Grades 1–2
The New Testament contains 4 Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
1 Book of History – Acts
13 Pauline Epistles – Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Timothy and Titus
5 General Epistles – 1 and 2 Peter, Hebrews, James, Jude
1,2,3 John and the Book of Revelation – written by John
(I think the book of Hebrews was also written by Paul)
In this class we will study 5 General Epistles.
Introduction to the Class and Introduction to the Book of Hebrews
The book of Hebrews is very important for the church, the truths and teachings in it are very powerful and very useful for practical teaching.
Paul says in Acts chapter 20,
verse 29 – For I know this, that after my departure grievous wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
Now we can find this to be very true.
The churches of that time were being greatly persecuted by external persecution, while at the same time there was an attempt to make them suffer from false prophets and teachings from within…. Against this background, the book of Hebrews is written.
The two main methods that Satan uses to stop the work of the church are
1) External persecution – various laws, sects, accusations, under the pretext of religion, under the pretext of politics and socially, he uses very different worldly forms (2 Corinthians 4:4).
2) Internal persecution – false teachings, prophets (teachers)
– to gossip, criticize, break the secret teachings … and set them against each other.
Who is the author of this book?
– Now there is a lot of debate, some say Timothy, Barnabas, Apollos, but I think it was written by Paul.
Some say it is a little different from Paul’s way of writing?? And it cannot be Paul.
– Not all letters are written in the same style and not all letters written by Paul are exactly the same… The style or manner of writing can and does vary depending on the subject and the audience.
– Paul may have written it, I think so…
There are a few reasons… Paul wrote it.
1) It refers to the very authoritative book of Hebrews.
2) In 13:23 the writer knew Timothy… who (Timothy) was alive at that time.
3) No one has been able to prove that it was written by Paul, a very ancient idea.
Abeltabulaga (Pantianus) who died in 190 AD was said to have written it in Alexandria.
– Clement (Clement of Alexandria) 150-215 AD said that Paul wrote it in Hebrew and Luke translated it into Greek.
Conclusion: There is controversy but I think it is Paul. And so….
when was it written??
It was written between 64-68 AD, definitely before 70 AD.
– Because the temple was destroyed in 70 AD. It was destroyed by the Roman general Tyrus. Which Jesus had prophesied.
1) This book does not mention the destruction of the temple… If it had been destroyed, the author would have had a good claim that the Old Testament sacrifices had ended.
2) Instead, it gives the impression that the sacrificial system was still in use until the time of writing this book. For example (8:4,13 ÷ 9:69 ÷ 10:1-3)
– Now the next thing is that it was written during Timothy’s lifetime (13:23).
To whom was it written?
This is very important to understand, because it helps us a lot in understanding the book of Hebrews. Pay close attention to this and take note.
– Mainly… this book was written to Jewish believers who had converted from Judaism to Christianity… and… they were very familiar with the Old Testament.
– But they were being tempted to return to Jewish traditions.
Now, a new word Judaizers is important to know (how many people know it)
Those who have become believers from Judaism but do not want to abandon the Jewish tradition.
– They must also believe in Jesus and practice the things of the Mosaic Law, such as circumcision, the sacrifice system ….etc.
– Those who come from a Jewish background and are trying or trying to return to the Jewish tradition.
– This is the church age ….. whether Greek; or Jew ….. there is no difference … the church is the introduction … (Galatians 3:26-29)
– Those who want to Judaize the Christian gospel …..
– Just like the church in Galatia had this problem.
The early church was under great persecution.
– In Acts chapter 2, 3,000 believed and later 5,000
– This is very few compared to the number of Jews at that time, the market is small.
– Relatives and friends who became Christians from Jews would say…
What is this you have done? Gathering in houses and not worshiping in the temple and sacrificing.
– Look, we have a temple, a law since the time of Moses.
– We have a priesthood…. Since the time of Aaron and Moses…
– What is this you have?? You call Jesus the Messiah and how do you know this? What is the basis or evidence?
– We have more things than you.
But here the writer of Hebrews is writing this letter….
He is writing to show that…..
Jesus is much greater than the old covenant. In fact, the old covenant is only a shadow of what is to come.
– The tabernacle, the temple, the sacrificial system…..
– Are only a shadow of the real thing, but Jesus is.
– They are only a sign of the real thing..
The real tabernacle of meeting is in heaven….
The priestly priesthood is Jesus, the eternal high priest.
The real work is not by the law but by faith.
The Hebrew word literally means “traveler.” Written for travelers.
– Written for both Jews and Gentiles…or believers…
– The full picture is in heaven…these are just shadows…
In each class we will study the outline of each chapter .
Some have called the book of Hebrews the 5th gospel.
– Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – describe the life of Jesus on earth.
– Hebrews – tells of the heavenly ministry of Jesus Christ.
How many people know what Jesus is doing in heaven today?
Why did Jesus Christ return to heaven and what is he doing today?
– The book of Hebrews answers these questions…
Now let’s study Hebrews 1…
First, let’s look at the outline…
Chapters 1-10: Christ is much greater than the Old Testament economy… Doctrinal. Chapters
11-13: Christ has brought better benefits and responsibilities (practical)…
1:1-3 – Christ is higher than all the prophets.
1:4-2:18 – Jesus is higher than all the angels.
1:4-14 – Tells about the deity of Christ .
2:1-18 – Tells about the humanity of Christ.
(Now Hebrews talks about 6 dangers… in which the believer can fall and the first danger is:
2:1-4 – the danger of slipping…..
Before going to Hebrews 1, we will briefly go to Matthew 17.
Matthew 17:1-5 – Verse 5 “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: listen to him.”
Verse 1- This book begins in a very beautiful way, at the beginning “God”…
– The book of Genesis also begins with what God has made (Genesis 1:1)
There is no attempt to explain God but it tells us that He was God before all creation. Eternal God..
The Bible never tries to explain God because no explanation is necessary.
– We try to explain a lot of things in “Apologetics” class… which is fine to a certain extent.
– But really there is no need for explanation about God…
– Psalm 14:1 – It is foolish to say that there is no God.
He spoke, God spoke, and has spoken (verses 1 and 2)
God Speaks – It is very important to understand this…….
– He made us that way…. So that we can hear when He speaks…
– He speaks through the prophets and through the inspired word.
Patriarchs – Who are they? Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David….Heroes of faith
– Abraham….Father of all….Galatians 3…
Prophets – Those who spoke for God…
Priests – Those who served the people on God’s behalf…
Prophets – Where did people speak on God’s behalf…
Isaiah, Moses, Daniel, Ezekiel…etc.….We know how He spoke and how He speaks???
1) At various times – aegis (plural)
– aegis (many, many, various
– भक्याक्याक)
means in parts – He did not give all the truth to one person – to Adam and Eve, to Abraham, to David
but in parts, according to need … which is written in the Bible …
2) In various ways – aegischyauyak
– in many or various ways, in various ways ….
by the Holy Spirit, by angels, by visions and dreams
– by the burning bush, by theophany
– by the pillar of cloud and fire, by prophets
2 verses – in the last days vkājabatyak (from where the teaching of the last days
came vkājabatyayinath …
Study of the Last Days….
– In the Last Days, the Son Speaks…..
– When Jesus first came to this world, as a human, we know that these last days began.
– That means we are also in the last days of the last days.
Through his Son, he is not a messenger, but he himself is the message.
– All of God’s words were revealed through Christ.
– While other prophets are messengers, he is the message himself.
– Which means he is completely superior to all prophets.
– Those prophets spoke about him.
– Prophets are only instruments of God’s speaking.
When John the Baptist said – I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals… and he cried out in the wilderness…
But in the New Testament, God himself is speaking, Jesus himself is God speaking and listen to him as the Father said….
Now let’s explain this supremacy of Jesus by saying seven things about him.
1) Verse 2 He is the one appointed heir of all things.
Heir: There is a very rich and powerful king who has an only son, the son who is the prince, and he is the heir or authority of all that king has.
That is why Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
– Adam lost it and Jesus regained it….. by the cross…. Matthew 28:18
– He now exercises that authority fully during the 1000 year reign.
The grammar of Jesus being the heir – which means He is the appointed heir in eternity.
(2) By whom also He made the world (John 1:1, 14)
– He is the creator of this entire universe. It
was made entirely by Him (Colossians 1:15-18)
Some fools say, it was made just like that…. fools
(3) He is the radiance of His glory.
shining, shining outwardly
He is the radiance of God’s glory
Meaning – The glory that is in God, the same glory is in the Lord Jesus
He is God The glory of God is Jesus
The glory of the Father as the glory of the Son and as the glory of the Son will be ours Romans 8:28-29 ÷ 2 Corinthians 3:18
Thus we also have become partakers of God’s glory in Christ
4) He is the exact image of God’s personality
He is completely like the Father. The same nature. The same
John 14:7-14 Philip asks Show us the Father
: Jesus says Until now I have been with you
John 10:30 I and my Father are one
As the Father is the Son ….. God is …
5) He upholds all things by the word of his power
To maintain – Ejvachaya – He takes it wherever He wants
– All these are happening because He has allowed it to happen
– What if the earth stops rotating, or what if something else happens
– The planets have not collided until today….
– You can read Psalm 121
6) He cleansed our sins (Khvachath Pabhath)
He erased our sins…. Then He found us as far as the east and the west are
clean and complete, not only sin but also its effects
We will endure with Him forever
7) He is the one at His right hand,
the one who has authority over all things and there is no other position like His.
1:1-3 – He is the highest of all the prophets.
1:4-2:18 – He is the highest of all the angels.
Jehovah’s Witnesses say that Jesus is the only angel.
– They need to be shown this passage.
From verses 1:4-14 – It is mentioned 7 times from the Old Testament.
– Of which 6 times it is mentioned from the Psalms.
Why? Because to show that Jesus is much, much greater than the angels…
Now: The Jews considered angels to be something greater…
– Of course Jesus is greater than the angels, but this gives a good explanation to the reader.
Let’s read Hebrews 1:4: More excellent… Why? We have been studying the seven wonderful reasons given above.
Now let’s read verse 5 – Some say that Jesus was “begotten” and is less than God. Fools… are those who say that.
“You are my Son, today I have begotten you”…
This is the same passage that Paul uses in Acts 13:13… Paul says that this prophecy was fulfilled on the day Jesus was resurrected. – Paul may have been the writer).
– God planned in eternity that the Father would be called God the Father and the Son would be called God the Son.
– Now Jesus is the Son by creation but the eternal Son, in relation to His Father…
Paul says in Acts 13:33… that this word was fulfilled on the day Jesus Christ was resurrected… “Today I have begotten you.”
1) You are my Son – the eternal Son.
2) Today I have begotten you – the resurrected Christ.
Today begotten – is used only of sons, not of angels.
– And it is said in the resurrection.
A very good Bible scholar writes on this subject…
– The eternal rights of the Son, which are the title deed to the earth as His heir, are confirmed by His resurrection.
– No angel died, no one was born from the grave in the resurrection…
That is why Colossians 1:18 says – He is the firstborn from the dead .
– He is the Son of God, confirmed by the resurrection.
Now we can read Romans 1:1-4 (verse 4).
– He was always the Son, but when God raised him from the dead, He declared to the world that this is His begotten Son.
For according to Psalm 16:10, He will not allow His anointed to see corruption in the grave….
The second mention is in verse 5 – I will be his Father, and he shall be my son.
This is taken from 2 Samuel 7:14… which is the promise made to David. Let us read from 2 Samuel 7:12-14….
– Here God makes a promise to David, which is known as the Davidic promise.
– Some parts of it refer to Solomon, but most to the Lord Jesus Christ.
– Then it refers to two people… Solomon and most to Jesus.
– Christ is greater than Solomon.
– I will establish the kingdom forever, I will be his Father, and he will be my Son.
– This can only be fulfilled in Christ.
That is why Luke 1:32 says this about Jesus…
“He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David.” This is fulfilled.
The third mention in verse 6 – the firstborn… the resurrected Christ, the firstborn from the dead, the firstfruits…
– All the angels should worship Jesus.
– Only God is worthy of worship, Deuteronomy 6:13 Matthew 4:10 And God says that the Son should be worshipped, and even the angels should do so.
– Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons should be shown this verse Revelation 22:8-10 – Angels should not be worshipped.
– But the Son should be worshipped by all, and even the angels..
– Jesus is God and is much greater than the angels.
Hebrews 1: 1-3 – Jesus Christ in His divine nature 1
:4-14 – Creator
2:1-4 – Warning or so that we pay attention to God’s word
2:5-9 – Incarnation
2:10-13 – Glorification
2:14-18 – Redemption
Chapter 2 – Tells what the Lord Jesus Christ did in His human nature.
In chapter 1 – 7 things that Jesus is greater than the angels
In verse 14 – Angels were created for one main purpose and that is to serve but not to rule but
to serve God and God’s people…
In chapter 2 – Angels are much higher than creation (in verse 1) or above us
– but before starting this topic the author gives some advice or as some say warnings
– we can find 6 such advices in the book of Hebrews and the first one
– we can find from 2:1-4
Now these 6 advices or warnings are for believers and for unbelievers.
Yes, this book sometimes speaks to unbelievers because it is also the 5th gospel.
This book is primarily written for Jewish believers and is important for us too…. So that we can understand the Old Testament.
We know that… Because of extreme persecution and only a small number of believers
– many questions were being asked and they were being tempted to return to Jewish traditions
– we can see these exhortations or warnings being written to those believers
– they were being tempted to return to the temple customs but to show that there is something much greater in our Jesus… The book of Hebrews was written…
as well as for those who read this book and are saved. How is it mentioned in the gospel of John…. John 20:30-31
Now who is the target? Jews and unbelievers are not in danger of
neglecting (or neglecting) the greater salvation because of verse 3.
Believers are not in danger of neglecting salvation because they have already received it
– we can ignore the increase (the increase).
– We can neglect discipleship, but we can never neglect salvation
– That is why this warning is directed to unbelievers (Jews and others)
who heard about Jesus from their neighbors and through many other means,
through the preaching of the apostles, missionaries and other sources.
If unbelievers are meant, then the word “we” (verses 1 and 3)
here refers not to Christians but to the nation (the Jewish nation)
– or to those who have heard the truth
– the writer is also a Jew and is identifying himself with them
– but that does not mean that “the writer is not saved either”;
he is simply saying that we who have heard the gospel need to accept it.
That is why he says, pay close attention so that you do not drift away from what you have heard (we will drift away)
Two Greek words are
very important. We must pay close attention.
A ship anchors so that it does not
drift away (xui) – A ship anchors so that it does not drift away.
Many people do not intentionally go to hell but they drift away.
They do not have the purpose and plan to go to hell. They drift away.
For example
, the Nile…. A fisherman who is far away falls asleep in his boat
so that the Nile approaches and when he wakes up, he is afraid…
So what must I do to be saved? Good question.
Believe in Jesus,
as the Philippian fisher asked Paul in Acts 16:30.
What must I do to be saved?
Paul says in verse 31 – Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
and – what shall I do to go to hell? There is nothing to do…
People do nothing to achieve salvation, they just sleep, and if they keep sleeping, they drift away and fall into hell. And there will be no other chance… .(We should not sleep to preach)
Verse 2 In the Old Testament, God sent prophets who spoke from God,
such as Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel.
Here Jesus or God himself is speaking, so listen carefully.
Many times in the Old Testament, people did not listen to the prophets, but instead stoned them.
But God sent angels many times,
and after the angels came, many listened to
God’s angel or other.
Genesis 18 – With Abraham ÷ Genesis 19 – Lot was saved in Sodom and Gomorrah. Numbers 22-24 ÷ Acts 7 – Angels were witnesses at the giving of the law and in other places….
Now if the words given by angels cannot be reversed,
how much more important is the gospel of the Son in the New Testament?
This gospel was first spoken by Jesus and
confirmed to us by those who heard it – the first witness of the prophets.
Verse 4 – This message did not come from the simple saying, “I am the Messiah”…
But as Moses was given the message of salvation from within, with miracles….
and much more,
the gospel was presented with signs and wonders
, that it was from God.
The apostles also did signs and wonders…
– That is why this is the Messiah…. It is good to hear.
First warning – He tells unbelievers not to neglect such a great salvation…
Now we come to another important message from verse 5..
– Why did Jesus come? What is the purpose of Jesus Christ’s coming?
Verse 5 – The world to come: The Messianic kingdom is coming and it is not given to angels to rule over it.
When did God create angels?
– Before the creation of the world…. Job 38:6-7
– Now angels are given some ministerial responsibilities (Psalm 103:19-20)
– There are ranks and positions….. In the angelic migration,
however, one of the chief angels refused to serve and rebelled (Ezekiel 28:13-14).
– He also deceived other angels and turned against God.
– We can see how Lucifer became Satan.
Now God is showing those angels service and showing ordinary people humbly reigning with Him.
– He used ordinary people for His great work.
And how did God do this?
– He did this by sending His only begotten Son according to His eternal plan…..
There was a small group of Jews known in Old Testament times who
– taught that when Christ comes to reign on this earth.
– He will let Michael and other angels reign in the kingdom.
– Christ will conquer and the angels will rule.
But that is not so… The writer of Hebrews points out.
– In the coming time, not angels will reign, but people redeemed by the Son.
According to verse 5 – The world to come… not subject to angels
– Second coming and Messiah’s kingdom…
The writer of Hebrews does not give his name because he wants to make it Christ-centered.
Verses 6 and 7 – Psalms of David… What is man?
– Without any modern technology, David looks up to heaven and gives glory to God.
– Made a little lower than angels… In what sense?
1) Angels are only spiritual beings…
2) Angels can fly and jump faster and higher than us…
1) We are flesh and blood…
– Being flesh and blood, we are limited by our limitations.
– We are limited by our limitations in time and space.
– Angels would laugh if we jumped.
God made angels perfect and some rebelled and the Son did not die to save them.
– But we were created in innocence, even though we sinned, we could be saved and the Son died…
We were made a little lower than the angels so that we might taste the grace of God.
To save this man, the Son himself became man and made himself equal to himself to redeem… and one day he will crown him.
Daniel 7:13-16, 18 and 27… the kingdom is given to believers.
1 Corinthians 6:3 – Paul says do not fight with one another because we will judge angels… fallen angels….
What is man? That you care about him.
We should be very happy with what is coming and what is.
That is why we can flow not from salvation but from wisdom and discipleship and maturity.
2:9 – One day everything will be put under Jesus’ feet (literally)
– because we are in Him, everything will be under our feet. It will be…
But not now? Not because of sin… but one day it will be necessary which is now in
verse 9. The author is telling us five main things .
Verse 2:9 – He will be sacrificed in our place.
Jesus also became a little lower than the angels in his humanity. He became like us ..
because of the eternal wonderful plan of salvation and to fulfill it he humbled himself and entered this world, which he himself created.
He became man, because of that wonderful love ..
– He experienced everything we experience.
– But after the resurrection he was crowned with glory and honor and was exalted above every name.
Now in verse 9 he will be sacrificed in our place.
– He tasted death for all men. Let’s remember the word “all” …
because the final wage or result of sin is death.
– If man is going to reign one day ….. how can he reign? If the wages of sin is death ???
– Can man reign again only if the curse is lifted?
– If man is to reign, he must die and be resurrected and can reign only after he has the characteristics of a king… a new man.
– To reign, man must die and be resurrected and assume sovereign characteristics.
Now how does Romans 6:5-11 explain this?
When we believe (die, are baptized and are resurrected)…with Him (pictured in baptism)
now…because Jesus paid the price…in my place…when I die (after leaving the world)
now…I can reign without the old nature…
tasted the taste
– tasted it completely
– meaning He died for all, for all and for all time
, for all and for all time
– crucified for 6 hours, abandoned for 3 hours
– paid the price for everyone’s sins.
Now, they are not going to hell because of their sin but because they rejected Christ…because He paid the full price.
But we are chosen for the kingdom and are now on the table of the King
in verse 10 – He is the author of our salvation.
Author – Bgatajayach – Bchaajbhanayaka – the main leader, the one who goes before
is used many times
He is not sitting back and saying go do this or that
but He is our leader, example, model and before all He is saying that… I am the captain of salvation, now I want to bring many to glory. Many sons….
In verses 11-13 – Jesus is the one who sanctifies us
… He sanctifies us
once for all because of Christ
. Now we are clean and righteous in God’s sight… Because we
are sanctified in Christ, we are called brothers….
Meaning the rightful…. He paid the price and sanctified the cause is now very intimate…..
12 and 13 – Talking to the Father
every day in heaven and in the church and now
God’s name is being declared.
In verses 14 and 15 – He is our conqueror over Satan.
In verse 14 – We are partakers of flesh and blood.
He also, who was not in his nature, became the same… (meaning the word partaker)
He did so and defeated Satan….
– Or… destroyed the one who had the power of death
– Death is a weapon that Satan has… Sin and death
are his purpose to send people to hell
but Jesus has great power and that is eternal life
. Verses 16 – 18 – He is the High Priest who will be with us.
What these verses mean – He has a greater plan for us than the angels.
Verse 16 – Abraham’s seed… Became a human.
Verse 17 – He is in heaven as the High Priest and is praying for us in heaven.
Verse 18 – He knows… the things we experience
– became like us… homeless, thirsty, crying, walking, persecuted…..
Now… because Jesus paid the price… in my place… when I am gone from the old sin nature (after leaving the world)
now…. – Now I can reign without the old sin nature.
Tasted – tasted completely.
– Meaning He died for everyone, for everyone and for all time.
– Crucified for 6 hours, abandoned for 3 hours.
– Paid the price for everyone’s sins.
Now, they are not going to hell because of their sin but because they rejected Christ…. because He paid the full price.
– But we are chosen for the King and are now in the King’s training.
In verse 10 He is the author of our salvation.
The doer – bgatajayach – bchaajbhanayak (the chief leader, the one who goes before) is used many times.
– He is not saying sit back and do this and that but He is our leader, example, model and ahead of all, saying that ….. I am the author (captain) of salvation, now I want to bring many to glory. Many sons …… In
verses 11-13 Jesus is the one who sanctifies us. The
one who sanctifies …. He sanctifies us.
– He sanctifies us once and for all because of Christ.
– Now we are clean and righteous in the eyes of God ……. Because we are sanctified in Christ, we are called brothers …..
– Means heir …. Because He paid the price and sanctified us, there is now a very close relationship …..
Hebrews 3 Chapters
Hebrews 3 and 4 – Tells about the rest of God’s people.
– We labor and toil on earth but there is rest. We will explain what this rest is.
1) Jesus is greater than the prophets
1) Jesus is greater than the angels
and 2:1-4 – The first warning to unbelievers in the book of Hebrews in the 6th chapter…
– Do not despise the great salvation….
– Now we see another warning in chapter 3…. The second of the 5th chapter is from 3:7 to 4:2….
– Now the second warning is going to be given…. The first was for the unbeliever, but now it will be for the believer… He is going to tell the believer.
Hebrews 3:1 Therefore – in light of the things that have not been said so far
– which are said in chapters 1 and 2.
The holy brothers – the sacrifice of Christ and the relationship of faith in him.
– Refers to the believer.
– Now speaking to believers (Jewish believers and us)
– You and we are holy in Christ…… It is Christ who sanctifies us.
Partakers of the heavenly calling – Why do they say this? Which is important.
Speaking to Jewish believers.
When you were in the old covenant……you were concerned about earthly kingdoms.
You were concerned about the temple.
You were concerned about sacrifices
. – Which are only a shadow of the reality…..
But now you have become believers… I tell you one important thing…
– You are seated in heavenly places in Jesus Christ.
– Like Abraham, you are looking for heavenly cities (Hebrews 11:12:22).
Because of persecution, many of them were trying to enter the old Jewish tradition..
– But you are citizens of heaven, you will reign in heaven in the future.
– Now do not worry about the temple, about the sacrifices, about these earthly things ..
– You have received much greater things than these, you have received Christ and have received everything.
– That is why you are partakers of the heavenly calling … says …
Focus on Christ Jesus – Pbatbalayabhaya (give your full attention and all your attention to Him alone ..
– Focus, keep your heart fixed and fixed on Jesus ..
– Keep your heart fixed on Jesus and do not look elsewhere ..
Apostle and High Priest –
Apostle – a sent person … Jesus says as the Father has sent me, so I also send you …… (Matthew 20:21)
– Apostles are also sent by God like prophets …… to give God’s message to people …. Jesus is also sent as the chief and main apostle.
Apostles present God’s message to people.
Priest – present people to God.
Now… the author is saying that the Lord Jesus is superior to Moses
. Now it is very important to know some important background for chapters 3 and 4.
In 3:1-6, the Lord Jesus is telling us that he is superior to Moses.
In 3:7-4:2, he is giving a second important warning.
This warning or exhortation is – Jewish believers, you have believed in the Lord Jesus and remain steadfast in that faith.
Not only will you be saved, but you will continue to give this faith
because… Jesus, who is greater than the angels, prophets, and Moses,
has prepared a kingdom for us. Therefore, be faithful… until the end
so that you too may have the opportunity to reign with him in his kingdom.
We are faithful (not to be saved) but to reign with him in the kingdom .
Jesus is the apostle and high priest.
Moses was not the high priest, that is why Jesus is superior
. Now… he starts with the life of Moses.
Why are you talking about Moses now?
Moses is very different and unique from all other prophets.
Once, the rabbis discussed whether Moses or Abraham was greater.
Their conclusion was that Moses was the greatest
. Moses was the hero of the nation. Moses is a very important figure for the Jews and if you look at the story of Moses…
– His supernatural childhood
– His life full of signs and wonders
– God’s appointed leader who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt
– The only person in the Old Testament who spoke face to face with God
– Moses’ face shone because of the glory of God (Genesis 33 and 34)
– God gave Moses the law and the Ten Commandments
– The law of animal sacrifices, the tabernacle of meeting and the books of the Pentateuch The
writer of Hebrews tells Jewish believers who were wavering in their faith
that Moses himself had said that the Messiah would be greater than him
Deuteronomy 18:15-22 (verse 15 – (listen to him)
Verse 18 about the Messiah – I will slap him in the face
Peter says in Acts 3:22-23 that Jesus is the same as
Stephen in Acts 7:37. There is
some connection between Jesus and Moses There are similarities.
1) Both are called servants of God.
2) Moses is a prophet, but Jesus is also a prophet, a priest and a king.
3) Moses was obedient to his people, and so was Jesus.
4) Moses prayed for his people, and so was Jesus.
5) When Moses was born, there was a command to throw sons into the river, but God miraculously saved them, and when Jesus was born, there was a command to kill children under 2 years old, but God miraculously saved them.
6) Moses rejected the greatness of Egypt, and Jesus also rejected Satan’s offer of the world.
7) Moses left his wealth and became known to his people, Jesus also came from heaven and became poor …. to save all ….
But now Jesus is greater than Moses …
1) Moses is a servant – Jesus is not only a servant but also a son.
2) The law was given by Moses – but grace and truth were given by Jesus.
3) The glory that passes away – the eternal glory was Jesus’.
4) He cannot save – but he can save.
5) He cannot take us to the promised land – but he can take us to heaven.
6) In the resurrected Christ – He even conquered death ….
Hebrews 3:2 – Moses was faithful in the whole house
– which house ???
– This is about the house but not the building.
– Moses was faithful in the whole house of Israel.
– Jesus is faithful to us and to all (Ephesians 2:19 to the church)
3:1-6 – Christ is superior because he builds the house but Moses is only a part of that house.
Christ is God…. who made all things….
Moses knew God (intimately)
Moses was a servant and Christ is the Son
. Hebrews 3:3 – Moses – part of the house – Christ the housebuilder.
Hebrews 3:4 – Moses knew God – Christ is God. Hebrews 3
:5 – Moses is a servant – Christ the only begotten Son……
Chapters 3 and 4 should be studied together because they are in the same context.
– As we said earlier, this section talks about the second exhortation or warning.
1) And it is made for believers and is aimed at believers.
How do we know that it is for believers….
1) In verse 3:1 – Holy brothers, partakers of a heavenly calling.
2) In verse 12 – Yes, brothers..
– Now this is a warning given to believers….. To understand this, it is necessary to know the background from Exodus – Deuteronomy – Joshua….
– Many say it is addressed to unbelievers… which we now know with reason… or some use this passage to say that believers lose salvation… which we will now learn in these classes.
– Jesus is greater than Moses, now using the example of Moses’ time as an example, the Israelites made the same mistake at Kadesh-Barnea… believers can also make the same mistake, but they do not mean that they lose salvation.
Now we need a background in Exodus and Numbers to understand this…
– To understand the book of Hebrews, we need knowledge of the Pentateuch and also knowledge of the Old Testament…
When we look at Exodus 12 to 15 – God led more than a million Jews out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.
Now… were they all saved??? the Old Testament they believed in Yahweh God… how through sacrifice which is a picture of Christ.
– Now they had celebrated the Passover before they left Egypt… on the day they sacrificed the lamb and put it on the doorpost (the tabernacle)
– Exodus 12 God brought them out of Egypt (which is a picture of the world).
God says on that day (14 Nisan) I want you to kill a lamb in your house and put the blood on the doorposts and when I see the blood on the doorposts you will live… they were saved.
Now… the reason this is very important to know… to understand Hebrews chapters 3 and 4…
the redeemed people were delivered from Egypt… and crossed the Red Sea…
– they had seen many signs in Egypt too…
– and together they miraculously crossed the Red Sea and arrived at Mount Sinai…
– they saw many signs such as the pillar of cloud, the pillar by day and by night, the manna falling from heaven… Now what more was needed and for them…
their journey was very simple and quick to the Promised Land, but sadly…
– the Israelites grumbled, complained, complained over and over… which made the journey long…
The same thing the writer of Hebrews says is that if we too live in unbelief like the Israelites – in unbelief in God’s promise, we too will remain barren.
– The book of Hebrews repeatedly brings glory to one thing, which is faith..
– The whole book is about faith.. Hebrews 11:1 and 6 and 10:38..
– God wants us to have faith..
The greatest sin against God is unbelief (and the same goes for unbelievers).
Jesus did not perform many signs in His place because of the unbelief of the people (Matthew 13:57-58). God limited His works because of the unbelief of the people.
Now this unbelief keeps them outside the Promised Land.
10 times they disbelieved and tested God…
– Along with many miracles, God showed amazing patience, for 2 years God endured and showed patience.
Now here they are right outside the Promised Land, in “Kadesh”.
– From Kadesh you can see the Promised Land..
In Numbers 13 and 14 they go to spy out the Promised Land..
– That is the point that we all need to understand.
– They spy and bring news. 10 people bring bad news.
Basically it was unbelief … lack of faith that ..
– There are gods who will eat us …. unbelief ..
– Goliath, we will overthrow …. faith ..
But Caleb and Joshua believe in God’s promise and speak the sacrifice of faith.
And like many 10 spies, they show unbelief and murmur.
10 times they murmur and now God says, ..
– Only those 20 years and under will enter the Promised Land, but the rest will wander in the wilderness…
After enduring 10 rebellions, only Joshua and Caleb will enter the Promised Land from this generation.
– Faith brings victory through reason….
What is the rest in verse 11? What is the rest of the Israelites at that time??
And what is this rest in verse 18….
For which we need to read Deuteronomy 12:9-10.
Now what is that place of rest (verse 9)? The land or the promised land.
Zion – the land of God’s dwelling place…
The place of rest is the land of Canaan or the promised land… This is the portion of the inheritance.
– For the Jews, this land is the place of rest.
When we look at the book of Joshua we find that the second generation was raised to enter the Promised Land…
– Did they receive that rest right away… No. If we read Joshua 6-12 they had to fight wars
– When we read Joshua 21:43-45 ( Joshua 21:43-45 )
they conquered the land and took possession and gave it rest.
According to the context of Hebrews 3, rest is the land ( Joshua 21:43-45 )
God promised the land and they took the rest, possession and possession
Joshua 13-21 – The Promised Land After they conquered, they divided the land, according to their tribes and it was part of their inheritance.
That is exactly how it will be in the coming kingdom.
Now the Lord Jesus Christ is greater than Joshua, Jesus and Joshua are the same name. God is encouraging us and encouraging us that
because we are believers, we have similar challenges
. Believers, you have come out of Egypt… It means that you have come out of the world,
you have been saved and now you walk by faith.
As you walk by faith, God gives you a purpose, that purpose is not war,
but to preach the gospel of Christ to the whole world and to be witnesses.
We do not wrestle against blood and flesh, but with the devil, the world and the flesh,
many tests and trials come in our lives, but by faith we overcome. By faith, we
hold on to the word and mature in faith.
The more I listen to the Bible, the more I grow in faith (Romans 10:17). Ephesians 6:16 – The shield of faith
1 John 5:4 – Faith is this victory, victory over the world.
Now it is not faith for salvation, but faith for sanctification.
One day you and I will also enter the promised land or rest
– what is the promised land for us?
– Of course the earth is the same but the new earth and heaven
– The battle ground is now…. Gospel and mission and spiritual warfare
– The land is our resting place
Joshua – led the Israelites into the promised land and said this is the land and take it
Jesus – who is greater than Joshua…. Come with me in the kingdom and reign
10 cities, 20 cities for the faithful (Revelation 2:26)
Jesus promises the same thing to his disciples and all believers
in the Gospel of Matthew 19:27-30/Luke 22:28-30
– Many rewards are promised to the believer.
But the worldly believer loses the reward and the ruler but there it is.
– If I am saved, it is not now…. There are great rewards.
– Wandering here and there but taking a step of faith….
Now the Israelites had a saving faith but not a conquering faith…
– Keep the conquering faith, the abiding faith (but not the old way)
The righteous walk by faith and by faith…
If we walk by faith, there is a reward (Hebrews 3 and 4 say this)
Now it is not a saving faith but a faithfulness that brings reward…. Enduring to the end…
Hebrews 3:14 – If we hold fast…
Hebrews 6:12 – Through faith and patience we obtain the inheritance (for the reward)..
Abiding faith and reward…
Hebrews 12:1-2 – Running the race…
Unbelief breaks friendship and fellowship – Therefore trust in God…
Now what is the rest of Hebrews 3 and 4… We have learned…
3:16 and 17 – Now it is not talking about hell…
– They did not enter the rest (earth) because of unbelief and disobedience…
– Saved but worldly The Jews with hearts ..
– who lost two main things…
1) Purpose – had to wander, lost the purpose of going to earth ..
2) Rewards..
12 verses – to be carried away – not hell .. – to turn away or leave or fall away, unbelieving heart.. – to lose rewards because of apostasy
– to fall away means to stop moving forward .. – this can happen to anyone like Demas .. 1) Colossians 4:14 2) Philemon 1:24 3) and 2 Timothy 4:10 verses 13 – to not fall away, to encourage one another daily (encourage and build up).. – to encourage one another… Hebrews 10:25 not to forsake the fellowship of the local church… – verse 14 – does not mean to lose salvation .. – to fall away or lose rewards – now Hebrews 4:
In the previous classes we have studied Hebrews 1-3.
– In today’s two classes we will study chapters 4 and 5.
– Now we are going to study chapters 3 and 4 together…. That is why we will read chapters 3 and 4..
– We will explain chapter 4 in this class. ..
In chapter 3 Jesus is greater than Moses.
– That generation that was born… who…
saw His signs and wonders… the Red Sea, the manna, the pillar of cloud…
and also murmured against Moses, that is, against God…
meaning they had the faith to be saved but…
they did not have the overcoming faith…. That too they failed to take the promise of God and to continue trusting in Him…
Many times we believers do the same…
– I believe in Christ and I am a believer…
– But we do not hold on to the enduring, overcoming faith… which overcomes the world.
That is why Hebrews chapters 3 and 4 and the entire book of Hebrews are saying that ..
– The just shall live by faith ….
– Not only a saving faith but a persevering faith ..
– This faith is to be continued to the end …
– That which brings the reward …
– We can find the words to be continued to the end, to hold fast ..
For example Hebrews 3:14 – “For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm to the end …”
– It is not talking about losing salvation but about remaining steadfast in faith to the end.
– Heroes of faith who persevere to the end…. This is the main message of the book of Hebrews …. that brings the reward ….
Hebrews 6:12 – That you be not slothful, but followers of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
– Heroes of faith persevered to the end no matter what….
The book of Exodus tells us that after a 2-year journey…. they grumbled and arrived at Kadesh Barnea in Numbers 12-14.
– 12 spies
– 2 reports – 10, 2
– but the people listened to 10
– committed a great sin of unbelief
– (trust in friendship and fellowship is essential)
Then God gave this decision…. Numbers 14:26-32 (read)
All of that generation, from 20 years old and above, except Joshua and Caleb, will be buried… in the wilderness
and will wander for 40 years.
In the wilderness, which – pictures restlessness, defeat, death, unbelief and aimlessness..
they will wander here and there.
Read Hebrews 3:16-18 – They grumbled, they did not believe….
And God said – they will not enter the rest…
What is that rest?
Deuteronomy 12:9–10 – The land is .. the land of promise .. the land for the Israelites ..
many promises were made to the fathers and when Jesus comes ..
– That land will be the headquarters for His kingdom..
– There is a lot happening in this land today, and Israel will rule…
The land is the rest of Israel and the full rest is the 1000 year reign..
For believers, there is an inheritance, rewards and co-reign…
– The reign is also the inheritance for believers… co-reigning or rewards…
Joshua entered the land and fought and conquered and did not receive the full rest that is the 1000 year reign.
– They are struggling throughout history and even now..
The writer of Hebrews says it is the same for us.
– Believers, you are called to a great purpose.
– You are walking as pilgrims in this world..
– Go into all the world and preach.. There will be many wars…
– But when we are finished and there will be a 1000 year reign, there will be rest..
– And Jesus will reward and we will reign together..
That is why God says….. To be faithful to the end…
is everything….. It is good to be saved but to continue to the end..
Hebrews 3:7-19 – They did not lose salvation
1) Lost the purpose (to possess the land)
2) Lost the reward (prizes, rewards)
Hebrews 3:12 – Salvation that is carried away is not lost but stuck or slipped… (dyabapakashmibh)
– The heart is hardened because of sin..
– And that is the sin of unbelief…
From 3:13-15 – What is the solution to remain steadfast in faith?
Verse 13 – We are to exhort one another…. to build up, to build, to encourage, to exhort by the word….
Verse 15 – To be firm by the voice…. the word….
otherwise sin hardens the heart – by the sin of unbelief and is like that generation of Israel….
Verse 14 – Partners: Partners and friends…. Joint heirs with Christ
: the children of Jesus Christ….
to the end – having been saved and continuing in the faith and remaining….
– not losing salvation but related to the reward) to say no…
if not a condition for salvation but for the reward….
to reign with Jesus.
16 –19 ‘.
Now Hebrews 4:1-5
Verse 1 – Fear, awe – godly fear, watchfulness or you will lose your reward…
Verse 2 – They – the generation that
came out – I have promised Israel the same thing… rest and reward and we are active in it until the end.
We are not busy…
Verse 3 – Is it not salvation… for the reward, the right to reign for 1000 years…
Verse 4 – Now what is this “seventh” day…
Seventh day – God’s plan of creation Sabbath rest…
6 days of creation and 7th day rest…
The seven months show the plan (Leviticus 23)…
1 day thousand ÷ 1000 – 1 day…
A picture of creation…
Verses 5-6 – Rest rests. Verse 7 mentions what David wrote.. (Psalm 95:7 above)
It did not end with the days of Joshua…
– This Exodus was not just for the generation..
– It is for every generation and it is the same opportunity..
– That is why the word “today” is repeated..
– Joshua gave a rest but there is rest for all generations..
Verse 10 – Rewards – Entry means reward…
So from 11-16 we read “Bham Balaam Bhaubishla”..
Hebrews chapter 3 begins with the high priest and chapter 4 ends with the high priest.
Why is the high priest important and what is the purpose of the high priest??
– When the Israelites were traveling in the wilderness Moses was interceding for them and in the same way Jesus is interceding for us.
– Just as Moses went into the tabernacle alone and spoke to God face to face, so Jesus went into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God. He is
in the presence of the Father, making intercession for us.
What is our High Priest doing in heaven now and what is the purpose of the High Priest?
The book of Hebrews was written specifically for the Hebrew believers, and for the first century Hebrew believers and yes, for us too..
– who were being persecuted by the Jews and Romans for their faith..
– Now this encourages them… along with….
In the Old Testament, the people of Israel approached God through sacrifices and the priests interceded.
Now the believing Jews ask…. How do you approach God?
If you Christians have to approach God, where do we go to the priests…. Where do you go…
We know about the temple? There is a curtain separating everything…. .
– Like the Holy and the Most Holy Place…. (we will study it later) ..
– The high priest also only goes into the Most Holy Place once a year ..
– Leviticus 16 … The Day of Atonement ..
– The priest goes into the Holy Place daily with sacrifices….
Someone sins…. Now he takes the sacrifice and goes to the temple and the priest offers that sacrifice (it has to go through the priest)…
– Every time he sins…. the sacrifice was expensive…
– For fellowship…
the priest would take the sacrifice, slaughter it and offer it (what if it had to be done in the church)
– The priest would mediate.
Why did God do this??
– He was preparing his people and the world for a great high priest.
So that they would know that they are sinners and need sacrifices and that the priest is the mediator between man and God…
The meaning of priest is – one who serves for others.
– That is why the Hebrew word priest, high priest, is repeated over and over again.
– And many more things we study later.
Now… through the book of Hebrews we know that there is a need for an eternal… God-man high priest… (only Jesus can be eternal)… meaning one who lives forever…
Job also says the same thing in Job 19:25-26…
Now we find this in Hebrews chapter 5 and take the reference from 4:14-16…
5:1-5… Qualifications for being a priest…
The book of Hebrews
compares the priesthood of Jesus Christ with the priesthood of Aaron…
1) From among the people (5:1)
2) Offerings and sacrifices for sins (5:1)
3) Acting mercifully (5:2)
4) Appointed by God (5:4)
1) From the tribe of Levi
2) Requires many sacrifices (5:1)
3) Was a sinner himself (5:3)
4) Aaron’s descendants (5:4)
– Incarnated in human form
– Perfect sacrifice (5:9)
– Powerful to save (5:9)
– According to the order of Melchizedek 5:10
1) From among the people – In the Old Testament
– Had to be from the tribe of Levi.
– A tribe was also chosen in the tribe..
– The lineage of Aaron… Aaron was the high priest as we find in Exodus 28:1…
and he was given garments… which we will study later.
Aaron was just a type of something greater (we will study later) (Jesus took on human form)..
There were priests for the people – sinners come every day and the priest does the work of sacrificing, and pouring blood, and burning on the altar..
(Gift – peace offerings to make closer fellowship … if I had not sinned and stayed away)..
Aaron himself needed sacrifice first verse 2..
Leviticus 16 … Day of Atonement
– First the high priest offered sacrifices for himself..
– and once a year he went into the Most Holy Place for all the people…
Having mercy (verse 2) or having compassion..
– Some high priests were not like this (Ananias, Caiaphas)
Now there is Christ for us …
But now.. The unbelieving Jews ask, “Wait a minute”
– You Christians say Jesus is the Messiah..
– And He was born of the tribe of Judah Not the lineage of Aaron..
– And how did he become the high priest, they ask…
– Because to be the high priest, one must be the lineage of Aaron..
Now how did Jesus become the high priest?
Now the writer of Hebrews explains this in a wonderful way…
– Jesus is a priest in a different way and he is a high priest according to a greater order than Aaron’s order…
Now we must prove that Jesus is a high priest according to a greater order.
1) Zechariah 6:12-13 – This is a wonderful prophecy about the Messiah.
– Read this… That man… that is, the Messiah
– can only be the Messiah by interpretation.
This passage tells about the 2 functions of the Messiah..
1) King – to rule
2) High Priest – the temple is also mentioned
. There are 3 functions in the Old Testament..
1) King
2) High Priest
3) Prophet
None of these three offices were…
For example – Moses was only a prophet
– Aaron was only a priest
– David only has two offices – king and prophet
Now… The passage of Zechariah says that the Messiah must be a king and a priest and Deuteronomy 18 says that the Messiah must also be a prophet..
Now this is only Christ.
He preached and prophesied, spoke (to humanity) In
Hebrew he is a high priest (present ministry)
He rules in the kingdom – he is a king (future ministry)
Now in what way did Jesus become a high priest according to the law? (If not according to the order of Aaron)
Now.. let’s turn to Psalm 110 (a Messianic psalm)
– The Father speaks to the Son (the Lord to my Lord)
– 1–3 … tells about the king..
– Verse 4 tells about the priesthood..
– According to the order of Melchizedek … which is greater than the order of Aaron..
– This is a wonderful psalm..
Now who is Melchizedek?
Let’s read Genesis 14:13-20..
– Melchizedek suddenly comes into the picture and disappears and in the psalm David says that the Messiah is a priest in the same order..
– Not only Abraham but also anyone else knew the living God who was a priest of the great God…
Melchizedek means – King of righteousness
(Zion) Salem means – The ancient name of Jerusalem… means peace…
– Abraham is also blessed…
– Abraham also offers offerings and fellowship…
– Melchizedek is a type of Christ… We will study later.
– Jesus is a priest in the same order.
Where we left off last class… Today’s class is where we will start…
Now… When did Jesus say he was a priest? Because it is an eternal plan and it is always in God’s mind. He
was made in the order of Melchizedek, but not from eternity.
He could only become our High Priest by taking on human form.
He became man and came into the world and tasted death, that too for us…
Now He is our faithful and merciful High Priest (but in God’s mind this is an eternal plan).
Now we can see in Hebrews 5:5-6 that He is the Son
that God declares by resurrection and was resurrected and
ascended into heaven and now He is our High Priest
who sits at the right hand of God and makes intercession for us. He
makes intercession for us that we may continue in the victorious faith.
He did the same thing for Peter (Luke 22:32) (31-32)
And also John 17
Hebrews 5:7-9 — Jesus Christ speaks of the preparation to take on the role of High Priest. He
went through all that we suffer and He
is now our perfect High Priest, who is without sin.
He knew these things because He was God, but He experienced these things by becoming a man and is our High Priest .
Verse 7 – How many times did Jesus weep
? – With Mary when Lazarus died (John 11)
– Seeing the unbelief of the Jerusalem crowd in Matthew 21
– In the Garden of Gethsemane (Hebrews 5:7)
Now this is the Gethsemane incident…
Now after telling about Melchizedek for 10 verses… Now some important warning or exhortation is given…
The traveler must progress. We must walk in such a way that we are constantly moving forward and growing toward maturity.
Now… we know the background…. about a generation of Israelites
how they turned back because of unbelief and got stuck in the middle and wandered in the wilderness….. “The generation that got stuck” their name…
“The generation that got stuck”
How many believers are like this today…. Many believers today are like “the generation that got stuck”… Between Egypt and Canaan ha…ha…ha…
They have received salvation but they do not have the power to trust in God
they have fallen from the rest that God wanted to give them
Now, here the writer of Hebrews is saying are you “the generation that got stuck”?
– The traveler has to progress, the faithful life can only go one way and that is forward
– the faithful life does not “back up”… It is like a bicycle – a “back up” 9 What is a “back up” 9? So we will give you
a very good definition given by the Bible . – This is a believer who is not too far ahead, this is a believer who is not too far behind, but this is aSuch a believer is stuck. (Stuck)…. in the middle.. neither above nor below.. neither ahead nor behind…
remains in the wilderness between Egypt and Canaan
– when God’s plan is to move forward.
Many believers are like that today, not moving forward.
If you are not maturing and growing in the Lord.. God’s plan is going to move forward and if you hold back, you
have hindered God’s plan….
That is why the writer tells us about 3 wonderful things in Hebrews 5 and 6.
5:11-14 – The marks of spiritual immaturity..
6:1-12 – The call to spiritual maturity..
6:13-20 – The foundations of spiritual maturity..
Let’s read Hebrews 5:11-14…..
– We know that…. Jesus Christ is greater than Aaron the high priest.
But Jesus is a descendant of Aaron and does not explain how Jesus is a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.
– And he will continue this explanation in chapter 7.
– But at some point the author stops and gives an exhortation or an important warning.
I want to talk deeply about Melchizedek but first I want to make sure that you understand what I am saying…. I
want to make sure that you are listening carefully to what I am teaching.
I want to explain Melchizedek but I am having a hard time explaining it.
– It is not that I cannot, but that you have a problem. I think you have become wise in listening.
Many times we also say that… I am not able to understand this preaching.. It is beyond my understanding. Maybe there is a problem not with the preacher but with me not being able to digest the food. Slow, lazy in listening, lazy and awake ..
– because there is no capacity for deep things ..
– Some believers do not have the capacity for deep things.
But I want the believer to know how to listen to the Bible. The preaching and ministry of the word ..
Not like the worldly believer in 1 Corinthians 2 and 3 ..
– I want to know the deep things of God.
Now here the writer is admonishing the believer that,…
– Not only a, b, c and b, d, r, m but now we are speaking and reading in tongues …
– Let’s move on to deep things …
– Let’s stop being ignorant in hearing and let’s listen to the preacher, the teacher, the Bible, understand ..
(1) If our desire for spiritual things is low, that is the first sign of immaturity.
In Hebrews 5:12 – They were unable to teach others… When the time came for them to become teachers or believers.
– Or they were unable to lead others into discipleship.
They needed to be able to tell the story, to preach the gospel, to make disciples, and to understand the deeper things of the Word…
That does not mean that everyone should be a teacher, but they
should be able to share what they have learned, preach the gospel, make disciples and understand the deep things of the Word.
They should be able to communicate the basic things to others..
The initial teachings – …But it is time to write books and books.
“No one can be mature until they learn the Bible”.
– If you are a new believer or student, it is okay, it takes time and in the beginning … it is also necessary to grow
– but now – let’s move .. to speak and read the language.
It is good to be a child, but it is a problem to remain a child …. “You have to eat ….
A 20-year-old child goes from milk to solid food …
That is why – let’s move on to maturity from 6:1-12.
Verse 1 – Let us be led to maturity by the Holy Spirit..
Here are 5 semi-spiritual truths of the Bible..
1) Repentance – turning the heart… turning from other things and believing..
2) Faith (3) Baptisms (4) Laying on of hands (prayer and anointing)
5) Resurrection from the dead (6) Eternal judgment…
After this let us move on to maturity… Let us move on..
Now to 6 and 8
– Many use these passages to talk about losing salvation.
– Many argue… We can find this passage being used mainly….
– We are going to study the correct interpretation of this in today’s class….
– You will get a powerful message that is being raised on this topic but pay attention in class.
– Contact Pravesh after class for that powerful message.
Hebrews 6:
4-8 is unfortunately one of the most misunderstood passages in the Bible. While it is true that these verses are difficult to understand,
we know that any passage of the Bible (no matter how difficult) can be understood in its context and in the light of the whole Bible.
Now let’s read Hebrews 6:4-8…
We can find three main bases for interpreting this passage. What are these three assumptions and which ones are true, we will study them carefully today.
Assumption 1
This is a misconception that many Anglicans and Pentecostals teach. And believe. They say that the believers mentioned in this were once saved or truly believers. And they use this phrase in the main text of verse 6: “ It is impossible to
renew them again to repentance if they fall away .”
And they say that they have become rebellious (dyavapakasmibha) and have lost their salvation.
Now we can easily see that this is a misinterpretation because many passages in the Bible teach very clearly about the eternal security of the believer and if there is a contradiction in those passages, then this passage should not be interpreted. In that case, the contradiction is visible in the Bible and we know that the Bible is the Word of God and does not contradict it.
For example, John 5:24, Romans 8:1, Romans 8:31 clearly speak about eternal security. Furthermore, in John 10:27-28 Jesus Himself says, 27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; 28 and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
There are also many verses that we can use in favor of eternal security. We teach the doctrine of eternal security in Bible college, we have books that explain it well and there is a separate lesson.
Now another view
this is a misconception that is taught by many good Bible teachers, such as Matthew Henry, C.I. Scofield, etc. According to this view, this passage in Hebrews is not talking about true believers, but about those who claim to be believers but are not true believers. Later, they fell away and were proven to be apostates. These are unbelievers who only pretended to be believers.
Scholars who believe in this view say that the writer of Hebrews is writing about those who cooperated with the Holy Spirit for a while but were not truly born again. They are among those who were enlightened only by pre-salvation light.
They say (referring to verses 4 and 5)
– those who once had the light – but they were not the light
– and tasted the heavenly gift – but did not partake of it
– were made partakers of the Holy Spirit – but were not born again,
therefore they fell – “fell” and remained unbelievers.
Third view…. The correct view
First of all, we do not find in this passage any discussion of salvation and we do not find any mention of believers losing their salvation. I believe that the saved are the ones being referred to here. Because these people – had the light, tasted the heavenly gift, were made partakers of the Holy Spirit, tasted the good word and the powers of the age to come.
Charles Ryrie points out that the word light in 10:32, the word tasting in 2:9 and the word parting in 12:10 are the experiences of true believers.
And the whole context of this passage in Hebrews reveals that it is talking about the reward that is the result of salvation. He says in verse 9, “But we, beloved, have confidence in you of better things, and of things that pertain to salvation.”
In verse 6 the writer says, if they have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again unto repentance; it is not said in salvation but in repentance. Repentance is something that God has told believers to do. For example, in the seven letters mentioned in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, which are to the seven churches, Jesus repeatedly tells the entire church to repent – that too in order to overcome and receive the reward (after all, repentance is not salvation.. It is a mistake to equate repentance and salvation).
Now the writer of Hebrews is writing to believers.
When we examine the whole aspect and context of this passage, he (the writer) is warning Jewish believers that if they turn back (dyaabapakashmiv) and turn back after having truly believed in the Jewish system, they will lose their reward.
If they fall – the Greek word “parapitva- abcbeakshei” is used and it simply means to stumble, to fall. It is impossible to interpret apostasy here. This word
– Matthew 26; (verse 39) refers to Jesus falling on his face.
– Luke 22:32; But I have prayed that your faith may not fail.
This word cannot be used to mean loss of salvation or apostasy. It is impossible to regenerate them to repentance but not to salvation. For they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame.
We must note that Hebrews 6:6 “crucifies and puts to shame” is in the present tense in the Greek.
You can see that these people are in a very sensitive time in history. Before Jesus Christ was crucified, they could go to the temple and offer sacrifices in obedience to God’s command, but why is it wrong to do so now? Because Jesus became the sacrifice – once and for all. It
is impossible to bring back the Jewish believers who remain in this state and then stop repenting immediately. But when they stop doing this, they can return to repentance and be restored to fellowship with God. (Revelation 2:5 and other passages)
Now what do verses 7 and 8 mean? “And the seed that sowed is sown in the field. . . . ”
This example of the ground reminds us of the parable of the sower that our Lord Jesus gave. (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23), and it also reminds us of 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, which Paul spoke about the judgment seat.
– When the ground drinks in the rain that falls on it and brings forth fruit, it brings a blessing to the one who planted it. Now the ground cannot read, but it is an example used to illustrate the spiritual state of the believer. Such a believer will receive a reward from God.
– The ground proves its worth by producing fruit, and the true believer also receives spiritual growth and reward by producing the inner fruit of the nature of Christ. But if a ground or a believer – instead of being like that – constantly produces thorns and thistles – it has no value and no blessing or reward, and the thorns and thistles are burned up in the soul.
– The thorns and thistles are burned up, not the ground. God never curses His own.
That is why Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, “For other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon that foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble: every man’s work shall be made manifest; for the Day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work, of what sort it is. If any man’s work which he hath built thereon abideth, he shall receive a reward. “If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” Now verse 6:9 – Beloved…. Believers and
also verse 10 – He remembers everything…
– Writes it in a book of remembrance (Malachi 3:16)..
– Will remember everything He has done for His glory… Verse 11
– We know this comes up again and again and what it means…
– Victory is faith, not being in the middle…
– Don’t judge your faith life by the middle… –
But stay until the end… Don’t be late and don’t be lazy… But by faith and patience verse 12 is the key verse and show it … Faith – Trusting and believing in God… – ” Gives an example.. – Remember Abraham’s… (Swearing to someone greater than himself – בהואובישל) קבם גטאט 7 דדנ בלמ בהואובישל Patience – A child is born in a day.. – A Bible college is completed in a day.. – A house is not built in a day.. – Not everyone learns in one class.. – Like Abraham.. 99 years.. – 90…. 8 years later.. Now…. Hebrews 7 chapter – Jesus Christ is higher than the Levitical priesthood. Hebrews 8 chapter – The new covenant that is in Christ, higher than the old covenant and higher than the other covenants, all covenants are fulfilled in the new covenant. Hebrews 9 chapter – Jesus Christ is higher than the tabernacle and temple that meets. Hebrews 10 chapter – Jesus is higher than all sacrifices. Hebrews 11 chapter – The high way of life is to live and walk by faith… Now 7 chapterVery few believers know what Jesus is doing in heaven today, and it is a deep thing…
– In chapter 5 the author says that Jesus’ priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek.
– He pauses for a moment and says that you are not yet ready for this deep thing and gives a warning or exhortation… which is chapter 6.
– Do not be children but go on to maturity, he says that I want you to learn deeper things…
– Now here the author talks about the “type” of the scriptures. He
explains how the Old Testament is a shadow and the New Testament is the substance or fulfillment of the Old Testament…
– Christ is superior to the Levitical priesthood because He always lives to make intercession for us.
7:1-3 – Explains the type of Melchizedek.
7:4-25 – Explains the pre-existence of the order of Melchizedek…
The Jews ask, what about the temple? What about the sacrifices?
– What about the priesthood? And other things…
– We saw that about Melchizedek…
– He appears in Genesis 14 and is mentioned in the Psalms of David.
– Now who is Melchizedek? Let us study…
Who is Melchizedek from the Bible? There are three main opinions; explaining them, we will also tell you which opinion we believe.
The first opinion is
that some say that Melchizedek is an angel. And this is not the right opinion. They say that in the Old Testament an angel appeared to Abraham many times, but this is Melchizedek. Now why can’t Melchizedek be an angel? Because he was a priest and the role of a priest is not given to angels. Hebrews 5:1, from a man and that is why Jesus took on human form.
The second view
is a good view, but we do not accept it. Now this view tells us that Melchizedek is the pre-incarnate Christ. In the Old Testament we call the event a theophany or Christophany. And so it is with Melchizedek. Some give reasons, such as without a mother, without a sister, without a lineage, etc. This is a nice view and some teachers of Greater Grace may teach it and not say it is wrong. But it is not a great view.
The third view,
which I think… is a good view and we accept it.
– This is our conclusion. Let us read Hebrews 7:1-3…
Now the Holy Spirit gives us more information about Melchizedek in the book of Hebrews than in Genesis 14. He was not only a priest but also a king, the king of Salem whom Abraham met after his victory and gave him tithes.
In verse 3 – but made like the Son of God – like
– not the Son himself or like the Son, he was not the Son..
but was only like the Son…. which we call the image.
That is why – Melchizedek was a literal, real historical king.
He was the king of Salem, which is the ancient city of Jerusalem. But he is the type of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the view we take … (but even if someone says that the human form is the Christ of the past, there is no problem).
Now; What is “form” (tthauvh)?
Two words are important … form (tthauvh) and antitype (blatashtathuvh)…. We will study this briefly. Because we will study it in the way the Bible explains the meaning.
“Form” is a person, practice and custom of the Old Testament which has a counterpart or image in the New Testament. This allows us to find the form. If there is a form in the Old Testament, then there is an image or symbol of it in the New Testament.
– While the “form” is a historical and real one and is also imperfect and temporary.
– But the image is perfect and eternal.
– Which we call the science of form (tthauvhāyinātha). Where these “forms” and the study of antitypes are studied.
For example,
1) (Type) The bronze serpent of Numbers 21:8 is imperfect and temporary.
– (Type) John 3:14 Christ is a type. But perfect and eternal.
2) The Lamb that was sacrificed in the temple and in the tabernacle of meeting is imperfect and temporary.
– John 1:29 and Revelation 5 – Christ is a type. But perfect and eternal.
(The Bible is full of many such types and types, which we will study).
Now, that is why Melchizedek is a literal, historical king, but he is a type and Jesus is a type of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is a shadow of the perfect, eternal, priestly king who is to come….
Class 18
Today we are going to finish Hebrews 7 and 8…
In previous classes we have studied who Melchizedek is .
– We know that very few know what Jesus is doing in heaven today and this is a profound thing.
The author has said that Jesus’ priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek but he stops and says wait….
– I don’t know if you are ready for this or not, that’s why I am telling you to listen carefully.
– Press on to maturity and I will take you into deeper things…
– And we can see that warning or exhortation in Hebrews 6.
Now he talks about types and antitypes which we have studied in previous classes.
The Old Testament has many shadows and the New Testament is the fulfillment of those shadows…
Now in Hebrews 7 – he explains that Jesus is superior to the Levitical priesthood
– because he is the eternal God and always lives to make intercession for us
7:1-3 – Characteristics of Melchizedek
7:4-25 – The pre-existence of the order of the Melchizedek priesthood – was before any other priesthood)
What do we need to know?
Now, why do the Jews need to know that there is no longer a priesthood?
– In the Old Testament everything was done by the priests. The priests were at the center.
– If they sinned, they would take a lamb and give it to the priest, without a priest there could be no sacrifice…
Now, the priest was very important to them and they were rightly asking, “Now what about the priest?” The writer of Hebrews explains this here…
Some points about the priesthood
1) Numbers 8:14-16 — The entire tribe of Levi was dedicated to the Levitical service
– but not all Levites were priests, to be priests they had to be descendants of Aaron
– who was Moses’ brother and the other Levites were to assist the priests
in singing, playing instruments and other tasks
2) No Levite could be a king… they were set apart to serve in the temple
3) The Levitical priestly ministry or high priest also required sacrifices on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16)
– The sacrifices were not permanent or temporary
– sacrifices were made every day and there was no permanent peace
– they had to be repeated over and over again
– they were all pictures of the coming high priest and of the same blood
4) They were hereditary and had to be but were set apart 5
) The priestly service was temporary, they could only serve from 25 to 50 years of age…
The Holy Spirit is showing these precious Jewish people that “the prophecy is fulfilled and has been fulfilled in Jesus.”
In Genesis (chapter 14), only 3 verses are used for Melchizedek.
1000 years later, in Psalm 110:4, David says that ….
– The Messiah’s office will also be high priest and he will be a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek and ..
– 1000 years later, in the book of Hebrews, it is explained in 2 chapters and the form of the Old Testament and the type of the New Testament …
Why is this order of Melchizedek superior to the Levitical priesthood?
Now we will look at some important points (7:1-3)
1) Melchizedek’s priesthood was universal and not limited to the Jews.
– Whenever God makes a covenant with Israel, He always uses His covenant name, Yahweh.
– The Levitical priesthood called itself the priest of Yahweh…
But Melchizedek blessed Abraham as the priest of the Most High God “El-Elon-B(Bethiel)”…
El-Elon – means the creator and owner of heaven and earth…
– The same word is used in Genesis 1:1.
Melchizedek blessed Abraham as the priest of El-Elon…
– which is like Yahweh…
– But he meant something special above all nature, both for Jews and Gentiles…
– Which means that the Messiah is not only for the Jews but for the entire human race and his priesthood is universal.
2) Melchizedek’s priesthood was royal. He was also a king.
– No Levite could be both king and priest.
– Therefore, Christ is the antitype of the Melchizedek priesthood and is both the perfect High Priest and King.
We know that the Messiah is both King and Priest.
– Zechariah 6:13
– Psalm 110:4
which is different and greater than the Levitical priesthood….
3) “Salem” is the ancient name for the city of Jerusalem which is God’s special city.
– From where He will rule over the entire world in the future.
Psalm 132:13-14 – Jerusalem is His chosen and special city.
– From Jerusalem He will rule.
Before Abraham got there, before Moses went there, before the Levitical priesthood came, before David made it his capital..
– long ago there was a royal priesthood with God who worshipped God… long before all the Israelites got there..
4) Melchizedek’s priesthood was righteous and peaceful.
The word Melchizedek comes from two Hebrew words.
בביפ (king) ÷ זבמבה (righteousness) – both combined to mean a king of righteousness
who reigned in Salem – Salem means “peace” (reconciliation) (Romans 5:1).
5) Melchizedek’s priesthood was not temporary but eternal
– a priest could only serve in the temple between the ages of 25-50.
– God also ended it, “started in the wilderness and was destroyed in 70. (Roman Emperor Titus destroyed the city of Jerusalem)
– It has been 2000 years now, there is no temple, no sacrifices, and no priests. God is telling the Jews something, that
now the Son is the eternal High Priest. He is the great High Priest in heaven.
God is saying, “I am a royal priest according to the order of Melchizedek.
Verse 3 – Levitical priesthood required lineage, Leviticus 8 also required Aaron’s lineage and genealogy
– but Melchizedek’s does not and was not necessary
– similarly, the son is the high priest in the order of Melchizedek…
Now let’s briefly explain from 7:4 onwards…
Let’s see from verse 4 onwards how great Melchizedek is…
Verse 4: Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, that’s why Melchizedek is great
Verse 5 The Levites used to collect tithes from the Israelites, but the great father of them all pays tithes to Melchizedek the king-priest
– on the one hand, the Levites also paid tithes to Melchizedek
– that’s why Melchizedek’s priesthood is greater than the Levitical priesthood
Verses 6-10 – All the Levites were in Abraham (lineage)
– just as we were all in Adam and Adam’s sin was in all Imputed
Verse 11 – If the law came through Moses, the law does not make perfect
– the law was given so that every mouth might be silenced
– the law cannot make perfect but it demands, that is why we need the tabernacle of meeting, sacrifices and priesthood
– the Aaronic priesthood and law were temporary
Now Jesus has come, was sacrificed and the tabernacle of meeting is in heaven and He is our universal High Priest…
That is why Hebrews 8 says that
“all covenants have been done away with and a new covenant has been given” (which says that all covenants have been fulfilled)
Verse 12 – We are no longer under the old covenant law but are under the new covenant
The priesthood has changed and we walk in a new priesthood
Verses 13 and 14: Genesis 49 shows that he (Jesus) will come from the tribe of Judah but is a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.
– Clearly revealed in the Old Testament and well explained by Hebrews.
Hebrews 8 and 9
Hebrews 7 – Jesus Christ is greater than the Levitical priesthood.
Hebrews 8 – Christ is greater than the Old Testament and the whole covenant.
Hebrews 9 – Christ is greater than the tabernacle.
Hebrews 10 – Christ is greater than all sacrifices.
Hebrews 11 – Walking by faith is the greatest way of life.
In Hebrews 7 – We have studied the priesthood of Christ according to the order of Melchizedek and its interpretation.
In today’s first class we will study Hebrews 8.
Hebrews 8 – Christ’s new covenant is greater than all.
– His throne and
– His sanctuary and His glory
– His better covenant and its grace
We have now studied the subject of the epistle, the type and the image….
In chapter 7 Christ is the best in His priesthood, His priesthood is eternal and is after the order of Melchizedek.
In chapter 8 Christ’s new covenant is better and more excellent than the old covenant (the Mosaic law).
Now we know about the Lord’s Supper…. Luke 22:19-23. Matthew 26:26-29 “This cup is the new covenant in my blood” – What does this mean?
– If it is a new covenant, why was the Mosaic law given? Why did God give the old covenant and give a new covenant? What is the purpose of the Mosaic law?
– Why was the new covenant given, what is its purpose and what blessings it brings to us In today’s class we will study these things.
So let’s read Hebrews 8 and start at 7:22.
According to verse 1, the author is telling us that “the essence or main thing of things” means..
1) We have such a high priest, who sits at the right hand of the Father or at his right hand.
– This is very unnatural for the Jews to say and also has an immoral meaning.
– When the priests in the Old Testament served, they could not rest but had to do it again and again (sacrifice).
– Every day, month, year, the work for the Levitical priests was never finished.
In fact, there was no chair or seat in the dwelling place and there was no mercy seat to sit on….. where the glory of God was.
– Where the high priest only went once a year and if he condemned he would die, but our Lord Jesus Christ …
– After completing the work by sacrificing himself on the cross
and being sanctified – was taken up to heaven and the first thing it is said is that he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty.
– The right hand always refers to a place of honor.
– It is the greatest honor to be seated at the right hand of God. When the Jewish “Sanhedrin” met (61 leaders, including the high priest)
– This was the largest house of the Jews and sat in a circle.
– And two secretaries sat on the right and left of the high priest.
– In these meetings, the one on the left side reported on the “condemned” ones.
– The one on the right side reported on the “cleansed” ones.
Today Jesus Christ is our great high priest and is seated at the right hand of God… meaning
– He is constantly interceding with the Father for us. And He says “and they are without fault” John 3:17 Such a great high priest we have.
The high priest is the type and antitype of the Old Testament, Christ, as we have studied in 8:1 (He sits).
In verse 2 – He is a minister of the sanctuary and the tabernacle.
1) The Lord, not man, “stood”….. On earth, man-made priests served, but He is in heaven. Let’s read verse 4,
verse 5 – This is “a copy and shadow of heavenly things” on earth.
Meaning – The sanctuary here is only a shadow of the reality that is in heaven.
Shadow means – being a shadow means that the reality is there.
– Just as my shadow… because I am.
We will explain this in chapter 9 on the subject of the dwelling place .
– It is only a shadow of the heavenly city that is in heaven.
– Jesus has a seat and a sanctuary… His place and ministry are the best.
– Let’s also explain 8:3…
Sacrifice – refers to the sacrifice of blood (the sacrifices of the prophets).
Offering – refers to the offering… to give one’s life or to strengthen one’s fellowship.
Now Christ was sacrificed once for all…. for sins
– He finished everything and now there is no need for that sacrifice….but when we fail or sin….
– we accept or sin on the basis of that sacrifice and Jesus is the Advocate.
– Now the fellowship is continuous.
Let’s read verse 6 “Mediator” …..
Mediator of a better covenant
In the old covenant – the priest was the mediator… between God and man
– but he could not get to God
but Christ is our mediator and the great high priest of all things
The old covenant is not as good as the new covenant…
The Jewish priests could not get to God either but Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant and he gets us to God…
If the old covenant was not bad, God gave the law of Moses.
This was given for a teaching process, to lead
everyone from young to old to Jesus, the teacher, to know me
– before God and the wonderful Word…
Verse 12 – Spiritual acceptance….
The Law was to teach…. That too of His holiness… But God promised a new covenant in the Old Testament…. Which was spoken and written by the prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 32:31-34. The Old Testament speaks of a better priest coming, and the Old Testament speaks of a better covenant coming.
The writer of Hebrews says that God is talking about giving a new covenant, the writer of Hebrews says this in 8:1-13.
1) God Himself is making this covenant…. Given by God and written by Him… That is why we see God repeatedly saying, “I, my.”
2) It is bound to the house of Israel and the house of Judah or all of Israel.
– All promises were given to a specific group of people and that is the Jewish people.
– The promise given to Abraham was universal and from him came the Jews…. It was given to both the old and the new Israel……but the new is different from the old.
1) He gave it to Abraham.
2) He gave it to Moses and with conditions – to obey – unconditionally – and also love and election.
3) He gave a new covenant.
Jesus came and made a new covenant….. that… also with Israel…
But by faith we enter into the blessings of that new covenant.
– This promise was not made to the church, the church is a mystery (Ephesians)
– but we are the beneficiaries of it, that too by faith we enter.
– The Holy Spirit comes into us and we enter into that blessing.
– Romans (10-11) We are grafted in…. That is an important teaching.
– It is fulfilled in the 1000 year reign with Israel.
Now we can find these things up to Hebrews 8:8-10, and we can find the second part of this covenant from verses 10 to 12.
Now Hebrews 9
chapter 9 – Christ ministers in the most excellent dwelling place in heaven.
– The Old Sanctuary and its Ministries
– The New Sanctuary and the Ministry of Jesus’ Finished Work.
Now many Jews did not know about the big picture of the temple and the tabernacle.
But now the writer of Hebrews is explaining how this earthly tabernacle is only a copy of the heavenly one, which is eternal (in heaven).
– When did God tell Moses about the tabernacle… Why did God need a tabernacle on Mount Sinai now?
– Because God is so holy that man cannot see Him directly.
– That is why the mercy seat, the presence… Etc. Etc.
Mesha stayed on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights, a long time and God gave the exact structure and description of the tabernacle.
– There are only 2 chapters for the creation of the whole world but
– There are 50 chapters for the tabernacle…. From Exodus 25 to Leviticus
– Each account reveals God’s plan of salvation to man.
– And it is explained in all detail and style and
– It must be as God said… And there I will speak to you.
The tabernacle is a tent, a tent that God would pitch wherever He went in the wilderness where He would speak to His people.
Now everything about the tabernacle tells us about Jesus Christ.
– About Him
– His ministry
– Explains His method of salvation.
The tabernacle had three parts…
1) The outer part – 150 feet long and 75 feet wide
– It was fenced with wood and linen curtains
– The linen represents God’s righteousness
It had one main door to enter – There was only one way in
– Jesus is the only door to salvation
– John 10 I am the door and I am the way
They would come in through it and give the lamb or sacrifice to the priest and stay in the outer part…
This outer part was where all could come and as salvation is available to all
Then we see another important tabernacle…. In the eastern part
– which also had two parts
1) The Holy Place where there were 3 instruments
2) The Most Holy Place where there was 1 instrument
God told Moses to make 6 instruments in the tabernacle and each one had an important meaning…
1) The Altar of Burnt Offerings – This was the largest instrument or part and was covered with brass – Brass represents justice in the Bible.
– 7⁄1-2 feet wide (all around), 3 feet high.
– Made of wood and a silver plate was made on top and it was made of brass… and there the sacrifices were placed and burned.
– Four horns were made and there the sacrifices were tied This altar of burnt offering tells of Jesus being sacrificed for us as the Lamb of God.
Jesus sang a hymn before he went to the cross and it was the Hallel.
– He sang Psalms 113-118 and especially the last Psalm 118 and went to the Mount of Olives.
The Psalmist says, “The stone which they rejected has become the head of the corner” and verse 26 says – Bind the festival sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar.
– The Lord Jesus is saying that I am ready to go to the cross.
– The altar of burnt offering speaks of the cross where He was sacrificed for us.
– The altar of burnt offering is the first thing you see when you enter through the main gate.
– That is why no one can enter without the cross.
(2) Laver – (basin) (Lybak)
– Now this was where water was and the priests washed their hands and feet.
– Water – speaks of water for washing for beauty. And Ephesians 5:25-26 is the word.
– Jesus died for our sins…..for our sins and to cleanse us from our sins
– Yes, we are eternally forgiven by the cross.
But every day a believer needs forgiveness so that he can have fellowship with God.
Now you can serve…..the basin of the hand and foot washing tells us this.
– Now then we see another tabernacle and it had two parts.
1) the Holy Place and 2) the Most Holy Place (these are the main parts)
Now you see it first on one side.
3) the Lampstand
– Now we see two items in the Holy Place. One is the Lampstand
– it was made of pure gold and had 7 branches and olive oil was poured into the branches.
– The gold speaks of God (the heavenly nature), 7 is the number of perfection or completeness.
– The oil always speaks of the power of the Holy Spirit.
– This is about Jesus saying “I am the light of the world” and then you see another item on the other side.
4) the Table of Showbread
– a wooden box
– all the items in the Holy Place were sealed with a thread.
Wood – The Humanity of Jesus
Gold – signifies Godhood. – The God-man
would take 12 loaves of bread every Sabbath and put them there and only the priest could eat.
Now there was another item next to the curtain separating the Most Holy Place and the Holy Place and that was.
(5) The incense altar
– also made of gold and wood.
– It would have coals inside.
– And the coals would have been taken from the altar of burnt offering.
On the basis of Christ’s sacrificial work (on the cross), our prayers go up to heaven.
The outer part – relates to Christ’s work of salvation.
– Christ is available to all people and for all.
The Holy Place – would have been hidden from the eyes of the world and man.
3 items from the heavenly sanctuary
1) The lampstand – He is the light (John 8:12)
2) The table of showbread – bread (bread from heaven)
3) The altar of incense – prayers that are in heaven.
And now finally… the veil
separating the holy place and the most holy place in the holy place which was removed at the time of Jesus Christ’s death…
where the sixth item was.
6) The Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat
– This was also made of wood overlaid with gold, like a vase.
– Inside the Ark were 3 items – the tablets of the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod of resurrection and the manna. Each one tells about Jesus Christ.
– The Ark tells about the whole person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And… the Ten Commandments were broken by man and only Christ has fully fulfilled them.
– He is the bread of life and
– He has the power of resurrection.
Now this box was covered with a lid and was called the mercy seat and two angels covered the seat of the cross.
– The high priest sprinkled blood on the mercy seat (on the Day of Atonement)
– John 2:2 – Jesus is the mercy seat.
Now what do all these things mean..why is it on earth?
Hebrews 8:5 and other passages say that these are shadows and types (rhythms)
– a simple material points to a greater work of salvation.
– The type (copy) is not before but the main thing is before (ישפבה וזאתה איותה)
the real and great dwelling place in heaven where Christ is now serving.
What is that… Let’s look at Revelation 21:1-3…
– The dwelling place of God and the same holy city is Jerusalem which is in heaven today and will come down.
Revelation 21:3 says – The dwelling place of God. It
is explained in verses 10-27.
1) Name 1500 miles – every 1500 the measurement of the 2) 12 gates, 12 angels and a great wall
12 apostles names… even more glorious
3) 21:21 – The golden street
was not in the wilderness but in Solomon’s
:22-23 – There was no temple – the Lamb was the lamp
Revelation 1:12-13… The lampstand is the church
light or lampstand Christ is the bread of life
Psalm 78:24 explains
John 6:32 – I am the bread of life
Revelation 2:17 – I will give manna to the victorious
altar of incense – Revelation 8:3-4 – in heaven
then – the mercy seat and the ark of the covenant – Hebrews 9:12
This is also in heaven today and there is the blood of Christ
that is why we can go in with confidence
He said do not touch Mary…..
The high priest
is explained in Exodus 28…
Turban – to cover the head, the head covering speaks of
Christ’s submission to the Father
Jesus When Christ is depicted as the great high priest, it
speaks of his obedience to the Father, his complete submission, and the Father being his head… 1 Corinthians 11:3
(a golden crown) was worn with a turban and something was written on it verse 36
– Holiness to the Lord… Written or engraved (worn on a ribbon)
with gold tells about his divinity
Jesus Christ had a heavenly mind or the mind of God
The priest’s clothing had many different garments on top of it
The inner white garment (alkha)
– made of linen
– this was worn first and over that the others
– this was worn by the other regular priests who showed that it was different from Aaron
– it speaks about purity, righteousness and mainly about the servant
– just as Jesus Christ came into this world as a servant
– he was also fully human
On the Day of Atonement, the high priest first offered sacrifices for himself
– this is what he did It was done by simply wearing the garment
– after this Aaron would put on the rest of the wonderful priestly garments
– and he would go in and say peace be upon you and
he would put another garment on top of that white garment…
and it would be blue and blue always depicts heaven.
The white garment of the first one – speaks of Jesus’ humanity.
This blue garment – signifies that he came from heaven
and below it were bells and pomegranates.
Bells – and a musical instrument (when walking).… It would ring when he went into the Most Holy Place and people would know that he was alive
. The pomegranates – speak of fruitfulness…
Now over this blue garment he would put the ephod…
which was gold, white, purple and red.
Gold – divinity.
White – holiness or purity.
Purple – royalty.
Red (purple) – the color of the turban.
Now it was placed on top of the ephod as a breastplate
. – 12 stones: representing the 12 tribes
. – carried in the heart when entering the Most Holy Place.
– Jesus carries each of us and makes intercession.
Revelation 1:12–15
Acts 6:55
Class 19
We are in Hebrews 9 and we have studied up to verse 5 last week.
Now let’s read from verse 6 onward…
verse 7 – The mistake is important…
Now this is talking about the main feast or day of the Israelites…
– which we call the Day of Atonement… which we find explained in Leviticus 16.
If someone sinned, they would go to the priest and offer a sacrifice… and that sacrifice would go up to the altar of burnt offering… which means it was waiting to be fulfilled on the cross one day.
– But in some ways they did not remember their sin… like us?
That is why in verse 7 it is said… “the mistake” or “the mistake”.
They had a conscience and yet they would not have known about all their sins which is called the sin of “the mistake”.
That is why God set aside one special day a year and called it the Day of Atonement… (which is explained in Leviticus 16) קבועזדבח( יאטבהבחך. – On that day
all unconfessed sins were cleansed… –
On that day everything was centered on the high priest.. – The Day of
Atonement or תאמ( פשוועגקא. תאמ( פשוועגקא) פשוועזדבח( פשוועזדבח( פשוועזדבח) פשוועזדבח( פשוועזדבח) פשוועזדבחך He would purify himself, he would bathe himself and put on a robe – then he would offer many sacrifices to purify the tent of meeting – and put on a linen garment – when it was time to atone for the sins of the nation, he would take off his linen garment and wash himself again – and put on the white priestly garments (all sacrifices were made in white garments) – after the purification process… – he would take two goats and bring them back to the tent of meeting or to the people’s backs – he would take a common basket and cast two lots in it – one would have Yahya written on it and the other would have “Azazel” written on it, which means the goat to be scapegoat. – he would cast lots and place them on the goats. Now according to the lot , John had a ribbon tied around his neck, because he was going to be slaughtered . The other “Azazel” – a ribbon tied around his horns, because he was to be released. The priest would take both goats and both goats represented the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. John – the scapegoat – who satisfied God. Azazel – who took our sins from us and both of these ministries were fulfilled through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ…The goat that he sacrificed… he did this
– he killed the goat and collected the blood and took this blood into the Most Holy Place and dipped his finger… that too without a drop falling on the way (one day of the year)
– he dipped his finger and sprinkled it 7 times on the mercy seat
Leviticus 16:15 – On the mercy seat – For God or God’s sake Jesus Christ placed
the mercy seat above – He also died for us, for man
inside the mercy seat – there were 10 commandments, 7 times is the number of perfection or perfection
– then the high priest would come out and put the scapegoat on the goat and put the sins of the whole nation on the goat …
after that prayer… a man would take it into the wilderness (and throw it off a cliff, so that it would not return)
John 1:29 – The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
Psalm 103 – As far as the east and the west Far away (verse 12)
– He forgave sin and pleased God with it.
Touch not Mary… (John 20:17)….
– Jesus invisibly poured out his blood on the heavenly mercy seat.
Hebrews 9:11-12 cf. and also verse 24
– As the priest said peace after offering sacrifices, so Jesus said peace to you after verse 19 (John 20)….
Now you read and understand chapter 9. 9:
15-18 — That is why the new covenant is better than the old and its mediator is Christ.
9:19-24 — The sacrifice is the blood of Christ… by the blood (take and eat this is the new covenant in my blood)
9:25-28 — Jesus did it once for all
– no longer needed every year…. Amen.
Let’s look at Hebrews 10… Christ’s sacrifice is superior…
– Better than all the Old Testament sacrifices and they are only a shadow and a symbol of a perfect sacrifice…
Encourages us to enter the Most Holy Place because the veil is torn…
A warning that if we are unfaithful, we will be punished…
– Now through every sacrifice God is saying that there is a perfect sacrifice and Jesus comes and completes it…
Let’s read 10:1-8 – and comment on Psalm 40:6-8.
– Which was written by David 1500 years before Jesus came…
David is talking about the work that Jesus would do on the cross here
. – And he writes about the conversation between the Father and the Son.
– The Son will one day come into this world and sacrifice himself for the forgiveness of sins.
All the sacrifices of the Old Testament – sin offerings, burnt offerings) are only symbolic. The reality is Christ Jesus.
That is why the conversation between the Son and the Father is taking place here, which David records and the writer of Hebrews explains.
That God in the council which we find in Acts 2:23.
– Jesus says to the Father Psalm 40:6-8.
– That I know the Father 1 Peter 1:19 The Lamb must be sacrificed.
– Revelation 13:8 – And that Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world.
And Jesus comes into this world… Came – Prepared a body ..
– And that body is the perfect sacrifice… Because burnt offerings and sin offerings cannot please Him but only the sacrifice of Christ…
When we see in His human form that the Spirit of the eternal Son entered the womb of a virgin Mary.
– Which the angel Gabriel told Mary and overshadowed with the Holy Spirit and..
– A holy Son was born.
– Thus Jesus took on humanity in His divinity and became 100% God and 100% man.
That is why He is called the only begotten – Unique.
1 Peter 1:18 – The spotless blood purchased with that blood Acts 20:28…
With perfect blood, a perfect sinless body (perfect in humanity too) and He fulfilled the will of a perfect God.
– And Jesus never sinned, if He had sinned He could not have been the perfect sacrifice… He was made sin for us who knew no sin 2 Corinthians 5:21 ..
– He was the perfect sacrifice…..
Jesus took that perfect blood and went to the cross and died…. He went to heaven and shed His blood on the mercy seat…. That is why He said, “Touch not Mary.”…
We will see the heavenly mercy seat and see it fresh.
Revelation 5:8… Fresh lamb and blood..
On the basis of that blood He forgives and does..
That is why 10:10 says – we are sanctified by that blood.
We are set apart, holy forever, in Christ..
Verse 14 – By one sacrifice… forever..
– No more sacrifices needed..
Now let’s read from 19-25 and study the amazing thing here…
Verse 19 – Boldness (paresis) – Just as a son goes boldly to his father’s throne, so…
In verses 10-19, the author makes two important points.
1) Encourages us to enter the holy place with boldness…
– We spend some time in verse 20… which talks about the veil.
Now there was a curtain separating the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place… Only the high priest could go inside it one day a year…
But there was a curtain… The Talmud says that the curtain in the temple… was…
– 60 feet high – 30 feet wide – 4-6 inches thick..
– It was made up of 72 pieces and was multicolored..
– It was engraved with the image of two angels (cherubim)…
– It took 300 priests to hang it…
– If two oxen were tied here and there and released, it would tear slightly…
1) The word used for the curtain in Hebrew is ebchayaphatz…
– which simply means “separated” or separated…
– What does it mean to do?
– God is inside, who is holy, and you are outside…
– God is so holy that no one can come in without a mediator, even the high priest only after one day of purification…
2) The veil refers to our Lord Jesus Christ…
– It refers to the very body of the Son of God…
– The entire tent of meeting is a picture of Him and the veil refers to His main body… His very body…
The glory of God was in the Most Holy Place of the tent of meeting and the ark of the covenant…
– People could see the pillar of cloud in it and He is Jesus Christ Himself…
2 Chronicles 5:11–13 – Solomon dedicates the temple and the glory fills the temple…
– He is Jesus… the pre-human Jesus Christ…
But one day in Ezekiel 10:27 the glory leaves the temple…
– Because of the disobedience of the Israelites…
for 600 years after that… the temple is destroyed It was and it was empty…
– There was no ark of the covenant, no glory.. empty..
– There were only the signs…
But 600 years later He returned to earth and that glory came by being covered with flesh..
John 1:14 says – The Word became flesh… and dwelt among us…
– That is, He became the tabernacle of meeting… As the glory was in the tabernacle of meeting..
He had glory within Him and was covered with a body or veil..
– In Matthew 17, Peter, James, and John saw…
– As the veil covered the tabernacle of meeting, so also the body, which is a veil…
His body was a veil covering the glory of God…
In John 2, a wonderful event occurs during the cleansing of the temple..
– Jesus says, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days.”..
– The Pharisees say, “It took 46 years and how can you build it in three days…
– The Pharisees use the word “Heron”… for the temple. Who makes the outer structure..
– Jesus uses the word “neos”, which is the most holy place and that is his body..
Now that is why the veil is Jesus’ body and the glory inside..
Exodus 26 explains its construction..
(4 colors) Fine linen – righteousness
Blue – heaven (came from heaven)
Syringe red – sacrifice
Purple – purity, holiness
What happens in Matthew 27:50-51… Jesus gives up his life.
Verse 51 – The veil was torn in two from top to bottom.
– At the time Matthew wrote… All the priests knew that the veil of the temple was torn..
– Jesus’ body was torn on the cross and that is why the veil of the temple was torn..
This happened at 3 o’clock… That was the time of the evening sacrifice…
– The priests would gather in the temple, the Jews would be outside and it was the time of the evening sacrifice…
– The Jewish priests were in the holy place at this time, burning incense and lighting lamps on the lampstands….
– Thousands were outside, Jews…
– Now the curtain suddenly tears… What a time…
– They must have seen the empty Most Holy Place…
– In Acts 6, the priests also believe…
Meaning… No need for a temple anymore… No need for an earthly priest for sacrifice…
Hebrews 10:20 – The new and living way is now through Christ…
Now the second thing, the first was come boldly into the holy place…
2) Hold fast in verse 23… Hebrew believers who are about to be burned up…
– We have explained this in previous classes…
– Do not be like the middlemen… A generation of Israelites… There is a right, a reward…
Hold fast to 3 things…
In verse 22 1) Pure water is the word…
In verse 24 2) Encourage one another…
25 Padma 3) Do not forsake the fellowship of the church….
Class 20
Hebrews 10:26-31
While the Bible offers believers many passages of love, joy, and peace, it also speaks of something terrifying about judgment. In the verses we are now studying, we are going to look at one of the most severe warnings in the Word. As a result, there is a legitimate reason to be afraid. Hebrews 10:26-31 uses some words that some people take to mean that “the believer loses his salvation.” But that is not the case…. Those words… “judgment, consuming fire, fiery indignation, wrath, severe punishment, vengeance, etc. etc.…
Many may find this frightening, and there is a lot of fire in this passage. But when we understand it, we know that it is definitely talking about something terrifying.
Let’s read Hebrews 10:26-31 (and see).
Isn’t it talking about hell? Why is it not mentioned about hell?
We will look at two reasons why this passage does not mention believers going to hell….
1) No believer will go to hell – This Hebrews passage is written to believers and is talking about believers. For example, 3:1 …. Holy brothers ..
And we have also studied Hebrews 6:4-6 …. which says that ..
– If those who have the light are not the light of the world …. etc. etc.
– Before writing this passage of Hebrews (Hebrews 10:26-31)
the author tells us that the perfected, will be … verses 1, 10, 14 ..
speaks about the forgiveness of sins … verses 4, 17-18 ..
– where the readers are addressed as brothers with whom we have boldness to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Christ
… and with whom we have a great high priest, Jesus Christ.
– In verse 29, the people mentioned in this passage have been sanctified and only believers are sanctified (10:10 and 14).
Furthermore, in verse 30, it is said – His people.
Conclusion This is about believers and believers do not go to hell…
John 3:16÷5:25÷6:38-40÷1 Thessalonians 5:9-10÷Hebrews 10:10 etc. clearly state that believers do not go to hell.
While this passage in Hebrews is a warning and exhortation to believers,
we can be sure that this passage is not talking about the destruction of hell….
2.. Second reason… This passage does not mention hell at all.
Words like lake of fire, Gehenna, hell, unquenchable fire, eternal punishment or torment are used which are related to eternal punishment.
Read again and read carefully… You will understand what I am saying….
Now this passage in Hebrews talks about temporal (punishment) judgment and we will study how and why this happens.
Born-again believers face only two types of judgment:
1) The afterlife judgment, which is a judgment
of works and rewards related to works done in this life.
2) The temporal judgment — where God punishes for disobedience.
Now the Hebrews passage must have been referring to one of these.
Now, according to this context, Christ’s judgment is not about the judgment seat.
(verse 35 and elsewhere it says…)
That is why God speaks of a temporal judgment that will come upon disobedient believers while they are still in this world…
We will look at this here.
The main punishment is the temporal judgment: the author in this book of Hebrews compares this terrible judgment to the death penalty under the Mosaic Law (verses 28-29).
In some nations, as in the laws of the nation of Israel, the death penalty was imposed for certain offenses, even in the law – such as adultery and murder).
In ancient Israel this punishment applied to both believers and unbelievers, and it still does in some nations today.
For example – Leviticus 10:9-11 (10 chapters in total)
Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire and then went and drank…
– God sent fire from heaven and took their lives…
– They were saved people and yet died because they disobeyed God’s command.
Just like that… God took the lives of two people who lied to the apostle Peter at the beginning of the church age, and that lied to God..
– Ananias and Sapphira… were put to death before the church for their sins (Acts 5:1-11).
The only way to understand the true meaning of this passage in Hebrews is to compare it with these events…
– Comparing apples to apples..
– Apples should not be compared to oranges..
Now… this passage can only be compared with the two judgments of the believer..
– Physical death is a temporary judgment, not an eternal death..
– It is important to understand the principle of chastisement…
This passage is given as an example by comparing it with unsaved people, whose temporary judgment is used as a comparison. Now this “severe or severe punishment” is some kind of temporary judgment that is worse than immediate death.
The emotional, spiritual, and physical suffering that lasts or comes and goes can be more painful than immediate death…
As Jane Hodge writes: The writer is not thinking of hell here.
– There are many heavenly rewards that can come to a person that are different from immediate death.
– In fact, Jeremiah complains to God about such a calamity upon Jerusalem (Lamentations 4:6,9)
– One might also think of King Saul, whose last days were filled with such mental and emotional distress that death could be the only means of escape.
Saul – reformed by Samuel, tormented by an evil spirit, painful circumstances, and death…
We might also think of King David… after his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband…
– He faced one loss after another and a crisis (2 Samuel 12:14)
– Although God delivered David from immediate death (2 Samuel 12:13), that did not mean that he received any less punishment… Let’s study the sequence of events…
Now… of course, it is not about losing salvation or gaining salvation…
Now before we go to Hebrews 11… where faith is discussed…
but let’s take the context from 10:32…
– 32-34… it tells us that it was through suffering.
In verse 35, do not lose heart…. do not give up..
– If you understand the call, the reward and the teaching so far, then…
you do not lose heart, do not give up, do not give up..
do not become a fool..
others lose the reward, lose the opportunity…
Let us not be like those who live in the middle… That is why we are in the middle
.. verse 36 – Patience…
– Yes, faith, but with patience, endurance..
– Courage, for the fulfillment of the promise..
verse 37 – The righteous live by faith..
– He shrinks back… He is not pleased with that…
– He loves but does not please (does not lose salvation)
And now let’s go to the section on faith…
Hebrews 11:1 – The Bible defines faith, many believers are confused about what faith is..
– They think that faith is just believing in God.
– But why should we trust for less?
– They say I have faith… What faith?
So let’s explain 11:1…
The assurance of things hoped for – the key word here..
(1) Kgadaktabalav – jagayuyakatabaka (This means that faith has a substance.
– This word is a scientific word for that time, meaning that faith has something.
– Faith can be proven.
– Many think that it is superstition or living in the dark or something like that..
There is another word in Greek “jathayuyatabhaka” which means just a theory or a theory..
That is why faith is not a theory but a worldly substance.
– Faith is a real and real thing…
(2) The evidence of things not seen – The key word here is ..
Pramana – bhakhasmabhalav – bhabhinajajaka (Proof can be given even in a court of law.
This means that if you have the mind to prove faith, have a scientific mind, legal Mind, if you want to think carefully and look at the facts…
– You can prove faith and do it scientifically and legally.
– Apologetics is a good subject…
Now what is the object of faith? How does faith come?
Romans 10:17 – Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God…
– Comes by “Rohma”.
1) Hearing (hupo phoe) – Listening in submission to the word of God..
– The believer submits himself in humility to the word of God .
– Obey the Word and listen to the Word..
2) Rihma (Word) – The spoken Word from God (Matthew 4:4)
– The Holy Spirit speaks through the written Word..
– Faith comes by hearing, reading, and studying the Word..
Faith comes when God becomes personal.
– When you read the Word, God becomes personal with you and speaks His will, says, “Go here,” and makes a promise.
– The pastor is a tool but the message is God’s, God speaks through the words of others… in the church…
– Like Mary in Luke 2:19, I treasure these words in my heart… every day…
this is the object of faith… I have the spoken word from God and a living thing from God… “The Word is the thing”
Now another important thing… none of the leaders of faith did just what they wanted…
Verse 7 – Noah was warned by God and built the ark…
– Abraham was called to go (verse 8) and so on…
Now, faith comes from hearing what God tells me to do and also guidance…
– You spoke once, I heard twice…
– You express your will and I do… Like Noah and Abraham… they built and went…
Let’s remember – It is very scary to do what God says not to do…
– It is very dangerous to do what God says not to do, because it is very dangerous…
– I don’t do what I think is right ..
Faith comes by hearing and it reveals His will and I repent….
– That is faith….
The object of faith is the spoken word of God..
The three concepts of faith in Hebrews 11..
1) Revelation – The spoken word from God..
2) Response (response) – Doing according to God’s will..
In between these two
is patience – walking by faith, waiting…
3) Reward – Immediate… God’s testimony…
– Victory with God in the future…
What I believe, I live by… That’s right..
Every day we are exercising faith – Abel, Asylum, Cars, Chairs, Roads..
Now let’s look at the three heroes of Hebrews 11 before the flood…
1) Abel – The path of faith that brings salvation (Genesis 4)
– Adam and Eve knew in Genesis 3:15, knew through the coat of skins..
– Taught his sons…
– One was saved – Abel, the other was not – Cain..
– Abel came by blood sacrifice and presented the way of salvation…
2) Enoch – a walk of faith (Genesis 5)
– everyone is dying…
– walks for 300 years…
– walks with the last…
– is a picture of the resurrection…
3) Noah – a testimony of faith (in difficult circumstances)
– preached for 120 years… Some say but there was no call… But I don’t think so..
– Preaching is not about saving people, which is
what Jesus does.. – Preaching is about presenting Jesus Christ and His salvation…
– Preaching is about saying here is my Jesus and He saves…
– But Noah won his family over…
We are in Hebrews 11..
The names of these heroes of faith are filled with the names of very ordinary people.
In the last class we studied about three heroes before the flood..
Abel – who tells about the path of faith..
Enoch – the walk of faith
Noah – the witness of faith
Now, today we will start with Abraham…
Abraham tells about the missionary faith and the faith of worship that he was called to.
– The most about Abraham is explained in Hebrews 11.
Abraham and Abraham’s ancestors worshiped other gods (Joshua 24:2)
They were from Ur of the Chaldeans.. which is now Iraq and their fathers worshiped the moon (Jun, Aushi)..
God appeared to Abraham before Genesis 12…
– which is mentioned in Acts 7:2 and I think he had a relationship with God before that…
– God appeared in glory and went to God and married Sarah…
– They had everything they needed in Ur of the Chaldeans, the only problem was that they had no children…
– And God called them to leave their place, their family and Abraham told Sarah and they became missionaries… He listened to and obeyed God…
Now, we will study 4 important things from the life of Abraham that are very important for missionaries and pastors…
From Genesis 12-15 we will see how many times God’s word came to Abraham. We can….
According to Hebrews 11:8, the first thing is – a hearing ear…. The traveler hears… The missionary hears the word of God….
Whenever Abraham does not listen to God, he gets into trouble….
– When there is a famine in Canaan, he goes to Egypt and gets into trouble ….
According to verse 8, the second thing is… Obedience (obedience)
– When God calls me, I obey…. I act in faith…
According to verse 9, the third thing is a heart dedicated to God….
They live in tents…
– A tent is something that can be moved…
– A tent cannot provide the protection that a house can provide..
– Missionaries called by God can stay in a tent…
– A tent that can be moved… Because God was taking him wherever he wanted… We can see a dedicated heart…
– Now not only the tent but we can also see the altar…
The altar next to the tent and wherever he went, he would tell and there They would sacrifice..
– The altar speaks of worship..
– I need the altar and the tabernacle because I am a missionary..
I need the tabernacle which speaks of separation from the world..
I need the altar which speaks of my sanctification and worship..
– The tabernacle means that I am a pilgrim here and not of this world. This is the life of a tabernacle…
– The altar means that I am not only of this world but also an ambassador of heaven. The altar speaks of fellowship with God.
When I go to the mission field I need a tent and an altar… I need to walk with God in the mission field…
And now the fourth thing is a fixed eye or a single gaze… And that gaze is looking at a city… Which we can find in verse 10…
– That eye that is not of the world but of God, of heaven and of the world…
The city – Revelation 21… Yes, that tent that will meet is the city of Jerusalem…
which is to come in the future, and now it is in heaven… It will be hanging in heaven for a 1000 year reign…
– The saints of the Old Testament were looking at the same thing…
– John 8:56… Her eyes were on the future time, that is, the future glory and reward…
– This city here will one day be destroyed and finished…
Verse 11 In this verse, all by itself, this word is important…
– This is a wonderful woman, who was following the man of God, at the age of 90, God came and said to her, “You will have a son.”
– Sarah laughed – Genesis 18:14) But she had faith in her heart and gave birth to a son…
Verse 12 – The result is a voice … children .. physical children and spiritual children ..
– We will have countless children and that too spiritual…
– And will be born by faith ..
Verses 17-19 – God did not ask Isaac to be sacrificed at birth …
– Abraham did not have the faith to offer his son at birth…. Here faith is being tested….
(1 Corinthians 10:13) God does not ask you to do anything you cannot do ..
Isaac was 32-33 years old at this time (–a little boy)
– He took him to Mount Moriah and asked him to sacrifice him, Isaac asked where is .. the sacrificial lamb .. Abraham says God will provide … See Abraham’s faith has grown …
– In one sentence he believed according to verse 18 “In Isaac your The seed will be named … God promised and Abraham believed..
19 verse – God will not allow the sacrifice …. Because the promise “In Isaac… the name will be named”
– God will raise … Because the promise “In Isaac… the name will be named”
– Abraham believed God’s word and promise ..
– And yet we will be born on the mountain and worship .. Faith ..
God is not harsh but loving, merciful and kind . But He is training you and me for more powerful things ..
– Training, testing and faith for big things ..
– In this world there is one test and in the other you reign ..
– Such testing glorifies Him …
Why Isaac? Let’s look at yesterday’s verse ….
Hebrews 11:20-21 – Now he is talking about Jacob.
You yourself cannot do it but God ..
– He is talking about faith that is not afraid and faith that is reliable.
Worldly leadership – The leader stands tall and his heart is full of pride.
Christian leadership – The leader stands tall but his heart is bowed down.
Jacob – No integrity, deceitful fathers and brothers and life is full of struggles …
– But he wrestled with Jesus and got the name Israel …
– We will fail, we will fail … but God is gracious … and He will bring ….
After the wrestle, Jacob needs a stick to walk …. Meaning he now lives a life that is dependent on God.
Therefore do not lean on your own understanding… (Proverbs 3:3-4)
Do not be wise in your own eyes… Jacob tried
but later became a leader and returned…
God can do it, not us…
Verse 22 – Joseph… Much could be said about Joseph…
– But why is there a bone?
– In Genesis 15:13, God tells Abraham about the return of the Israelites from Egypt after 400 years…
– According to the same promise, “Do not leave my bones here” because God has returned and fulfilled His promise…
– Exodus 13:19 Moses takes and returns… We are going to the Promised Land…
– This tells of God’s wonderful plan
and our bones will not be left in this world… – By faith… What
Hebrews 11 is trying to tell us internally…
1) Faith and Patience – The writer of Hebrews gives the Hebrew believers and us examples of heroes of faith He gives and tells us what we will receive as a reward…
Through faith and patience we are partakers of the promise and the right…
2) God wants us to have faith for everything but…
– He wants us to have faith for His plan…
– And we are subject to the Word to know that plan…. Faith comes by hearing…
– When I hear the Word and He gives me the word of His will and I repent…
– I go and do it…… The heroes of faith did the same…
Now…. Abel the path of faith
Enoch – the walk of faith
Noah – the witness of faith
Abraham – the faith and worship for the missionary calling…
Sarah – the strength of faith
Isaac – the test of faith Jacob
– the confidence of faith
Joseph – the vision of the future of faith
Moses – the sacrifice of faith
Joshua – the sight of faith (Dhbataz)
Rahab – Mercy that comes from faith
Our Lord Jesus Christ – Author and Perfecter of Faith…
“Faith for every area and circumstance”
Now let’s talk about Moses – Hebrews 11:23-29 When Faith Says No… When you say yes to God, you are saying no to other things…
No to the flesh, no to the world, no to Satan…
– When you say yes to God, you are saying no to the laws of the world…
– You cannot live a life of wealth, you cannot serve two masters…
– Abraham said no to his place, his family, and now Moses is saying no…
Moses denied something…
Verse 23 – Moses’ parents… Faith broke the law of Egypt’s law…
– Moses’ parents were godly parents…
– Exodus 6:20 lists his parents… which are rarely mentioned but God speaks of their faith in Hebrews 11…
– Amram is the father and Kebed is the mother… God does not forget… Their great faith…
– They had two children first… Miriam and Aaron the elder and gave birth to Moses in difficult circumstances…
– Pharaoh has the male child killed… The first anti-Jewish ruler and the last anti-Christ will be…
– By faith he was hidden for a time and by faith he was drowned in the river – instead of being killed, that God would do something) and did…
– God protected him, called the son of a princess and brought him back to his arms…
– If the law of the land goes against God, we do not mean it, but in Romans 13 we honor them and do not rebel with them Acts 5:29… Obey God…
– But Moses’ parents were devout and courageous..
Verse 24 – Denial
– Adopted by the king’s daughter, Egypt which was powerful and developed at that time…
– Archaeological methods Its explanations have been excavated …
– Mesha also received the same education (Acts 7:22)
– Like the most advanced university of that time
– It included science, warfare, medicine, astronomy, theology, ..
– Moses grew up there and could have gotten a good position but if Moses had stayed there he would not have been known as a man of God…. Let’s look at Moses …..
– But he called Egypt “bare” or the world a barber.
Verse 25 – He also chose something else …
– He called the pleasure of Egypt’s sin a barber along with the position of Egypt ….
– He refused to enjoy the sins of Egypt ..
along with what he accepted is in this verse ..
– But he became acquainted with his own people ..
– 40÷40÷40
Verse 26 – He called the wealth of Egypt a barber and called Jesus a thorn (in the bush)
slander – meaning when preaching the gospel
– family, friends, society
– How people see and interpret us
– Moses endured it as an ambassador
– With his eyes on the prize
Verse 27 – Completely rejected Egypt..
Jesus on one side and the world on the other…. What do you choose? It is difficult to choose and eternal or temporary …
28th verse – By the Word of God … Exodus 12 … The Passover Lamb
29th verse – The Israelites crossed over but the Egyptians drowned ..
– Leadership of faith … Let’s not take leaders lightly ..
30th verse – The walls of Jericho fell … Joshua ..
Joshua 5 … met Jesus in the chapter –
Archaeology says that the city of Jericho fell on the outside … with the Word …
31st verse – Rahab the prostitute
– Two spies and she was saved ..
– And it is written in Hebrews 11 ..
– This is a picture of great grace ..
We can find this event in Joshua 2 ..
– She heard that the Red Sea had been crossed 40 years earlier ..
– As a child ..
– She believed … was washed and was saved ..
Matthew 1:5 – Grace brought a wonderful change in her life ..
– She married a Jewish man … Salmon
– Who The great King David is an ancestor (great grandfather)
– not only that, his name came in the lineage of the Messiah ..
– and now in the heroes and heroines of faith … by faith …
32 verses – There is so much that can be done by telling it like another “Gideon” ..
– the man who was hiding … the Midianites were plundering the land and he was hiding ..
– the angel of the Lord comes and says the mighty Gideon ..
– from the smallest tribe and from the smallest family
– God chose the weak for a great work …
why mostly the weak people ?? So that he might receive the highest glory.
– 300 men did miracles
33–35 – Miracles… by faith and by ordinary people ..
36–38 – They endured suffering… The heroes of faith also endured suffering, pain, deprivation,
– This is a great lesson for the reader of Hebrews and for us…
– Many unknown but known by God ..
– They faced suffering by faith…
Verse 38 is very powerful – The world was not worthy of them…
Verses 39 and 40 – The cross was coming, the promise of the Messiah was given.
– Left the world and went to where Abraham was and is now in heaven ..
– The 1000 year kingdom is coming .. Will be resurrected in glory and will reign ..
– But now the church is the congregation ..
– And this suffering continues even further….
Now Hebrews 12:1-14
Now in Hebrews 11… – No one’s sin is mentioned…
– Abraham’s unbelief is not even recorded..
– Many failed, sin, but that is not..
– Because of Jesus Christ…. paid for all and is no longer remembered..
– Ours is the same but faith will be remembered and rewarded..
Now, what they did is in Hebrews 11. In Chapter 12, it is your turn and ours..
– You are running your own race..
– Do you know that you are in the race.. How many of us have finished half the race?..
– Now you listen and desire – by Rima) and repent.. Do the will of God..
12:1 Patience (comes again and again… Faith and patience)…
– Not for 10 minutes of patience..
– God wants you and me to walk with God by faith for 40 ÷ 50 ÷ 60 years..
Sometimes you have to walk slowly, sometimes you have to walk fast… … in God’s will…
– Sometimes you just have to stand but never back down…
If you want to walk with God for a long time..
– Balance is necessary in your life..
– Family, schedule
– If you fall or get knocked down, get up (like the heroes did)
– Who will take you out of the race? Whether it’s family, people, or wealth…
that’s why we need patience and humility.
In Hebrews 12, “Therefore”… The writer of Hebrews says to run the race by looking at 4 things..
1st verse, a – (1) Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us look at this…
Some use this verse to say that the heroes of faith are looking down..
– I don’t think so… They have relationships, fellowship, worship..
But look at this great cloud of witnesses..
Witness – बचटगक (meaning – a witness in court
– one who is called to be a witness..
– He speaks the truth that he knows..
– The person who speaks the truth that he knows..
The saints of the Old Testament are saying
– God is trustworthy and ran his race..
– To the end..
Joseph – finished the race, had problems with his brothers but God remained faithful…
– And even the brothers forgave him..
– Every hero has a story.. For every problem we have a picture…
– Faith Do, allow God, be available ..
– uses ordinary people, for great works ..
2) 12:1 “b” ; Ma – look at yourself means .. every burden and sin that easily binds us, fifty ..
burden – make it light ..
– although in practice we lift heavy but in the race we put on everything light from the shoes and win ..
मैत्य 11:28- 30 .. cast on him, on the cross .. उत्ती में
संस्त्रायालेSin – By the cross of giving up lust… or else you cannot walk..
– Stay away from lustful things..
– This sin destroys..
– Like not watching sexual material, movies, songs and so on..
– Affects the soul and heart…
– Because the reward is great and let’s not play with foolish things..
The third thing to look at is what verses 2-4 tell us..
Look to our Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest of all witnesses.
– Fix our eyes on Him..
– Looking at the present tense.. Always looking, watching Him..
– Closely so that He can affect our wholeness.
The author of faith – Because faith came from Him (Galatians 2:20.. On the cross)
– He is the Word, the object of faith.
– The Perfecter… from beginning to end
– Let us look at Him..
He also tells us what He did..
– He did not use His Godhead for Himself..
– He performed signs (miracles) at the request and will of the Father… The ministry of Christ..
– But in humanity He also lived as we live..
– Suffered the suffering of the cross…
– Became obedient unto death..
His joy… is to bring many into that city and our joy is to be there…
The rest is explained in 5-11 – Seeing the Father’s love
– How and why He can make you heroes..
By discipline – It is training, guidance, warning and sometimes reproof given to a child..
– Just as the earthly father does it in wisdom, the heavenly father also
has a purpose in disciplining God..
– The earthly father does it in wisdom, the heavenly father in eternal wisdom..
If a believer sins, he continues to… Unrepentant sin..
– While he does not lose salvation, but..
1) loses the reward.
2) receives chastisement…. Otherwise, it will become adultery..
First step (1) Rebuke in 5 verses
– Word, pastor, (spiritual) friend, (spiritual) family
– if not listened to..
Second step (2) 6 verses Whipping, beating (physical whipping)
– There is no joy, no peace, like a prodigal son.
– Financial
– Relationship
– Serious illness (not always, not all) – If you still don’t hear
from the hospital, step three (3) Come home – Because I love you – Go home before you can control yourself – For our benefit – Believe, get up, He loves you … – He sold his precious birthright for a meal .. Jacob was also immoral, Jacob had his own problems, he deceived many .. – To his brother and father – That’s why transparency is so important .. – But Jesus wrestled with him .. – But Esau lived in the strength of his own body, lived in his own natural strength … just as he was …That is why in verse 15, falling from grace – when I treat what God has given me by grace as meaningless…
After falling from grace, bitter roots grow – the roots will eventually grow inside..
– Esau was bitter towards Jacob..
– If this continues, he will gradually go beyond the social vision, …
There was a race with Esau but …
he was a worldly believer as well … Let us not sacrifice eternal things for temporal things.
12:18-28 – Let us look to the heavenly city…
Verses 18-20 – An Old Testament event is used…
– He is talking about Mount Sinai..
The author has given us many examples of faith and now he is going to give us a bad example.
– We can see the faith of many wonderful people but there is also a bad example like Esau…
– We can find this in Hebrews 12:14-17 ..
who – became overly familiar with the things God had given him (overly familiar is to treat as inferior the things God has considered holy) ..
– and traded the last things for the things of the moment ..
Verse 14 – If I do not live a godly life here then I will not see the Lord immediately… We can take about the worldly believer (Matthew 5:8-9)
The story of Esau and Jacob we can find in Genesis 25-34 ..
– The twins
– Esau .. had hair, and the older
Esau was born first so he had the birthright…
What is the birthright? We will explain this.
– The firstborn son had authority over the other brothers (Genesis 43:33) and also had a double inheritance in the property. It was a position of blessing and responsibility. If anything happened to the father, he would be responsible for taking care of his mother and getting his sisters married. He was considered the head of the house and would serve as the priest of the house.
Now Esau did not take it so seriously, which would have been a wonderful opportunity.
In verse 16, the unrighteous – being too familiar with sacred things ..
– I know, no need, it is mine I do what I want ..
And one day he traded or sold his birthright ..
– Jacob cheated but later we can find Jacob returning ..
– Jacob saw it right for the moment, look at the present benefit and only look at the need ..
– Okay, take my birthright, what good will it do me if I die, father ..
– Some believers act like this …
Thank you
Topic: “Books of the Prophets”
( Books of the Prophets of the Old Testament) – Events that happened and will happen during the ministry of the prophets
– Where do they fit into Old Testament history?
– Use of the Prophets / Books of the Prophets for Today Things you need to learn:
– Difficult names
– Timelines and dates
– Picture of Israel 9
What is a prophet?
Become a prophet by speaking from God!
“Tazgak khsataz tzav yacham” (“Thus says”)
– God’s people have become worldly, in their sinful nature they look to idols and pagan nations.
– God’s people have turned away and not paid attention to God’s word.. They have become emotional people without the truth;
who are you? What have
– God raised up His prophets, or His messengers, to speak on His behalf!
– God’s messengers were sent to preach against the sins of His people, to declare prophecies about future events, and to preach God’s loving judgment to His people…!
– God’s prophets were sent to shepherd and warn the people in God’s way.
– Hebrews 12:5-11 tells us that God disciplines and disciplines those He loves. Deuteronomy 13, 18, 28 tells us why God raised up prophets!
Practical References
The universal witness of Kings David and Solomon is the Lord’s people in a time of repentance.
Historical Background of the Prophets:
Genesis 1 – Genesis 11 – All of Human History (2000 Year Period)
Genesis 12 – Abraham Comes into the Picture – New History Begins, 9 Visions
Leaving all other nations and cities, the Lord focuses on one man.
Abraham ..from whom the chosen people are created, on whom Biblical history is centered.
– Abraham
– Moses – Deuteronomy 18:15-22
– Joshua Leisure Reading Deuteronomy 28, Deuteronomy 20:16-18
– A clear / very clear command ..
The purpose of Israel to come as a nation or chosen nation:
1. Witness: To reveal the only true Lord – in a time filled with pagan nations and Gentiles!
2. Worship the true Lord to reveal blessings!
3. To receive, preserve and pass on the Scriptures – through them to mankind!
4. To create a human line for Christ!
Upon reaching the Promised Land – completely destroy these nations, was said with clear explanation from the Lord.
You destroy them all – or you will be affected by them.
– Why destroy the Canaanites – those 7 tribes … Answer Deuteronomy 18:9-14
– Destroy all … then what?
– What do we study? – Judges 1:21,27,28,29,30,31,33
– Okay! Look at the Canaanites, they work for us – work – pay taxes – live together – work in the fields – bring water – cut wood for us. Why? We will sit in peace, (we are strong). (they are weak) ……
– This is how the time of the judges began
Judges 2:2 (verses 1-3)
– What is going to happen, God knows exactly, was.
Judges 2:10,11
– I did not bring you out to set you free to worship other gods, but to show the other nations, … to worship the living God; glory and blessing, but you have corrupted yourselves.
– Judges 1:12-14,16 In the same way
You have forsaken me.
We have worshipped gods (idols) on the earth.
My anger burns against you.
– Despite all this…. The Lord raised up judges, and delivered them from their enemies.
God’s true character revealed
– this cycle continues throughout the period of the judges.
Samuel – Prophet after Moses
– He opens the school of the prophets at Ramah, (1 Samuel 19:18-20) (2 Kings 2:5). It was a school for men and women, who taught the Scriptures daily, worked for their food, fellowshipped in prayer, meditated on the work of God, wrote sacred music and poetry, worshipped the living God!
– The Israelites ask for a king, we do not want you to lead us Samuel; we want a king like other nations, (they have not rejected you, Samuel, they have rejected me).
– David
– Solomon 1 Kings 11:1-5, Solomon turned his heart away from God and worshipped idols.
After the division of the kingdom.
– Jeroboam: Solomon’s engineer manager, an Egyptian who fled from Solomon’s wrath when Solomon’s son Rehoboam received the kingdom.
Answer: Far from the Lord, all the wicked kings, Samaria only idolatrous, in the city of Bethel they made and worshipped a proud girl!
– Jeroboam begins idolatry in these two places – by building high places, places and lowly priests – so that the people would not come to Jerusalem to worship God.
– Jeroboam II officially introduced idolatry to Israel.
– Remember, Samaritan woman, hundreds of years after our ancestors learned to worship on the mountain, yes, you Jews worship in Jerusalem.
– Why? – After a wicked king started this approved place of worship, for the nation, he refers to that place, was in the mountains (our ancestors – the Samaritans – the Israelites).
(Because he is the plate of Israel)
Southern: With Jerusalem as the capital and Solomon’s Temple as the capital, they have some real king and true worship.
– Rehoboam: He made a bad decision, “If you are gentle with the people, they will be good, if you are harsh…, they will rebel, and he rebelled against the people who did that.”
– Jeroboam took advantage of this…
– Now not only the North but also the South began to worship the god.
– So – God raised up prophets, and the message of all the prophets was simple and clear: – What kind of people are you – What kind of people should you be – and if you
keep doing what you are doing, you will be in prison!
Where is the difference in this (Yes, the Lord knows what you have done, you have broken my covenant, the Lord is very angry with you, yet the Lord is merciful; where do I turn!
Read the agreement:
– All the prophets said are based on this: There are readings;
1. (Read Abrahamsitko – Genesis 12,15,17)
– Sons (great nation) countless
– Lord
– blessing him and his countries
– blessing the whole world through him – Christ’s message
2. Read with Moses – Deuteronomy 28-30
3. Read with David – (2 Samuel 7:8-21)
– I will build your dynasty.
– Your throne will be established forever.
931 Mercy kingdom dukreyo….
From the dynasty of Jeroboam to the dynasty of Rehoboam
– 19 kings – You will be the house of David. Line – (Psalm 31)
Chbalmayam Shlibhak, – The dynasty of David will not be abandoned, the dynasty continues
Pashlanak Ayamshlan The kings of Anchayim are of the same lineage.
Suddenly prophets began to rise to the throne from here
– A prophet was also called a seer, because he saw the Lord in their hearts by faith. Just as God is real in His holy qualities and character, and He sees Himself and all others as God, so prophets see situations from God’s perspective. Prophets received God’s promises for His people.
– There are oral preachers of God, ..who preach for God without writing books or articles.
– Elijah and Elisha – Amazing prophetic ministry in backsliding Israel (1 Kings 17-2 Kings 9)
– Nathan and Gad – David and Solomon.
– Ahijah of Shiloah – Time of Jeroboam and Rehoboam.. who prophesied the division of the kingdom – 931Dia ÷ From 1 Kings 11:29
– Jeho, Shemaiah, Azariah, Hanani (2 Chronicles 16:9 King Asa).
– Hananiah, the prophet Huldah, 1 Kings 13 son of the Lord and an old prophet of Bethlehem
Why is the program of the prophets not given to the New Testament church?
– The canon of the Bible is complete.
Obadiah (Introduction)
1. Obadiah is the shortest book of the Old Testament
2. We know nothing except the name of the author.
3. Obadiah has the same theme, which adds to the theme of the destruction of Edom .. because of the deceit against Judah …
(Edom = Esau – Genesis 25:30 and Genesis 36:8)
– Esau chose to burn his body in God’s plan.
– Esau or Edom is always a picture of the flesh or the old sinful nature of man.
This book is a prophecy against Edom, who laughed and laughed when Israel and Judah were disciplined by the Lord!
88 Numbers 20:12-21 The people of Edom – (are brothers)
They refused to help Moses and the Lord’s people Israel, when they left Egypt and were in the wilderness:
88 Context of Obadiah:
When they saw the punishment of the sins of Judah and Israel, they rejoiced with pride, referring to 2 Chronicles 21: King Jehoram became king of Judah after Asa and Jehoshaphat; His father and grandfather walked well with the Lord. King Jehoram was afraid and killed his brothers to seize the throne and led the Lord’s people into terrible sin and idolatry. God struck him with an incurable disease that burned his intestines, his intestines came out and he died, and God let the Philistines and the Ethiopians invade Judah, and let the Lord’s people go through trouble! The Edomites were watching and they were very happy and mocked the Lord’s people.
Create a timeline of the division of the kingdom from Adam?
Outline of Obadiah ÷ Igat Islavs
1. Obadiah’s claim – (Ob. 1a)
2. A declaration against Edomco – (Ob. 1a – 2)
3. The pride of the Edomites humbled – (Ob. 3-9)
c Pride of land (vv. 3-4)
b Pride of wealth – vv. 5-6)
c Pride of relationship (vv. 7)
d Intellectual and military pride (vv. 8-9)
4. Edomko Nyaiko Interpretation Expansion – Ob. 10-14
c Read abuse (vv. 10)
b Ruthless non-participation (vv. 11)
c Evil intentions (vv. 12)
d Cruel exploitation (vv. 13-14)
5. Prophecy about the nations – Ob. 15-16
6. Promise to Israel – Ob. 17-21
K. The pinnacle of the kingdom (vv. 17-20)
b Prophecy about the kingdom (vv. 21)
Obadiah is also called the story of two mountains. Because we find this book revolving around two mountains:
– Mount Zion: which represents God’s people.
– Mount Seir: which represents Edom.
The main essence of Obadiah’s message is this – God’s people have a glorious future, while the enemies of God’s kingdom are destined for eternal destruction!
Definition of Lidha Igatshaliv Anvara:
1. Obadiah’s Claim (1c)
Obadiah begins his short book by revealing the source of his message:
– First, he refers to his book as a vision
– Second, he uses the ancient messenger’s phrase to express the certainty of the Lord’s absolute authority as the divine light – the Lord – the Creator, “Thus says the Lord Jehovah”.
– Jehovah refers to God’s covenant relationship with Israel!
2. Proclamation against Edom: (1c – 2)
– The message from the Lord to Obadiah was straightforwardly to Edom:
Jehovah: is not a local God who exercises his divinity in the land of Palestine, he is the Lord of the whole earth.
– “We have heard a message from the Lord:
– Plural – Obadiah and other prophets – Obadiah with the people reading or hearing the message
– An ambassador is sent among the nations: There must be some heavenly being, (as in 1 Kings 22:19-38 / Deuteronomy 10:10-21).
Verse 2 – The result has come – Hebrew This is written in the perfect tense – indicating a completed act. The result of the attack was so certain that it was declared complete. God saw Edom humbled!
3. Edomite pride humbled – (Ob 3-9)
Like the nations, the Edomites were so filled with pride that they ignored God’s warnings. Because of the pride of their hearts, they were deceived by the idea of earthly security. 4 sources of Edomite pride are identified:
c Pride of the land (vv. 3-4)
They feared that no foreign power could conquer them because of the high mountains that surrounded their city The dense caves
– both natural and man-made – provide excellent protection and a means of launching a surprise attack on enemies.
But the arrogant question…..Why did you come to me? (verse 3b)
The Lord has the answer for them…
b Pride of wealth (verses 5-6)
The Edomites controlled a major trade route called the King’s Road, which connected Damascus. The copper and iron mines in the area also provided a source of wealth… All the wealth hidden in their mountain fortresses would be plundered,
– thieves and marauders would steal until they had enough…. Truly, Jehovah’s agents would uncover all the hidden treasures of Edom.
c Pride of relationship (verse 7)
He felt secure in Edom through his various business and military connections. But his relatives would turn against him.
– Those who are united with us are in danger.
– The snare of bread, friends of identity, against the Edomites.
d Intellectual and military pride (verses 8-9)
In the ancient world, the Edomites were known for their wisdom. Her wise men will be filled with fools. No advice will work. (Elizabeth – Job’s 3 friends were wise, Teman, Edomite) (Job 2:21)
– The strong and the mighty will not be able to save Edom.
How strong is this nation?
There will be war from one side to the other, the warriors will not be able to fight.
No one can give a reliable explanation for how it was destroyed!
Proud: Humble: Proud
Pride of land I lower my standard
The pride of wealth will be investigated
Arrogance in relationships will threaten them
Wisdom and the pride of soldiers will be destroyed.
(Verse 3: The pride of your heart has threatened you)
4. Expansion of the Edomite judges (Verses 10-14)
“Because of the oppression of your brother.
– The oppression of your brother who has broken his (blood relationship) brother’s (blood relationship) brother:
1. When the Israelites traveled through Canaan, they refused to leave the land (Numbers 20:14÷21:4,18,20-21).
2. King Jehoram’s Palamas (2 Chronicles 21:8-10) rebelled against the rule of Judah and joined forces with the Philistines and Arabs to attack Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 16-18). (853 AD – Obadiah’s time period)
3. Reign of King Ahaz (735 AD÷2 Chronicles 28:16-21)
4. Zedekiah’s Reign (597AD÷2 Chronicles 36:11-21)
b Ruthless Non-Participation (verse 11)
To do nothing in such a situation was a great injustice. Eku beko ospa khad bhin oo paripatti teo… Not to come to the aid of an oppressed brother who was opposed is as guilty as the plunderers of Jerusalem!
c Evil Intentions (verse 12)
Obadiah was a witness to the crimes of the Edomites.
4 times ‘day’ is mentioned: “The affliction experienced by God’s people:
1. The day of your brother
2. The day he became a foreigner
3. The day of the Jews’ destruction
4. Their difficult day of
seeing, boasting and speaking proudly (this should not be!)
(Big mouth)
d Cruel exploitation (vv. 13-14)
– Not so.. Shaphet joined in the plundering of the city
– The Edomites were stationed at Dobah, and stood up to kill those who came from the city.
(How do you do it..being a brother)
5. Prophecy about the nations – vv. 15-16)
Obadiah now speaks of the land on which his message against Edom is based. – “The day of the Lord is near”
– The day of the Lord is first mentioned in the Old Testament.
It means: a day of judgment on the enemies of the Lord and a day of exaltation for the righteous people who worship Him.
– That judge will say: “As you have done, so it will be done to you”
Obadiah the Edomite Says, “Your reward shall return upon your own head”
(verse 16) because all the nations have drunk (wine, until they are full) of the holy mountain of God.
– The defilement of the sanctuary – Edom also – On the day of the Lord all the nations will be made to drink the wine of the wrath of God, the nations will drink that wine, and “they will never be like us.”
– They will be utterly destroyed!
– Along with Edom, there will be nations who will show the same behavior… who will stand far from helping the Lord’s people, who will persecute and mock the church.
Those who defile the sanctuary will face the wrath of the Holy One of Israel!
6. Promise to Israel (verses 16-21)
In the future, Mount Seir will shine; Mount Zion will be illuminated.
Obadiah paints a beautiful picture of the nature of God’s kingdom on earth. The ultimate conqueror of God’s kingdom on all the earth represents:
c. Kingdom Picture (vv. 17-21)
The 5 sentences will express the nature of the kingdom as being very victorious:
1. The kingdom will be a place of security,
the place that the Edomites considered abominable and profane, will be the throne of Jehovah, (Joel 3:17) and His kingdom will be. Mount Zion is – spiritual Jerusalem, (symbol) (Joel 2:25÷Hebrews 12:22-25) (Revelation 21-22)
2. Mount Zion will be a holy place: separate from the world – those who have come from the world will be saved on Mount Zion, and will be a holy people, .. (vv. 17b)
3. Mount Zion will be a prosperous place: the house of Jacob will receive portions of authority.
4. Mount Zion will be a unified place: the 12 tribes will be united, whereas in 931 AD the kingdoms and tribes were divided.
5. Mount Zion will be a place of victory: (vv. 18) – the united people will easily destroy the burning Edomites. And things of authority… (verses 19-20)
b Prophecy about the kingdom (verse 21)
– Many deliverers arose..even in the time of King Jehoahaz (2 Kings 13:5) Judgment means the day of judgment.
– The great deliverer..’Jesus Christ’
– “The kingdom shall be the Lord’s” (Psalm 22:28) The conflict between Mount Zion and Mount Seir will end between all the churches and the world. The kingdom of Jehovah will remain forever.
– Be a kingdom above all kingdoms and forever.
– (Deuteronomy 2:2,44) Reference verses..÷Zechariah 14:9÷ (Luke 1:33) (Revelation 11:15 and Revelation 19:6)
Prophecies about Edom fulfilled
(it will be destroyed forever)
1. Edom was conquered by King Amaziah of Judah (2 Kings 14:7) (2 Chronicles 25:11)
2. By 312 AD, the Aravis had replaced the Edomite settlement of Petra.
3. The Edomites then fled to southern Palestine and the Jews were conquered by John Harkanus during the Maccabean period (134-104 AD)!
4. The Jews will rebel together against the Roman Empire, they will be destroyed together with the Jews in 70 Bm!
5. Other verses about the destruction of Edom – (Isaiah 34:5–15÷Ezekiel 25:12–14÷35:1–15÷Amos 1:11–12)
God heard their delight in their wickedness and said:
“Now your turn” Remember, what do you say when judging someone?
Igatshalivas 9 Dhishmishlantaluk0
The house of Edom – mocked by the Lord (1:1-16)
c Chapter 1:1-9) The reason for their grateful hearts is:
1. They became proud, arrogant, because they were on a high, lofty place that no one could reach, rocks surrounded their city.
2. God predicts that
Edom’s judgment was that they would soon be destroyed, and would no longer be a nation. Today, after 2000 years of being scattered throughout the world as refugees, Israel stands as a nation.. while Edom does not exist.
– If God had never abandoned Israel, it would have been too much for the Edomites, no mercy.
Outline of the Book of Joel
Joel Chapter 1 = The Day of the Lord
1. Joel 1:2-13 – Sorrow gernlai ekuka vipatitt (spy around)
c Call the leaders (1:2-4)
b Call the drunkards (1:5-7)
c Call the townspeople (1:8-10)
d Call the farmers (1:11-12)
e Call the priests (1:13)
2. Joel 1:14-20 – Time for prayer (see above)
c Aarti (1:14)
b Explanation (1:15-18)
c Example (1:19-20)
Joel 2:1–27 = Day of healing
1. Joel 2:1-11 – Time for meditation – Vision of the judge
c Call for warning (2:1-2a)
b Description of the enemy (II-11)
2. Joel 2:12-17 – Time to Repent – Vision of Repentance
c Posthumous Nature (2:12-13a)
b Temptation of Repentance (2:13a-14)
c Postscript (2:15-17)
3. Joel 2:18-19 – Time to Heal / Time of Healing – Vision of Restoration
c Calamity Removed (2:18-22)
b Future Teachers (2:23-27)
Joel 2:28–3:21 = Day of the Spirit
1. Joel 2:28-29 – Restoration – Day of Blessing
c Spirit Poured Out (2:28-29)
2. Joel 2:30-32 – Salvation is a Vision of Redemption
3. Joel 3:1-15 – Vision of the Judges
c Future Enemies (3:1-3)
b Present Enemies (3:4-8)
c Call to All Enemies (3:128)
c Call to All Enemies (3:12-15)
4. Joel 3:16-21 – Final Vision
c Vision of Zion (3:16)
b Holiness of Zion (3:17)
c Prosperity of Zion (3:18)
d Protection of Zion (3:19-21)
“The Book of Joel”
Joel – “The Lord is the Lord” ÷ Through this 13 persons are revealed in the Old Testament.
Joel son of Matuel ..he was a priest! Nothing more is said about this prophet, except that he was a true prophet of God, he presented a remarkable prophetic vision!
We have given the time and date as 830 AD – after the fire, many Jews returned from captivity in Babylon.
Since the name of the king is not mentioned… it is strictly added.. When the minor prophets were imprisoned – Hebrews 2 and Septuagint 4 – this means that the Jewish scribes placed the ministry of this prophet before the later – hence the purpose of the date we use 835-796!
Main slogan: “The Day of the Lord”
The northern days are used
1. 12 hours (day)
2. 24 hours (1 day)
3. Time period ‘day’ (my youth day is 3 days, then time period)
Similarly the Lord’s Day: (viewed in 3 ways)
1. The bad part – the day of God’s judgment (Acts chapters 1-2)
2. The good part – the 1000 year reign.. (blessings and prosperity)
3. The new heavens and the new earth – is this also included in the ‘day of the Lord’? (2 Peter 3:10-13)
Message: Generally profound – Joel clearly and effectively pleads for real – true repentance – he is concerned about the issues of the last days.
He is also called the prophet of Pentecost, the prophet of hope, the prophet of the Spirit.
The ‘day of the Lord’ is a key part of Joel’s celebration. The outline Joel gave of this event is further expanded upon by later prophets. We can find these 8 elements as part of the picture painted in this book!
1. Signs and wonders in the heavens
2. The day of the Lord is associated with the end of days, and it is also historical
3. Great judgment is associated with that day
4. The final defeat and punishment of God’s enemies
5. The final deliverance of the faithful remnant
6. The glory of Zion
7. Jehovah is a victorious and peaceful kingdom
8. The Final Conclusion
Contents of the Book of Joel First
God’s Judgment
Present Repentance
and Future Meaning
(1:1–2:11) (2:12–17)
Joel Speaks (37 verses)
God’s Salvation From the Courts Proven Glory
in the Spirit (2:20–3:15) (3:16–21) The Lord Speaks (36 verses) Of the 73 posts, 50 posts are prophetic. (62%) ÷ which include 25 different prophets. Important Prophets (including) – The Day of the Lord is Near (1:15÷2:1-11) – The Holy Spirit will be poured out on the day of Pentecost (2:28-29) – Cosmic Events Before the Coming of Divine Judgment (2:30–31÷3:15) – Salvation for Those Who Call on the Name of the Lord (2:32) Joel – The Day of the Lord – God’s judgment is revealed in various forms in the Bible. – In Joel’s day, Israel suffered a devastating plague of plagues. – The prophet defines the plague as ‘an attempt to bring repentance to Israel’. Together, he uses that plague as an example of a bad judge: 1. Joel 1:2-13 הראלאי גרנאליא עקוטה בטיבה – (Perpar דאוסוס) געל העלאים (1:2-4) Not the chosen ones in particular, but the entire community, including the leaders, is called to silence: ÷ Joel wants his listeners to agree that the plague that is now happening in Judah has never happened before – (verse 4) describes the devastating destruction: – Israel was now led by a fourfold explosion … 1. כאשר 2. כאשר 3. כאשר 4. כאשר – Exodus 10:13-17 The Eighth Plague – Of Salah – Matthew 1:6 – John the Baptist ate Salah. The forest.. the grain… the whole vegetable garden was destroyed. The country became desolate! Great destruction in the producing areas. – After the invitation to the official leaders
b Call the drunkards (verses 1:5-7)
– What is happening above, – Low dwellers – Those who live in the winepress – You too will mourn!
– There is no more wine for you, the vineyards are desolate, the vineyards are ruined
– You can no longer use wine as a means of escape.
– The Lord says – My land – My vineyard – My fig tree – This means that the Lord was involved in the suffering of His people. He is the owner of the land, but the Israelites are like a charmer. I love the land, against which great wrath has come!
c Call the city dwellers (verses 8-10)
People group: ÷A girl mourning the death of her young husband. Bitter grief.
Sackcloth – Like a garment made of sackcloth… which used to be blackened by goat skins. Being carried naked – The visible expression of mourning and abandonment is the garment of sackcloth.
– The destruction of the Temple of the Lord interfered with the morning and evening sacrifices.
– Stop eating. No food, no wine, no oil,
– the priests are mourning, because there is nothing to offer to the Lord.
d Call the farmers (vv. 11-12)
– The farmers failed to cultivate … shameful … directly affected.
– It is deserted at harvest time.
e Call the priests (vv. 13)
– Even the priests, take off their service garments and put on sackcloth!
– The daily sacrifices have stopped. The grain offerings and the grain offering
– The service of the priests and altar servants is not stopped!
So mourn
Application Sackcloth – He who used to lose everything – He puts it on ÷ (People have lost many things in life, – Put on sackcloth – Return to the Lord)
2. (Joel 1:14-20 – Time to pray – Spy above)
– If a disaster befell the Israelites, they would gather for a special service of national mourning. (Job 20:26) – Joel was convinced that – ‘the time has come’ when the whole community will gather in Jerusalem for a service of lamentation at the temple.
– So
c (verse 14 – gives the arati) – The assembly declares
“Quick, gather, pray earnestly!” – All the inhabitants were to “call upon the Lord GOD”!
– Do not let a greater calamity come than to ask for forgiveness!
b Definition (verses 15-18)
The day of the Lord = that day will come with destruction for those who are living contrary to God’s will. As terrible as the calamity of Salah was… it was even more terrible – the destruction of the Almighty is complete destruction – As Obadiah said, the day of the Lord would affect the Edomites, so Joel here said that Judah would also feel the judgment on that day!
c Example (verses 19-20)
– Joel prayed… gave an example… as
so verses 16-20 are terrible calamities:
Sh. Food shortage
shh No sacrifices in the house of the Lord
Sh No seed or food
Sh. Crops destroyed
b No fee for animals
Khsh. The rivers are dry
So we cry out – O Jehovah!
Even the animals cry out!
Why is this happening?
Why is God angry with the Jews now? The book of Joel does not say anything, God is wrong!!
Why? – So our context was?
Deuteronomy 28 – Mosaic Covenant So if we are Jews and we know the Mosaic Covenant, and we do not disobey it, what will be the result?
– Kshap comes!
– What kind?
So you should read:
Verses 1-14 Blessings
post – Curses
You should study at home (Sirah 28)
Special verse 15 Are the Jews carefully keeping all the commandments and rituals of the Lord their God?
Are they listening?
– At this time .. What are the prophets really adding to that during Yoelko time.
– Verses 38-44÷ Match the context
Chapter 1 covers the calamity of Salah
Chapter 2 is about the anticipation of the worst destruction to come – ‘the terrible day of Jehovah’.
Joel 2 = Chapter 2:1–26 The Day of Healing
1. Time for Meditation – A Vision of the Judges (Chapter 2:1-11)
c Call for Warning (2:1-2c)
b Description of Enemies (2:2c-11)
Much bad advice is coming.
– The Israelites will have a glorious victory over all their enemies on the day of the Lord. (Amos 5:18) – So here God says – The day of the Lord is a day of darkness and gloom, a day of storm and gloom – for those who are in Israel and Judah.
- Like the plagues of Israel – Zion will be destroyed by a great and mighty nation on the day of the Lord! It has never happened before…. It will never happen again!
– If the recent plague was unnatural, the next plague will be extraordinary!
– Enemy Description.
– No Escape from Judgment, Post 3
– If Israel cannot handle the small army that was just sent… how will she handle an army like the horses of Yoveka?
– Verse 11 Who can endure it?
Joel 1:6 Description:
Revelation 9:7-10 Description
The armies of Salah are coming
so the army of the people is coming, nothing will be left… they will destroy the world like
the day of the Lord What is the day of the Lord? What time is it called?
Let’s draw a picture
– if the army came to Israel many times, we would not see it that way!
So during the Great Tribulation
– it is the day of the Lord, the day of the fear of the Judge, the day of God’s wrath, the day of God’s vengeance for Jacob.
– It will affect the whole world, but Israel will be destroyed.
Then it is the battle of Armageddon – the Antichrist will lead at the end of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 16:13–16÷19:11).
The Valley of Megiddo is a beautiful valley
This is the ‘day of the Lord’ that Joel is talking about.
– This war will bring blood up to the horses’ noses.
Will be very destructive ÷ The Day of the Lord, 1 The wise man said, there are now 75 million people, then more than a hundred thousand will suffer, denial.
– Millions will die on the Day of the Lord
so after Armageddon, the old blood will flow in Jerusalem
Jesus comes to Jerusalem – cleansing – 1000 years of reign peace and prosperity
2 Chapter 12
As terrible as the disaster was, it was not the last day, it was not the day of the Lord, it was not the final judgment .
– If this disaster leads you to repentance, the devastating consequences of the coming disaster will make all Israel feel the need for repentance!
2. Time to Repent – Vision of Repentance (Joel 2:12-17)
c P(2:12-13a) = Repentant disposition
Thus you call yourself to repentance …
that true repentance will serve to appease His holy wrath.
Return – “Returning to the place where one had left the path.”
Biblical Repentance – Not Saying Forgiveness ÷ No Forgiveness for Sinners = Completely Forgive Sinners Give your whole life and heart to the Lord.
Do not prune this tree of sin, but destroy it completely.
– Turning: with all your heart
– Substituting external manifestations for internal righteousness.
– Fasting, weeping, mourning, tearing clothes may be external signs but tearing the heart rather than the mind! (Heartbreaking is true repentance)!
– Therefore, the call to repentance is not said to be for sinners to repent – Of course, as Joel saw, covenant disaster is the result of breaking the covenant. So why do you fail, search within your heart.
b The Temptation to Repent (2:13a-14) Why? To know the character of your God – (Exodus 34:6)
Mercy – By withholding just punishment, does He know that He will give grace,
(if you don’t deserve it – that is.)
– Joel does not guarantee, but by looking at the record of the first one, we can say, what is His character like? True repentance can turn him back.
c. Account of repentance (2:15-17) Who?
– Blow the trumpet
– Break the fast
– Declare a general assembly
– People
– Elders
– Children
– Milkshake
– Newlyweds
– Priests
The whole people must participate.
3. Time of Healing ÷ Time of Healing – Vision of Restoration (Joel 2:18-29) c ( 2
:18-22) – Disaster Removed b (2: 23-27
) – Coming Teacher – (Messiah Ṣiṭṭṭṭṭṭṭṃ Ṭṭṭṭhṭ
G 2:28-29 = The Spirit will be poured out
– ‘pouring out of the Spirit’ – abundant gifts
– This passage takes Peter to the time of Pentecost.
– Sometimes what the prophets said has a double meaning, not just once. This applies to Pentecost and also to the last days – from the day of the great tribulation to the 7 years – 144,000 Jews ÷ Jewish witnesses
– so it was fulfilled here (Acts 2)
when Joel prophesied
The Book of Jonah
The Book of Jonah is a book unlike any other. It seems that the Book of Jonah reveals God’s universal love more than any other book!
Who wrote the Book of Jonah?
– Jonah’s wife? Or Jonah or we don’t know. Certainly the Holy Spirit
Jonah = meaning (dove).
– Jonah – Son of Amitika
– Jonah was a very famous prophet of his time. He
– Because of the prophecy (Aramaic) of restoring the territories of Israel from the hands of enemies – He spoke for King Jeroboam II of Israel, and it was fulfilled (2 Kings 14:25) – Is the name mentioned?
– So Jonah lived during the time of King Jeroboam II of Israel.
– Date of the Book of Jonah – Jonah’s journey to Nineveh is from 780-755 AD!
– Jonah is also called the “prophet of God’s grace” ÷ “the first international missionary”!
– Jonah portrays a prophet of God, a worldly type (worldly man).
– Jonah is described as having a (self-directed) (self-centered) character.
– Administrative character: (openness) (loyalty)
However, ‘hypocrisy’ was not madness
– a narrow-minded nationalist ideology completely ignores the spiritual condition outside of Israel.
Jonah had a call: so there was a rebellion.
– Book of Jonah Mission – Save the city of Nineveh
– Jonah (prophets who taught God’s grace and mercy and grace) and us
– Jonah did not want to save the Gentiles from God’s wrath
– Who else in the Bible wants to see the wicked destroyed?
1. Jonah
2. James and John (Luke 1:51-56)
3. …….?
Jonah is different from other books of the prophet – while other books are full of warnings and prophecies about Israel and other nations – the book of Jonah – there is a prophecy – a declaration – a message – “that water in the head of 5 words (6 words in Nepali)”
– the book focuses more on the messenger than the message, the Lord is teaching the messenger something here!
Main Theme:
“Regarding the Lost”
The Structure of the Book of Jonah
1. Jonah 1:1-3 – Jonah’s Disobedience
Normally in the Old Testament a prophet did not have to go and preach to Gentile nations. – Nineveh; it was a foreign city. The Lord says
– Nineveh – called “the great city” in terms of population
– the city was once the center of the Assyrian Empire.
– Nineveh = “wicked city” – second Sodom and Gomorrah
– wickedness revealed – Assyrian idolatry and pride (Isaiah 10:5-19, 36:18-20)
– cruel oppression (2 Kings 15:29,17:6, Isaiah 36:16,17)
– inhuman wars
– hence we find Jonah called the first foreign missionary.
– hence Jonah’s response: verse 3
– Disobedience to the mission – spread south of Spain towards Tarshish.
From which Jonah is fleeing:
– See the presence of God
– See Israel
How is this escape from Nineveh to Spain Jonah?
Where is Tarshish Joppa, Spain?
I’m sorry
Jonah 1:4-16
2. Jonah’s Discipline:
Verse 6 Did Jonah call out to the mountain?
Verse 14 I love that they called out to the Lord
Verse 16 They worshipped the living God.
Why did they flee from rebuke when they saw such a living Lord?
Verse 9 In this situation God also tells Jonah to testify to the Gentile sailors of the ship of the living God.
– They believed in God.
Verse 12 I will be satisfied. Throw me away
3. Jonah 1:17 Jonah’s Deliverance
Khatwaneva Theo – “He is the Creator of the oceans, the Lord of the sea creatures.”
“Big fish” – What fish? And sea creatures
– This is grace – save him from destruction by the sea
Did Jonah survive 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish?
Did God raise Jonah from the dead?
Have you heard the story of the man who was swallowed by a fish and came out alive?
I have heard/read that there is also an English note in the Old Testament survey notes – The big fish that lived for 2 days ….
3 days and 3 nights – Matthew 12:40
4. Jonah’s Prayer 2:1-5
Then Jonah prayed. – Machako Petbat – His prayer room became.
Chapter 1 Jonah Escapes from the Lord
Chapter 2 Jonah ran to the Lord in prayer!
Verse 1 The prayer
Verse 2 says that the previous prayer was answered – He cried out for help and God helped him.
Verse 3 tells why God threw him into the sea?
Verses 5-7
– The mouth of death The water
reached the mountains.
Through that great fish, God brought Jonah out of the pit from the mouth of death – Printed verse
And he remembered the Lord
Verse 8 – His own life testimony was the same.
Verse 9 Jonah ḥancho ḥancho ṭṭṭṭo plus Ṣīnveka Ṣumeralai Pani
Salvation is from God!
5. Chapter 2:10 – Jonah’s release:
Fish Agent Okelidio Magbe as dry land
They returned to Nineveh on their journey.
Jonah Chapter 3 – Jonah and the people of Nineveh
God could control Jonah – so this is grace, (Jonah is the preacher)
God says again, “Get up” without saying leave it –
verse 3 This time – obedient
verse 4 His message – “5 words” – clear siddhasiddha sahasi one – day passed.
Verse 5 – Hear the word of God and say amen.
Verse 10 God gave grace.
Read Jonah Chapter 4.
Outline of the Book of Amos:
A. The Thunder of the Judges (1:2–2:16)
1. Thunder of Warning – Amos 1:2
2. Thunder against the Gentile Nations – Amos 1:3-5:3
3. Thunder against Judah – Amos 2:4-5
4. Thunder against Israel – Amos 2:6-16
Come to the Acts of Judgment (Chapters 3-6)
1. First Message (Chapter 3)
2. Second Message (Chapters 4)
3. Third Message (5:1-17)
4. Fourth Message (5:18-27)
5. Fifth Message (Chapters 6)
Etc. The Results of Judgment (7:1–9:10)
1. 7:1–3 Vision of Salah
2. 7:4-5 Vision of Destruction
3. 7:7-9 Vision of Salah
4. 7:10-17 Amos Exile from Israel
5. Chapter 8 – Fourth Vision and Message
6. Chapter 9 – The Five Visions and Messages
of Amos Book of
Amos 1:1
The name Amos means = “Bodman Bearer” ÷ Also known as ‘Prophet of the Minorities’, Amos
was from Amos Kahanbatka = “Tekoa” – in the hill country of Judah, ten miles south of Jerusalem.
Amosco Pesa = Gothala (Roeh, no, the word ‘noqued’ is used – meaning ‘sheep guardian’).
In the Old Testament, however, there is a use for him in 2 Kings 3:4, where Meshal the Papin, king of Moab, raised many sheep and fed 100,000 sheep to the king of Israel.
This means – Amos managed a large flock of sheep, he was like a ruler over other shepherds!
According to his description in Amos 7:14:
he was a disciple of the prophets, did not go to the school of the prophets, but he calls himself “a man of the flock” – this indicates that he was a shepherd and a farmer!
– Although not rich, he was a respected person in his community!
According to 7:15, the Lord took him from following the flock and said, “Prophesy to my people Israel! He calls!”
– Amos was called and sent to preach to the northern part (Israel), which was Judah (the south)!
Date/Time of Amos’ Ministry: The time of King Uzziah of Judah and King Jeroboam of Israel 2/plus 2 years before the earth – Zechariah 14:5
was buried in (750 CE) according to the Jewish history of Josephus.
So we arrive – Honorable
– 754-752 We don’t get too far!
Amos and Hosea ministered at the same time:
The environment of the time: The northern kingdom (Israel) was at the peak of its power, because the powerful King Jeroboam II, who was a military warrior, brought back the land of Israel which had extended its borders into the Aramaean region (the Jordan region).
Israel was also enjoying prosperity on an economic level. (Prosperous Nation)
So morally, spiritually, nation The poor were poor!
– As wealth began to accumulate in Israelite cities, trade routes invited Israel, leading to the rise of an upper class (4:1-3). Build expensive houses (3:15,511,6:4,11).
The rich indulged in luxurious lifestyles (6:1-6), the poor
– became targets for legal and financial exploitation (2:6,5:7,6:12,8:4-6). People were enslaved to pay off debts. The poor were sold into slavery.
– Meanwhile, people began to feel safe from judgment by doing righteous deeds, making sacrifices, and saying that the Lord was pleased with us!
Oppression of the poor
I will judge
Iniquity ÷ Iniquity
(Through sermons, poetry, philosophy)
God’s message: Although primarily about justice, it ends with a promise of hope.
Chapter 1:2 – Zion will be called Jerusalem. The high ground or mountain of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was abandoned by northern Israel as a place of worship after the division of the kingdom: ÷The Lord roars with the roar of a lion – As the roar of a lion makes the prey unable to mount up before it seizes it, so the roar of the Lord was to make. A man unable to move. (Refers to the judge)
Now, before prophesying about Israel, Amos speaks about the surrounding nations: Chapter 1:3–2:3)
6 Gentile nations against: ÷ Then Judah and Israel –
Damascus, Philistia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, Moab
Where are they on the map: –
You have shown the guilt/crime of every nation
Proclaiming punishment for all
Verses 3, verses 6,9 So “three and four transgressions”
is called nsnagchav or kuvhavav
(Old Proverbs 30:15)
This phrase creates an ascending order effect!
And the Lord says:
“I will not be punished”
The 6 nations of Judah and Israel are ordered to commit crimes and punishments.
Tyre, Gaza, Palestine, Israel, Samaria, Jerusalem, Judah, Damascus, Ammon, Moab, Edom are shown on the map.
The surrounding nations along with Israel.
– The judgment for the nation is like this = “sending fire” – I will send fire. (Read for yourself)
Chapter 2:4…..8 After the other 6 Gentile nations, God’s attention is now focused on His own people: Judah.
Verse 4 – They hated the written law – did not keep – the Mosaic covenant or law: While the Gentile nations had sinned against the natural law!
Demon – idolatry ÷ false gods ÷
first – which will burn the palaces of Jerusalem – was fulfilled by the invasion of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar in 586 AD.
From Israel Chapter 2:6
When something goes wrong, does it bother the Lord?
– Torture
– Steal
– Murder
– Oppress
– When the Lord is silent? – “God says – I am as you think” – “I am not like that” says the Lord!
– Something is going wrong in Israel, God sees it and does not like it
1. Verses 6-7 c) Greed Social injustice: Who does this ÷ Oppression of the poor ÷ Touching dust on the head for mourning – The greedy covet the land.
Who sells a pair of shoes?
Oppress the poor for a luxurious life / rich lifestyle, sell them as slaves! ÷How did such prosperity come to the nation?
By King Jeroboam – O warrior – How many wars did the nation secure, 40 years of rule ÷ O rich and powerful king, at the same time a wicked man!
– So with wealth came oppression.
Amos also tells a message about other surrounding nations, they are not as responsible as Israel, so in short, do they follow Israel? Relatives – Much is given, much is asked!
7 B Immorality (Sexual Sin) – (Local prostitutes became a daily routine) (Man and his son)
– Going to the same woman is an abomination.
Verse 8 If a garment is worn, it must be returned before nightfall (Exodus 22:26 ÷ Deuteronomy 24:12).
8. Go to the temple and drink alcohol after an unjust fine
Chapters 9-12 – God worked in Israel – Then the people turned away from God, mocked Him, mocked Him, fed the Nazirites wine, this prophet prophesied the city ha ha ha!!
– You are going to leave immediately, you are going to leave immediately.
When we see something in these things – something, that is wrong, we must be able to speak, wisely, lovingly straight, it happens.
Israel’s Background: Amos is speaking in an old context: After
the division of the kingdom (1 Kings 12)
we see the national decline, – the worship of the golden
began as a national religion – in 2 places where Jeroboam was in authority – including the temple)
Baba Bethelmaribel Kajaydh Shaal Mbau. (Amos was sent to Bethlehem)
Baba gives
Amos goes to the same temple and prophesies, against whom it is wrong and Amos also gets into trouble, sent to Judah by the rulers (chapter 7).
Verse 13 Judgment – “I will oppress you” ÷Rebellious Israel is like a grave filled with food.
Verses 14-16 No one will escape!
Chapter 3:
Verse 12 I will punish you because you are my people.
–It can be called punishment
– because they were more responsible (Luke 12:47 – ערע מגע)
Therefore, in chapters 1-2, when speaking of other nations, “Yes, they deserve it, they should not be punished.”
Then the Lord will return to Israel and you will be punished in Nisan by the end of the book.
Verses 3 to 4 are somewhat descriptive
meaning: “There is an effect, there is no cause.”
– Is there an effect without a cause? ÷“Is the curtain shaken, is the wind blowing?” meaning
He is saying: ‘There is a cause for your trouble.’
What happens without a cause?
Or is there a reason behind it?
1. The Lord determines.
2. Then why is there a war in the city, a corona, an earthquake…
– Indeed, Israelites, you are in trouble, I did it!
Verses 7-8 – Or is it Telke? – If the Lord is speaking to your heart, you should speak!
– In a sense Amos is saying
“I prophesy, because the Lord has spoken”
– I am here because God sent me.
Now chapter 3:12 chalbalat ‘remnant’ ÷ bechna bhag
“Fear, little flock, the kingdom is given to you, as your Father wills.”
– Elijah says ‘I am alone’ – The Lord says “I have saved the seven thousand,”Who hasn’t brought children to their knees” games? ‘Chalbalaat’
Read some news.
Let’s go to that chapter 1.
Situation 1
– Luxurious life
– Living – Pastures, greenery – More health, fat cows
-8 The poor are oppressed
– 8 There was drunkenness
Verses 2-3 – Expulsion from the land – By the Assyrians
Verses 4-13 “You have not returned to me” Verses 7,8,9,10,11
The Lord says – “I have sent my plagues – as a warning” Yet you have not returned to me.
Verse 12 Get ready to meet your Lord!
Chapter 5 The nations were sure to be punished, but people could live by seeking the Lord.
“Seek me and plead” Seek God, not in the religious places that you have turned into idolatry.
– By perverting justice and turning it into bitterness (poison).
– Bribery ÷ Corruption
– By rebuking the righteous and true testimony
– Vigarer Social Justice
– By depriving the poor of justice, by oppressing them
– Participated in religious meetings and festivals.
– Sacrifice, sacrifice
and Amos says – “The Lord hates such worship.” 8 This is religious hypocrisy.
In fact – “A right relationship with God also has a right relationship with people.” R Sangai – Manishausangko Community Sukhmach, or God of God?
Class 21 to 24..
Post 24 Pabhath Main
Justice: Panibhaim
Righteousness: Samarthi River Bhima Bagos
– This is true worship.
Why is justice and righteousness important? It is important for God, but false gods and false religions do not ask for it, they themselves are corrupt, but not Jehovah!
Meaning: Steps should be taken to correct injustice, so that social justice is achieved.
Righteousness (Jabhad Takbhambatrabaj)
Meaning: Despite the social differences of people, there should be fair and just relations between people.
Therefore, worship with justice and righteousness should be acceptable.
– Sacrifices without justice and righteousness are counted, cannot be smelled
– Songs without justice and righteousness are noisy, but ears should be closed.
– If the relationship with the brother is not good, then first try to reconcile and meet. Matthew 5:23-24
Chapter 6 Now in general:
– They are accused of luxuriating/indulging in a luxurious life.
Timiharoku Pati Kari Gayo, Verse 12 Pabhath Main Chapter 6
(After 40 years the Assyrian kingdom comes and does as Amos said.
Chapter 7 Now – Amos’ conversation:
Verses 1-2 – The vision of Saleh – Amos’ plea bites it.
Verses 4-5 – The previous vision of destruction – That is the same attempt.
Verses 7-9 – The vision of Sahu – This time the judge was about to return to justice.
The plumb line = Straightness measuring device
Israel’s uprightness is a good example of simple truth.
– Are you straight with truth – Are you straight? (Can be measured) Party by party
– Wall = Israel÷Plumb line = God’s law
– The high places and holy places that have not been found will be destroyed.
Let’s read from verse 10…..
Amos expelled from the land ÷ The rulers expelled him from Israel, henceforth his ministry in Israel ended.
Amos will go out of here, the rulers of Israel have told him to go.
Yes, I want to know, I don’t want to be here, God told me to know, He defines His ministry. 14-15
– He never went to the school of prophecy.
– God called me while I was in the barn.
– Verse 16 So – This verse continues to verse 17
7 urged to do the work.
– Amos now returns to Judah – Judah Mission
Chapter 8
Fourth Vision: Pour out the ripe figs
The fruit of the summer season or “the fruit of the last time of the year” – while the “ripe fruit” refers to the “time of the end” –
the Lord says – “The end of my people Israel has come” – the time of the grain harvest – “the harvest of death”.
Verse 4 – On the subject of Leviticus
4-6 – Penalty
7-10 – Curse
11-14 – Consequences
Verse 11 – Now they wanted to be silent, now they will not find Mary even when they are looking for her, promise.
– By Urim and Thummim
– By prophets
– Not by dreams
– Neither written word nor parchment Bible will be found.
– Bible Dictionary
Verse 12: They depend on the promise.
Remember a time like this now? Is there a famine?
Once there was King Saul – He went to a woman who saw danger
This spiritual famine (famine).
Verses 13, 14 Especially give to those who worship children who call on the name of a god – They will fall – They will not rise again –
Going to false religions, idolatry, idolatry, the living Lord, – no promise.
– we will perish.
Now Chapter 1 The Fifth Vision – The Last Vision)
Temple Thalai
Verses 1-4 The Lord was with them, not for good, but for evil
– Those who come to the temple will be killed by the sword – not one will be spared.
– Sword Escapers –
Takurabat The result from the height and depth is that
the sea will be eaten by snakes
The swords of God would deliver them even if they were in captivity
It was destroyed.
The temple of Bethel hits the square of the door, and the whole building collapses, this is a picture of the Judge of Israel’s leaders, idolaters and goddesses!
– Their end has come
Verse 8 – The only hope “This generation is a curse to Yahweh” “Chazbalat” So from verse 11 – and after the once sin-filled kingdom nation has all the people sent to prison – wonderful blessings await the believers. :
Verses 11-15 – This passage speaks of the “thousand year kingdom”:
God had always promised the Jews a “thousand year kingdom”
– Abraham was also waiting for that city
Verse 11 I will restore the house of David from the ruins. And God will make a family of people again
– quoted in Acts 15:15-17.
Become the Messianic Kingdom of the Future
May God’s Kingdom rule over all nations
Verses 13-15 – Messianic royal blessing
So the book of Amos defines the relationship between God’s justice and grace
And even today we learn from the book of Amos that, from the hypocrisy and destruction of Israel – that true worship never existed –
This is what the books teach us!
Outline of the book of “Hosea”.
The Book of “Hosea”.
Hosea – The Prophet of the Broken Heart
Name: Hosea means – “Salvation” or “Help”
Hosea is also called “Jeremiah of the Northern Kingdom”. Also known as “Agugarahko the Prophet”
– Hosea was the son of ‘Beri’ – I don’t know other than that.
– Hosea may have been from the Northern Kingdom
– Hosea’s ministry period is given as 760-710 – Hosea’s ministry time which is the 8th century BC. – Ancient Hebrew is called the Golden Age of the Prophets. Jonah’s successful journey to Nineveh occurred at the beginning of this era. From the midpoint to the end of the 8th century, 4 other great prophets appeared in history – Amos, who was sent to preach in the Northern Kingdom, Hosea was also called to preach during the same period, in the year of the prophet Isaiah. The death of the king of Judah (739 AD), and his contemporary prophet Micah in the south – so about 5 great prophets ministered at the same time.
– The Lord’s call to ministry begins with the command to “marry a prostitute.” (Hosea 1:2)
Hosea’s unwavering love for his wife demonstrates God’s faithful love for Israel and the people despite their unfaithfulness. (John 3:16)
– By marrying an unfaithful wife, which no other prophet could do except Hosea, Hosea expresses God’s heartache for the northern kingdom. The Lord’s people were continually committing spiritual adultery, and were committing adultery against God.
– For the purpose of illustration: Hosea’s own marriage was a visual and moving example of the message he gave to Israel.
– The names of Hosea’s children describe the future punishment and eternal restoration of Israel!
Hosea – God’s picture
Gomer – Fallen/adulterous Israel
Hosea’s children – Judgment and punishment
– Hosea ministered more than any other prophet.
– Hosea prophesied the Assyrian invasion, and then Hosea saw that the prophecy was fulfilled in 722 AD!
– His books refer to Israel as Ephraim/Ephraim.
– Because the first of the Israelite tribes to retreat was the tribe of Ephraim.
Ephraim is used by God to represent a proud nation – the worst – the entire nation of Israel.
Theme of the Book of Hosea: “God’s Love for the Last”
There is not enough time to read the long book 6÷14 chapters÷(one by one).
– The outline of the message is especially difficult for today, indicating that the content was changing rapidly, and the book of Hosea must be a compilation of the preaching notes of Hosea’s long ministry:
Hosea 1,2 – Harlot 1. There could be prostitutes in the temple.
Because they had the Canaanite god Baal (god of the weather and fertility).
Agriculture, fertility, fruitful offspring, how blessed are you?
Therefore, having sex in the temple to please the fertility god was also a matter of worship and pleasure for the god.
2. A common prostitute may be, – What is a prostitute? We understand – a woman who is willing to live with many men for religion or money, pleasure or whatever. Their lovers’ lovers thought that they had accumulated those things, so God would take those blessings in return. Yes, God punished them, not to end the relationship completely but to change it. See, verses 14-23
So God says to Hosea, marry and have children!
The first child – looks like Hosea’s child
The second, third, first – “It seems I have accepted her.”
Gomer has been faithful to Hosea so far, – her prostitution, to Karma, must have stopped. But in the second child she left her husband. – Returning to prostitution.
So what is the picture of Hosea marrying a prostitute?
God is comparing this episode to prostitution.
God is referring to idolatry as prostitution.
– Will there be a connection between prostitution and idolatry?
So God is closing it in parallel.
– The Lord says – The country has committed too much adultery to follow the Lord.
– Be like the worship of other gods. Then the living God, this idolatry is spiritual adultery.
– For I am the ‘Jealous Lord’. You shall worship no other gods before me – Ten Commandments – First)
So the Lord = Faithful Husband
Israel = Unfaithful Wife
When the child is born – First child – This I confess – I was faithful to you Israel.
So in the second and third child you have forsaken me – You have forsaken me, you are no longer my people.
The name of the second child – Theft = Lo-ruhamah
(meaning without mercy) No mercy will be shown again
Third child – Son = Lo-ammi
(meaning: We are not my people)
Verses 10-11 A glimpse of the Messianic Kingdom:
Up to Chapter 2:1
Even though this is happening now – God is reminding us of the great blessings that will come later.
Verse 10 The Lord is remembering the covenant He made with Abraham.
One leader – “Christ the Messiah King” ÷ The two nations become one.
Chapter 2:1 Verse – Restored souls are told these promises. After their relationship with the Lord is restored, they were instructed to proclaim this to their brothers and sisters.
Chapter 2 verses 1-5 (A mother who is unfaithful to her husband)
– Hosea tells his son, the prophet is comparing Israel to a beautiful woman, a beautiful happy lifestyle – then there is shame, disgrace, nakedness, being looked upon as a fool, rejected by people, captivity.
Verse 5 This lover – the child god – of course!!
– God is speaking here about a husband who has been severely wronged – that “she is not my wife, I am not her husband!”
Verses 6-13 The punishment begins:
Verse 8 The Lord is speaking:
Read these verses – it is the Lord who gave them peace. Right?
verse 14 He speaks to her easily – as a father
verse 15 The days of her youth – when Mishrabat o Eki Thi – at that time she was young. (Like a young girl – all are one nation) She was the first.
Verse 16 Eshi – Shri
Bali – Baal god
– read the reset message though.
After verse 19 – the marriage was annulled
God will reward righteousness, justice, mercy, tender grace. When a man married a girl he would pay a lot of money – in the Jewish Rigkat!
– then Israel will know the Lord in response to God’s love!
Verse 21 Now the blessing is opened.
Chapter 3 Hosea’s Renewal of Marriage – Hosea’s experience with his unfaithful wife illustrates Israel’s rejection of the Lord, as his union with his prodigal wife shows the restoration of God’s love for Israel:
Verse 1 God tells Hosea to show his love to his adulterous wife. (Be like this – show your wife unconditional love.)
Verses 2-3 – What happened there in more detail – “Hosea obeyed the Lord.
Hosea redeemed the daughter of Tyre and her husband–the daughter of the king–(15 shekels of barley) equal to the price of a slave.
(Exodus 21:32) It is uncertain how Hosea and his wife came to this situation, Hosea had money, (theinan malai lagaka) – perhaps she had become a prostitute in the temple, perhaps she had been threatened by her lovers. Sold – it must have been in a state of danger, bondage and slavery.
Hosea announces to Gomer that her adulterous life is over after legal redemption for Gomer.
Verses 4-5 The Last King Without a King Messiah (King of Judah) They have not had a king for
1000 years . There is still no king today, and if there is a king, there is no woman. – No sacrifice The harp was 70bm÷ The last sacrifice was made – now 2024 No sacrifice of the gods – now they are looking for temples, kings and sacrifices in these early days. Chapter 4 From Chapter 4 to 14 we find the following messages: Chapter 4:2–6:3 The book is structured in the “less knowledge of the Lord”. 8 Human sins Verses 1:3-5 8 Priestly sins Verses 6-10 8 Idolatry sins Verses 11-29 Verse 6 Pavatha = Knowledge of God = The only necessary knowledge. This knowledge is not knowledge of acquaintance, but knowledge of intimacy through personal relationship! There is a difference between knowing the Lord and knowing the Lord. Because the priests have rejected the knowledge of God, they have also rejected verses 7, 8, 9 ÷ Like a man, like a priest.
– But they were not in one place, they were scattered all over the country so that they could teach the people about God! Remember, when Jeroboam came to power, he removed the priests, the plain priests had migrated south or stayed there (apostated) – fell – then he tried to teach the priests to worship the golden calf, by appointing lowly priests. (Read 2 Kings 12) – who were not of the Levitical family.
So the priests abandoned the law, there is no knowledge of the law, there is no teacher in the northern kingdom, there are no priests of God, but there are priests, there are such people, there are priests.
If people are homosexuals = priests are also homosexuals if people are dishonest = priests are also dishonest
The same commentary says – the priests also studied with temple prostitutes for literal prostitution, child worship.
Verse 16 – After the thornbush?
The thornbush – should be like a calf or a flower that lasts for a time – (Reference: Hosea 10:12) What is the relationship between the thornbush and the sheep?
In a wide open place = open to the attacker, that must mean. Soon becomes prey.
Verse 15 – Beth-Avan is Bethel Nai – Another name used in a sarcastic way – Bethel – the house of God Beth-Avan – the house of trickery (introducing their place of idolatry!)
(Referring to Judah not to follow in the footsteps of Israel) Verse 4 – The kings of Israel were not appointed by God – He allowed the wicked as He allowed them, explain the same verse, Chapter 9 verses 3-6 The Lord goes back in history and reminds us that there is a difference between the lives of their ancestors and the lives they live now! Verse 8 Look, we are prosperous; how can we be rich, how can we be blessed, if we have sinned? Is the argument true? Read the remaining verses yourself Chapter 13:1–8 – From life to death 9-16 – From death to life
Verse 17 Ephraim – represents the entire nation of Israel, right.
Chapter 5 Promise made to Israel. Verse 15 When I am wrong in Sammah, you will not admit ‘how wrong I am’ – “I have returned to my place.”
Now in chapter 6 verses 1-3 Hosea is appealing to repentance – to the people
so that in the resurrection of Jesus we will live before Him
so that Pastor Saylor defines it this way.
2 days later
– 1 day and 1000 years for God.
2 days 3 days
(2000 years) 1 thousand years – He will raise up Israel. The time when God was torn to pieces – It seems that for 2000 years the Israelites were scattered, persecuted, beaten, they were resurrected in 1948 – Now another 1 day and 1000 years where Christ reigns – The Messianic Kingdom
verses 1-3 will promise the future – To the Israelites
chapter 6: 4–11:11 – Dayako Comm
chapter 6:4-11 God says “I do not desire outward religion, but mercy.”
Verse 6 is pabhath. Good word please?
What is the danger to God’s people of depriving them of inward worship by manifesting outward worship?
It is better – show favor rather than sacrifice, show favor rather than burnt offerings, know me.
Chapter 7 – Grace, Not Murder
Ephraim’s Iniquity – Verses 1-3
Verses 4-7 The oven burns hot all night,
hot – adultery, murder, violence, crime, sin – it burns like an oven.
Verse 8 Ephraim – Unturned bread is – (How is unturned bread?)
You have eaten
– It is good to bake bread – Then to bake it well, you have to bake it 5 minutes at a time.
– Unturned – A life that is not well-rounded / unbalanced
is not a good user.
Looks good, the bread is good, but not worth eating!
Verse 9 Your strength is getting worse, and you don’t know it – (Fluffing hair = Your strength is getting worse as you get older!
Pada 11 Murkh thukur = Jumping from here to there, jumping – jumping – one thing, one place, another place, another thing. (Angry person)
Relying on foreign powers to maintain national relations!
Verse 16 Threatening bow = Bow that goes astray – I cannot trust you / I cannot trust you.
Chapter 8 – Not a violation of the law but a grace
Verse 1–3 – Timi beinhaun hami akku kiyumiyu – tiyayi kukku.
“Does God love these people, does He not? These words and judgments come from the same Lord, whose heart is very great toward His people. The Lord is grieved, what is there – broken hearts, they flee from Him when He seeks forgiveness.
Chapter 9 – The Great Abyss = “The great loss that results from sin”
Verses 1-2 – Loss of joy – Wine represents joy.
Verses 3-5 – Loss of spiritual opportunities
Section 6 – Loss of ancestral property – After their captivity.
What is Magphis? – There was an ancient city in Bhanthout, there was a pyramid.
Verses 7-9 Bottom of the conscience – Know, when we turn away from God, we lose faith.
Spiritual people cannot believe
Term 10–16 Productivity÷Fertility rate is decreasing:
Fertility Remember God -? He is no longer doing good! ÷ Your gods are ghosts, not gods, I serve.
Chapter 10 God’s punishment of fallen religion
verse 2 A divided heart
This is also found in verse 8 of Revelation 6 – When the judgment is very severe – there is no place to go – where the righteous go to the Lord, take refuge, the wicked are like that.
Chapter 10: 12-15 Appeal to Repent
Sow the seed of righteousness – practice righteousness with your neighbors and brothers – then you will – reap the grace of God. Galatians 6:6-7 Have a sincere heart.
Be ready to sow the seed – prepare for a new kind of life.
Verse 13 is true.
Now quote chapter 11:1 New Testament
‘My son’ – nation – Messiah ÷ Double meaning.
Israel was mixed when Balak was.
Chapter 11 describes God as a loving father – a loving father, who raised his son Israel and provided for everything – (verses 3-4).
So the son grew up, became stubborn and rebellious and took advantage of his tenderness and turned away from his father.
So God is emotionally torn in this passage – one moment He is angry, which will bring terrible consequences (vv. 5-7).
– Then the next moment He is broken-hearted, distressed.
– Then He says – My mercies stand together – and He will have mercy on the Son He loves. Verses 8-9
– Although God takes them captive by the Assyrians, that is not the last word, there is hope.
– (Adaiah and Zeboiim are the cities that were destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah in Deuteronomy 29:23).
Verses 10-11 – In the last days the children will hear the cry of the father, and they will come back like birds from the four corners of the earth. That happened, didn’t it?
Now Chapters 12-14 The lack of faithfulness of covenants
Chapter 12:1–2 – National friendship with Assyria and Egypt
Verses 1-2 Spiritual Death ÷ Verses 4-6 Prosperity is lost from the Lord (Deuteronomy 8:11). This can happen to us too.
Verses 7-8 – Yes, they will die like this – The Lord was a lion instead of a shepherd, a wild, ferocious beast that came upon them.
A wild beast = refers to their enemies!
Verses 9-16 From Death to Life
Read verses 14-15 first
– Salvation by paying the death penalty
– Death is challenged to its worst possible state. And will not prevail – God can bring life back from death, total destruction, even the lowest state, such as the resurrection of Jesus.
—1 Corinthians 15:55
The resurrection is a resurrection.
– Israel will also be revived as a nation.
Verses 15-16 – So let the agent be true for the present moment.
Chapter 14 The Final Appeal to Repentance
In this chapter the prophets paint a beautiful picture of what God will do for the Lord’s courageous people.
Verses 1-3 call for repentance – the Lord’s complete transformation. General repentance is accepted.
Verse 2 Not empty-handed
– Perhaps we can take his followers with him – see, didn’t you say?
– pada they ab uso noi shaniki shaktima bhar parne chein÷bachaun ra sakurakko lagi, ra – Jehovah is a gracious Father.
– Verses 4-5 Immediate results after repentance: God responds immediately.
Apostasy is treated like a disease, which God can heal. ÷prem÷ris chaney – Repentance makes it.
Verses 5-7 – Prosperity, prosperity, beauty will return again!
The beauty and glory of the nation
(when will it be? The thousand-year reign is inevitable)
Verse 8 – The Lord says, Where I come from the Lord is a tree of life – from which Israel will draw fruit!
The last verse in the 9th render
is left with a warning – the wise and understanding can easily guess these things (which Hosea wrote). The ways of the Lord are straight – the ways of the wicked are crooked.
For those paths are revealed in His Word, in which the righteous will walk straight
sinners – those who reject the Lord’s promise will not experience abundant life and eternal life!
– just as Jesus Christ also became a stumbling block. (The wicked stumble)
– I think we understand this, we understand the book of Hosea, we read it, we understand its sentences, we meditate on it – by the grace of God – we can say – we understand it!
– We are a people of faith.
Amen .
“The Book of Micah”
‘The Prophet of Salvation of Bethlehem’
The name Micah means: “Who is like Jehovah?”
Micah was from a simple village in Moresheth, Judah, 25 miles southwest of Jerusalem – near the Philistine border.
When did he minister?
Chapter 1 to Chapter 1 Kings 3 Kings began in 750 days!
He was sent for – Jerusalem plus Samaria ÷722Dia but he served before the destruction of Samaria – 750-700Dia We don’t get far!
This Omar Hebrew Prophet = Golden Age of Hebrew Prophets (8th Century BC)
– with Micah
– Amos –
Jonah – Hosea – Isaiah (Isaiah 1:1) So, the purpose of Michael’s mission was to correct ‘injustice’ and ‘wrongdoing’ in the land of Judah through the warnings of the Judges. And the ultimate purpose was to announce the prophetic kingdom of God, which would be established in the land by the coming ruler! – We find that Michael went to the capital of Jerusalem rather than to the homes and villages, Isaiah was also announcing his campaigns! – So the Book of Micah – 7 chapters ÷ 105 verses ÷ ‘Micah Book Structure’ The current corruption must be handled with dignity by the judges immediately Announcement Rod Blessing Repentance Hope (1:2–2:5) (2:6–3:12) Pledge of allegiance (Ch 4-5) (6:1–7:6) (7:7-20) Chapters 1–2 Chapters 3–5 Chapters 6-7 Message to the leaders of the nations, Message to the rulers Message to Israel (First message) (Second..) (Third…) The book of Micah presents some antonyms (that’s why it’s beautiful): – Jehovah is the Lord of Israel, as well as the Lord of all nations. – Jehovah is the judge, and he is also the redeemer. – Yes, his anger is terrible, and the cup is amazing. – He acts after judgment, but promises forgiveness. – Jehovah scatters, but gathers his flock. – He destroys Zion, and at the same time He revives it. The book of Micah contains 40 specific prophecies. 73 verses are involved, about 705÷ of the book: The complete destruction of Samaria (1:1-7) – The birth of the Messiah (5:2) – The exaltation of the Messiah in Jerusalem (2:1-8) Micah 2 Key words: 1. Justice vgmanazvlat 2. Grace: bhachath They are based on the Mosaic Covenant (Deuteronomy 27-28). Is justice necessary? In our society? – Is it important? In the Bible? Come on, Bhanu – There is no justice in the world, what is the world, lola.