்): God is distant from the world but is limited in power and limited in principle (there are also different views on this)
God does not and cannot control everything
God does not know everything and does not know from beginning to end
God changes
Answer: (Psalm 147:5, Job 11:7,9, Isaiah 40:12, Hebrews 2:5, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6)
4. Atheism (அதஜஷ்கம்): There is absolutely no God, but it is a religion that does not believe in God, but believes in other things.
Answer: Psalm 14:1 – Only fools say there is no God and for them the national holiday is April 1st.
(1) General Revelation: Psalm 19, Romans 1:19,20, Romans 2:15,16
(2) Special Revelation: The Bible, the Church, You and Me
3) Pantheism: Everything is God, such as Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, etc.
Nature is God
Parents are also God
The world is God and God is the world
Answer: (Genesis 1:1 God is the creator of all things. 1 Kings 8:27, Job 11:7, Psalms 8:1, 57:5, 97:9)
6. Materialism (Abelbhalatjabhashkam) : God is in everything
As the soul is in the body
The universe is the body of God and God is the soul
God is ever changing
Answer: Numbers 23:19, Psalms 102:25,27, Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 6:18, James 1:17, Matthew 5:48 The world is weakening, says science.
If so, God is also weakening and will one day end.
God is:
Some logical arguments for the existence of God
There are no logical arguments for atheism and evolution.
These three main arguments present the existence of God on very logical and reasonable grounds.
The three main arguments:
1. The debate on the existence of the universe: (रीयक्यायिनशब ब्चनगमभतक)
The sun and stars are getting weaker.
Science presents this reality
The sun is consuming billions of tons of fuel every second
And the sun cannot last forever and it had a beginning
We can see this kind of reality in the entire universe
At one time, evolution said that the universe was eternal, but now it has changed
It had a beginning and it requires a very powerful person to start it and only the God of the Bible is capable
The universe had a beginning
Science also presents
If there was a beginning, then someone started it
1. Infinite, powerful, omniscient – God
How many can argue that who created God???
If someone created God, then He was not God.
To say that everything has a beginning does not mean that God also has a beginning.
The Bible is very clear that “God is outside of time.”
He is eternal, having no beginning and no end
. He is completely eternal.
Answer: (Genesis 1:1, Deuteronomy 32:40, 33:27, Psalm 48:14, John 1:1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 13:8, 2 Peter 3:8, Ephesians 1:4)
2. The argument for design (tbhviyyayinshaab ibchanagambhalataka) Design means.
(a) The universe has a shape, structure or design, which means that there is someone who gave the shape and who is very intelligent and skillful.
The earth rotates on its axis at an inclination of 23.5 degrees – which determines the 4 seasons.
It takes 24 hours to complete one revolution, which causes day and night. This is the time of day.
The atmosphere has a precise thickness and structure that blocks radiation and makes life possible.
Someone who creates or shapes must be a creator and is.
Some examples,
1. Dictionary (म्षातश्यलबचत)
2. Example of a clock Dhishbal Abvith The person who started this discussion
3. Example of a picture .. Must be a painter … or a person who draws ..
Just like there is a photo,
There is a camera
A painter
A person who takes pictures…. There was no era of selfies
4. Great Wall, car, ship, computer, house, mobile etc. You
boarded a ship
– you assembled the parts of the ship yourself. If someone said
– I thought someone must have assembled it well.
Basic Truth Pages 114 and 115 Qvb Balam Chvbambam
(b) Another thing is the structure and structure of the creature:
The human brain is the most modern, more modern than today’s state-of-the-art computers.
There are 12 billion neurons in the human brain or brain, each neuron is connected to thousands of other neurons, this is beyond our imagination and is within us.
Which makes the functioning of the brain amazing.
Darwin said this about the human eye,
where did the power of thinking, conscience, awareness, emotion, love, nature or nature come from
“If you say that the eye was formed by natural selection, I admit that I have reached the highest point of stupidity”.
Psalm 139:14 says,
“I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works.” When we look
at God’s creation , we see… The human body is made up of billions, trillions of cells, which used to be considered the smallest part. But within these cells, scientists have found the cell that determines the form of the creature. It contains so much information, enough information to travel around the earth and the moon 70 times in one human body. We are wonderfully made. We can only find the intelligent, wise God who can explain this in the Bible. There is a creator and the creator has a purpose. Colossians 1:15, 18, Ephesians 1:4 also say that you have flown in an airplane and now someone says that this plane was built by himself. 3. Morality debate (यचवष्ठिथ, यचव बिचन्गमभलत) : Cain and Abel .. brothers were working .. Cain hit Abel from behind and killed him. Who and how will I tell .. Cain did wrong. If I go and tell him, he will kill me too. There is a moral law that distinguishes right from wrong. If there is a moral law, there is a higher person who gives moral laws. Everyone knows that there is a moral law, and there is someone who gives a higher moral law. The God of the Bible is righteous, holy, and jealous. God says Cain, did you do wrong or did you kill? If there is a moral system, it is God who gives that system, otherwise who will determine it? If Moses himself made the law saying “You shall not kill”. If someone kills, Moses must have said so or who is Moses, how can Moses say so? If that is the case, then let Moses be killed. But God gives the law “You shall not kill”. If someone commits murder, it is God who gives the law. Rape, murder, stealing, lying – how is it wrong, because there is a higher moral system…
If there is a moral system..
There is someone who gives that system and
He is God.
There is God, He created everything, He sustains everything, He is an eternal God without time limits.
Something has happened in everything that happens.
If you are, you have parents, grandparents and ancestors.
If your leg is broken, something has happened.
There is a reason why all these things around you are something.
Of course there is no infinite cause.
Someone or something began, who must be infinite and eternal without time limits and
Only that can be God.
Only the Bible tells about that God.
The Bible and the God of the Bible are true and exist.
Class 8 Names of God – Different names of the same God.
God has also revealed himself through these names.
– These names convey the attributes or characteristics of God.
Why so many names for the same God.. We will also study this.
1. God is telling us something about Himself or revealing something, and showing His attributes.
2. He is completely sufficient for us.
3. He is the only true God.. There may be many other reasons.
In the Old Testament, three main names can be found used for God.
1. Yahye –
2. Elohim –
3. Adonai –
1. Yahye : Yahye is the special name of the God of Israel.
The Jews considered it very sacred and at the same time
they gave it great respect and even
did not pronounce it.
When writing, they would stop and wash themselves and write.
Yahye – means “I am who I am” – Exodus 3:14-15
He is always in Himself – no one made Him.
He is eternal – but He is eternal.
Exodus 34:5-7
This name is often used when God is related to man, especially in the time of man’s redemption.
Yahyeh is used with or in the same form as Elohim (e.g. Genesis 2:4)
– translated as Jehovah God.
Yahyeh is also used with or in the same form as Adonai (e.g. Exodus 23:17)
– translated as Jehovah God.
John 8:58-59 – Jesus claims Yahyeh.
Names of God associated with Yahyeh:
Hebrews 12:1-2 – 1. Yahyeh is the God who leads, guides and protects.
God is my banner. (Exodus 17:15)
मोशाको हात थाक्दैन.. परमप्रभु अगुवा हुनुहुन्छ ।
२. याह्ये “राहा” परमप्रभु मेरो गोठालो (भजनसंग्रह २३ः१) यूहन्ना १०
३. याह्ये राफा परमप्रभु जसले निको पार्नुहुन्छ । येशूले निको पार्नुहुन्छ । (प्रस्थान १५ः२६)
४. याह्ये समाहा परमप्रभु त्यहाँ हुनुहुन्छ, आफ्ना मानिसहरुका माझ स्वर्गीय यरुशलेममा (उपलब्ध हुनुहुन्छ) (इजकिएल ४८ः३५)
५.याह्ये सिकेन्यू परमप्रभु हाम्रो धार्मिकता हुनुहुन्छ । ख्रीष्ट हाम्रो धार्मिकता (१ कोरिन्थी १ः१०) यर्मिया २३ः६ मसिहको लागि जनाइएको ।
६. याह्ये मकादलेकम परमप्रभु जसले पवित्र पार्नुहुन्छ, हिब्रू ९ः१४, १०ः१०,१४ (१ कोरिन्थी १ः२ हुन्छ (लेवी २०ः८)
७. याह्ये इरे परमप्रभु जसले देख्नुहुन्छ, वा परमप्रभु (थुमा) जसले जुटाउनु हुन्छ । (उत्पत्ति २२ः१४)
८. याह्ये सलोम परमप्रभु शान्ति हुनुहुन्छ, (न्यायकर्ता ६ः२४) यूहन्ना १४ः२७ म मेरो शान्ति तिमीहरुलाई दिन्छु ।
९. याह्ये सबाथ परमप्रभु सेनाहरुका परमप्रभु (यशैया १ः२४) प्रकाश२. एलोहिम को अर्थ – जो शक्तिशाली र सामर्थी हुनुहुन्छ ।
– उहाँ सामर्थी हुनुहुन्छ र सम्पूर्ण कुराहरु भन्दा उच्च हुनुहुन्छ ।
– सामथ्र्य र सृष्टि संग सम्बन्धित भएको पाईन्छ ।
– Genesis 1:1, Psalm 68:1 – Used over 200 times.
El – singular and Elohim – plural.
Commonly used for God in biblical times.
– Also used for God outside the Bible.
– A term used to refer to God.
Some names of God that have been associated with Elohim:
El Shaddai – Almighty God, the only source of blessing and comfort…
Genesis 17:1, Exodus 6:3, Psalm 68:14
Only God is able and powerful to fulfill the promise made to Abraham.
God is able and powerful to fulfill the promises made to us.
El Elon – God and on high He is the sovereign and powerful God.
– Genesis 14:18 ÷ Psalm 9:2
El Roi – The God who sees.
– The God who cares and is present for us. Genesis 16:13
El Olam – The Eternal God
– He is eternal and infinitely powerful. Genesis 21:33 Isaiah 40:28
3. Adonai – Lord, Sovereign Ruler, Lord
– refers to His sovereignty and position or position.
Psalm 68:32 ÷ Isaiah 6:8–11 (449 times in the Old Testament)
Some words or titles used as “figuratives” in the Old Testament
– King, Lawgiver – Giver, Judge, Rock, Fortress, Tower, Refuge, Redeemer, Shepherd, Husbandman, Farmer, or Vineyard Owner and Father…
In the New Testament:
Mainly – Tzvayyak
Similar to Yahya (and sometimes Elohim)
– Titus 2:13
– Kurios – Pagan
– Lord – Similar to Adonai
– To show honor to
– John 20:28
– Mbhakayuytbhak Master – Sovereign God ..
Luke 2:29, Acts 4:24, 2 Peter 2:1
Abba – Father (Father…
John 4:23, Romans 8:15….
Class 9
In this class we will study the doctrine of the “Trinity”.
This is a very important doctrine and it is important for us to know and study about it.
Let us remember that we do not find the word Trinity in the Bible and yet we find that the Bible clearly teaches it.
1. The first point is – the Bible declares that God is one.
(a) Unity – There are not two or more Gods.
(b) Universality – There are not two or more parts in God.
(c) Trinity – There are three persons in one God.
(Know these three concepts)
The Bible declares in various passages that God is one.
This means unity.
Deuteronomy 6:4 ÷ Exodus 20:3 ÷ Isaiah 44:6 ÷ Isaiah 45:18 ÷ Mark 12:29 ÷ 1 Corinthians 4:8 ÷ Ephesians 4:6 ÷ 1 Timothy 2:5 ÷ James 2:19 ..
These passages clearly state that God is one and only, but not more than one God.
1. Rejects polytheism – many believe that there are many gods, but the Bible rejects this.
2. There are not three separate Gods, not three Gods, but one God.
3. The Bible rejects idolatry, and that is a sin that God hates.
There are three Gods.
The Lord is one God in three persons and three persons in one God. Each person is distinct (separate) and equal in all natures or essences. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
1. The Father is called God.
Romans 1:7, Galatians 1:1, John 20:17, John 6:27, 1 Peter 1:2 and other passages make it clear that the Father is God, there is no doubt about this.
2. The Son (the Lord Jesus Christ) is addressed as God.
John 1:1,14 ÷ John 20:28 (Thomas said, “My Lord!” and “My God!”)
Jesus claimed to be Yahweh (John 8:58)
Colossians 1:15–18 ÷ 1 John 5:20
We will study more in the Christian scriptures.
3. The Holy Spirit is addressed as God.
Acts 5:3–4 ÷ 1 Corinthians 2:10 ÷ Genesis 1:2
The Father is a person, a person with whom
The Son is a person, a person with a mind, will, and thoughts or feelings who can think,
The Holy Spirit is a person, a person who can choose and feel The Old Testament also speaks of the Triune God.
1. Elohim (throughout the Old Testament, including Genesis 1:1)
is in the plural form in the plural form. This indicates that there is one God in three persons.
Used 2,570 times (2,310 for the true God)
El (לָ) (אַלוֹה) is the plural form of Elohim
Elohim – indicating the plural but meaning one word.
An important verse – Deuteronomy 6:4 – Hear, O Israel;
The LORD – Yahweh
our God – Elohim
One – भाजबम “Ikhat” – one or one (denoting unity)
One – थबाजश्म यक्षिद – sole, 1
Genesis 22:2
Now let us briefly study this word.
The word “Ikhat” – one – shows unity.
For example, in Genesis 2:24,
Adam and Eve were one flesh – one va’azbam
meaning – unity.
Deuteronomy 6:4 – one va’azbam ( denotes unity.
Elohim – plural and va’azbam denotes unity.
Makes clear the doctrine of the Trinity.
But Yakhid (thab’azshma) – means only one.
For example, Genesis 22:2 – Abraham, sacrifice your “only” thab’azshma son.
Amos 8:10 – lamentation for an only son – Jeremiah 6:26, Zechariah 12:10)
Deuteronomy 6:4
makes clear the one God and the triune God.
Not only Elohim but…
“We can see the words that say”
– Genesis 1:26 – we humans in our own image
And here “Elohim” is speaking.
We, Our plural omniscience
Some say this is God and angels – but that is not biblical.
We cannot see Him manifest in such a form.
He does not share His glory.
Similarly, – Genesis 3:22 – Behold, man has become one of “us”
Genesis 11:7 – Come, let us go down.
Isaiah 6:8 – Who will be our refuge?
(The doctrine of the Trinity is made clear)
Verses introducing those persons (Old Testament)
Psalms 45:6-8 – Psalms 110:1
Isaiah 63:7-10 – The law of the Lord
The most revealing verse of the Old Testament is .. Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah
Upon me – Jesus Christ: Luke 4:18
The Lord
Now let us look at the contribution of the New Testament.
The New Testament also makes it clear that there is one God in three persons
. 1. Matthew 3:16-17 – We can see the Trinity at the time of Jesus’ baptism.
2. Matthew 28:19 – Baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
3. 2 Corinthians 13:14 – Also seen.
Other New Testament passages – (John 14:26 ÷ Acts 11:15-18 ÷ Romans 5:5-10 ÷ Romans 8:2-4 ÷ Romans 8:14-17 ÷ Hebrews 9:14).
Jesus – taught about the Father.
Jesus – said that he was God, the Messiah.
Jesus – taught that he would send the Holy Spirit.
Jesus also taught the Trinity.
Biblical definition of the Trinity:
Ignoring the Trinity and emphasizing only the unity leads to a heresy – which is a false teaching.
Ignoring the fact that there is oneness and emphasizing only the Trinity leads to Mormonism – which is a false teaching.
1. The basic concept of the Trinity is that God exists in three persons and that the three persons are one God.
Each person is distinct but not separate (inseparable) and is one in every nature and essence.
2. The doctrine of the Trinity is not taken from a single verse but from the entire Bible. It is a doctrine that states the following:
That there is one God, not three, and that one God exists in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
3. But one God eternally exists in three persons, – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Each is infinite, eternal and omnipotent.
Examples: There are no perfect examples, but there are some good and bad examples.
Let’s look at the bad first…
1. The three states of water – solid (ice), liquid and gas
but still water.. just three states of the same thing..
2. The three links of a chain – these can be distinguished.
3. Example of an egg – It has three parts: yolk, white and shell
It has three parts but is one part
4. The structure of the menstrual cycle – body, soul and spirit
These are the parts of a person.
5. A person playing three roles – like father, mother, son
It shows that there are three persons in one.
But some good examples:
(Not perfect)
There is no perfect example and it cannot be
If it is, then it is God, which cannot be.
(1) Triangle – This is the best example so far… It presents a good concept or picture.
(2) 1m1 m1.3 is not 1×1×1. 1 is .. This is also a supporting example..
3. Love:
God is love, (1 John 4:16) and love includes three elements.
The lover, the loved and the spirit of love..
4. Mind (mind), means and words,
They are three different but there is one…
5. Time: Present, past and future.
Now some false concepts (called Christians)
1. Trinitarianism – This says that there are three Gods, goes to polytheism, Mormons believe this.
2. Apocalypse – God is only one, and that one God plays three roles. That is what the Bible believes.
3. Bi-natalism – There are only two persons in God: the Son and the Father
The Holy Spirit is not a person but a spirit.
The Trinity is a doctrine that is not a doctrine, but a doctrine.
Finally, the doctrine of the Trinity is a historical doctrine.
It is clear in the books of the apostles and the New Testament .
The early pastors of the church age also taught it .
Various councils also confirmed it.
It continues to this day.
1. There is only one God (Deuteronomy 6:4)
2. The Bible calls these three people God.
The Father is God.
The Son is God.
The Holy Spirit is God.
3. The three persons are distinct persons.
The Father is a person.
The Son is a person.
The Holy Spirit is a person.
4. Therefore, there are three persons in one God, – the Trinity God….
Class 10
“Attributes of God”
Attributes mean: There are certain attributes that describe the character of God – the most important characteristics of God…
The entire teaching of the Bible comes from the attributes of God.
This is a subject that every believer should know and be taught.
Each attribute needs to be preached and taught one by one.
If you want to know God and know more, study the attributes of God.
From these attributes we know that the God of the Bible is the only living and true God. All others are false gods.
We learn about the true God and identify false gods.
Whether we study these attributes or not affects our spiritual growth.
The supreme goal of man’s entire life is to know God and fear Him. Solomon says at the end of Ecclesiastes. Let’s read…
The attributes of God affect our thinking, our words, and our actions.
Idols leave and the true God makes room.
In reality, we cannot and should not separate these attributes from each other.
All of God’s attributes are important and He never reveals them in a way that contradicts each other.
But while studying, we will study them one by one.
If you have any questions, you can ask them openly without hesitation.
Studying these attributes makes it very easy for us to understand other things or topics.
For example, His plan, purpose, will, calling… etc. etc.
How many attributes of God are there? Let’s study 28… Now there may be more, but that’s all we can see in the Bible.
We only know what He has revealed and that is enough.
We are limited and He is unlimited.
God’s character plays a huge role in determining truth and falsehood.
For example, let’s read 1 John 4:1…
The false prophet does things that contradict God’s attributes.
Just as we know – to find out what is true and what is false
. 1. Is it biblical, is it right or wrong, is it biblical, is it biblical, or does it contradict the Bible and the teachings of the Bible?
2. Does it agree with the attributes of God or does it contradict the attributes?
The Holy Spirit gives us this power.
That is why it is so important to study the attributes of God.
In the New Testament we see the Pharisees and the Scribes and the Sadducees.
These groups probably began in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah. And they may have developed and later organized.
Around that time, the Israelites realized why they were being held captive by the Gentiles at various times?
Idolatry and Sabbath-breaking were the main reasons why they turned away from the true God and repeatedly refused to return to Him.
The Pharisees began to study the law in order not to repeat the same mistakes of their ancestors – in a way good) but became very orthodox (Matthew 23:30-32).
We know that Jesus shows their very orthodox state in Matthew 23. Matthew 23 Chapter 223 Chapter
1. Matthew 22:29 – You are mistaken because you do not know the Scriptures and the power of God.
What the Bible says is very important.
2. Matthew 23:23 – They do not teach difficult things.
Justice, mercy, faithfulness
The attributes of God and other difficult things..
1. Orthodox … became
2. What is hyper-spiritualism or hyper-spiritualism? Hyper-spiritualism means..
Not looking at the context of the Bible, and elevating your own feelings above the Word and the things of God.
I say what the Bible says is right.
Because I am an apostle, a prophet, a great speaker, I went to heaven …
They say things that contradict the Bible and the character of God.
They say that I heard from God, I am the final authority.
The Holy Spirit speaks according to the Word.
They talk about polygamy, seeing visions about others, they elevate themselves by putting people down, they claim to give the Holy Spirit, they try to control.
All hyper-spiritualists (may not have been saved many times).
They do the exact opposite of what the Bible says – prophets “re” speak prophecies.
They say things that contradict the character of God.
Freed from sin, including others..
Protect yourself from orthodoxy and over-spirituality.
We need to study and teach the attributes of God and preach.
The Word has been prepared for 28 Saturdays.
Even more time can be given than that.
And each one comes in preaching and teaching.
The attributes and characters of God are divided in various ways, but we will mainly look at two divisions.
1. 20 divine attributes
2. 6 divine (moral) attributes
3. 5 divine (moral) characters
4. 3 divine (moral) characters
I will explain in the next section.
There is another division.
1. Communicable and (14)
2. Communicable (14)
We see the evidence in the scriptures.
In the rest of today’s lesson, we will look at two attributes of God.
(1) God is Spirit and (2) God is Life.
1. God is Spirit – God is pure Spirit, He is completely Spirit. He has no body. The essential nature of God is that He is Spirit. Physicality and temporality do not make God God (Numbers 23:19)
. But Jesus took on a human body.
Because God is a spirit, He is invisible, cannot be seen by physical eyes or means, John 1:18÷Colossians 1:15÷1 Timothy 1:17÷1 Timothy 6:14-16÷1 John 1:1-2.
Because God is invisible and a spirit, there is no idol to Him and cannot be made. That is why making an idol is a great sin and the first commandment (Exodus 20:4).
Because it cannot be made, that is why God hates idolatry and idolatry also has a spiritual practical meaning.
God is invisible and when He wants to reveal Himself, He has revealed Himself in Christ in both the Old and New Testaments.
God is a spirit, some verses in this context:
1. Let’s read John 4:23-24
Jesus gives this important teaching while talking to the Samaritan woman.
Spirit and Truth…..Worship
Other passages – Genesis 1:1÷Exodus 20:4, 33:20÷1 Kings 8:27÷Isaiah 66:1-2÷Luke 24:39÷John 1:18÷Romans 1:20÷Colossians 1:15÷1 Timothy 1:17÷Hebrews 11:27.
Class 11
2. God is life.
Meaning: (1) God is alive or life is alive. From eternity to eternity.
(2) He is the source of all other life.
The biblical meaning of life is – a living person, the source of life, a living, moving, flowing, real or never dying.
Now – God has life in Himself, He is life.
All other life is His gift.
Only from one living thing comes another living thing. Life does not come from non-living things.
1. God is alive.
Numbers 14:28/Joshua 3:10/Psalm 42:2/Daniel 6:20/12:7 Matthew 16:16/John 6:57/14:12 Acts 14:15/2 Corinthians 3:3/Revelation 1:18 Many other passages.
2. God is the source of life.
Genesis 1:27/Genesis 1 and 2/God created everything.
Genesis 7:4/Deuteronomy 32:39/Matthew 22:31-32/John 10:7-10.
3. Only God is resurrected.
Jesus took on human form.
Died in humanity.
Was resurrected.
In God all saints will be made alive (John 5:25)
John 11:25-26
4. Jesus is the water and bread of life.
John 4:10-11/John 6:51
5. He is the source or fountain of the living word.
Acts 7:38/Hebrews 4:12/1 Peter 4:5/The inspired word.
He is also the one who sustains all life.
Colossians 1:17/Isaiah 42:5
God is the giver and taker of life.
Daniel 5:23/Psalm 139:16
Eternal life – the life of Jesus Christ
Life that has not changed
Christ is eternal life
Only He can give.
In Greek:
1. ἀδυθίακα – 1 Timothy 2:2, 1 John 3:16 (ἀδυθίαινθυνθύ only)
Physical life, life of breath or life of the body.
2. ἀδυθία – eternal life, saved life
Life from God
Blessed life (Romans 12:1-2) is sometimes used only for physical life.
Resurrected life (Romans 11:15)
Spiritual life (Romans 8:6)
The world, the worldly believer – is filled with ἀδυθίακα life.
But God is ἀδυθίακα – He is alive.
He has shared that life with us (with believers) with ἀδυθίακα only with unbelievers.
That life lasts forever, and we never die.
Class 12
3. In the third attribute of God, we will study the topic of “God is perfect” or it can also be called “God’s perfection”. We
can read one verse – Matthew 5:48 Amazing verse
definition and meaning – God is morally perfect. God never makes a moral mistake. He is infinitely perfect.
God is perfectly perfect and lacks nothing. God never makes a mistake or error. He is always perfectly right and precise. He is perfectly excellent.
The word perfection can be found in 6 words in Hebrew.
1. טמאמן (tamit) – perfect, true, faultless, perfect, without flaw.
2. קזבחי (salem) – complete, safe, without fault.
3. טמאמ (tem) – perfect, faultless, perfect.
4. טמאמן (tamam) – complete, complete or entire and without fault.
5. Amen – perfect, faithful.
6. Perfect – whole or complete, perfect.
The word perfect is used in Greek mainly in 4 words.
1) Teleos – complete, perfect, mature.
2) Teleo – to complete, to make complete, to make perfect.
3) Teleatos – completeness, perfection.
4) Katarinzho – to make perfect, to make perfect.
1. God’s works are perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4) We need to engage in His works.
2. God’s ways are perfect (2 Samuel 22:31) We should seek His perfect way – not our own.
3. God’s word is perfect (Psalm 18:30)
4. God’s statutes are perfect (Psalm 19:7) (138:8)
2 Samuel 22:33 – He makes my way perfect.
Job 37:16 – God is perfect in knowledge.
Isaiah 25:1 – God’s perfect faithfulness is spoken of.
Romans 12:2 – God’s perfect will (this is what we must understand).
Colossians 1:28 – Believers are perfect in Christ (what Christ has done).
James 1:17 – Every good and perfect gift comes from above.
James 1:25 – The law is perfect.
1 John 4:18 – Perfect love casts out fear.
1) No one is perfect but He is perfect.
We follow God or the perfect God.
We imitate those who follow God, but together people are not perfect…. We look at Jesus and others in the finished work (Hebrews 12:1-2 and 2 Corinthians 5:13-15)
2) The principle of perfection or maturity (James 1:4, Colossians 4:12)
We are perfect in Christ, just as He is perfect.
We are becoming perfect, meaning.. day by day we are becoming and should be becoming more mature.
Not only spiritual but also maturity, since being spiritual is also very important.
3. Now we are entering into another attribute “God is eternal” or the eternity of God.
Some meanings and definitions: God has no time limit.
Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Time began at this time and will one day end.
Time has a beginning but God has no beginning.
He is eternal.
God has always existed before time began.
God is, always has been and always will be.
He has no beginning and no end.
God began everything, but God Himself is always, 1 Timothy 6:16÷Isaiah 41:4÷Hebrews 13:3.
God is always in Himself, (He is controlled by someone) Isaiah 40:13-14÷Acts 17:24-28
God is limited by time, – Psalm 90:1-4
And God can be relied upon, – Psalm 145:4, 13…
God is eternal: We have eternal life.
1. Angel, people have a beginning, but now they will last forever.
2. God is eternal, and His plan is eternal.
We are in the eternal plan of the eternal God.
We are in a time now, but with this time we are in an eternal plan.
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Billy Grams were all in a time now, but even then they were part of an eternal plan.
We are also in the present, but we are in an eternal plan, all of us.
Time spent for the glory of God now lasts forever. This means we must have an eternal perspective and focus on eternity.
Living for the things of the present, which are finite, or living for the eternal God.
John 8:58 – Before Abraham was, I am.
Read Psalm 90:2…
Isaiah 57:15
1 Corinthians 2:7 – He foreknew.
John 17:5 – And now, Father, glorify me with the glory which I had with you before the world was.
Let’s read 2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2,………….– God, who cannot lie, promised in hope of eternal life before the world began.
(Beginning – refers to time)
John 1:3÷Colossians 1:16÷Jude 25.
Grade 12
So far we have studied four attributes of God.
1. God is Spirit. – God’s immateriality)
2. God is life.
3. God is perfect, and
4. God is eternal.
Now in this grade we will study three more attributes.
5. God is wise.
6. God is light.
7. God is unchangeable .
First, the 5th attribute – God is wise.
God is infinitely wise.
The common Hebrew word for wisdom – ריזאפבם (כקקאם) and the Greek word קויזבא (סוקיה) – both refer to intelligence and skill.
Knowledge is the taking of knowledge of truth into one’s mind.
Wisdom is the applying of knowledge to one’s life or putting knowledge into practice.
When God is called wise, it refers to God’s ability to make perfect or perfect choices to accomplish the best or most perfect end.
His omniscience informs His wise choices.
His love ensures that His choices are good.
His omniscience enables them to achieve the best possible outcome.
Only God understands all things, and knows how to use them efficiently, effectively, and correctly in life to accomplish His will.
God is wise, He is also called wisdom.
Ezra 7:25 – According to the wisdom of your God, which is in your hand.
God communicates His wisdom.
We have some of His wisdom.
Job 12:13 – With Him is wisdom and might: with Him are counsel and understanding.
Daniel 2:20 – Wisdom and might are His.
Luke 11:49 – God spoke His wisdom.
Romans 16:27 – Glory to God the only wise.
1 Corinthians 1:24 – Jesus is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
1 Corinthians 2:7 – The mystery of God’s wisdom.
Ephesians 3:10 – The manifold wisdom of God is revealed through the church.
Revelation 7:12 – Good verse
God’s words are wise.
Psalm 19:7 – The word of God makes the upright wise.
Jeremiah 8:9 – Without the word of God there is no wisdom and the book of Proverbs.
You and I need to ask God for wisdom, as Solomon did,
as we see in 1 Kings 3.
In verse 9 he asks…
In verse 10 – God was pleased with this request.
In verse 12 – He gave all wisdom and understanding.
In verse 13 – He gave us other things as well.
Today we also need to ask the only wise God for wisdom.
Every pastor needs to ask for His flock.
For preaching and teaching and leadership.
He is pleased … if someone asks for wisdom.
He gives, and with it a bonus.
Our prayer should also be for asking for wisdom.
James 1:5 – But if any of you lacks wisdom, ask
Who does not have it? Do you want it?
Let him ask God
He does not give it to you without asking, we ask through prayer
Every student, pastor, leader, believer, missionary
God gives generously.
Like Solomon .. He gives to us too.
And he groans but is glad 1 Kings 3:10 verse
And it will be given to him, the promise.
His promise is, it is, Amen….. 2 Corinthians 1:20
Class 13
Heavenly and earthly wisdom – Read at home James 3:13-18
God’s works are wise.
Psalm 104:24 – How wonderful are your works, you have made them in your wisdom.
Proverbs 3:19 – God made all things by his wisdom.
Jeremiah 10:12 – ….
Hosea 14:9 – There is no one as wise as him.
God is the source of all wisdom .
Proverbs 2:6 – The Lord gives wisdom.
Genesis 41:39, 1 Kings 3:28, 1 Kings 4:29, 2 Chronicles 2:12, Daniel 2:23
Ecclesiastes 2:26 – God gives wisdom.
Luke 2:40, Ephesians 1:17, Colossians 1:9, 2:3, James 1:5, 1 Peter 3:15, 1 Kings 3:9.
Now “God is light” or “the light of God” (John 1:4-5)
The Bible declares that God is light.
He is the Holy Spirit of light, (John 4:24)
He is not physical light but God made physical light, (Genesis 1:3) (Isaiah 45:7)
The main Hebrew word for light – ביאחק (meir) – to take light, to shine, to illuminate, to give light, to illuminate.
Some Greek words:
עזיק – light, having light, the element and realm of heaven, light, pure and simple.
Ajayakaujayachayaka (bright and morning star, bringer of light, having light and giving light (2 Peter 1:19).
Ajayatbhaslayaka (bright, shining, piercing light (Matthew 17:5).
Ajayatsnaya – to illuminate, to give light, to shine (Revelation 21:13, 22:5).
Now these words in the sense of God – God is pure light, the great illuminator, He is very glorious and He is the giver of light.
God is spiritual light: Whenever light is used as an attribute of God: it indicates that God is purely spiritual light.
2 Samuel 22:29, Isaiah 2:5, Isaiah 10:17, Isaiah 60:19-20, Micah 7:8.
Psalm 4:6 – Make the light of Your face to shine upon me.
Psalm 27:1 – The Lord is my light and my salvation.
Isaiah 60:19-20 – Before God, the physical No need for light, Revelation 22:5.
God is the great illuminator: God is light, referring to His character, through which He reveals the true knowledge of Himself and reveals His salvation and His moral righteousness, (Matthew 17:5).
I am the light of the world, (John 8:12, 9:5, 12:46)
1 Timothy 6:16, 2 Peter 1:19, 1 John 1:5, 1 John 1:7
Revelation 21:23, 22:5
He is the most glorious:
Exodus 13:21-Isaiah 60:1
God gives spiritual light.
He is the source of light.
Psalm 13:13, 19:8, 27:1, 2 Corinthians 4:4
1. Jesus calls believers or disciples or us light.
Matthew 5:13-16 (Mark 4:21-23, Luke 8:13-18)
Like the sun and the moon.
In some ways we reveal His light to the world.
We are not the source but the reflection.
The gospel and the biblical life – not the moral life but the spiritual life)
In some ways God’s character is revealed through us.
2. God’s Word is called light, (Psalm 119:105).
It shows me the way to walk.
It shows my path.
The Word also reveals Him and His glory.
3. We are told to walk in the light – 1 John 1:7 Now what does it mean to walk in the light.
7.) God is unchanging, ( )
God never changes in His nature.
Nothing can be added or taken away from God.
Everything except God is changeable.
The world, you, me
From good to bad and from bad to good
From small to big and from big to small
We change and this is sometimes good in a spiritual sense, because we turn to God.
A loving God is not unloving.
God hates and keeps evil and wickedness.
Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8: Let’s read …..
If God changes in His character and nature from day to day, He cannot be relied upon, for He never changes.
No one can change God in your case.
He cannot be changed by bribery, cajoling, or threatening in any way.
He (God) never changes from Himself.
He increases and does not decrease, does not increase.
He is perfect in holiness and does not need to be a little more holy or a little less holy and does not.
God’s promises do not change and they are fulfilled.
Some Bible passages:
Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Psalm 102:27, Hebrews 1:10-12, James 1:17.
These passages clearly state that God does not change, not that God cannot change.
God always works in unity with His character.
God does not change with feelings and circumstances. Ezekiel 24:14
God’s nature and work are always constant.
We can change, in some things unchanged and in some things changed.
We should not change in doctrine.
Spiritual umbrella (of course we are not children of fornication)
Let’s not change the church, (only two reasons.. calling and wrong teaching)
Let’s not change the finished work and the idea of grace.
The Bible does not change, neither does it add to or subtract from it.
We change
From evil to good.
From the world to God.
Return to God.
Class 14
8. God is omniscient, or the omniscience of God.
God knows everything – past, present and future.
He knows everything that is real and possible.
God knows everything and understands everything.
Events and people past, present, future, possibilities, present, possible, future, are all known.
There is also foreknowledge, fore-knowledge.
Nothing is beyond God’s knowledge. (Job 28:23-24)
God knows everything perfectly.
God cannot be surprised, cannot be surprised.
God is prepared for everything in advance.
Let’s read Psalm 139:1-6… It explains it very well.
Genesis 6:5 God knows all the thoughts of man.
Job 21:22 Can anyone teach God?
Job 36:4 God is perfect in knowledge.
Job 36:16
Psalm 139:17-18 can also be known.
Isaiah 46:10 God’s plan and purpose remain.
Isaiah 42:9 All are in His omniscience.
Matthew 6:8 The Father knows our needs in advance.
Matthew 10:29-30 He even knows the number of hairs.
Romans 11:33÷8:29÷Ephesians 1:11÷Hebrews 4:13.
The prophecies of the Bible are true and accurate, only the omniscient God knows this, and He revealed it to His servants.
God’s promises are made beautiful by His omniscience.
He knows all the realities of my life, while I do not know, relying on Him is the best reality.
He knows my future, there is no need for worry, anxiety, or fear.
He knows my heart’s tensions, my pain, tears, and needs, and I place them in Him through prayer.
He can protect me from danger, only I follow Him and remain in His perfect will.
God has perfect knowledge and He does not need to learn anything. God never learned and does not need to learn.
God can teach us, how to live this life, live in eternity and teach us the mysteries.
It is very good to follow God who knows everything. (I am going to a place where I have never been, but if I am following a person who has been to that place, visited it or has all the information about that place, how beautiful will it make my journey).
9th Character – He is omnipresent, or the omnipresence of God.
God is present in all places or everywhere at once.
There is no place where God is not.
There is nothing far or beyond God.
God is everywhere, but it is important to understand that not all places are God.
For example – Pagans believe that,
God is everywhere and start worshiping bridges, mountains and created things.
But this is not always the case.
God is everywhere, the good word is all at once.
God has no parts, and He cannot be here and not there.
He cannot be divided.. Therefore, God is omnipresent in all places at once.
Let’s read Psalm 139:7-12 …….
Bible passages: 1 Kings 8:27, Psalm 95:3-5
, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Matthew 6:6
, Acts 17:27-28, Colossians 1:17
, Hebrews 1:3, Revelation 4:11
God sees everything at all times.
Matthew 28:20 – He is with us always.
I will never leave you nor forsake you – He is the omnipresent God.
Class 15
So far we have studied 9 attributes and characteristics of God.
1. God is Spirit.
2. God is Life.
3. God is Perfect.
4. God is Eternal.
5. God is Intelligent.
6. God is Light.
7. God is Unchangeable.
8. God is Omniscient.
9. God is Omnipresent.
Today we will study 5 to 6 other attributes and characteristics of God.
10. God is Almighty.
11. God is Love .
12. God is Truth.
13. God is Merciful.
14. God is an Angry God.
15. God is Infinite.
In today’s class, we will study these 6 attributes, characteristics and nature of God, which will be very wonderful classes.
10. God is Almighty – This is also a very important characteristic of God.
In English it is ( עמלשויטבהאב ימלשו ( בי ( עטבלאת בהלשו
) איטבלאת ( עטבלאת בהלשו ) אתבלאת בהלשו� 1:13-14). God does not interfere with free will. God does not do anything that contradicts His character, nature, and attributes, because He is the Almighty God. God is Almighty, does not mean that He can do and does everything He can, because He is the only intelligent God. It goes with intelligence. He can do everything that is possible, nothing is impossible for Him and God can do nothing. When God acts or does anything, we can find a wonderful unity in these characters, qualities, and attributes and there is no contradiction. As mentioned earlier – one of the names of God is “El-Shaddai”. Which means that God is Almighty. Genesis 17:1 – Let’s read… A very good verse (El-Shaddai) God makes a covenant with Abraham and God is all-powerful to fulfill it.
When Abraham was 99 years old… at a time that seems impossible.
God’s promises are unchangeable, just as He is, and He fulfilled them for Abraham.
The Greek word for this word is used in the New Testament, which we find used only for God, (some verses: 2 Corinthians 6:18, Revelation 1:8, Revelation 4:8, Revelation 11:17, Revelation 15:3, 16:7,14, 19:6,15, 21:22.
Other important passages in the Bible that speak about God’s omnipotence.
Job 37:23 – Read the verse (other verses 11:7-11)
Revelation 1:8 – That God is omnipotent.
Genesis 28:3-4 – God is omnipotent.
Job 40:2, Revelation 19:15, 15:3, Job 31:2, Psalm 147:3 and many other verses.
God is omnipotent, – God has all power in Himself and exercises all power, along with might and strength.
There is nothing that God cannot accomplish.
And He can handle all things perfectly.
I get strength from Him to change my circumstances.
He is almighty to fulfill all His promises, even if it seems impossible, it will be fulfilled, the Almighty has promised.
God is able to change everything in my family, church, and my own life.
We can rely on Him.
Now let’s look at the 11th quality or character:
11. God is love or God’s love (Love is not God but God is love)
This topic is difficult to define, I have not seen a clear definition of love until today because God is love, that is enough. But we will try.
The closest Hebrew word for love in the Old Testament is – (azhbhav).
Which means “goodness or goodness,” affection, good reputation, loving, compassionate.
We can find it more clear in the New Testament.
In Greek – we know, there are 4 words and we know that 3 are used in the New Testament.
(1) Eros – Love, relationship, intimacy between a husband and wife. This love is not used in the New Testament.
(2) Storge – Family love.
(3) Phileo – Love between friends.
– Peter uses Jesus. (John 21:14)
First time Jesus – Jesus Agape – Peter Phileo
Second time Jesus Agape – Peter Phileo
Third time Jesus Phileo – Peter Phileo
These are all good loves, but they cannot be perfected due to selfishness and sinful nature….
Eros – When used incorrectly, it leads to adultery
Storge – Also not perfect …. There can be strife and it cannot last forever
Phileo – When used incorrectly, it can lead to enmity ….
Since these words do not describe God’s love
Agape – unselfish – the word “love” is used, which only God can do, we must first receive or accept from Him.
Agape love is perfect, never fails
God’s love beyond understanding
When, Agape love – reigns over the other three loves, all the other three loves are beautiful…
1. And the Bible declares that in 1 John 4:8 as well as in verse 16
God is love
2. Love comes from God (1 John 4:7)
4:19 – because he first loved us
4:10 – he loved us
3. A perfect example of love is the cross – 1 John 4:10
4. His love has been transmitted to us (perhaps in some significant and necessary measure)
– Romans 5:5 – God’s love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
5. Now we can love one another with His love
John 13:34 – not just a new commandment
– but the only commandment (the other commandments begin with this)
– 1 John 4:7-21 is important to read.
Some other passages on the subject of love
1. Isaiah 63:9, Zechariah 3:17
2. Jeremiah 31:3, Hosea 3:1, Hosea 11:4
3. John 3:16, Romans 5:5,8 Romans 8:35-39, Ephesians 2:4-5÷ Ephesians 3:19÷ Titus 3:4÷ 1 Corinthians 13: and many other
religions This quality can be found in the gods of many other religions……
The love of the God of the Bible or the true God is perfect, holy, righteous.
Makes it very different…… The God and teachings of the Bible
This subject needs to be preached……
It is necessary to preach every concept of love in 1 Corinthians 13 and other passages in depth…….
In every situation, one must know that
– God is love
– and He loves me….
Class 16
12. God is completely true.
The Hebrew word for truth is – בחמבטז which means “steadfast, lasting, trustworthy, all-sufficient, true.”
The Greek word – בחיטזבטזבטז – means truthful, reliable, correct, real.
Truth is – that which is real, genuine, original, reliable, trustworthy, stable.
– There is no element of falsehood in God; He is completely true and can be completely relied on.
The Bible declares – that God is not false and He cannot lie. 2 Corinthians 1:18÷ Titus 1:2÷ Hebrews 6:18 Jesus says
– I am the way, the truth and the life – John 14 : 6 –
ṣ Romans 3:4 – God alone is true… Some important passages or verses from the Bible Deuteronomy 32:4 – The God of truth (also Numbers 23:19) 1 Samuel 15:29 – He cannot lie Psalm 31:5 – The God of truth John 15:27 – The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth (1 John 4:6) 1 Thessalonians 1:9 – All gods are liars, but God is true Hebrews 6:18 – It is impossible for God to lie Psalm 89:35 and many other verses 1. Psalm 91:4 – His truth protects us. 2. Ephesians 1:13 – We are saved by the word of the truth of the gospel 3. 2 Thessalonians 2:13 – We are sanctified “through his truth” 4. John 8:32 – The truth sets us free and makes us free 5. Psalm 33:4 – All his works are done in truth 6. Psalm 100:5 – His truth endures forever 7. 2 Corinthians 13:8 – We can do nothing against the truth 8. Psalm 117:2 – We are always established in the truth 9. Ephesians 4:25 – We must always speak the truth 10. Psalm 86:11 – We must walk in the truth 11. 1 Samuel 12:24 – We must serve in the truth 12. We must continually study His truth (the Word) 2 Timothy 2:15 ÷ John 17:17 13. We must worship in truth – John 4:24 14. We must pray in truth and be led (Psalm 25:4-5) 9 च्वबम अचयम आयूथ द्दग तजगतज बलम…….0 13. Is God Gracious or a Gracious God We will also look at the subject of grace in a moment. Grace – giving what we did not deserve (heaven, Christ, life) Grace – not giving what we deserved (hell, judgment)– And we are also protected from the consequences of sin.
– When we sin.. we are worthy of death but are covered by grace.. which is new every morning.
God in His mercy withholds what we deserve (justice) because of our sin
which we cannot earn or achieve in our own strength…….
There are several words used for mercy in the Hebrew Old Testament. Why are we studying these words because the Bible clearly teaches that…
1. פּוֹוֹוֹיָחָבָתָּז (pēuēvēch)
2. כּבָאָזָבָמָם – to love, to have compassion, to show mercy
3. חַשְׁדָה (Hebrew word for grace, love, favor) – goodness, kindness, merciful or loving kindness
There are several words in the Greek New Testament that are
1. Bhavijayal (from bhavibhaya) – to show mercy, to express sorrow, to have compassion or to show mercy
– it is used of the merciful, the nature of peace ÷ also of man and of Christ
2. Bhaviyaka – this word is used of one man showing mercy to another.
It is also used of God showing mercy to man…
3. Ishpatashchayaka – to pity, to see the suffering… God shows mercy to man…
The word mercy can be found used in the following things
1. To save a person’s life (Genesis 19:19)
2. For a safe journey (Genesis 24:27)
3. To save from prison (Genesis 39:21)
4. To destroy lives (Jude 1:20)
5. To gain the king’s favor (Ezra 7:28-9:9)
6. For Answered Prayer (Nehemiah 1:11) Psalm
136 – In every verse – Mercy endures forever. Grace saves us and mercy does not let us perish and these are both the natures of God… God’s mercy is unfailing, unchanging, eternal and manifest. 1 John 2:2 This is a very big topic (like any other) – we need to study, meditate on and preach it constantly. In Matthew 23:23 Jesus says to the scribes and Pharisees – But the weightier matters of the law – justice, mercy and faith – are left out of the law… – very heavy… 14. God is an angry God… Meaning – God’s anger refers to His hatred and anger towards sin. (It refers to His anger and hatred towards sin, unrighteousness and all evil or evil). – His righteous (righteous or righteous) wrath is for all to see – His righteous judgment against all unrighteousness. Not motivated by the old sinful nature like man – Not emotional – God’s wrath needs to be in us. Motivated by His righteous judgment, God exercises His wrath….
God who is holy, righteous, just… of course He shows and must show wrath against all forms of sin, wickedness, and the root causes of evil.
Romans 1:18 – A good passage… (Read Romans 2:5, and the verse)
– Against all unbelief, forms of sin, wickedness, unrighteousness, unrighteousness…
But on the side of the believer it is a little different
– Ephesians 2:3 (Rich in mercy, or rich in showing mercy in verse 4)
– The word “propitiation” is important (1 John 2:2, Romans 3:25)
“Jesus took the wrath on us on the cross”
and now we have mercy…..
John 19:30 – Now it is finished……
But against those who do not believe, sin and lawlessness remain and will be fully revealed in the end…
Class 17
We are studying the attributes, nature and character of God
So far, we have studied 14 attributes of God
Now, in today’s 2 classes, we will study 6 more attributes, nature and character of God… 15. God is unlimited
16. God is gracious
17. God is just
18. God is righteous
19. God is holy
20. God is a jealous God
We will study these topics in today’s class 15. God is unlimited:
Meaning: God is limitless in Himself, He has no limits, He is unlimited far beyond this created universe. Our thoughts are limited and we cannot think and appreciate this complete infinity.
– He is above or superior to this limited world – He is the creator and sustainer of this creation.
– God is free from all limitations. There is no limitation to His knowledge and there is no obstacle in Him. His attributes cannot be exhausted or dissipated.
– God never tires. Isaiah 40:28–29
– All of God’s attributes are unlimited: Romans 8:31–39 (such as love)
– God cannot be confined or hindered in any way (Daniel 4:35)
– God is not limited by time, place, or things (Hebrews 4:3, Revelation 1:8, and Psalm 145:13)
– God is not limited like humans and creation, but is the Creator and is also personal (Job 38:1–3, 40:1–2, 42:1–3) (Job 38:10)
No one can limit God……..
God said to Job in Job 41:1–11…
Look at the sky – Some say it’s a dinosaur
Psalm 74:14 – It’s said to be like a serpent
– It could be a giant serpent-shaped dinosaur that humans can’t control
Job somehow managed to keep God in his thoughts during his time of suffering ….
Job …I am right in everything and yet why did such suffering come into my life??
(When he did not curse God and did not abandon his faith in Him but was victorious
Isaiah 55:7-8 មាន……
My thinking, my thoughts, my ways try to limit God which is impossible?
Job was also doing the same thing
Orthodoxy tries to limit God
– makes enemies Orthodoxy, trusts more in the dead body than in God –
If you do good works, you will be saved or continue to be saved!!
You will be saved by being baptized!!
There are also churches with rules and regulations!!
– They try to limit the unlimited God……….
They try to limit God with the fallen logic and reasons of man
They try to limit God’s work, plan and calling through circumstances…
They try to limit God with human intelligence and knowledge
(it is impossible to limit God through these things)
God says to Job: You cannot control the creation of God, so how can you control the God who created you… It is impossible….
You are limited but I am unlimited
I know what I am doing….. Why can only you say that
God is unlimited……. 16. The most important attribute of God…. A gracious God or a God of grace or God is gracious
– Grace is the whole character of God… 1
Peter 5:10 – The God of all grace…. இழ்….
Simple meaning: No words and sentences are enough to define it, but we must try…. இழ்வின் Which God gives freely – meaning we cannot earn or deserve it (completely because of Christ, Romans 11:6) 3. And whoever enjoys it by grace. God’s grace means that God has given us something that we cannot earn or deserve. And at the same time, He enables us to accept it and to serve Him. Grace is only in the person of Jesus Christ. (John 1:14-17) Grace flows from His goodness and great love. The two purposes of God for the forgiveness of sins are grace and mercy. Grace – salvation, heaven, eternal life, (Yinashkatshab nichabhav) Ordinary grace – sun, water, wind, crops, earth, moon, life Matthew 5:44-45 These are ordinary graces that are given freely to all Special grace – salvation in Jesus Christ, eternal life, heaven and biblical truths Judicial grace – for the overcomers (available to all) but only some accept it….. If God were not gracious, no one’s sins would be forgiven. What does the Bible say about grace – Let’s fill in the blanks) 17. God is just or just God Meaning – God holds all people accountable to Himself equally, justly, and freely He rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked at the same rate Remember – That is why believers go to heaven and unbelievers to hell – God is just and judges perfectly and truly – But people go to hell by their own free will choice Explanation God is not partial – Job 34:17–19, Acts 10:34–35 God Himself is the standard of holiness by which He measures all people and holds everyone accountable. Amos 7:7-8 ÷ 1 Peter 1:17 and 3:18
Because God is just, He rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked…. (Numbers 14:18)
Sometimes we do not see justice in the world, we see the victims, in some cases we ourselves are because of faith….. But let us remember that God is just and His judgments are just and righteous.
In the end, everyone must be accountable to Him.
He judges all things and creatures and His judgments are just, righteous, true, full of wisdom, and without partiality.
Our judgments are not just, the judgments of the kings, emperors, and judges of the world are often not just.. (There are things like intrusion, acquaintances, rich and poor, big and small, which are not just in this world) but He is just.
Let’s read Romans 2:2-11
We need to leave all judgment in the hands of a just God.
– Our own judgment may not be just and will not be
– Matthew 7:1-7, Romans 14, Romans 2
– We need to leave it in God’s hands
– and we need to enjoy His fellowship with us.
18. God is righteous A righteous God, the one who saves
God is infinitely and unchangeably righteous.
God is perfectly righteous and just and is the ultimate standard of justice and righteousness.
God is always right and always does perfect things in accordance with His holy character.
God is perfectly righteous. God is also morally righteous
. Stephen has presented 7 concepts of righteousness
1. Perfect righteousness – This is the attribute of God, which we explained above.
(Psalm 11:7, James 1:17, Romans 3:25-26)
– All of God’s ways and actions are righteous
– God is faithful and just or true
2. Imputed righteousness – 3 Imputed righteousness we know (in Romans 5)
– When a person accepts Christ as their personal Savior
– Christ comes into their life and they are placed in Christ
– therefore the righteousness of Christ is now their righteousness. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Imputed righteousness explains this better. Romans 4 and 5 Galatians 3 and 4 are the main passages (Romans 10:11).
3. Judicial righteousness – This is also like imputed righteousness in that we are always and permanently standing in righteousness because of finished works.
4. Imparted Righteousness – God’s righteousness is progressively imparted to us, as we receive God’s Word with faith and apply it to our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. We become wise in knowledge by experiencing God’s righteousness.
5. Self-righteousness – There are some sins that are deadly sins
– pride, self-righteousness, unbelief and partiality
– these are not only hated by God, but He is absolutely angry with them.
– This is a mental attitude where someone considers themselves righteous
– they consider themselves righteous because of their own achievements or works
– that too without God’s works and achievements
– when someone feels that they have achieved their spiritual means (without God), then they think that they have achieved the standard of righteousness.
– God is not pleased with such righteousness (Isaiah 64:6)
6. Comparative righteousness – when we compare our righteousness with the righteousness of other people and
– when we consider ourselves more righteous than others
7. Righteousness of Righteousness – Understanding by Works of the Law (Luke 18:13)
(Rev. 1:1)
(Now, can a believer be a victim of these three negative righteousnesses) ???
a. People are completely unrighteous. Romans 3:10, Matthew 5:20, Romans 3:11-18, Jeremiah 13:23, Isaiah 64:6, Titus 3:5-7
b. The righteousness of Christ is perfect. 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 3:3 c
. The righteousness of Christ is imputed or instilled in the believer. Romans 8:3-4, Romans 10:3-4
d. Jesus satisfied the demands of God’s righteousness for us (1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10, Romans 3:25)
e. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to the believer only.
19. God is holy or a holy God
means – He or God is completely and in every way separate from all creation and evil.
– He is completely separate and alone holy from all creation or being and is morally perfect and holy.
– God is morally superior, perfectly pure and completely separate from sin and evil.
– Holiness and righteousness make God divinely and uniquely separate from all things.
God loves perfectly because He is holy and righteous
Holiness and righteousness are paramount
God is holy by nature. Leviticus 11:44 Exodus 15:11 Leviticus 19:2 Joshua 24:19 1 Samuel 2:2 Psalm 78:41 99:9 Isaiah 5:16, 29:23 John 6:69
1. The Holy Spirit is God. The name itself is holy
2. God’s name itself is holy. (Leviticus 22:2 1 Chronicles 16:35 Psalm 106:47)
3. Any place where God stands is holy. (Exodus 3:5 and Joshua 5:15)
4. He has a holy way (Psalm 77:13)
5. He makes an unchangeable covenant in his holiness, (Psalm 89:35)
6. God has a holy arm, (Psalm 98:1; Isaiah 55:10)
7. God sits on a holy throne, (Psalm 47:8)
8. God’s throne is on a holy mountain (Psalm 48:1; Ezekiel 28:14)
9. God has holy angels (Deuteronomy 33:2; Job 15:15; Acts 10:22)
10. God has a holy day (the Sabbath) for the Israelites (Genesis 2:3; Exodus 20:11; Nehemiah 13:22)
11. God has holy prophets, (Acts 3:21)
12. God sits, the place of heaven is holy, (2 Chronicles 30:27; Psalm 46:4)
13. The tabernacle of meeting has a holy place (and holy vessels)
14. God chose a holy nation (Israel) and a congregation Deuteronomy 6:6, 14:2 and 21-26:19 Colossians 1:2, 1 Peter 2:9 Rebekah 1:1-2
Is God a jealous God or a jealous God
Meaning – God has a jealousy to protect His supremacy (positive jealousy)
– God has anger and wrath against idolatry and other sins. It is not a sin to protect what is yours
1. Jealousy and envy of one’s wife, family, wealth is sinful or a fallen nature dominates.
Jealousy – Desire to make something good of others yours or to have it as yours (house, car, position, honor, wealth, mistress, family, country, spirituality, place)
Jealousy – There is no one else like me, there is no one else like me, there is no one like me, I am not good enough…….
But when we say that God is jealous or jealous….
This is His holiness and righteousness. It is sinless, true and perfect
It means that there is no one else like Him, so why do we consider others to be like Him? A right kind of jealousy
– Someone else is worthy of respect, worship, glory and praise.. So why do we pay attention to others… Jealousy….
To us – He says.. I have good, eternal, good, good, plan, path, purpose for you, so why do you go towards your own plan, desire, path. I am jealous for you. Come to me… I have excellent blessings for you.
– God is jealous for His own nature, (Exodus 34:14)
– God is jealous for His name, (Ezekiel 39:25)
– He is jealous for His people, (Zechariah 8:2)
– Even for the Holy Land, (Joel 2:18-Zechariah 1:14)
He is jealous for graven images and idols, (Psalm 78:58-1 Corinthians 10:19-22)
Other false gods (that are made by man) (Deuteronomy 32:16)
Against sins (1 Kings 14:22)
21. God is unique, or the only God – There is no one like God. He alone is. He is incomparable and no one can match Him, exalted above all creation. Isaiah 40:25
God alone is God. 2 Samuel 7:22, Isaiah 46:9-10 – There is no one else like Him, He is the only one.
He alone is worthy of worship, (Matthew 4:10 ÷ Deuteronomy 6:13)
– There is no one else like Him and He alone is worthy of worship.
– Worship no one but God,… there is no one like Him….
– Let no one take His place,… You always feel victorious.
He alone is the Creator, the Holy, the Righteous, the Powerful, the Wise, the Great, the Faithful, and the Savior.
If you have Christ, you have received everything, and you need nothing else.
Psalm 102:25-27.. is a good verse…. – From eternity to eternity there is no one like Him….
All other Gods are liars… There is no place
for this reality. God wants us to have it established in our hearts,
– It is necessary to establish our hearts in the true teachings we have received.
– We can ask God for strength for this.
He is the only King of your life, and He alone is to be and let Him be…
22. God is the Supreme God, or the Most High God
– God is higher and above all creation.
Of course God created this creation, and He is the one who does, and is doing, the work of continuing this creation.
At the same time God is a personal God.
– But this creation is not God, and is not a part or part of God,
– It is higher or supreme than all creation or anything else… (which He created).
– Anyway He is in 1, and there is no other number… He is above all things.
Isaiah 66:1-2 – Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. .
– We need to read this verse.
Another verse we need to read is – Isaiah 33:5 (a good verse)
“Other passages”
1. Psalm 113:4-6
2. Job 11:7-8
3. Job 37:22-23
4. Acts 17:24
God is so high, that He is higher than human thoughts, an established teaching that we established in previous classes.
– Until God reveals Himself, He cannot be known or understood.
– Deuteronomy 29:29 ÷ Romans 11:33 ÷ Job 26:14 ÷ 1 Timothy 6:6 .
– Isaiah 55:8-9
We can find a good example in the book of Hebrews.
Hebrews 6:13, let us read and meditate and explain….
Now looking at this, the rulers, the brothers and other things of the world seem high,
– But God is in control of all things,
– God is the essence of all things, and His will, plan, and desire succeed, and that is why He is the Most High God.
The believer also wants God to walk in this high way, …..
The high way (Isaiah 55:7-9)
The high calling (Philippians 3:4)
Consider the above (Colossians 3:1) Also verse
23. God is omnipotent, or the all-sufficient God.
Meaning – God is always in Himself, and therefore He is free, all-sufficient, or has everything in Himself, and that is sufficient, and He needs no one, and needs nothing.
God seeks us, while He does not need us,
He is sufficient in what He is, all things were made by Him and through Him.. And even though He did not have those things that came to be, He is complete, and all-sufficient.
Must-Read Bible Passages – Acts 17:24-25
– Isaiah 40:13-14
– Isaiah 45:11-12
– Psalm 50:9-12
– 1 Samuel 7:5-7
References – Deuteronomy 32:29
– Exodus 3:13-14 (I AM WHO I AM)
– Romans 11:35-38 (सगकत च्वभबम ख्वचकाब)
– Job 41:31
– John 6:65
– John 15:16 (सगकत च्वभबम ख्वभबम ख्वचकाब)
God is completely free, and free from any need.
– He did not create angels out of necessity,
– He did not create the universe out of necessity
, – He did not create you, us, and other creatures out of necessity.
But of course He made us, He willed us, He willed us,
– for His own purpose, for His glory, and He considers us so precious, so special, so loved.
– This makes the doctrine of grace so beautiful.
He is not external to anything, nor does He owe anything, or owe anything to anyone. He is completely self-sufficient. He does not need to take anything from anyone.
Whenever He calls us to Himself, or uses us for His service,… because He chose to do so, (John 6:65, John 15:16)
We cannot give Him anything, and we do not need to give Him anything, … that is why Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:10… I am what I am, by the grace of God.
– He created, (if He had not, we would not exist)
– He provided for everything, (rain, crops, everything)
– He died, was buried, and rose again,
– He gives strength, gives the knowledge of salvation,
He is the Almighty God, ………………………….
We cannot attribute to God….Rebuke
24. God is trustworthy, a trustworthy God
God’s actions and behavior always match His character, and He always fulfills His promises.
Let’s read 1 Corinthians 1:9 – God is trustworthy.
Some Bible passages – 2 Timothy 2:13 (NIV) –
Deuteronomy 7:9-10 (read)
– Genesis 50:24 – Joshua 24:32
– Lamentations 3:22-23
– 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (NIV)
– 1 Kings 8:56
God is trustworthy for His promised blessings, just as He is trustworthy for His judgments. Revelation 20:6, 20:15
God is completely and utterly trustworthy, and trustworthy. Psalm 121….
God will not let you down when people do. Psalm 146
Remember all those promises, (33 thousand promises)
– New Heaven
– Eternity สิง
Throughout the Bible we can see God’s trustworthiness,
– Now we can be trusted too,
– To gather every day, for missions,
…. สิง…..
25. God is a forgiving God,……. A forgiving God,
Forgiveness is when God holds us responsible for the wages of our sins, and because Christ paid that wage in our place, 1 John 1:9 (Dhv Abal Chvbvm Tjskhk)
Some Bible passages: Daniel 9:9 (Chvbvm)
Jeremiah 31:34
Ephesians 1:7
Ephesians 4:32 (Pvth Kvbchkv)
Colossians 2:13-14
All men (or the sins of the human race)
John the Baptist says the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world
Together with 1 John 2:2 John 1:29
(Believing in Jesus or not is the only big question)
Only because of the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ does God allow us to forgive sins and be righteous,… Sins are forgiven legally or legally or justly.
This is made possible by a finished work.
Ephesians 4:32 – We should forgive as Jesus forgave, – This is a command,
Luke 23:34 – Jesus promised to forgive those who sinned against Him,
– He forgave before they asked for forgiveness, (perhaps some never asked and forgave)
– This is impossible… How can it be,
– The Romans do the same, Acts 7:40
We have the Holy Spirit, the Word, the teachings, the examples, the new birth, the new heart, the spirit…… Jesus is with us, and the power of grace makes this possible, – 1 Corinthians 11:1 Imitation of Christ,
26. God is patient, or a patient God,
This definition is taken from 1 Peter 3:8–9:
– God delays judgment for a while, so that,
– because He desires all men to come to the knowledge of salvation and to be saved, . . .
Some biblical passages
Nehemiah 9:29-31
Psalm 145:8
Romans 2:4
1 Peter 3:20
God’s patience is also used as – slow to anger and long-suffering.
– God gives time, or is patient for a long time.
– He also gives us long-suffering after chastisement.
We know that 1 Corinthians 13:
4 – Love endures all things,
7 – Bears all things,
7 – Endures all things…
That is why Adam and Eve did not perish immediately after they sinned, (Abraham, David – are good examples,)
God also wants us to be patient,……
– Toward God,
– In personal life and ministry,
– Toward other believers,
– Toward the world, 27. God is
, . Good God, or God is good,.. Good God,
Mark 17:17-18 Bhītāk Chavākam (Jesus said, I am,…. you call me God)
– God is completely good,
– He always acts with the right intention for a beneficial, important and pleasing result from His perspective,
– He always has the right intention (intention, motivation).
Some passages – Psalm 34:8
Psalm 100:5
Matthew 19:17
James 1:17
God never does anything to bring about a bad result.
– He acts for the right, beneficial result.
Psalm 84:11 ÷ Romans 8:28
Genesis 1 ÷ Genesis 50:20
God did not begin the vision…..it began with Lucifer. And in the human race it began with Adam and Eve.
Hebrews 12:10-11 – God also gives discipline for our good.
– Like a son, a wife,
2 Samuel 24:14 (It is better to fall into the hands of God)
Three things between 1 – 1. 7 years of famine
2. 3 months of punishment from the enemy
3. 3 days of pestilence
28. God is indestructible, or the indestructible God
We know, “God is life”…. and is the source of all other life. This indestructible nature also comes from the subject of “God is life”.
Meaning – God is life itself. He who is life itself cannot die, that is why God is indestructible.
God is life, which life can never die, and has no end. He never loses it, since it was never given to Him.
God’s life is eternal. God is indestructible life.
God is not perishable or destroyed.
Some verses
1 Timothy 6:16 – Only with Him is immortality.
1 Timothy 1:17 – Incorruptible
Romans 1:23 – The glory of the incorruptible God.
The sovereignty of God – We have not placed this in the attributes of God… but it is found to be placed, (given)
This refers to the work (activity) of God rather than the attributes of God, which is related to this Brahman.
– Sovereignty refers to God’s control over all of creation.
– It refers to His dominion over all of creation.
– Sovereignty is His dominion over all of reality.
Omnipotence does not just refer to the right to rule over His creation, but it refers to actual control and dominion over all of creation.
– In general, sovereignty means “to control all things” or “to be in charge of all things”.
– In theological terms, sovereignty refers to God’s complete control over all things.
Now we will go to the scriptures of Christ,
His main name – “Lord Jesus Christ”
Lord – He is God,
Jesus – He is man,
Christ – He is one hundred percent man and one hundred percent God.
Christ – Greek: ἀρίζως ἀρίζως
– ἀρίζως ἀρίζως
– Hebrew: ἀρίζως
meaning anointed one…. A person anointed or appointed by God….
We find anointing for three offices in the Old Testament.
1. Prophet (1 Kings 19:16)
2. High Priest (Aaron was anointed by Moses) Exodus 40:15, Numbers 3:3, Exodus 29:29
3. King (Samuel anointed King Saul and David) (1 Kings 19:16, 1 Samuel 9:16, 10:1÷ 1 Kings 1:34,39).
1 Chronicles 16:22, Psalm 105:15 – Do not rebel against the anointed one, that is why David did not rebel against Saul. … This is God’s protection.
Christ is anointed for all three offices,….. David only held two offices, – king and prophet…..
1. Moses tells us that Jesus Christ was a prophet,….. which Moses tells us in Deuteronomy 18:15,… which we see fulfilled in Acts 3:22 and 23,… which is Jesus. Clearly,…..
a prophet proclaims the word of God. Jesus certainly proclaimed the word from God. Let’s read John 12:49 verse 50 also
– We are also in Christ, – a very intimate word… 84 times in Ephesians… Now… we are ambassadors for Christ… 2 Corinthians 5:20.. We also proclaim the word of God, (we know the nature of the prophet, which we will study a little later)… to believers and also to unbelievers… .. – we are also anointed, 1 John 2:20,26)
2. Jesus Christ is the King promised to David, … the King who rules over his people. 2 Samuel 7:10-16 along with 2 Chronicles 16:16-22…. That is why Jesus is called the Son of David,… (Luke 18:38, Mark 10:47) Matthew 1:1 – Other passages Romans 1:3,…. He is the King of kings. The King of our lives who reigns. Now as above, we are kings in Christ, and women are also queens, (not queens)….
Revelation 1:6 – Let’s read a very good verse… We will also reign with Christ forever…
3. Jesus Christ is the High Priest. Hebrews 5:5,6,10 and 7 chapters
– Now we are also declared priests in Christ,…
Read Revelation 1:6 and 1 Peter 2:5 – We have a way with the sanctuary, or we have a direct relationship with God,
– prayer can be an important intercession.
(Now learn these three offices of Christ, too.)
In the Christian Scriptures, we will study Jesus Christ through 7 important points…..
1. The Son of God – Eternal Presence … or Presence before taking on humanity
– It is clear from both the New and Old Testaments that Jesus Christ is the Son of the eternal God. Being the Son, He is eternally devoted to the Father.
Jesus did not begin when he came into the womb of Mary 2000 years ago. The Bible makes it clear that He is eternal God. The
New Testament also makes this clear,
Christ, as the second person of the Trinity, is also eternal.
In John 1:1 – we can read,
from “1:14” – we can know, that this is about Jesus Christ, and He took on human form,…
John 1:3 – let’s read.. He created all things,
Colossians 1:16-17 – let’s read, we can see that it is made more clear here,
John 17:5 – 4vbm….
John 8:58 – Before Abraham was, I am
John 10:3&33 – 4vbm
From these passages, it is clear, that Jesus Christ is God, and it makes clear His eternal presence,…
The Old Testament also clearly states this,
Psalms 2:6-8&12
Proverbs 30:4, Isaiah 7:14, 9:6,.. along with many other passages. Daniel 3:25-7:13
We can also see Christ as the main messenger of John, which is called the theophanies or christopherides, – this means the appearance of Christ before he took on human form or in the Old Testament. Where we see him appearing as the “angel of the Lord (Yahweh)”,…
Here are some facts about the angel of the Lord,
1. John’s angel is John…
We know that “John” is the main name for God in the Old Testament,… These two verses are clear,..
Isaiah 45:18 and Exodus 6:2-3
Now we can find that the angel of the Lord is John,
as when Moses is seen at the burning bush,..
Exodus 3:2-14…
In verse 2 – the angel of the Lord appeared,.. in verse
4 it is clear that the angel of John is John,.. meaning Jesus Christ,.. has shown himself in this way in the Old Testament.
In verse 5 it is more clear,… we find that this angel spoke in silence, and let us read it all,… the angel did not necessarily speak like this,…
in verse 14 I am who I am,….
Another example is in Genesis chapter 18… सीभतक नयत तजवचचभ
In verse 1 – The Lord appeared to Abraham,…
In verse 2 – It is said,.. 1 person is Christ, and two angels
In 18:22 – The two angels go to Sodom, but the Lord stays with Abraham,…
Let us read another example – Joshua 5:13-14 (also verse 15) and explain,…
up to Genesis 32:22-32… we can also see that Jacob wrestled with God, Joshua 13:3-8,…
Other passages – Zechariah 1:12-13
– Psalm 110:1 – Matthew 22:42-45,…
From these facts it is known that, Jesus Christ is the eternal God. And the second person of the Trinity….
2. The names of Jesus Christ More than 300 names are used for Jesus in the New Testament. These names further reveal the person He is and His works and His being.
In previous classes, we have learned that God has revealed Himself through names and their meanings. The study of names can also help us learn more about Him and His character, attributes, and nature.
At the beginning, we said that.. His main or former name is,…
“Lord Jesus Christ”,…
Lord – ἀλλανσ ίυχαμ – Greek: πθαχυθηκας (kūrīos) – it refers to His divinity and authority.
Jesus – Greek: ἀσχυθυκακα (Yeshua) – This refers to the name of His humanity, and is His human name, and in the Old Testament refers to His redemptive sacrifice,
Christ – Greek: ἀσχυθυκακατα (Hebrew: ἀσχυθυθυκατα) – Which means the anointed one, and refers to the fact that He was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament, and at the same time He referred to the offices of prophet, priest, and king.
We can find these passages “Lord Jesus Christ” including Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:3, 2 Corinthians 1:2, Galatians 1:3, Ephesians 1:2,3, Ephesians 6:23, Philippians 1:2, Colossians 1:2,3,…
Son of God, Son of Man
Son of Man – This name is used about 80 times in the Gospels,.. For Jesus
Matthew 11:19,
Luke 19:10,
Matthew 12:40, 20:18, 26:2 Matthew 24:37-44,
Luke 12:40,
John 1:51,
Matthew 10:6,
John 5:22-27
– This is certainly a name that refers to His humanity,
– It refers to the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies in Jesus Christ. Who is born of a woman, (Genesis 3:15, Galatians 4:4)
– Who is the Jewish Messiah, and the perfect sacrifice of the world, the Savior, and the Lord of all who trust in Him. It is used of His death and resurrection, and also of His second coming.
– Taken from Daniel 7:13,…
Son of God – This refers to His deity,
Romans 1:1-4,
Matthew 28:18-20,
Luke 1:32-35,
Mark 14:61,
1 John 5:10.
– Taken from Daniel 3:25,
– We can find it in John 3:16,
– This does not mean that he was born physically,
– He is the eternal Son (verse), the role, the Son,
– I mean that there is no one like Him, no one has the same rights as Him, it indicates His supremacy,….
Other names are க்ஷ்மனவ …
ரிவிகக் ்ழ லம் ்ழ
Since the last class, we have started the Christology,.. And in today’s two classes we will continue this topic,.
In today’s class we will look at – The incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Under this topic we
will look at the “virgin conception” The pre-prophetic or hypostatic union,
We will look at kenosis,
about the eternity of Jesus or – And it is very important to know these topics,..
1. The teaching before the incarnation of Jesus Christ (studied in the last class)
2. We will study the doctrine of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. (Khsl Abchalbatshyal)
Meaning and definition of incarnation
God (the second person of the Trinity) took on human flesh, and He took on human nature, and without the old sin nature … because He is both heavenly (God) and human at the same time. (1 Timothy 2:5)
That is why according to prophecy His holy conception took place,.. or virgin conception,.. a very important subject.. in which no agreement can be made
In the apologetics class we defended it,..
– let us remember that this is only one event… and the grounds are
1. If there is God, then virgin conception is possible,
2. The Bible is full of miracles, and this is one of the most important among them,
3. It is narrated in prophecy and in the gospel,
we can turn to Matthew 1, chapter 16,.. verse 16…
“Which” – the word used… is the feminine pronoun of the word “whose”,… which means that Joseph did not participate.
– Now Joseph is not the physical father of Jesus but the legal, (spiritual) father,
– He wanted to leave, but accepted after the vision from the angel
– He accepted Mary, and became the legal father,….
We can also find Paul clearly showing this in Galatians 4:4. Because Paul says “of a woman”,… meaning that Jesus was born without the participation of any man, and God fulfilled the promise of Genesis 3:15.
Now… let’s read Luke 1:35 carefully…
1. The Holy Spirit will come upon you, – This is the wonderful process of the eternal Son of God coming into the womb of the virgin Mary.
By the power of the Holy Spirit
2. And the power of the Most High will overshadow you. – Overshadow means will cover,… so that the womb in which the child is placed,.. is completely holy,… Such a covering makes the child completely holy… prohibits any visible thing.
(That is why this verse explains the child very well, that the holy one who is born of you will be called “the Son of God”,…)
meaning a virgin girl whose womb God fills with the power of the Holy Spirit. ……… Most Holy Conception ……
Because .. all others come from the blood of Adam,… Acts 17:26… where it is said, “from one blood”…….
– We know,…. that blood is sinful, and those who have this blood also have a sinful nature, which we call the old sin nature……
If Jesus had been born like other people, his blood would also have been polluted,…. That is why the virgin conception is inevitable.
Because of this holy conception …. Now
Jesus has a human body,…
Jesus also has a human nature,….
but He is without the old sin nature,…
Let’s remember… Luke 1:34 – Mary says, “I know no man.”
God used Mary’s womb, but the blood was given by God,…
– Jesus’ blood is from heaven, and was given by God Himself,..p.
– Adam’s blood is polluted, sinful and full of death, but in the blood of Jesus there is no death, but life,…
No one could kill Jesus,… Let’s read John 10:17… and also verse 18
– Jesus gave,.. no one can take until he gives,…
For us.. no one can touch, until he gives,..
we know, that … “The source of the fetus’s blood is completely separate from the source of the mother’s blood”.
Mary’s blood had no effect…
– Mary’s blood had a different source, and Jesus’ blood had a different source, from God…
That is why Jesus’ blood – 1 Peter 1:18-19 – innocent and pure blood – Hebrews 9:14 1 Peter 1:19 – precious blood… (Matthew 27:4 – Judas Iscariot also had innocent blood)
– Hebrews 12:24 – the best blood
, heavenly, incorruptible and unblemished and precious blood…
The blood of Jesus has the power to redeem….
Matthew 26:28 – blood for the forgiveness of sins
Hebrews 9:22 – the blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins that cleanses the conscience,
1 John 1:7 – cleanses from all sin, by the blood of Jesus
Ephesians 1:7 – there is redemption in the blood,
Revelation 12:11 – There is victory in the blood,
Acts 20:28 – He purchased the church with His own blood,
Luke 1:31: Now because of this holy conception
We are about to give birth to a son, and his name will be Jesus,.. Humanity
– Jesus now
has a human nature – and a human body,
verse 32 – He does not have the old sin nature,..
That is why Jesus is 100% man and 100% God,
– two natures in one person but not two persons
– He was God while He was man
whom we know – Hypostatic Union
(Kakiy Tzvabalatzchayusha Ebchakyal
– Tzvayak – Nayam
– Balatzchayuyak – mbal Nayam – mbal)
God Man Lord Jesus Christ. God and man at the same time
His humanity
1. He had a human mother, (Matthew 1:23)
2. He was born in human form (Luke 1:42-44 ÷ 2:5-7)
3. He had a human childhood (Luke 2:21-22,51-52)
4. He grew up physically, learning like a good child (Luke 2:52)
5. He had a human adulthood where
– He was hungry (Matthew 4:2)
– He was thirsty (John 2:2, Luke 7:34,36)
6. He was tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1, Hebrews 4:15)
7. He was tired of the crowds (Mark 6:31)
8. He wept at the death of a friend (John 11:35)
9. He had relatives: including a biological father, a real mother, and brothers and sisters (Matthew 1:24 ÷ Mark 6:3)
10. He also had a human profession – a carpenter, (Mark 6:3)
11. He had human friends, such as Mary, Matthew, and Lazarus, (John 11:3)
12. He had human emotions, including anger (righteousness) Luke 19:45–46
13. He suffered human death, (John 19:28-34)
Despite being fully human, Jesus was different from other people in that he was sinless,…..
Hebrews 4:15 – sinless
1 Peter 1:19 – the Lamb without blemish
1 Peter 2:22 – committed no sin and no fault was found in his mouth
1 Peter 3:18 – the righteous Jesus (1 John 2:29)
1 John 3:3 – he is pure
2 Corinthians 5:20 – knowing no sin
John 8:46 – 4:11 and 4:12 Hebrews 7:26,9:14 and in the last class we studied that he is God…
He could have sinned in his humanity, so
first of all he never sinned and remained perfect and holy but could he have sinned or not???
– Bible scholars are divided on this issue,…
1. Some say he couldn’t?
2. Someone says, could you?
Both views seem right, but both cannot necessarily be right
. ध्यबत धद्वश्खिभिभ? उभचकयलबीन
– He did not have the old sinful nature and did not sin.
– Adam and Eve did not have a sinful nature, but of course the issue of Adam and Christ was different,.. (and also the issue of angels)
– If Jesus could, then.. only from the perspective of freedom..
– But He did not sin but is holy and perfect, was and will be..
Now.. when the Lord Jesus took on human form, did His divinity decrease or compromise???? Did He become less God??
We have come to the teaching of “Phlekkk”… …..
Did He become any less in Godhead?..
For this we will study the famous Philippians 2:5-8…
In verse 5 – Paul encourages believers to have the same mind and nature as Christ, and from verse 8 he explains what the mind of Christ was, that is, ….. Let’s read verse 6…. In
verse 7… The word for empty is the Greek word
“Phlekkk” from which the word kinosis comes, which simply means – to make blood flow…….
Now regarding this word, some say that Jesus was fully man when he was human, but fully God,…
But that is not true…
The reason is… In verse 6 1. In the form of God
2. Equal to God…. (Cannot say anyone else)
But in verse 7 – took and assumed…..
This makes it clear, when He took on humanity, there was no compromise in His divinity… But what it means is that
– what He did is
He did not exercise all the attributes of God all the time
While He put those rights aside
He put aside the right to exercise the attributes of God, on the one hand it meant in Himself, but did not exercise)
But He never put aside His divinity ….
Verses like Colossians 1:19 and 2:9 show that His divinity
was not – compromised
– not corrupted and
– He was never less than God…
Only He added humanity to His divinity… 2 Corinthians 5:21 In the grain of the doctrine of the incarnation….
Humanity is – found in a physical or perishable form. This is the act of taking on a body.
– The gracious and voluntary work of the Son of God, and that is to take on human flesh and human nature.
So far we have studied “two” of the “seven” points of the Christology…..…
1. The state, presence and manifestation of Jesus before the incarnation
2. The incarnation of the Son of God…
1 Timothy 3:16 – “God was manifest in the flesh”
That is why five titles related to the Son are given to Jesus Christ,
a. Son of God – We studied in the last class that this title refers to His divinity.
b. Son of man – This means that He became part of the human race, and was promised to Eve, (Genesis 3:16)
c. Son of Mary – He is also a human being, and the fulfillment of the promise to Eve.
d. Son of David – The promised Messiah, the son of David, the King who reigns forever.
e. Son of Abraham – The Savior is here.
Now we should have studied His ministry, but since we are also studying the Gospels this semester and that class is so wonderful, we can join in, and of course we will not repeat it in this class…. But briefly
1. His baptism – This refers to His being a holy priest and ministry, which He has been for all time, and now He has also interceded for us.
2. His temptation – To present His humanity and to show that He always stands in the will of the Father.
3. His transfiguration – Jesus shows His glory to Peter, James, and John on a mountain. They were looking forward to His coming kingdom and glorious reign. To encourage them for His coming death. Which they did not understand but later understood He gave them a glimpse of the glory of His coming 1000 year kingdom where He would reign.
4. His teaching: This was a very important part of His ministry, and is still true today.
5. His miracles: A major reason was to show that He was the promised Messiah and that His message came from the Father,… When John the Baptist was about to give a sermon, Jesus said, “See these signs and wonders…”
Now we are entering the 3rd chapter of the Christian Bible,… and that is,
3. His suffering, death, and burial…… (We will also look at this briefly)
In the previous classes, we have been studying the Christian Scriptures. And we have been studying seven points…. and we have already studied two of them…
1. The eternity of the Lord Jesus Christ
2. The incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ…. and…. Today,
we will first study the subject of 3. Death, burial and 4. Resurrection.
The Lord Jesus Christ died in the tomb, was buried and rose again on the third day,
let’s read Revelation 1:18… First of all,
one of the most important purposes of Jesus Christ coming to this world is to die on the tomb – as a
substitute for all people, for the sins of all people
This was the main mission of Jesus coming to this earth…
John 3:16 – The only (begotten Son)… In Greek it is called ”
– It refers to the fact that He is the eternal Son of God, (not at one time)
– It means that there is no one else like Him…
Also in Colossians 1:18-15… Also in Revelation 1:5
– It is called “the firstborn” in Nepali, and “the firstborn” in Blasphemy and “the firstborn” in Greek
– It refers to the supremacy of Jesus Christ and the position of the only one chosen by God,
– It does not mean that He is a created being, but that He is above all things.
Romans 11:26 – Another name for Him is Redeemer…
– Or Savior… The only Savior
In the flesh, Jesus Christ took our sins upon Himself
– paid the price for us
– made Him who knew no sin to be sin in our place so that we might be redeemed..
– so that we might be forgiven and restored to a right relationship with God..
His death – was voluntary or voluntary, (John 10)
– was sacrificial
– was in substitution… In our place
– was atonement
– was sufficient forever…
1 Peter 2:24
2 Corinthians 5:21
Romans 5:6–11
Hebrews 7:27
1 John 2:2
Whenever anyone believes in Him, they will be saved forever,
His death is a reality, as we can clearly see in the Bible, (Luke 23:26–56, Mark 14)
1. The death of Jesus Christ assures us of the relationship of sinners to God, (Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:16; 1 John 4:9)
2. The death of Jesus Christ establishes the redemption or redemption price of God’s holy ways for sinners and the redemption of sinners from the penalty of sin. 1 Timothy 2:6; Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45… forever.. once, once for all… forever
redemption price – in someone’s place, meaning in our place
– To pay the price of redemption for someone else. 2 Corinthians 5:21 ÷ Galatians 1:4 and 3:1 ÷ 1 Corinthians 5:21 ÷ Hebrews 9:28
3. Because of Christ’s death, the world is reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 2
4. Christ died in their place, taking the punishment of sinners. John 10:11 ÷ Isaiah 55:6
(We are looking briefly, okay… you will find more in the Gospel class, maybe)
Jesus was buried…. Killed on Friday and buried on the evening,
…. Remained in the tomb on Saturday, …. Risen on Sunday morning….
Jesus Christ rose again
– Virgin conception
– Jesus’ words and signs
– Death, burial and resurrection
No compromises
These things make the Christian faith so unique and powerful….
The Christian faith is Christ and He is and should be the center of everything
– He is and should be the center of the church.
In every thing and activity… what is He?? Must see
Word centered .. Christ centered John 1:1, Revelation 19:13
In fellowship, in prayer … in everything
In personal life too…. Christ first place
In decisions
In thoughts
In family and members should be led
In all aspects of my life
Let’s read an important passage – 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
In verse 14 – Without the resurrection of Jesus, nothing or the gospel is in vain…..
In verse 14 – Preaching and faith are in vain
In verse 15 – All false witnesses are called, (according to Paul)
In verse 17 – Without the resurrection there is no forgiveness of sins…
(The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ was resurrected and as the study is done in detail in the letters of Paul and the gospel)
– We are convinced that Jesus Christ was resurrected….
Now… Let’s turn to Romans chapter 6 and we are going to study an important truth…
Now.. We also died, were buried and rose with Jesus Christ
– this is our The most important verse truth is… and it is necessary to understand,
which we – Co-crucification – we were crucified with Him, (Galatians 2:20)
– Death and burial – we died and were buried with Him
– we were resurrected with Him…
We can find this truth explained very well in Romans chapter 6….. where the picture of baptism is used…
Baptism is a good picture…
Verse 3 – died with Him
Verse 4 – buried with Him
Verse 5 – raised with Him
Verse 6 – crucified with Him Let
‘s read verse 8 carefully…..
5. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, (gave us the great commission),
the present ministry of Jesus Christ (intercessor and head),
6. The second coming of Jesus Christ Rapture for us – the second coming with Him,
7. His eternal reign and kingdom,
5. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven,…. Acts 1:7-11 (Let’s read)
After the resurrection, He remained in this world for 40 days, (Acts 1:3)
Gave the great commission,
the great commandment – love (John 11:34)
The great commission – Matthew 28:18-20 ÷ Read Acts 1:7-8 (also in 3 other places)
Is at the right hand of God in heaven, (Acts 2:33÷Hebrews 10:11-14÷Luke 22:29÷Colossians 3:1)
– Meaning: All authority has been given to Him, (Matthew 28:18-20)
– He is the one who does all the judging and working, (Philippians 2)
– There is no one else like Him.
The High Priest is interceding for us.
Read Romans 8:34 also Hebrews 7:25
– For this reason the believer does not lose salvation..
He is our advocate,… 1 John 2:2..
– He stays with us and fights for us,
– and when He conquers,…
Where His ascension.. declares that He has won,..
Ephesians 4:8–10..
Confirms that His work of redemption is complete,
Hebrews 1:3, 12:2
He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in the world where believers live,… (Holy Spirit, Church and Gifted Offices)
He has prepared a place for us, (John 14:1–3)
He is the head, – Ephesians 1:19–23, Hebrews 13:20
He guides the church, – Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 5:26 and that too by the Word of God,
Sanctifying and preparing His bride Yes, Ephesians 5:25-27
(you can read from 1 Thessalonians 1:13-14),… very good things,…
6. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ… Read Acts 1:11
Adam, Eve……Abraham…..Christ ….. Rapture…. Second Coming..
–2000 – 2000 Today 2021 7 Year Tribulation
A. The rapture of the church is what we call the rapture which is different from the second coming…. (It is necessary to know the difference between the rapture and the second coming)
– The rapture…. Now we are waiting… It can happen anytime
– it is an event that will happen now…. And then the great tribulation and the second coming are discussed
in these passages, b. After the Rapture… there will be a 7-year Tribulation, (Daniel 12:9) (Revelation 6-18) and after the 7-year Tribulation, Jesus will come again – The Rapture will come for Himself, (believers only and the reward) and the world will not see Christ, – He will come with Himself at the Second Coming, (Jude 14), Matthew 24:27-31 Revelation 19:11-16 …….and other passages too Then He will establish His 1000-year reign, – All things… All creation was made by Him and for Him… Let’s read Colossians 1:15-18 – The Old Testament lays the foundation for Jesus, – The New Testament also tells only about Him, – The essence of all things is Christ,……… 7. His eternal reign and kingdom…… 1000 year reign after the second coming… Revelation 20 Chapter Judgment and hell for all unbelievers (before Satan’s final rebellion) And after that we will live with Him forever and ever… He is Christ, the Lord.
We have reached the Holy Spirit Scripture, Pneumatology
– Elbhagmbatayinatha – Elbhagm – Holy Spirit
Yinyaka – Word or study
The study of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is called Pneumatology or Holy Spirit Scripture.
First of all, the Holy Spirit is God and the Bible clearly states this…
– That the Holy Spirit is God, equally powerful, virtuous and glorious as the Father and the Son,
1. That He is God is clear from His name… which is the name of God.
We can see in Acts 5:3-4 that the Holy Spirit is God, 1 Corinthians 3:16 – It is said that the Spirit of God,
Hebrews 9:14 – It is said that the eternal Spirit,..
2. We can find in the Bible that the Holy Spirit is God’s attribute…
Romans 8:2 – We can find it in the quality of life
John 16:13 – Truth, Romans 15:30 – Love
Ephesians 4:30 – Holiness, Hebrews 9:14 – Eternity
Psalm 139:7 – Omnipresent, 1 Corinthians 2:11 – Omniscient
3. We can find in the Bible that the Holy Spirit does the works of God,
Genesis 1:2, Job 33:4, Psalm 104:30 – The divine work of the Holy Spirit can be seen as the Creator, Isaiah 63:10-11, Ephesians 4:30, 1 Corinthians 12:13 – The work of redemption is done by the Holy Spirit,
Galatians 3:2-5, Hebrews 2:4 – The work of signs is done by the Holy Spirit,
Acts 2:4, 1 Corinthians 12:11 – He participates in the distribution of spiritual gifts.
4. The Holy Spirit participates with God in prayer and the blessing of the final greeting….
Jude 1:20 – Pray for the Holy Spirit
2 Corinthians 13:14 – We can see the same three members of the Trinity
Matthew 28:19 – Here too we can see the same three members of the Trinity,…
The Holy Spirit is mentioned along with the Son and the Father…
This is why it is clear that the Holy Spirit is God and proves that he is a person or member of the Trinity.
Nowadays, there are many different kinds of teachings and concepts about the Holy Spirit and there are also controversial topics. For this reason: In these classes we will study the true and biblical teachings about the Holy Spirit… And this is something every believer should know…
We can also know from some other important passages that the Holy Spirit is God.
1. Read John 14:16-17… Another Counselor or Peacemaker
Another – Biyak – of the same kind, the same… meaning God, the Holy Spirit is God just as Jesus is God. There is another word for another, “jbhatbhachyaka” which is not used here… which means another… completely different and distinct..
Along with the word for the Peacemaker – abachabhachyaka – Parakletos: is used for the Holy Spirit, which (verse 26) makes it even clearer,
abachabhachyaka – to be with, to accompany, (as two friends walk together)
pbhitayaka – called
abachabhabhabhachyaka – called to be with…
This word abachabhabhabhachyaka is also used for Jesus
as we can see in 1 John 2:1…
It is very clear that the Holy Spirit is God….
2. If we look at Hebrews 10:15-17 – the Holy Spirit here we can find God speaking as Himself……..
Along with this, there are some other names for the Holy Spirit that further clarify that He is God:
In Romans 1:4 – the Spirit of holiness
In Luke 4:18 – the Spirit of the Lord
In Romans 8:9 – the Spirit of Christ
In Acts 16:7 – the Spirit of Jesus
In Matthew 10:20 – the Spirit of the Father
In 2 Corinthians 3:3 – the Spirit of the living God…
It is clear that He has the attributes of God.
1. Genesis 6:3, 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8, John 16:7-11 – We can see the Holy Spirit in the struggle against sin…..
2. We can also find the important work of the Holy Spirit in the inspiration of the Word or Bible….
2 Timothy 3:16 – by inspiration of God
2 Peter 1:21 – by inspiration of the Holy Spirit
Now, since last class we started the Holy Spirit scriptures…..
We will continue the same topic in today’s class….
We studied that the Holy Spirit is God and the third person or member of the Trinity, and together we prepared the biblical foundations using Bible verses…
Now in today’s two classes we will study the following topics…
1. Symbols and titles used for the Holy Spirit
2. The Old Testament ministry of the Holy Spirit
3. The work of the Holy Spirit in the present world
4. The relationship or ministry of the Holy Spirit with believers
1. Symbols and titles used for the Holy Spirit
We now know that the Bible is full of metaphors, symbols, types, and parables. All of these reveal a spiritual truth in their proper places. This is also used of the Holy Spirit, which presents His personality and work.
a. Oil – 1 Samuel 16:13 – When King David was anointed…
– Anointed for preaching and teaching Acts 10:38 – Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power
– Healing and consolation from the Holy Spirit
– The anointed are 1 John 2:20,28
b. (Wind) Wind – John 3:8 and Acts 2:1-4…
Now.. In Isaiah 40:24 the wind is compared to the breath of God. – He abides with us, how it is, we do not know and cannot control,
– Jesus also in John 20:22 – said to the disciples – “Blow on the Holy Spirit”…
which refers to the work of the three until Pentecost. In John 3:8 the Holy Spirit is compared to the wind. 2 Peter 1:21 only the word is written that the Holy Spirit inspired (or was carried into the air….breathed). And together on the day of Pentecost we can see it moving like a wind, which refers to the coming of the Holy Spirit.
c. Water – We find water used in various symbols
To cleanse or purify, to refresh – Ephesians 4:29
The flood of water was also used as a symbol of heavenly judgment. (Matthew 7:25)
Water is also used to symbolize the Word of God, Ephesians 5:26.
Natural birth, (John 3:5)
The Holy Spirit – living water – John 4:14 and 7:38-39
. Fire – We find fire used in various symbols,
Fire purifies, energizes and illuminates, (Matthew 3:11-12)
It also represents the presence of God. Exodus 3:2
It also represents the protection of God’s way. Zechariah 2:5
Also refers to God’s work of purification and sanctification, (Malachi 3:3, Revelation 1:14)
The testing of believers is also compared to fire, (1 Peter 1:7)
Also refers to God’s judgment and evaluation, (1 Corinthians 3:13)
e. Dove – John 1:32-33… Peaceful, innocent, gentle and loving
F. Seal… We will study later – a peace of mind, a testimony within us, a zeal within us
. Seal… We will study later – refers to who we are and protection.
H. Put on – Luke 24:49 – refers to someone putting on.
2. The Old Testament Ministry of the Holy Spirit… The Old Testament
ministry is very different from the New Testament ministry of the Holy Spirit… The Holy Spirit is not different and the ministry is different. This difference is important for every believer to know.
A. Now the Holy Spirit inspired both the Old and New Testaments 2 Peter 1:20-22…..
– The Holy Spirit is active in the writing and inspiration of both the Old and New Testaments… He also plays a significant role in all prophecy.
B. The Holy Spirit From Adam to Abraham
We find direct mention of the Holy Spirit about 5 times in this time…
1. In Genesis 1:2 – we find His work in creation.
In Job 26:13 – we also see the Holy Spirit’s participation in the beautiful creation of creation.
Genesis 6:3 – God’s Spirit will not always strive
(struggle with sin) – this ministry is always ongoing.
Job 27:3, 33:4…..
– refers to the revelation of God’s divine revelation before the Word was written…..
c. From Abraham to Christ… (we will study the life of Christ later).
– At this time all who believed were born again and became children of God….. But the Holy Spirit did not dwell forever as in the New Covenant…..
– but we find Him dwelling only occasionally in certain individuals in the Old Covenant…
1. Ministry in creation – Genesis 1:2, Job 33:3
2. Ministry to save and preserve life – Psalm 104:29-30
3. The ministry of anointing and empowering people – Numbers 11:24-30, Judges 6:33-34
– In the Old Testament, certain people were anointed with the Holy Spirit
for a specific time
for a specific purpose or goal
and to give them the power to fulfill that purpose….
He could come and go….
For example, Samson – Judges 15:14-15
The Holy Spirit came upon Saul, (1 Samuel 11:7) but at the same time the Holy Spirit departed, (1 Samuel 16:14)
We can see the same in some other people
Joseph – Genesis 41:38
Joshua – Numbers 27:18
Daniel – Daniel 5:11
The Holy Spirit also came upon the workers of the tabernacle of meeting… Exodus 35:30-35…. இழ்
– David was also anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit in his ministry… 1 Samuel 11:6….
Later, after he fell into sin, he prayed that the Holy Spirit would not depart..
Which does not apply in the New Testament and was only in the Old Testament?
– The example we gave above is Saul’s right hand
– Psalm 51:11…. This prayer is not and should not be prayed by a New Testament believer.
In the Old Testament, Ezekiel 36:26-27, God promises to pour out the Holy Spirit on believers during the New Testament. This is certainly found to have happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit
– would not be indwelling believers forever, which is only in the New Testament.
– would not be a continuous empowering work, which is only in the New Testament.
– would not be a sealing work, which is only in the New Testament.
– would not be a baptism of the Spirit, which is only in the New Testament.
In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit
– convicts of sin (Genesis 6:3) In the New Testament
– teaches and warns (Nehemiah 9:20) In the New Testament
– exhorts (Nehemiah 9:30) In the New Testament
– could be rebellious (Psalm 106:33)
– leads (Psalm 143:10)… In the New Testament
– could not be trusted (Isaiah 30:1)
we will look at the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus in 4 points.
1. Virgin conception – we have studied this well
– we can see the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the birth of Jesus Christ from Matthew 1:18-20 and Luke 1:35-37… We can also see the role of the Holy Spirit in the life and birth of John the Baptist…
2. We can clearly see the anointing and empowerment of the Holy Spirit for Jesus’ ministry…
– We find the Holy Spirit anointing Jesus at the time of his baptism, (Luke 3:21–22)
– The Holy Spirit led Jesus through the wilderness trials, (Luke 4:1–2)
– He also empowered Jesus in his preaching, teaching, and healing ministry.
(The role of the Holy Spirit was important in Jesus’ life and how important it is in our lives as well)
– In some cases Jesus Himself performed signs and in His own power, such as Mark 5:35–43, and
in other cases He empowered the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 12:28, Luke 5:17–18, Acts 2:22, Acts 10:38)
3. His atoning death…
Hebrews 9:14 presents the participation in the work of Jesus Christ’s cleansing and forgiving death…..
4. We can see the ministry of the Holy Spirit in His resurrection… (Romans 1:4, 8:11 and 1 Peter 3:18)
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament
We can see the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 and from that time on He came to dwell with the believers forever…
And then we find the work of the Holy Spirit in the mission and the gospel and the early church throughout the book of Acts…..
The works of the Holy Spirit in the apostolic age are as follows and most of them are still ongoing…
1. Acts 1:8 – The filling of the Holy Spirit gave the apostles the power to be witnesses
– And this is true today too
– only in the power of the Holy Spirit could we and the apostles do
– only we preach.. clearly proclaim the gospel and the Holy Spirit does the rest…
2. The baptism of the Holy Spirit that took place in Acts 2 is fulfilled in Joel 2:28–29 and Acts 1:4–5 and at the same time what Jesus promised in Luke 24:49, John 16:7 and Acts 1:4–5…
The work of the Holy Spirit towards unbelievers and the world in the present day: John 16:7–11 (Pre-salvation work) Let’s read verses 8 to 11.
In verse 8 – Jesus is teaching about the ministry of the Holy Spirit towards the world or unbelievers…
1. – Regarding sin
2. – Regarding righteousness, and
3. – Regarding judgment
1. On the subject of sin – let’s read verse 9
– Sin (not sins).. The only thing that stands between a person and Him is the sin of not believing in Jesus Christ or accepting Him as their personal Savior.… The sin of unbelief that separates them…..
2. In verse 10 – On righteousness
Jesus was the supreme and only example of God’s perfect righteousness while He was on earth.
When He ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit revealed this righteousness (or Christ) to the world.
God is righteous and He wants something far beyond what man can do, so it is impossible for man to be justified (or saved) by his own works and by himself.
Now, the Holy Spirit reveals that righteousness is freely available after faith in Jesus Christ and that whoever believes in Jesus is declared righteous by God, justified by faith,… which comes from faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work, grace. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to him (Romans 1:16-17, 3:22, 4:5)
3. In verse 11 – concerning judgment (the ruler of this world has been judged)
Satan has been judged in the wilderness, and condemned to eternal punishment.
It shows that the work of the wilderness is finished, and judgment has been done, and Satan has been defeated, and salvation is available to those who believe in Christ.
The Holy Spirit – Man knows by ordinary revelation
– Delivers the gospel
– Reveals essential things, or reveals the truth
– Man must now accept, (free will)
– Accept salvation…or death
Now another important thing that we can find in John 16:13–14
– The Holy Spirit brings glory to Christ, not to Himself
Another important ministry of the Holy Spirit is….
to restrain evil…. 2 Thessalonians 2:6–7
In verse 7 – to restrain… He – the Holy Spirit)
The full form of evil has not yet been seen, because the Holy Spirit has restrained it in God’s plan
It has not yet been revealed that it is the Antichrist….
(Let’s think about what the full form of evil will be like)
Evil is powerful, but not complete, because the Holy Spirit has restrained it….
It will remain until God releases it,
But it will be released in the great tribulation……
(There will be a 1,000 times greater crisis than the current crisis in the great tribulation, but we will not be in that great tribulation)
The work of this Holy Spirit now is very important….
Now we will study the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believer and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the church……
The first question – When does the Holy Spirit come to dwell in the believer, and does someone have to lay hands on the Holy Spirit when he comes??
(Which Bible passages can we use to answer this)….Mshkaagakak ayashtaj ubachatashabuvhalat
1. In John 3:3-8 Jesus tells Nicodemus, “There must be a new birth,”
– one must be born of the Spirit,.. born of the Spirit
– We can see the work of the Holy Spirit in the new birth here
– this birth is ours at the moment of faith… We are born into God’s family and
Titus 3:5 – new birth or chavbhalavchabatshyal by the washing of new birth and the renewing of the Holy Spirit – this refers to a person being born again at the moment of faith in Jesus Christ.
– It is a new birth and a new life, a spiritual resurrection,
– it is a new creation….
– Birth as a child of God is supernatural life….
We can find the same three members of the Trinity involved in this
: A. The Father – James 1:17-18……
B. Jesus – John 5:21, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 1 John 5:12
When we study John 3:3-7 and Titus 3:5, we find that the Holy Spirit is specifically involved in the new birth…
– Just as Jesus has life in Himself, yet we see the special ministry of the Holy Spirit in His virgin birth
– which refers to the new birth….
It is at this new birth that eternal life is imparted
– at this time… when someone believes in Jesus Christ… at that moment he passes from a state of spiritual death to a state of spiritual life.
– with that he is now given eternal life, or he has received eternal life.
Three images are used specifically about the new birth :
1. Jesus’ explanation to Nicodemus in John 3:1-9
– just as we were born into this world physically – John 1:13 explains
– we are born into the family of God by faith… the day you believed…
2. Spiritual resurrection – Romans 6:13.. The person who believes in Jesus is declared to be alive from the dead.
– Ephesians 2:5 – He made us alive together with Christ.
3. New creation – Ephesians 4:24 – New man
– 2 Corinthians 5:17
The Holy Spirit comes and dwells with every born-again believer (all believers)….
Because the Bible clearly states that the Holy Spirit comes and dwells with the believer at the moment of belief….
Some say that hands must be laid on them to receive the Holy Spirit, which is wrong and they use some incidents of the apostles….
For example, in the ministry in Samaria from Acts 8:14-21 – let’s read
this passage using…. The laying on of hands is still practiced today…..
How can we explain this…..????
– Here clearly the Holy Spirit is somewhat delayed and this is only a special situation and (the New Testament book was yet to be written and the revelation was being completed, and this is the apostolic age)
1. To give authority to Philip’s ministry and to show that it was connected with the apostles and the church
2. And also importantly, we know the struggle of the Samaritans and Jews in the past… It was also very important to show that this cult does not and will not exist in the church. And now, just like the Jews, the Samaritans are also members of the church and there is no division…..
3. Together, to show this truth to the apostles and believers and to make this truth clear to the Samaritans…..
Together, after that, the event is different when Cornelius is saved….
Let’s read Acts 10:42-44 and explain it very briefly…..
And it is also important to know about another passage…. Let’s read
Acts 19:1-6
first 4-6…. It is also used….. But in this passage it is clear that from verses 1-3 the Holy Spirit comes and dwells at the time of believing….
Some passages to know
1. Ephesians 1:13-14… The Holy Spirit after believing (no laying on of hands or anything else)
2. John 7:37-39… Those who believe in Him were going to receive
3. From Acts 19:1-4…… Paul’s question makes it clear
4. In Galatians 3:2-3 Paul asks the question…. and verse 14 has the answer…..
5. Romans 8:9, Jude 19 – It is not His who does not have the Spirit (Holy Spirit)…
– The believer is saved… The New Testament is clear
– Can a saved person not have Him??
– And verse 9 makes it very clear and the Holy Spirit has indwelt…
6. 1 Corinthians 6:19 – You are the temple of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit dwells in you…..
John 14:17 – Let’s read Jesus Himself speaks of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Now let’s read 1 Corinthians 12:3 – We were baptized into one body by the Spirit
: The moment we believe, the Holy Spirit places us in His body as an important member of the body of Christ. The members of the body of Christ (a metaphor) but very close and intimate and new….
The Holy Spirit places us in Christ…. in Christ, in Him… and unites us with Him in His body (or with Christ)….. This also happens at the moment of believing…. (John 14:20)
Now.. Be Filled with the Holy Spirit: A Very Important Topic…
New Birth by the Holy Spirit
Indwelled by the Holy Spirit
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
is the moment of salvation… But
being filled with the Spirit is a continuous process…
A person who is born again may not be filled with the Spirit…
This is a continuous process…..
Key Verse – Ephesians 5:18 – But be filled with the Spirit…..
This command is… a continuous process (that is why all believers are sealed, indwelt but not all believers are always filled with the Holy Spirit)
– Being filled with the Holy Spirit… means
Being controlled or chosen by Him
Doing and walking as He says…..
How to be filled?
John 6:63 – The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life…
– The relationship between the Spirit and the Word…
Ephesians 6:17 – Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
– Here too, the Spirit and the Word…
That is why Ephesians 5:18 and Colossians 3:16 go together…
Let’s also study the reality…
Being filled with the Holy Spirit – Being filled with the Word of God
The more the Word – Biblical teachings) fills our hearts.. the more we can be filled with the Holy Spirit… Colossians 3:16
“That is why Jesus says” John 14:
14:16 – Jesus sends… Who abides forever
Verse 17 – With you and in you
Verse 26 – The Father has also sent…
Verse 26 1. Will teach you all things… Being taught by the Spirit through the Word – Believers, pastors, disciples, leaders, servants
2. All these things remind us…
1. Teaches all things, (a very important ministry of the Holy Spirit)
1 Corinthians 2:12-13, and let’s read verse 10 as well… ดิด…..
A person taught by the Spirit… What is the meaning of the word?…..
2 Corinthians 3:3… Not just the letter or oral teaching but controlled by those teachings…..
2. All these things remind us…
– We hear the word and store it in our hearts (Colossians 3:16)
– The Holy Spirit reminds us when we need it and in meditation
– Ktaychabh Jygakva …… This is a good example… ..
Being filled with the Holy Spirit… Being filled with the Word and
1. Listening to His advice (through the Word) and accepting it
2. Making decisions accordingly.. His controlled life….
Picture is
Biblical Psychology
We study the life of grace
Also in Romans 6-8
Now.. what should we not do..
1. Hebrews 10:29 – Insulting the Spirit??
2. Acts 7:51 – Resisting (resisting or hindering) the Holy Spirit?
3. Ephesians 4:30 – Grieving the Holy Spirit?
4. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 – Grieving the Holy Spirit?
1. Hebrews 10:29 – Insulting the Spirit?? (Which we should not do) To insult – The Greek word is bhalagdachsnabh – to disrespect or insult
– When we do not listen to the Word when we are in fellowship (in class, in church) we are insulting the Holy Spirit. When we fail to listen to the preaching of the Word.
– We are insulting the Holy Spirit when we do not accept what the message (preaching) is trying to say
– If we do not mix faith with the word we hear (Hebrews 4:2)
What is mixing faith??
– When we sit down to listen to the Word, if our attention is not distracted, it is an insult to the Holy Spirit….. To listen to something and not to hear something
(You are talking to someone… but that person is not listening to you…)
– To take advice from a spiritual and mature anointed person who is full of the Spirit but not to make a decision according to that advice… is an insult to the Holy Spirit….. (There is forgiveness through repentance, but let’s not insult him)
2. Acts 7:51 – Resisting (resisting or obstructing) the Holy Spirit
Listening to what the Holy Spirit says but not acting on it..
Listening to the Word of God (also called adoration)
But not accepting Him as a major part of life and nature…
Listening but not using it… Not making it practical…
That is why James 1:22 says – Listen and obey
Psalm 18:44 – Listen to my word and obey it
(or we will resist or resist it)
3) 1 Thess 5:19 – Do not quench the Holy Spirit…
– Listening to and intending to obey the Word of God but not constantly repenting.. Doing this quenches the Holy Spirit
– that strength, power and energy is not felt…
– We know and accept what He says but then we start making decisions in the opposite way…
– Just as a flame depends on power, it will go out if it does not have a source of oil or energy
– hearing the Word, knowing the truth, sometimes even showing a desire – or even repent for a while) but when circumstances arise and or because of other life tasks and priorities, we leave that word and are not serious…
(such as dedication…)
4) Grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30)
– When we get involved in inappropriate relationships, we grieve the Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit is a person, so a person is grieved…. not a miracle)
– Not being gracious is also grieving the Holy Spirit
– At first we are enthusiastic about the ministry… they do well for a while… when something happens in the family or some other situation arises, they gradually start to back down…
– Then they insult the Holy Spirit
– Then they confront the Holy Spirit…
– Then they quench the Holy Spirit
and finally they grieve the Holy Spirit because of an inappropriate relationship with the body of Christ.
The relationship established through gossip hurts the Holy Spirit. Someone’s relationship can be like this.
D To hold something against someone in mind
Being filled with the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Holy Spirit and walking in the Spirit… We will also study this topic…
In the last class we studied being filled with the Holy Spirit
When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the fruits of the Holy Spirit are visible… Galatians 5:22-23 Let’s look…
First Galatians 5:25 – “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit”
D In the last class we studied… The Holy Spirit uses the Word to show us Christ…
D He leads us by the Word…
D When does the Holy Spirit lead in a way that contradicts the Word….. Another Spirit would be 1 John 4:1
, now… Let’s read 1 John 4:1
2-4 – The Holy Spirit shows us Jesus…
All of this is not by the works of man but by His grace
D Now because of the new birth… There is a new way, a new ability to think and understand His words, a new walk, a new Family, new purpose, plan, desire…. It paves the way for the things of God.Once
born, you cannot be born again… Salvation is secure…..Now we come to the sealing and indwelling of the Holy Spirit. First we will look at the sealing of the Holy Spirit….. And the main passage is Ephesians 1:13-14… 2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 4:30– This sealing is done by God and the believer is not asked to do it himself and it is completely a work that God does.– This also happens at the time of salvation… Ephesians 1:13– Believing (for salvation) and being sealed also happen at the same timeEphesians 4:30 – Even if the Holy Spirit is grieved (which we will see later), the sealing is not done….– Like putting a mark on a seal… An example of this is Ktbm ko– the one who is sealed, belongs to him…. is official This seal: denotes security,denotes being protecteddenotes beingof God Indicates that we are completely God’s– The Holy Spirit indwells the believer– The baptism of the Holy Spirit – The brotherhood– The filling of the Holy Spirit– and other things we will see….1. Denotes security – Matthew 27:66 and Ephesians 4:30
२. यथार्थ भएको कुरालाई जनाउँदछ – यूहन्ना ३ः३३ वा वास्तविक भएको कुरालाई
३. आधिकारिकता र मान्यता प्राप्त भएको जनाउँदछ – यूहन्ना ६ः२७
4. It indicates what is yours (2 Corinthians 1:22. Revelation 7:2. 9:4)
In verse 14 – this seal is referred to as “a deposit”
This deposit is a word that means more than what is given
. A deposit can be taken back but this deposit is not
– it refers to a payment that ensures that more is yet to come.
– A payment of assurance…
The word “a deposit” is used…
2 Corinthians 1:22 – The deposit of the Spirit
2 Corinthians 5:5 – The deposit of the Spirit
This deposit tells us that the believer’s inheritance is assured of salvation and heaven. (1 Peter 1:4)
The “down payment” for what is coming or has been placed in the believer’s life.. is the seal of the Holy Spirit…. This also happens
at the time of salvation… …in all who believe… until now… Let’s look at the new birth, the seal and the seal…
Now we… “The Holy Spirit comes and dwells within us”
At the time of salvation, the Holy Spirit dwells within us
– the soul, the spirit, the body
– the spirit is awakened and comes and dwells in that soul and now our soul cannot sin.
The Holy Spirit speaks according to the Word….
If it is not according to the Word (true teaching) then it is someone else’s voice
like…. Marry an unbeliever the Holy Spirit does not say
– commit adultery does not say
– speak lies does not say….
The Bible and the Holy Spirit….. speak in harmony and unity…
Walk in the Spirit – accept the leading of the Holy Spirit and let us… do….
Greek word – κτίλυχαυς (stokhei)
Like a military parade, in order….. rhythm in rhythm
Life and walking are also a parade and rhythm in rhythm with the Holy Spirit
As a result, the fruits of the Holy Spirit become real in our lives and begin to appear…. Galatians 5:22-23.. Βιτάκ φαβάμαν
A life led by the Holy Spirit is controlled
I make the decision that the Holy Spirit tells me to do
I have free will….
Picture is
1 John 2:26-27,20 verses
– Every believer has this anointing… At the moment of salvation
– but whether this anointing is always manifested or not, is up to all There is anointing but they may not be manifesting that anointing, but someone else does….
– The important role of this anointing is that we can recognize mistakes or errors….
– We know where we are being led and we know that we are being deceived
– But the anointing reveals this to us, makes us aware…. so that we can reject it…..
The anointing is for preaching, teaching and serving….
The Holy Spirit empowers the ministry of preaching and teaching
– this is from the company of children to preaching the gospel on the streets
– pulpit, youth group, sisters and brothers …. We must be sensitive to this anointing….
– Even when preaching in front of 2-3 people …. The event of the Rizbachi Quvchanval ………
We must constantly rely on the power of the Holy Spirit in ministry as it is (Acts 1:7-8)
– His leading, guiding …
As a result, preaching, teaching and service are filled with heavenly beauty and power and people’s lives are changed and they experience fellowship with God…..
– Today is the last class of this subject….
– And today we will study the subject of Satan and evil spirits.
The main passages of Satan are Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14.
Ezekiel 28:11-19
– We know that God created angels
. Before the fall, Satan was also an archangel and after the fall, he was called Satan…..
– Ezekiel 28:14 – Satan was a cherub before the fall…. It is clear that
God created angels…. We studied this subject in the last class.. and Roshan Sir had developed it well.
Ezekiel 28:15 – The devil was found in Lucifer…
– It started with emotions….
The devil was found because of pride – Sin and evil began from here
– God did not create sin and evil
– but from Satan or when an archangel was found and it started from there….
Now.. We can find the fall of Lucifer (the archangel or Satan) in Isaiah 14:12-23…
where we can see the “5” of Lucifer We can find the “I”….
– and we can find those 5 “I’s” in Isaiah 14:13 and 14.
Now we find two main things:
1. The devil was found in Lucifer – the source of all evil and sin
. 2. Pride – “5 I’s” ….. (Pride makes people want to be completely independent)
Proverbs 16:18 – Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall…. What is pride….
Pride means – To exalt oneself, to try to be something that one is not
– Satan tried to exalt oneself above God and he was not God but tried to be like God
According to Ezekiel 28
– Pride came to Lucifer because of his beauty, position and adornment…
– He tried to take the place of Jesus… Those 5 places belong to Jesus
– To exalt oneself above the Word, above the pastor, above each other or above anything else that one has is pride (education, title, wealth, strength, wisdom…)
– There is no place for pride in ministry… 1 Peter 5 Put on humility
– This pride can use anyone… Be aware…
– Arrogance, Pride blinds
now.. Because of this arrogance and pride, Satan fell and was cast out
According to Revelation 12:4… Satan convinced the other 1/3 angels in his deceit and followed him and became the leader and was cast out with Lucifer and 1/3 angels
The 1/3 angels who fell with Satan became evil spirits and evil spirits are real.
At what point or time did Satan and 1/3 evil spirits fall
Of course this is after creation and before the fall of Adam and Eve…. Some say between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.. That is not true… But before Genesis 3…. He fell….
Now Satan’s destination
1. He was cast out of heaven (Isaiah 14:12)
2. He has been judged perfectly in the flesh, (John 12:31 and Genesis 3:15 were fulfilled)
3. He will be bound in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years, and his demons will be bound with him… Revelation 20:2,3
4. And finally he is thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, (Revelation 20:10)
– Satan and the demons are released towards the very end of the thousand year reign
– and the final rebellion takes place and then the “lake” is forever…
Some names used for Satan are
1. Satan – the adversary – Matthew 4:10
2. Devil – the one who fights, the one who stabs – Matthew 4:1
3. The evil one (that evil one) – the evil one from within – John 17:15
4. Enemy – Matthew 13:39
5. The great red dragon – with red blood, a murderer – Revelation 12:3,7,9 (not permitted to kill… but can kill many things, character)
6. The old serpent – the deceiver of the world – Revelation 9:11
8. Apollo – the destroyer – Revelation 9:11
9. Adversary – the adversary – 1 Peter 5:8
10. Beelzebub – the god of flies – Matthew 12:24
11. Belial – worthless, worthless – 2 Corinthians 6:15
12. God of this world – controls the philosophy of the world – 2 Corinthians 6:15
13. The ruler of the world – the ruler of worldly laws – John 12:31
14. The ruler of the power of the air – the ruler of unbelievers – Ephesians 2:2
15. Tempter – leads people to sin alone – Matthew 4:3
16. Lucifer – a tempter – Isaiah 14:12
17. Murderer – leads people to eternal death – John 8:44
18. The father of lies – the place where all lies come and begin – John 8:44
19. Accuser – opposes believers before God – Revelation 12:10 20.
Roaring lion – 1 Peter 5:8
21. Angel of Light – 2 Corinthians 11:14
Now… We can find that the Bible is clear that there is a devil
– We can see the presence of Satan at the beginning of the Bible..
– We can also see the presence of Satan in the book of Job
– We can find references to Satan throughout the Old and New Testaments
– Satan is not a man but a fallen angel and an intelligent being.
– A being with intelligence, will and emotions and a personality.
– Jesus Christ also spoke about Satan and demons.
– Satan is not a force or a force like a storm but a powerful fallen angel with a personality.
We can be too much about “Satan” in two ways
1. – We are ignorant about his tactics, (need to know)
2. – We are too busy with Satan and his work.
– Both ideas are going to be wrong
Now let’s look at 6 points about the personality of Satan…..
1. He is a fallen angel, not a human being, and has a real personality, (Matthew 4:1)
2. He has intelligence, because we can see his plans and tricks, (2 Corinthians 2:11, 11:3 and Genesis 3)
3. He can remember, or has a memory, (Matthew 4:1–11)
4. He has will, (2 Timothy 2:26, Isaiah 14:13–14)
5. He has feelings
(s) Lust (Luke 22:31)
(s) Pride (1 Timothy 3:6)
(s) Anger (Revelation 12:12)
6. He has great organizational power, (1 Timothy 4:1, Revelation 2:9 and 24)
and with it the names and pronouns used in the Bible for individuals
Satan’s work against Christ
❧. Satan’s opposition to Christ was foretold after the fall of Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3:15)
❧. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness
a. To satisfy his own needs
b. To glorify himself
c. To get what is his by wrong means
d. To tempt Satan (Luke 4:1–13)
❧. He plotted to cause Israel to reject the Messiah (Matthew 12:22–32)
❧. Satan entered Judas Iscariot to betray Christ (Luke 22:3)
Satan’s work against God
❧. Satan challenges God’s truthfulness and questions His goodness (Genesis 3:3–5)
❧. He seeks to undermine God’s righteousness, (Job 1:8–11)
❧. He incites God’s servants or leaders to sin (1 Chronicles 21:1–2)
b. Blasphemes God (Revelation 13:5–6)
c. Promotes false and erroneous teachings (1 Timothy 4:1, Revelation 2:24)
d. Persecutes God’s people (Matthew 16:21–23)
What is Satan’s work against believers
? c. Takes on the appearance of light to lead believers after false and erroneous teachers (2 Corinthians 11:14)
d. Satan is the enemy of believers (1 Peter 5:8)
d. Tries to hinder believers’ prayers – Daniel 10:12–13)
d. Satan hindered Paul’s mission and still does today (1 Thessalonians 2:18)
d. Tempts people to sin (1 Thessalonians 3:5)
– Free will
– Using the world, presents the old sin nature
6 6. Accuses the brothers before God day and night (Revelation 12:10)
6. Brings forth spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10–18)
Satan’s work on unbelievers
7. Blinds the minds of believers so that unbelievers cannot see the light of the glorious gospel. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
8. Takes away the words that unbelievers have heard (Mark 4:13–15)
9. Leads unbelievers into sin and disobedience (Ephesians 2:1–3)
10. He holds unbelievers captive at his will (2 Timothy 2:25–26)
Satan’s work against the nations
– Satan has a plan to weaken the nations, (Isaiah 14:12)
– Satan does not want there to be many sovereign nations but wants one world government, so that it can be ruled and that too by the antichrist….
We do not need to know more about Satan .
Now let’s study the subject of demons
– we know where and how demons began… (Revelation 12:4)
Where are demons?
आज संसारमा दुष्टआत्माहरु सकृय छन्, तर शैतान र दुष्टआत्माहरु सर्वव्यापी अनि सर्वज्ञानी छैनन् (उनिहरु पनि सृष्टि गरिएका प्राणीहरु हुन् जो मानव जाती भन्दा अवश्य शक्तिशाली छन्) (शैतान सरदार वा हाकिम हो)
Many demons are not in prison today, but God has allowed them a certain amount of “freedom” at this time. Like Satan, they have limited freedom…. A dog tied to a chain… God takes the chain and determines the length of the chain. (Psalm 78:49, Revelation 12:7-9)
But some demons are in prison and have no freedom. They are kept in a prison called “Tarsus” (2 Peter 2:4)
All demons will be imprisoned during the thousand years
Revelation 20:1-3…..
– After the thousand years of reign and the final rebellion, the demons will be cast into hell forever (Revelation 20:10)
Now demons are not human. They are fallen angels and have personality traits and that personality is evil…
Let’s look at demons or evil or demons (when used as a noun, it is Satan)
– these are the rules by which Satan works. It is a Satanic internal organized government… that…
1. Destroys the unbeliever’s capacity for God and salvation
2. Destroys the believer’s spiritual capacity for God and His Word. (Isaiah 59:15)
There are some Greek words and types or levels of evil:
1. Internal evil: the evil that is used to influence a person, (Matthew 24:84, Mark 7:21, Romans 7:19-21)
2. Contagious evil
– a person who has been infected and affected by evil
– and is now spreading the evil like a disease
– and is affecting one or more people with the negative laws of Satan. (2 Thessalonians 3:2, Ephesians 3:13)
The nature of evil
1. Spreading Vision (रीयम्गलब भखष्ष) – Spreading and influencing a large number of people (2 Samuel 15,16,17,18, Proverbs 4:14–17)
2. Conspiratorial Vision: Spreading and influencing the entire world and the people of the world
– Devotional faith and believers
– Devotional work of God
– Devotional ministries, a worldwide organized conspiracy has reached – Psalm 2:2, 27:2,3)
3. Visionary Note or News – An expanded account of someone
– A supposed misrepresentation, a whisper
– A systematic system of accusation and counter-accusation from Satan’s system
– To bring down the character of others
– To cause the hearer and the speaker to suffer from a satanic vision…
Worldly Law – Satan rules (Matthew 4:1–11)
1. The world refers to this physical world (the physical world)
2. Refers to a specific time cycle (Bshyal)
3. Also refers to people (John 3:16) (Pyakam)
4. The worldly law of which the prince is Satan… (Matthew 4:8)
(Pyakam, Riyakmal)
Satan’s system of organized work or operation based on complete independence from God…
Satan’s worldly laws or systems
A worldly system of thought supported by the powers of the devil
Satan’s system of nature in direct opposition to God
Satan’s rules and strategies for controlling a person by false teachings, demonic influence, or demonic possession….
Demons are not human. They are also angels and have personality traits, and that personality is evil….
a. They have names (Luke 8:30)
b. They speak (Matthew 8:29)
c. They have intelligence (Luke 4:34)
d. They feel emotions (Luke 8:28)
e. They have great power (Acts 19:16)
s. They know that Jesus is (Luke 4:34)
s. They know about their future judgment – Matthew 8:29)
sss. They know the unsaved (Acts 16:15)
ss. They have their own teachings (1 Timothy 4:1)
Evil spirits have a corrupt moral character
1. Wickedness: Some evil spirits are more corrupt than others. Jesus speaks about this in Matthew 12:45
2. Evil: Evil spirits can be evil and angry. We find in the Gospels that evil spirits try to do a lot of harm before they leave a person’s body. – Matthew 17:15, Mark 9:18-20)
3. Impure morality: They are morally unclean. Evil spirits are called unclean spirits. (Matthew 10:1)
4. Evil: They are evil, Paul calls them “evil spirits”. Luke 7:21
Conclusion: Demons are liars, deceivers, haters of Christ, and his people hate his gospel…
Demons are also powerful (more than humans)
1. Demons have power – Mark 5:3-4 Break the chains that bind – Acts 19:14-16 – More powerful than the seven sons of Sheba
Because we are in Christ – We are chosen and superior to the fallen angels (1 Corinthians 6:3)
2. Demons have limited power to perform signs and wonders (Exodus 7-8, 2 Thessalonians 2:9)
3. As mentioned earlier, demons are also intelligent –
– They are not omniscient… but having been around for thousands of years, they know and have learned more than humans
– They also have knowledge of the future (such as the end times)
– They can recognize people like Job, Paul, and Jesus.
– They have the ability to enter people and make them scream and shout (Mark 5:7–12, Mark 1:23–25)
4. Demons are not limited by location: They are a type of spirit and are not limited by body like humans. There can be 5,600 demons in one person (Mark 5:9).
Common functions of demons
1. Demons carry out the commands of Satan – they submit to each other and work in unity with Satan and with each other (Matthew 12:24-26, Revelation 12:7)
2. Demons can also influence the thoughts and actions of world leaders – Daniel 10:13,20
3. Demons promote false religions (Psalm 106:36-38)
4. Demons promote immorality (Ephesians 2:1-3)
5. Demons can infect the mind and body of a person (Matthew 12:22, Mark 5:3,15).
That is why the Bible warns against the following things.
– Which are not suitable for believers…
1. Fortune-telling or palmistry – Jeremiah 29:8-9)
2. Astrology (studying the zodiac signs and stars to predict the day and events) Isaiah 47:13-14
3. Sorcery or spiritism, also spells or magic (Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 19:31)
4. Witchcraft or black magic (putting others under a spell) (Deuteronomy 18:10-11)
5. Drugs – Demons can also influence the mind and body of a person through the use of drugs… (Galatians 5:19-20)
Can a believer be possessed by demons?
– No… because 1 Corinthians 6:19-20… The believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit… 1 John 4:4
But believers can be tormented by evil spirits
– Believers can be tormented and get into trouble… by evil spirits
– We can also see this with the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
In unbelievers
– Evil spirits can live inside both humans and animals (Luke 8:26-38)
– They can live inside and direct, control and influence a person
– Not all unbelievers are possessed by evil spirits, but they are open fields.
Note: There are many mistakes in writing, please read carefully. |