Creating Affection, Warmth and Encouragement
Marriage Tips from Mike Woodard
Creating Affection, Warmth and Encouragement
In the book Creating an Intimate Marriage author Jim Burns challenges readers with the thought, “You set the mood, tone and atmosphere in your marriage.” He also points out you are the one person who can make a difference in your marriage. You cannot default to, “if only my spouse would change.”
Are you an actor or reactor? Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? Make a definite choice this week to be the leader in creating affection, warmth and encouragement.
Experiment: Think of one thing that you could do each day this week. Ask yourself the following 3 questions:
- How could I be more affectionate? Maybe it’s a hug, a kiss or holding hands during the day.
- What would communicate warmth? Maybe it’s saying thank you, expressing appreciation for things you may often take for granted.
- How can I be more encouraging? Are you looking at the glass half empty? Tell your spouse one thing you like about him/her each day. Examples: That shirt looks good on you. I like your hair that way. That color looks great on you. That is a good idea.