Sayings on Love, God and Life
- Zacharias was the author of more than 30 books on Christianity. He has written Christian bestsellers like ‘Light in the Shadow of Jihad’ and ‘The Grand Weaver’. He was a lifelong minister of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Check out some of the best Ravi Zacharias quotes.
- 25 Ravi Zacharias Quotes That Will Leave You Thinking
- Ravi Zacharias Quotes on Love
- #1. “Love is a commitment that will be tested in the most vulnerable areas of spirituality, a commitment that will force you to make some very difficult choices. It is a commitment that demands that you deal with your lust, your greed, your pride, your power, your desire to control, your temper, your patience, and every area of temptation that the Bible clearly talks about. It demands the quality of commitment that Jesus demonstrates in His relationship to us.” ― Ravi Zacharias, I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebekah: Moving from Romance to Lasting Love
- #2. “Love is hard work. It is the hardest work I know of, work from which you are never entitled to take a vacation.” ― Ravi Zacharias
- #3. “Yes, if truth is not undergirded by love, it makes the possessor of that truth obnoxious and the truth repulsive.” ― Ravi Zacharias
- #4. “The four absolutes we all have in our minds: love, justice, evil, and forgiveness.” ― Ravi Zacharias
- #5. “God trained Moses in a palace to use him in a desert. He trained Joseph in a desert to use him in a palace.” ― Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
- #6. “Love is as much a question of the will as it is of the emotion. And if you want to love somebody, you can.” ― Ravi Zacharias, I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebekah: Moving from Romance to Lasting Love
- Ravi Zacharias Quotes on God
- #7. “But the greatest dream of all is to know God and to know what he has intended for your life.” ― Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
- #8. “How much more grand is the work of our Heavenly Father as he pulls together all the varied strands of life to reveal his grand design?” ― Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
- #9. “The world was made for the body. The body was made for the soul. And the soul was made for God.” ― Ravi Zacharias, Why Jesus? Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality
- #10. “A calling is simply God’s shaping of your burden and beckoning you to your service to him in the place and pursuit of his choosing.” ― Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
- #11. “The person who demands a sign and at the same time has already determined that anything that cannot be explained scientifically is meaningless is not merely stacking the deck; he is losing at his own game.” ― Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message
- #12. “God doesn’t respond because someone opens up some new insight for Him. No. In persistent, fervent prayer, God prepares the soil of one’s heart to make room for the seed of His answer, from which will flower an alignment with His will.” ― Ravi Zacharias, The Lotus and the Cross: Jesus Talks with Buddha
- #13. “We are fashioned by God to be thinking and emotional creatures. The emotions should follow reason, and not the other way around.” ― Ravi Zacharias, Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith We Defend
- Ravi Zacharias Quotes on Life
- #14. “I am absolutely convinced that meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain; meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure. And that is why we find ourselves emptied of meaning with our pantries still full.” ― Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God
- #15. “But life’s joys are only joys if they can be shared.” ― Ravi Zacharias
- #16. “I remember the time an older man asked me when I was young, ‘Do you know what you are doing now?’ I thought it was some kind of trick question. ‘Tell me,’ I said. ‘You are building your memories,’ he replied, ‘so make them good ones.’” ― Ravi Zacharias
- #17. “Beginning well is a momentary thing; finishing well is a lifelong thing.” ― Ravi Zacharias
- #18. “You can only learn so much from books. You can only learn so much from education. Ultimately, it is the wisdom of God that will carry you through in the toughest situations of life.” ― Ravi Zacharias
- #19. “Goodness can endure a few moments; holiness is life-defining.” ― Ravi Zacharias
- Ravi Zacharias Quotes on Faith
- #20. “What I believe in my heart must make sense in my mind.” ― Ravi Zacharias
- #21. “Faith is a thing of the mind. If you do not believe that God is in control and has formed you for a purpose, then you will flounder on the high seas of purposelessness, drowning in the currents and drifting further into nothingness.” ― Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
- #22. “The Christian faith, simply stated, reminds us that our fundamental problem is not moral; rather, our fundamental problem is spiritual. It is not just that we are immoral, but that a moral life alone cannot bridge what separates us from God. Herein lies the cardinal difference between the moralizing religions and Jesus’ offer to us. Jesus does not offer to make bad people good but to make dead people alive.” ― Ravi Zacharias
- #23. “The truth is that whenever a fence is removed, it’s wise to ask why it was put there in the first place.” ― Ravi Zacharias, Sense and Sensuality: Jesus Talks to Oscar Wilde on the Pursuit of Pleasure
- #24. “In its essence, faith is a confidence in the person of Jesus Christ and in His power, so that even when His power does not serve my end, my confidence in Him remains because of who He is.” ― Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message
- #25. “The denial of Christ has less to do with facts and more to do with the bent of what a person is prejudiced to conclude.” ― Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message
- Conclusion
- Here the list of quotes ends, but he has written several books that continue to inspire Christians around the world. His work is also available in the format of eBooks and in podcasts. He also hosts seminars and workshops and preaches of good living.