“I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering” Philippians 3:10
What is suffering?
Elisabeth Elliot describes suffering as
“wanting what you don’t have and having what you don’t want.”
That definition pretty well covers all the little and big “troubles” we go through during our lifetime. It could be a broken hairdryer or a disease. We will have problems. Maybe you don’t have any today, but you probably will tomorrow. And – think about it – you could even be someone else’s problem!
Our reactions or responses to these problems are the key to our inner peace.
Recently, a very positive acquaintance told us about deep waters he had gone through. He said a dear friend and author, Philip Keller, had given him the following spiritual principles to meditate on and apply to his life. He said they had made a big difference in his perspective on problems.
Acknowledge – God is my Father – He knows what is best for me, so I must acknowledge He arranges all my affairs.
Accept all that comes to me as His arrangement. In acceptance comes peace.
Approve of what He does and how He does it. Thanking Him sincerely releases Him to do great things for you (no more controversy).
I encourage you to make a copy of the three steps, keep them in a handy place, review, and apply them to your situation whenever you have a problem. It will change your perspective.
Suffering is not for nothing.
God, the Holy Spirit wants to empower you to Acknowledge, Accept and Approve of what He does. Have you ever surrendered your life to Him. asking Him to direct you from this day onward? I encourage you to do so today. You can start by praying this prayer:
“Dear Father, I need You. I acknowledge that I have been directing my own life and that, as a result, I have sinned against You. I thank You that You have forgiven my sins through Christ’s death on the cross for me. I now invite Christ to again take His place on the throne of my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to be filled, and as You promised in Your Word that You would do if I asked in faith. I now thank You for directing my life and for filling me with the Holy Spirit.”