God loves you. “ The Lamb, who was killed before the origin of the world, is a man who has received support, splendor, wisdom, power, refinement, whole month, respect, faith and silt। Let him be glorified forever. ”Now came true Amen। In this world you have received everything but so far Jesus has not believed in Christ, you are the saddest and most righteous man ! The poorest people on earth are not without money but without Jesus Amen ! Your first need and need is the forgiveness of eternal security sins, salvation and eternal life – “ Behold, the Lamb of God who has raised the sin of the world’।And he is atonement for our sins, and not only for us, but also for the sins of the whole world। The only Creator God – Ekmatra Caste Man – Ekkatra Blood Red – Ekkatra Problem Sin – Ekkatra Solution Jesus Christ Do you know that there is eternal life even after the deer only God loves you ! Because God loved the world so much that he gave it to his only born Son – No one who believes in him is unhappy, But he may have eternal life, but God reveals his love for us: Christ died for us when we were sinners। Because you are saved by grace by faith; And it is not from you, it is God’s donation; He who is waking up to my door every day hears me waiting for the pillars of my doors, Blessed is that man। But God reveals his love for us: Christ died for us, while we are sinners। But in all these things we are even more than the winners by him, who loved us। Because I have been completely unarmed, neither death nor life, nor angels, neither the princes, nor the rights, nor the things that come from now, nor the things that come later, neither the heights, nor the deep, Neither any other creation can separate us from the love of God in our Lord Christ Jesus। Love is in this – not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son to be atone for our sins। For God made sin for us, who did not know that we would be the righteousness of God। Jesus said to him: “ Bato, truth and life are me; No one comes to the Father except me. ” Your word is a light for my feet, and a light for my way। I cried before Miramire fell bright; I hope in your word। My eyes are open at night’s guard to meditate on your word। And call me on the day of the storm; I will deliver you, and you will raise me। He cures those with broken hearts and binds them to the ointment of their injuries। You will be in me and ask for whatever you want if my words are in you, and that will be done for you।


Die Bybel leer ons dat ons ‘n liefde vir God moet hê om Sy gebooie met vreugde te onderhou. Die doel van ons skepping is om in gemeenskap met God te leef, deur God en mekaar lief te hê. Die grootste gebod, soos Christus in Matteus 22:37-40 gestel het, is “Jy moet die Here jou God liefhê met jou hele hart en met jou hele siel en met jou hele verstand.” Dit is die eerste en grootste gebod, en die tweede is soortgelyk: ‘Jy moet jou naaste liefhê soos jouself.’ Al die wet en die profete hang aan hierdie twee gebooie.

Laat ons daarom God en ons naaste liefhê met die volheid van ons lewe, nie net in woord nie maar in daad en waarheid! Mag hierdie skrifaanhalings oor liefde jou inspireer om in toewyding aan God met danksegging te lewe.

  • 1 Korinthiërs 13:4-6

    Liefde is geduldig en vriendelik; liefde beny of roem nie; dit is nie arrogant of onbeskof nie. Dit dring nie aan op sy eie manier nie; dit is nie prikkelbaar of gegrief nie; dit verheug hom nie oor onreg nie, maar verheug hom met die waarheid.

    (Lees  1 Korintiërs 13 )

  • 1 Korinthiërs 13:7-8

    Liefde verdra alles, glo alles, hoop alles, verdra alles. Liefde eindig nooit. Wat  profesieë betref , hulle sal verbygaan; wat tale betref, hulle sal ophou; wat kennis betref, dit sal verbygaan.

    (Lees  1 Korintiërs 13 )

  • 1 Johannes 4:7

    Geliefdes, laat ons  mekaar liefhê , want liefde is uit God, en elkeen wat liefhet, is uit God gebore en ken God.

    (Lees  1 Johannes 4 )

  • 1 Johannes 4:8

    Elkeen wat nie liefhet nie, ken God nie, want  God is liefde .

    (Lees  1 Johannes 4 )

  • 1 Johannes 4:18-19

    Daar is geen vrees in liefde nie, maar volmaakte liefde dryf vrees uit. Want vrees het met straf te doen, en wie vrees, is nie volmaak in liefde nie. Ons het lief omdat hy ons eerste liefgehad het.

    (Lees  1 Johannes 4 )

  • Johannes 13:34-35

    ‘n Nuwe gebod gee Ek julle, dat julle  mekaar moet liefhê ; soos Ek julle liefgehad het, moet julle ook mekaar liefhê. Hieraan sal alle mense weet dat julle my dissipels is, as julle liefde vir mekaar het.

    (Lees  Johannes 13 )

  • Johannes 14:15

    As jy My liefhet, sal jy my gebooie bewaar.

    (Lees  Johannes 14 )

  • Johannes 15:13

    Groter liefde het niemand as dit nie, dat iemand sy lewe vir sy vriende aflê.

    (Lees  Johannes 15 )

  • 1 Petrus 4:8

    Hou bowenal aan om mekaar ernstig lief te hê, want liefde bedek ‘n menigte sondes.

    (Lees  1 Petrus 4 )

  • Kolossense 3:14

    En bo dit alles beklee hulle met liefde, wat alles in perfekte harmonie saambind.

    (Lees  Kolossense 3 )

  • Spreuke 10:12

    Haat verwek twis, maar liefde bedek alle oortredings.

    (Lees  Spreuke 10 )

  • Efesiërs 4:2-3

    Met alle nederigheid en sagmoedigheid, met geduld, verdra mekaar in liefde, gretig om die eenheid van die Gees in die band van vrede te handhaaf.

    (Lees  Efesiërs 4 )

  • Efesiërs 5:25

    Mans, wees lief vir julle vrouens, soos Christus die kerk liefgehad het en Homself vir haar oorgegee het.

    (Lees  Efesiërs 5 )

    Romeine 5:8
  • Maar God wys sy liefde vir ons daarin dat Christus vir ons gesterf het toe ons nog sondaars was.

    (Lees  Romeine 5 )

For he that findeth me shall find life, and shall receive mercy from the Lord. But he that sinneth against me, harmeth his own soul; All those who hate me love death.’ Proverb. 8:35-36 But God shows his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 He committed no sin, nor was any guile found in his mouth; He did not rebuke in return; He did not threaten when he suffered, but committed himself to the righteous judge. He Himself bore our sins in His own body on the cross, that we might die to sins and live to righteousness; By His stripes you were healed. 1 st. Proverb. 8:35-36 Nor is salvation in any other; For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 Jesus said to him: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 Behold, he comes with the clouds, and every eye shall see him, even those who despise him; And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. So be it! Amen! Revelation 1:7 And he was clothed in blood; And his name is called ‘Word of God’. Revelation 19:13 “And behold, I come quickly; And I have my reward to give to every man according to his work. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Revelation 22:12-13 Note: Today people don’t even have time to go to heaven. Believe in Jesus Christ and you will receive forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life.

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