laughter. Isaac was the son of Abraham and Sarah. He was born after the age of Abraham and Sarah. Abraham had a son when he was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old. When Abraham was 40 years old and Sarah was 30 years old, he made a promise to give you a son and fulfilled that promise in old age. God will surely give you a son from your wife Sarah. You shall name him Isaac. Genesis 17:19. At the appointed time that God told Abraham, Sarah became pregnant and bore him a son in his old age. Then Abraham named his son Isaac, whom Sarah bore him. Genesis 21:2,3 As Abraham is known as the father of believers, Isaac also lived with good qualities. There were mistakes in Abraham and Jacob but no mistakes in Isaac. No mistake was made. Let us know the good deeds done by Isaac.
1. Obedient:
Isaac was 33 years old when God offered Abraham a sacrifice for his son. At daybreak Abraham saddled his donkey and took two of his servants with him, his son Isaac, and took the wood for the burnt offering and brought it to the place where God had spoken with him. That is, he took him to Mount Moriah. After traveling for three days to fulfill the work that God had said, he reached that place, put the wood on Isaac, held the fire in his hand and asked God to watch the donkey, and he went to Mount Moriah. As they were going, Isaac asked his father what kind of lamb they wanted for the burnt offering. He said that God will see to it. As they were going, when they came to the place shown by God, they built an altar, God called Abraham and said, “Don’t do anything to your son.” It is known from this source that you fear God. He told him to bring the ram from the bush and kill it. Isaac did not disobey his father’s words and got the victory. In these days, we see many people who do not listen to the words of their father, do not listen to the words of their mother, and resist the words of their elders. A wise son pleases his father. A foolish son brings grief to his mother. Proverbs 10:1. If we are humble and obedient, He will bless us as He blessed Isaac. In these days, we see many people who do not listen to the words of their father, do not listen to the words of their mother, and resist the words of their elders. A wise son pleases his father. A foolish son brings grief to his mother. Proverbs 10:1. If we are humble and obedient, He will bless us as He blessed Isaac. In these days, we see many people who do not listen to the words of their father, do not listen to the words of their mother, and resist the words of their elders. A wise son pleases his father. A foolish son brings grief to his mother. Proverbs 10:1. If we are humble and obedient, He will bless us as He blessed Isaac.
2. Answer holder:
When Isaac lived in the land of Gerar, he buried the nets that his father Abraham had dug. When Isaac dug them again, he found good water. When the shepherds complained to his shepherds that these waters were mine, he separated them and dug another well. The shepherds of Geraru fought for this. Another well was dug and the workers did not move. He is responsible for what they have done, but he has lost himself because he did not work against them. Genesis 26 : 20-22 Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be called sons of God – Matthew 5: 9 This peace we must have.
3. The meditator:
In the evening, Isaac meditated in the field, that is, away from home Genesis 24:63 Prayer is different from meditation. They stay silent and meditate in their minds. Meditating on divine punishment, holy days, God’s blessings, God’s miracles, etc. Besides this, blessed is he who delights in the law of Jehovah and meditates on it day and night. Psalms 1 : 2. My heart was burning within me, a fire arose while I was meditating. Psalms 39 : 3. When I remember you on my bed and meditate on you in the night jams, my soul is satisfied like a brain of fat. With joyful lips my mouth sings of you Psalm 63:4,5. God’s deeds should be meditated upon. Meditation is for God. The devotee declares that I will delight in Jehovah. Psalm 77:12 104 : 34, 119 : 15. We learned about the benefits of meditation. As Isaac meditated in the field, he saw a suitable help. Teaching the scriptures of Dharma Shastra should not be missed. Jehovah informs Joshua that you should do according to all of them, you should be careful, you should meditate on it day and night, then your ways will prosper and you will behave well. Joshua 1:8.
4. Lover:
Sarah, Isaac’s mother, took her into the tent. So he took Rebekah and she became his wife. He loved her. That is 24:67 Love is precious. Many are unloving towards their wives. Jacob loved Rachel more. So he measured seven years for her. They have been with him for a few days. Genesis 29:20 He loved Rachel more than Leah. So Mariadean made a measure for him. Genesis 29 : 30. The water of the deep sea cannot quench love. The streams of the river cannot drown it. For love one gives all his possessions, but with rejection he is thrown away. Parama 8: 7, the pious Solomon informs that there is no value like love. She is the dearest lady, beautiful moose May you always be satisfied by her breasts and be forever blessed by her love. Proverbs 5:19. Men should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Ephesians 5 : 28. Husbands, love your wives. Cos 3 : 19. Love your wife like Isaac.
5. Prayer:
He built an altar and prayed in the name of Jehovah. Genesis 26 : 25. Isaac was a prayerful man. The prayer of the sincere is pleasing to Him Proverbs 18: 8. We should be sincere and pray. Proverbs 15: 8. He does not hear the prayer of sinners. John 9: 31. Let my prayer be accepted in your sight, like the offering of my hands as incense. Psalm 141 : 2. Prayer is what we should do to God. Most people are ahead of everything. In giving what is due to God, singing songs, coming to the temple, testifying, etc., prayer is the first.Just don’t do it. A brother made a deal with the pastor that it doesn’t matter what you give me, just don’t give me the prayer. God’s scriptures declare that it is a sin not to pray. 1 Sam 12: 23. To have peace, joy, and peace, we must have prayer. The reason Isaac was blessed was his goodness and his prayer. Those who pray are having fellowship with the Lord. So God will not let them go. He blessed Isaac so much that the Philippians were jealous. 26:12-14 If we have prayer, God will bless us as much as our enemies envy us . Let us pray like Isaac.
6. Faithful:
It is impossible to please God without faith. Because of Isaac’s faith, his name is written in the list of heroes of faith. Hebrews 11 : 20. Let us also have faith and join the list of believers. May the Lord bless you.