Welcome to today’s devotion.
the way, the truth and the life
- Psalm 95:10-11, John 14:5-6
Not understanding the way of God causes many to wander in unbelief and never find true rest. The Israelites grieved God’s heart for 40 years, not accepting His ways. Thomas questions Christ, assuming the ignorance of that path. Christ’s answer was for him; “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Never be too familiar with God’s way for your life. Let Christ draw you closer to Him. Don’t be overwhelmed and depressed with the view that you are avoiding because of necessity. God’s way leads us into need, not out of it. Christ, as our tree of life, wants to be our exact provision. His life makes the bitter water sweet, and His life becomes the bread that sustains us as we go through the famine of testing.
Don’t lead life any other way than through Christ. We should not be too busy with our walk, when Christ is our way. His life, as our provision, gives joy, peace, and victory, whatever mental, emotional, spiritual, and even physical handicaps we may have that are necessary to overcome them all. Jesus Christ is more than our salvation. He is our deliverance, our experience, our right life. Every morning we receive Him in a new form, and every day, in this fresh light, we learn to reveal more of Him to others.
The Israelites followed the cloud by day and the fire by night. Christ’s own life shows us the way to grace, to mercy and to love. Don’t settle for anything less. Worship Christ in His fullness, and let the Holy Spirit reveal the life that dwells within you.
Today’s reading: 2 Peter 1-3