Proverbs 1:12
like Sheol let us swallow them alive, and whole, like those who go down to the pit.Continuing the idea begun in the previous verse, the pursuit of evil and wickedness, as a means to an end, will be met with the swiftness of life leaving the body, at the moment of death. Let us swallow them up, is the grave speaking to those who would thumb their nose at life and at truth. The word Sheol, is a reference to the underworld, or the land of the dead as it is often called. And while people in arrogance are enticed with a false courage and boldness in their exploits of evil, they need to be well aware, that those exploits will always have a bitter end. Disregarding the repercussions of bad pursuits, is for fools. Swallowing them alive, is a descriptive phrase of the swiftness of the moment of death when it comes. The process of death may be a long time in coming, but the moment of death is virtually instantaneous, and irreversible. So choosing to ignore God, choosing to be indifferent toward God, disregard for truth in the spiritual life, in the real realities of life, is a choice that is only temporary, of which the pleasantness is only brief. Our priority in life is to prepare ourselves for the next life. Disregarding that priority, and pursuing only the temporary things of this life, is likewise a fool’s decision. And while the wicked, which includes everyone who disregards their spiritual life, pursue their temporary pleasures or beliefs, there is an even greater and harsher reality that lies in wait for them, namely the grave. And once the grave has you, all of your second chances, end. |

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