Love is a great powerful emotion. It inspires our lives a lot.
We base many of our most important decisions on this feeling, and even get married because we feel we are “in love.” This may be one reason why more than half of first marriages end in divorce. The Bible teaches us that true love is not a feeling that comes and goes, but rather a decision. We must not only love those who love us; Even those who hate us are to be loved, just as Christ loved the unloved (Luke 6:35). “Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy and it does not boast. Love is not harsh, Love is not selfish and love doesn’t get angry easily. Love takes no account of the evil done against it. Love does not rejoice in evil, but love rejoices in truth. Love endures all things patiently. Love always believes, always hopes, and it stands firm.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).
It can be easy to “fall in love” with someone, but before deciding, we need to ask some questions if what we are feeling is true love. First, that the person is a Messianic believer, that is, has he given his life to Christ? Does he/she believe in Christ for salvation? Also, if you are thinking of giving your heart and feelings to someone, then you should ask yourself if you are willing to put that person above all other people and second only to God in your relationships. The Bible tells us that when two people marry, they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5).
Another thing to think about is whether or not the loved one is a good candidate for a best friend. Has he given God first and foremost in his life or not? Is he able to devote his time and energy to building a marriage relationship that will last for the rest of his life? There is no yardstick to determine whether we truly love someone or not, but it is important to test whether we are following our feelings or following God’s will in our lives. True love is a decision, not just a feeling. True biblical love is loving someone all the time, not just when you feel “in love.”