Renewing your mind can help renew your body.
“Bob, this migraine is killing me!” Sue yelled to her husband. “You’re a doctor. Isn’t there anything else you can do to help me?”
“I’m sorry, *su honey,” he replied, “but we’ve tried everything we can think of. I know the medicine doesn’t help much either. I think you’ll just have to learn to live with it. .”
“Learn to live with it!” Sui cried. “I’m tired of these headaches, stomachaches, nausea, and vomiting!”
Tension Headaches
Tension headaches had started when she was a child. Now she was a married woman with two children. Yet, every time she faced a stressful situation, a small voice said, “You’re going to have a headache; you’re going to be sick.” So she knew what was coming, and it only served to increase her stress.
Peace and joy seemed impossible
. Deep down, Sue felt in her heart a longing for a closer relationship with God than she had ever had. Then, when she was 29, she met a special young woman. Rosie had the warmth, joy, peace, and faith she had longed for.
What is this? Sue wondered. What is this?
One day Rosie told Sue how the Lord had healed her after an accident.
“Oh, I’ve been sick with migraine headaches for a very long time,” Sue said, crying. “I’ve prayed to God to help me, but nothing has changed. Maybe God is more concerned about people who are in bigger trouble than me.”
“Well, the Bible says that even the sparrows are cared for,” Rosie said. “God knows how many hairs you have on your head. He is concerned about any pain you may experience.”
“Do you really think he cares about my headaches?” Sue asked. “Do you think he can heal them in answer to prayer?”
Rosie nodded. “I certainly will,” she replied, “but you have to trust Him. Why don’t you come to home prayer meeting with me tomorrow night, and we’ll pray for you.”
“Okay,” Sue agreed. Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful if God healed me? she thought. Wouldn’t it be nice if I had the same faith, serenity, and joy as Rosie!
Sue went to the meeting hoping that God would help her. The Christians prayed for her. And that night she gave her life to the Lord. Because when she heard that Jesus loved her, that He died for her sins, and that if she truly received Him, He would come to live in her, she knew it was true.
A New Way of Life
God began to work in Sue’s life and showed her some truths in His Word. She realized that she needed to break free from her stress response pattern by learning to trust the Lord day by day, hour by hour. She realized that the opposite of her fear of headaches was faith. She was learning a new way of life, living by faith.
Growing up in a difficult environment with an alcoholic father and unruly sisters, Sue began to suffer from headaches. The headaches were caused by the things around her and her reactions to them. So, whenever something stressed her out, she would get migraine headaches.
Now, however, with the Lord in her life, Sue began to face stressful situations with faith. To her delight, her migraine headaches began to clear up.
Sometimes , when Sue took her eyes off the Lord and returned to her old thought patterns, she would have migraine attacks. But thankfully, frequent migraines became a thing of the past.
As Sue began her new life with the Lord, prayers began to be answered. Family relationships were healed. Sue and her husband became one in spirit, and their marriage became more beautiful. Christ became the center of their home and conversation.
- Jesus Christ promised His peace, joy, and presence to all who accept Him as their Savior and Lord. If you haven’t done that yet, do it! If He is your Savior, make sure you are right with Him. Faith in Him motivates us to overcome problems as we walk with Christ.
- Psalm 34:4 says, “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Trust me! Many of our problems stem from fear, just like Sue’s. Wisely, Sue called on the Lord every time she felt stressed. The fears were gone—and so were the migraines.
- As you sleep, walk with the Lord day by day, hour by hour. In His presence there is joy and peace – and deliverance.
- Learn how you can walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, and practice it moment by moment.
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ , God has given you His Holy Spirit to help you live according to His perfect plan. Why not invite Him to fill you with His Spirit through this simple prayer and faith:
Dear Father, I need you. I confess that I have sinned against you by directing my life. I thank you that you have forgiven my sins through Christ’s death on the cross for me. I now invite Christ to take His place again on the throne of my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as you commanded me to be filled, and as you promised in your Word that you would do it if I ask in faith. I pray this in Jesus’ name. As an expression of my faith, I thank you for directing my life and filling me with the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear God, please give me the strength to hold on to your promises.
Life is not always easy, and sometimes uncomfortable experiences can plunge us into deep anxiety. Especially when we are facing crisis and pain, the temptation to give up is very strong. We do not always know what lies ahead, and sometimes we feel alone. However, in the midst of these difficulties, we need to be reminded that it is important to trust in God and hold on to His promises.
We must learn to trust in the power of your promises. When we are walking in the midst of darkness and facing impossible problems, we need God’s guidance and peace. Even in the midst of life’s challenges, God’s Word gives us courage and hope. This article wants to give us the message that difficulties are temporary and that the courage to trust in God makes us strong.
When life is hard and we feel like we can’t find a solution, God’s words can shine a light into our lives. These promises have the power to pierce the darkness and reveal light. God’s peace and love guide us through difficult times, and give us hope for the future.
The purpose of this article is to inspire us to have faith and trust in God’s promises. It strengthens our faith and teaches us to take refuge in God’s arms, so that we can face the difficult times of life.